19 May 2015, 20:30:46 (9 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More docs (backup of day's work).

1 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/students.rst

    r12908 r12968  
    33Student Section :sup:`in progress`
     6'Student' is a multi-purpose term in Kofa which may lead to some misconceptions. First of all 'Student' is a Python/Grok container class and student objects are the instances of this class. Sometimes we are sluggish when talking about 'creating students' and actually mean: 'creating student container objects and storing the objects (persistently) in the ``students`` container'. The latter is the parent container for all students in the portal.
     8The :ref:`treelike storage of objects <object_database>` in the student section can be figured as follows::
     11  Student Section (StudentsContainer)
     12  |
     13  --> Student
     14      |
     15      --->StudentStudyCourse
     16      |     |
     17      |     +---> StudentStudyLevel
     18      |              |
     19      |              +----------------> CourseTicket
     20      |
     21      +---> StudentPaymentsContainer
     22      |        |
     23      |        +-----> StudentOnlinePayment
     24      |
     25      +---> StudentAccommodation
     26               |
     27               +-----> BedTicket
     30.. note::
     32  Throughout Kofa we distinguish singular and plural expressions. A students container contains students (or more precisely student containers), a payments container contains payments, a courses container contains courses, a certificates container contains certificates.
     34Furthermore, a student is also a user of the portal and the student object is a user account surrogate, see :ref:`Applicants and Students <applicants_and_students>`. In the following we always refer to the student container when talking about a student.
     39The `Student` class is a container class which means, there are not only attributes describing the student but also content. Each student container contains exactly three sub-containers: ``studycourse``  (instance of `StudentStudyCourse`), ``payments`` (instance of `StudentPaymentsContainer`)  ``accommodation`` (instance of `StudentAccommodation`). The purposes of them are described further below.
     41Let's talk about the attributes and methods belonging to the `Student` class, the so-called 'external behaviour' of student objects. The data stored with each student object are subdivided into three parts: base data, personal data and clearance data.
     43Now comes the point where we have to briefly introduce Zope's (see :ref:`prerequisites`) concept of 'interfaces'.
     46Student Study Courses
     49Student Study Levels
     52Student Payments
     55Student Accommodation
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