12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Do not show suspended field.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Export school results as strings.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Customize students exporters.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Test dataNotComplete and take required nationality field into …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Require nationality.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Fix typo.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Don't omit jamb_score and jamb_subjects twice.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
'jamb_subjects', 'jamb_score', and 'aggregate' must also be ommitted …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add is_foreigner property.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add 'is_staff' attribute. Customize StudentBaseDisplayFormPage?.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Display reg_number above matric_number.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add nysc_location. We need this field only for imported data from SRP. …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add r_company field.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add ug_sw.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add applicants component tests.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Setup Nigerian applicant components with interfaces. (More tests will …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Extend INigeriaStudentPersonal
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Customize StudentPersonalManageFormPage?.
12 years |
uli |
Merge changes from uli-autoinclude-less branch back into trunk.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Rename all classes from CustomXYZ to NigeriaXYZ.
Customize …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Move customized students and payments components to kofacustom.nigeria.
13 years |
uli |
Add basic testing machinery for kofacustom.nigeria. The only contained …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add missing lgas and remove duplicates.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Replace key for 'not yet' verdict.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Customize ApplicantsUtils? for Nigeria.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Customize StudentsUtils? for Nigeria.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Avoid duplicate class names.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add localization.
13 years |
uli |
Include the ZCML which triggers the grokking. Only then registrations …
13 years |
uli |
Disable waeup.uniben-local adapter for now.
13 years |
uli |
Copy over overrides.zcml from waeup.uniben to kofacustom.nigeria.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Use 'old' Uniben lgas module as default (temporarily). Otherwise the …
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add first dicts, lists and tuples for 'Nigerian' interfaces.
13 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add folder for localization files.
13 years |
uli |
Add the two ZCML files we really need.
13 years |
uli |
Make src dirs Python packages.
13 years |
uli |
Add basic source tree.