12 May 2015, 15:19:10 (9 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Enable temporary suspension of officer accounts. Plugins must be updated after restart.

1 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/users.rst

    r12922 r12926  
    5252   :ref:`Officers Doctests <userscontainer_txt>`
    54 Officers are users with a dedicated user account object stored in
    55 the ``users`` container (of type :py:class:`UsersContainer
    56 <waeup.kofa.userscontainer.UsersContainer>`) which is located in
    57 Kofa's root container. The officer account object has two more
    58 attributes than the principal instance which is created from the
    59 account data: (1) a `roles` attribute which is a list of global role
    60 names assigned to the officer, and (2) a private `_local_roles`
    61 attribute. The latter maps local role names to lists of objects the
    62 respective local role applies to. This information is important
    63 because local role assignment is originally stored only with the
    64 objects the role applies to and not with the user who got the role.
    65 When removing a user, Kofa iterates over the mapping and the list of
    66 objects in order to remove all these local role assignments denoted
    67 in the mapping.
     54Officers are users with a dedicated user account object stored in the
     55``users`` container (of type :py:class:`UsersContainer
     56<waeup.kofa.userscontainer.UsersContainer>`) which is located in Kofa's root
     57container. The account object has three more attributes than the principal
     58instance which is created from the account data: (1) a `suspended` attribute
     59which allows to deactivate an account, (2) a `roles` attribute which is a list
     60of global role names assigned to the officer, and (3) a private `_local_roles`
     61attribute which maps local role names to lists of objects the respective local
     62role applies to. This information is important because local role assignment
     63is originally stored only with the objects the role applies to and not with
     64the user who got the role. When removing an officer, Kofa iterates over the
     65mapping and the list of objects in order to remove all these local role
     66assignments denoted in the mapping.
    6968The management of portal officers is done in the 'Officers' section
    70 of Kofa. The management page shoes all officers registered in the
     69of Kofa. The management page shows all officers registered in the
    7170portal together with their global and local roles. The table can be
    72 easily sorted or filtered.
     71easily sorted or filtered. Deactivated officer accounst are marked
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