8 Feb 2013:
- 21:46 Changeset [9939] by
- Set title for StudentRole?.
7 Feb 2013:
- 15:50 Changeset [9938] by
- Change permissions so that only student managers can add balance …
- 09:51 Changeset [9937] by
- Export passport file path.
- 08:21 Changeset [9936] by
- Implement combo card data exporter.
6 Feb 2013:
- 15:06 Changeset [9935] by
- Replace COL1 by CUSTOMER_ID.
- 14:18 Changeset [9934] by
- Add pgd_ft.
4 Feb 2013:
- 13:32 Changeset [9933] by
- Export all students including those without certificate.
- 07:15 Changeset [9932] by
- Let's convert the 'sex' field values to lower case. This is one of the …
2 Feb 2013:
- 17:09 Changeset [9931] by
- I need some info in the log file.
- 16:53 Changeset [9930] by
- Temporary solution to prevent users from uploading non-ascii files.
- 15:46 Changeset [9929] by
- Placeholder file is now bigger.
- 09:59 Changeset [9928] by
- Replace default passport image by more neutral version (at AAUE's request).
1 Feb 2013:
- 12:38 Changeset [9927] by
- student faccodes of None should not block report generation.
30 Jan 2013:
- 18:59 Changeset [9926] by
- It's COL1 not COL6 where etranzact forwards the p_id.
- 09:08 Changeset [9925] by
- Convert getLevel and getLevelSession into property attributes.
- 08:58 Changeset [9924] by
- Add new permission waeup.editStudyLevel to allow course advisers to …
29 Jan 2013:
- 11:22 Changeset [9923] by
- Do not increase session for NCE III repeaters.
- 08:56 Changeset [9922] by
- Do not change level if level exceeds the certificate's end_level.
- 08:13 Changeset [9921] by
- Verdict and GPA must not be on course registration slip.
28 Jan 2013:
- 17:29 Changeset [9920] by
- Add signatures.
- 08:57 Changeset [9919] by
- Extended ascii should be accepted in names.
- 08:51 Changeset [9918] by
- Add test to ensure that the importer handles extended ascii properly. …
27 Jan 2013:
- 20:15 Changeset [9917] by
- A way to overcrowd forms.
- 15:08 Changeset [9916] by
- Render signatures below each other if there are more than three of it.
26 Jan 2013:
- 11:19 Changeset [9915] by
- In AAUE its called units not credits.
- 11:08 Changeset [9914] by
- Customize course registration slip (work in progress).
- 10:55 Changeset [9913] by
- Render footer properly and set topMargin.
- 07:58 Changeset [9912] by
- Two modifications which become necessary for the next waeup.aaue upgrade.
25 Jan 2013:
- 06:29 Changeset [9911] by
- Add colons. The font size is now set by ENTRY1_STYLE.
24 Jan 2013:
- 10:34 Changeset [9910] by
- Condense all pdf slips. Re-use ENTRY1_STYLE in render_student_data.
23 Jan 2013:
- 12:12 Changeset [9909] by
- We don't need the MessageFactory? for terms which are already …
- 09:40 Changeset [9908] by
- Adjust customizations to changes made in waeup.kofa.
- 09:37 Changeset [9907] by
- Add more space.
- 09:27 Changeset [9906] by
- Split course result table. Reformat tables.
22 Jan 2013:
- 08:55 Changeset [9905] by
- Remove school fee installment payments and restricted course …
- 08:05 Changeset [9904] by
- Disable Interswitch action buttons.
18 Jan 2013:
- 14:21 Changeset [9903] by
- Increase maximum credits.
- 10:10 Changeset [9902] by
- Adjust to changes made in base package (r9895).
17 Jan 2013:
- 15:55 Changeset [9901] by
- Change button label.
- 13:03 Changeset [9900] by
- Let's create all students from applicants root.
16 Jan 2013:
- 14:58 Changeset [9899] by
- Set different log options for ZEO.
- 14:56 Changeset [9898] by
- Set different log options for ZEO.
- 14:49 Changeset [9897] by
- Set different log options for ZEO.
- 14:46 Changeset [9896] by
- Set different log options for ZEO.
