4 Jun 2006, 19:43:34 (19 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann
1 edited


  • TabularUnified waeup_doc/MainProcesses.html

    r247 r248  
    472472<div class="section">
    473473<h1><a id="v-portal-setup" name="v-portal-setup">V Portal Setup</a></h1>
    474 <p>The portal will be delivered with infrastructure data. Faculties, Departments, Course Lists, Study Programmes and Hostel data are already imported. Specific roles can be hierarchically assigned to edit or add infrastructure data (see VII Portal Roles).</p>
    475 </div>
    476 <div class="section">
    477 <h1><a id="vi-access-card-management" name="vi-access-card-management">VI Access Card Management</a></h1>
    478 <p>The Access Card (Scratch Card) data are kept outside of the main portal and managed by the Access Card Manager. Each Access Code starts with a prefix depending on the Access Card's function. The prefix defines the value of the Access Card.</p>
     474<p>The portal will be delivered with infrastructure data. Faculties, Departments, Course Lists, Study Programmes and Hostel data are already imported. Specific roles can be hierarchically assigned to edit or add infrastructure data (see also VIII Portal Roles).</p>
     475<p>The portal content types are (not yet all attributes defined):</p>
     476<pre class="literal-block">
     477Student:         see Clearance
     478Faculty:         Description
     479Department:      Description
     480Course:          Decription, Course Number
     481Study Programme: List of Courses
     482Hall:            Hall Name
     483Block:           Block or Section Name
     484Room:            Room Number
     485Bed:             Room Letter
     488<div class="section">
     489<h1><a id="vi-gown-hiring" name="vi-gown-hiring">VI Gown Hiring</a></h1>
     492<div class="section">
     493<h1><a id="vii-access-card-management" name="vii-access-card-management">VII Access Card Management</a></h1>
     494<p>The Access Card (Scratch Card) data are kept outside of the main portal and managed only by the Access Card Manager.</p>
     495<p>The data fields of Access Card records are:</p>
     496<pre class="literal-block">
     497Series Batch Code
     498Access Code
     499Matric or Registration Number
     501Generated By
     502Date Activated
     503Sold by
     505<p>Each Access Code starts with a prefix depending on the Access Card's function, i.e. what it is used for. The prefix also defines the value of the Access Card.</p>
    479506<p>Administrative PINs: ????</p>
    480507<pre class="literal-block">
    481 Application                   XXX
    482 Clearance                     XXX
    483 Hostal Application            XXX
    484 Hostal Maintanance            XXX
     508Application                   ???
     509Clearance                     ???
     510Hostal Application            HOS
     511Hostal Maintanance            ???
     512Gown Hiring                   GWN
    486514<p>School Fee PINs:</p>
    512540Diploma in Comp. Eng          DCE
    514 <p>New Students' School Fee PINs the prefix <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NEW</span></tt> is added at the beginning. For example, a new student in the Education Faculty will need to buy a Scratch Card which starts with: <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NEWEDU</span></tt>.</p>
    515 </div>
    516 <div class="section">
    517 <h1><a id="vii-portal-roles" name="vii-portal-roles">VII Portal Roles</a></h1>
     542<p>New Students' School Fee PINs additionally start with the prefix <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NEW</span></tt>. For example, a new student in the Education Faculty will need to buy a Scratch Card with Prefix: <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NEWEDU</span></tt>.</p>
     544<div class="section">
     545<h1><a id="viii-portal-roles" name="viii-portal-roles">VIII Portal Roles</a></h1>
    518546<div class="section">
    519547<h2><a id="portal-manager-pm" name="portal-manager-pm">Portal Manager (PM)</a></h2>
    526554<div class="section">
    527555<h2><a id="matric-number-manager-mm" name="matric-number-manager-mm">Matric Number Manager (MM)</a></h2>
    528 <p>Only this role allows to edit Matriculation Numbers and to access and configure the Matric Number Generation tool.</p>
     556<p>Only the Matric Number Manager is allowed to edit Matriculation Numbers and to access and configure the Matric Number Generation tool.</p>
    530558<div class="section">
    531559<h2><a id="access-card-manager-am" name="access-card-manager-am">Access Card Manager (AM)</a></h2>
    532 <p>The only function of the Access Card Manager will be to generate and administer the Access Codes (PINs). This could be done by a person which completely outside and not assigned to any other role of the portal.</p>
     560<p>The only function of the Access Card Manager will be to generate and administer the Access Codes (PINs).</p>
    534562<div class="section">
    535563<h2><a id="faculty-manager-fm" name="faculty-manager-fm">Faculty Manager (FM)</a></h2>
    536 <p>The Faculty Manager sets up the infrastructure of his/her department and provides content specific to the faculty. He/She can add or change departments and can assign local roles within all departments.</p>
     564<p>The Faculty Manager sets up the infrastructure of his/her faculty and provides content specific to his/her faculty. He/She can add or change departments and can assign local roles within all departments.</p>
    538566<div class="section">
    543571<div class="section">
    544572<h2><a id="course-adviser-ca" name="course-adviser-ca">Course Adviser (CA)</a></h2>
    545 <p>The Course Adviser is responsible for the study programmes of each department. He/She selects the courses (from the entire university course list) for each programme and he/she validates the registered courses of each student who studying a programme the CA is responsible for. The CA role is a sub-role of the Department Manager.</p>
     573<p>The Course Adviser is responsible for the study programmes of the department. He/She selects the courses (from the entire university course list) for each study programme and validates the registered courses of each student who is studying in the department. The CA role is a sub-role of the Department Manager.</p>
    547575<div class="section">
    556584<div class="section">
    557 <h1><a id="viii-portal-versioning" name="viii-portal-versioning">VIII Portal Versioning</a></h1>
     585<h1><a id="ix-portal-versioning-and-archiving" name="ix-portal-versioning-and-archiving">IX Portal Versioning and Archiving</a></h1>
     586<p>Course specific data (including list of participants) are under version control. Each session new course objects are created on the basis of the data of the previous session.</p>
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