13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
We do not use eTranzact in Minna.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Query payments_catalog and provide PayeeName? and Amount via webservice.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Let's better use an adapter for the webservice.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add getOwner method to payments which is needed for the webservice.
13 years |
uli |
Set useful parameters for profiling.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Catalogue all kinds of payments not only student payments.
13 years |
uli |
A python console is always useful. Create it (also needed for …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Implement minimal webservice for demonstration purposes.
13 years |
uli |
Don't require things we do not need.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
See waeup.uniben.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
See waeup.uniben.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Stop payments if application period expired.
13 years |
uli |
Decouple waeup.stress from waeup.kofa. We should be able to stress any …
13 years |
uli |
Use the second URL when running in ZEO mode.
13 years |
uli |
Add a second URL we can use for ZEO tests.
13 years |
uli |
Clean up.
13 years |
uli |
Search instances by path and rename kofa_projects to instances.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Check if booking perios is expired before allocating a bed.
To do: …
13 years |
uli |
Use deploy.ini by default, not debug.ini.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add expired property.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add hostel allocation start end end date attributes to hostels.
Move …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add 'Add applicant' action button.
13 years |
uli |
Support ZEO setup when running stress-tests.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add confirmation number field. Change live terminal id.
13 years |
uli |
Consider instance mode when starting/stopping instances.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Switch to test environment.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
See waeup.uniben.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
See waeup.uniben.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add ug and pg penalty fees.
13 years |
uli |
Clean up sample pre-run script and use values from local .cfg file.
13 years |
uli |
Add 'host' as configuration param.
13 years |
uli |
Remove post_run_script from .cfg. It's not very handy.
13 years |
uli |
Decouple setup/teardown from multimechanize.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
See waeup.uniben.
Remove tests for pg students. We do not have pg …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
See waeup.uniben.
Disable watermark.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
See waeup.uniben.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Copy also customized fields from applicant to student.
Fix typos.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
We need to customize the attributes to be copied. Therefore it's …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Disable application slip download in state initialized (managers only) …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add expired property to be used in views and viewlets.
If …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Use strict_deadline attribute.
13 years |
uli |
Read port, etc. parameters from buildout.cfg.
13 years |
uli |
Start setting main parameters in one buildout section.
13 years |
uli |
Do post run actions in Python. This is more convenient than shell scripts.
13 years |
uli |
More docs.
13 years |
uli |
Remove lies.
13 years |
uli |
Update docs.
13 years |
uli |
Use new function and clean up a bit.
13 years |
uli |
Clean up.
13 years |
uli |
Add function to wait for instance startup.
13 years |
uli |
Put local stresstest stuff into SVN. Yet not too useable!
13 years |
uli |
Create a home for stresstests.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Go live with correct terminal id.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Transpose tables for previewing data on import pages.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
See waeup.uniben.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
See waeup.uniben.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
See waeup.uniben.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Customized applicants statistics (temporarily disabled).
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Set date_of_birth and email required.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Move statistics method to ApplicantsUtils? in order to ease customization.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Configure live payment and remove ICT split amount data again.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Use applicants_catalog for statistics.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Implement max_credits limit for course registration.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Customize amounts and bank data. pay_item_id and product_id still missing.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Set Zope port.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Remove uniben watermark and logo.
13 years |
uli |
Make email format checks more moderate but working.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Copy also entry_mode. Extend tests to check if nothing has been forgotten.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Implement CreateAllStudentsPage? which creates students from all …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Catch RequiredMissing? error when creating students from applicants.
13 years |
uli |
Let datacenter use the new CSV file merger from helpers.
13 years |
uli |
Provide the more robust CSV file merging.
13 years |
uli |
Make sure we can cope with 'broken' (empty) CSV file input when …
13 years |
uli |
Add a helper function to append one CSV file to another.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Customize CustomApplicantRegistrationPage?.
Uniben applicants do see …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
In some custom packages we need to display login credentials on …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Set Zope port.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Do not block application record if password has been set for the first …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Log updateEntry when importing study levels, course tickets and …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Fix test.
Replace default value of verdicts.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Fix test.
Replace default value of verdicts.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Fix test.
Replace default value of verdicts.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Fix test.
Replace default value of verdicts.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Replace default value of verdicts. Use 'NY' (not yet) instead of '0' …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Set up ports.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Replace uniben by futminna.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Start setting up WAeUP.FUTMInna.
13 years |
uli |
Reduce number of site lookups during imports.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Now we have two different error messages which is great.
13 years |
uli |
Check application_category of cert 'course1' when batching.
13 years |
uli |
We will use a different error message.
13 years |
uli |
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Be more precise in tests.
13 years |
uli |
Make sure not to confuse an application_category None with no …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Adding another certificate with code CERT2 but in another application …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add test for importing non-exsiting course1.
13 years |
uli |
Move the logger filter addition. Speeds up imports definitely, while I …
13 years |
uli |
We can speedup imports etc. by using the new contextual source, which …
13 years |
uli |
Start using the smarter contextual sources.
13 years |
uli |
Add tests for new contextual sources.