- 13:16 Changeset [9895] by
- Let students and officers add course tickets by entering the course …
- 12:13 Changeset [9894] by
- Set different log options for ZEO.
- 11:56 Changeset [9893] by
- Set different log options for ZEO.
15 Jan 2013:
- 15:33 Changeset [9892] by
- Third time lucky.
- 15:25 Changeset [9891] by
- Improve test and code accordingly.
- 15:15 Changeset [9890] by
- Proper English.
- 15:14 Changeset [9889] by
- Add test for disabling school fee payment and fix method.
- 14:45 Changeset [9888] by
- pg school fees are set in certificates (in contrast to ug fees). If a …
- 01:02 Changeset [9887] by
- Enable async ZODB in ZEO server.
- 01:01 Changeset [9886] by
- Enable async ZODB in ZEO server.
- 01:01 Changeset [9885] by
- Enable async ZODB in ZEO server.
- 01:00 Changeset [9884] by
- Enable async ZODB in ZEO server.
- 00:57 Changeset [9883] by
- Each ZEO client needs an own UUID.
- 00:56 Changeset [9882] by
- Each ZEO client needs an own UUID.
- 00:55 Changeset [9881] by
- Each ZEO client needs an own UUID.
- 00:54 Changeset [9880] by
- Each ZEO client needs an own UUID.
- 00:15 Changeset [9879] by
- Each ZEO client needs an own dispatcher UUID.
14 Jan 2013:
- 22:17 Changeset [9878] by
- Register async ZODB with ZEO server.
- 21:23 Changeset [9877] by
- Use default pool-size.
13 Jan 2013:
- 02:15 Changeset [9876] by
- Respect async ZODB when setting up a new instance. Basic stress tests …
- 02:14 Changeset [9875] by
- Enable new modes and consider async ZODBs when removing old instance data.
12 Jan 2013:
- 08:51 Changeset [9874] by
- Balance must not be negative or zero.
- 07:11 Changeset [9873] by
- Disable balance payment.
- 07:10 Changeset [9872] by
- Disable balance payment.
- 07:10 Changeset [9871] by
- Disable balance payment.
- 07:10 Changeset [9870] by
- Disable balance payment.
- 07:01 Changeset [9869] by
- Take new balance payment into consideration.
- 06:34 Changeset [9868] by
- Roll back some of the changes made yesterday. We do not need a new …
11 Jan 2013:
- 23:11 Changeset [9867] by
- Restrict balance payments to scholl fee balances.
- 22:48 Changeset [9866] by
- A deepcopy of PAYMENT_CATEGORIES is required.
- 17:52 Changeset [9865] by
- Add button and tests.
- 17:19 Changeset [9864] by
- Implement BalancePaymentAddFormPage? and adjust interfaces (tests and …
- 09:20 Changeset [9863] by
- Test also previous session payments.
- 09:03 Changeset [9862] by
- Derive PreviousPaymentAddFormPage? from KofaAddFormPage? and simplify …
10 Jan 2013:
- 12:07 Changeset [9861] by
- Adjust tests.
- 11:58 Changeset [9860] by
- Fix fields to export.
- 11:57 Changeset [9859] by
- Add level_session column to export.
- 07:05 Changeset [9858] by
- Course result slips can also be downloaded for previous study courses.
- 07:02 Changeset [9857] by
- Reset default value of body field to avoid that the last officer …
- 06:55 Changeset [9856] by
- Check if the enquiries form is not pre-filled with officer_comment …
- 06:55 Changeset [9855] by
- Grant permission waeup.Authenticated also in tests.
9 Jan 2013:
- 10:22 Changeset [9854] by
- Update and fix localization.
- 09:57 Changeset [9853] by
- Update (and fix) localization. Omit fees on payment slips.
- 09:54 Changeset [9852] by
- Update (and fix) localization.
- 09:51 Changeset [9851] by
- Update (and fix) localization.
- 09:49 Changeset [9850] by
- Update (and fix) localization.
- 09:46 Changeset [9849] by
- Update (and fix) localization.
- 09:33 Changeset [9848] by
- Fix typo. Add course result slip and remove grade column from course …
- 06:33 Changeset [9847] by
- Forms provide unicode not str values.
- 06:23 Changeset [9846] by
- Transform level and session values into integers.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.