Changeset 12968

19 May 2015, 20:30:46 (9 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More docs (backup of day's work).

8 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/README.txt

    r11481 r12968  
    1111See to learn more about WAeUP.
    13 Installation instructions can be found in the User Documentation (docs
     13Installation instructions can be found in the User Handbook (docs
    1414folder in the file system).
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/INSTALL.txt

    r12967 r12968  
    1616   :local:
     18.. _prerequisites:
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/academics.rst

    r12953 r12968  
    77university contains faculties which again host departments. The
    88latter offer courses (course units) and study programmes (courses of
    9 study). A course is series of classes or lessons on a particular
     9study). A course is a series of classes or lessons on a particular
    1010subject. This can be a lecture, tutorial, seminar, practical work
    1111offered by a lecturer of the department over a period of an academic
    2424academic section is a container of type `FacultiesContainer` with id
    2525``academics`` which contains faculty sub-containers. They again
    26 contain department sub-objects, nothing else. This leads to a
    27 :ref:`treelike storage of objects <object_database>`.
     26contain department sub-objects and so on. This leads to a
     27:ref:`treelike storage of objects <object_database>`::
     29  Academic Section (FacultiesContainer)
     30  |
     31  --> Faculty
     32      |
     33      --->Department
     34            |
     35            +---> CoursesContainer
     36            |        |
     37            |        +--------------------> Course
     38            |                                 ^
     39            +---> CertificatesContainer       |
     40                     |                        |
     41                     +-----> Certificate      |
     42                                |             |
     43                                +------> CertificateCourse
    2945.. note::
    3652  well. Thus navigating through the academic section and other
    3753  parts of Kofa with a test browser is perfectly described in
    38   :ref:`browser.txt <pages_txt>`.
     54  :ref:`pages.txt <pages_txt>`.
    40 .. seealso::
    42    :ref:`Browsing Kofa Doctests <pages_txt>`
    6679Additionally, each department object has the attributes
    6780`certificates` and `courses`. These attributes again are containers
    68 which hold certificate and course objects respectively. A
    69 :py:meth:`traverse
     81which hold certificate and course objects respectively.
     82A :py:meth:`traverse
    7083<>` method leads
    7184the user to believe that `certificates` and `courses` are the ids of
    7386However, it doesn't matter if we store a sub-object 'in' or 'at' a
    7487parent object. The result is exactly the same: :ref:`a hierarchical,
    75 treelike storage of objects <object_database>`.
     88treelike storage of objects <object_database>` (see also diagram above).
    7790The following :ref:`local roles <local_roles>` can be assigned at
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/datacenter/import_processors.rst

    r12952 r12968  
    2828do not list available fields of each processor here. Available fields
    2929are shown in the browser user interface on the upload page of the
    30 portal.
     30portal. The processors of the Kofa base package can be viewed
     31`here <>`_.
    3233Regular Processors
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/datacenter/import_stages.rst

    r12963 r12968  
    3232vocabularies, which feed the choices, can be also accessed from the
    3333datacenter upload page and shows up in a modal window.
     34Sources and vocabularies of the base package can be viewed
     35`here <>`_.
    3537Data center managers can upload any kind of CSV file from their
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/students.rst

    r12908 r12968  
    33Student Section :sup:`in progress`
     6'Student' is a multi-purpose term in Kofa which may lead to some misconceptions. First of all 'Student' is a Python/Grok container class and student objects are the instances of this class. Sometimes we are sluggish when talking about 'creating students' and actually mean: 'creating student container objects and storing the objects (persistently) in the ``students`` container'. The latter is the parent container for all students in the portal.
     8The :ref:`treelike storage of objects <object_database>` in the student section can be figured as follows::
     11  Student Section (StudentsContainer)
     12  |
     13  --> Student
     14      |
     15      --->StudentStudyCourse
     16      |     |
     17      |     +---> StudentStudyLevel
     18      |              |
     19      |              +----------------> CourseTicket
     20      |
     21      +---> StudentPaymentsContainer
     22      |        |
     23      |        +-----> StudentOnlinePayment
     24      |
     25      +---> StudentAccommodation
     26               |
     27               +-----> BedTicket
     30.. note::
     32  Throughout Kofa we distinguish singular and plural expressions. A students container contains students (or more precisely student containers), a payments container contains payments, a courses container contains courses, a certificates container contains certificates.
     34Furthermore, a student is also a user of the portal and the student object is a user account surrogate, see :ref:`Applicants and Students <applicants_and_students>`. In the following we always refer to the student container when talking about a student.
     39The `Student` class is a container class which means, there are not only attributes describing the student but also content. Each student container contains exactly three sub-containers: ``studycourse``  (instance of `StudentStudyCourse`), ``payments`` (instance of `StudentPaymentsContainer`)  ``accommodation`` (instance of `StudentAccommodation`). The purposes of them are described further below.
     41Let's talk about the attributes and methods belonging to the `Student` class, the so-called 'external behaviour' of student objects. The data stored with each student object are subdivided into three parts: base data, personal data and clearance data.
     43Now comes the point where we have to briefly introduce Zope's (see :ref:`prerequisites`) concept of 'interfaces'.
     46Student Study Courses
     49Student Study Levels
     52Student Payments
     55Student Accommodation
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/users.rst

    r12930 r12968  
    3131self-registration of applicants.
     33.. _applicants_and_students:
    3435Applicants and Students
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/university/

    r12233 r12968  
    5757class CertificateCoursesIndexes(grok.Indexes):
    5858    """This catalog is needed for automatic removal of certificate courses
    59     and later for selection of course tickets in the students section.
     59    and later for selection of course tickets in the student section.
    6060    """
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