9 Dec 2019, 10:44:57 (5 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Add StudentOutstandingCoursesExporter.

1 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/export.py

    r15792 r15873  
    2525    IExtFileStore, IFileStoreNameChooser, IKofaUtils)
    2626from waeup.kofa.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
     27from waeup.kofa.university.interfaces import ICertificateCourse, ICourse
    2728from waeup.kofa.students.catalog import StudentsQuery, CourseTicketsQuery
    2829from waeup.kofa.students.interfaces import (
    133134    return tickets
     136def get_outstanding(students, **kw):
     137    """Get students with outstanding certificate courses.
     138    """
     139    students_wo = []
     140    for student in students:
     141        certificate = getattr(
     142            student.get('studycourse', None), 'certificate', None)
     143        if certificate:
     144            allticketcodes = []
     145            failedticketcodes = '' # taken but failed
     146            nottakenticketcodes = '' # registered but not taken
     147            missedticketcodes = '' # not registered
     148            for level in student['studycourse'].values():
     149                failedticketcodes += level.passed_params[4]
     150                nottakenticketcodes += level.passed_params[5]
     151                for ticket in level.values():
     152                    allticketcodes.append(ticket.code)
     153            for certcourse in certificate.values():
     154                if certcourse.getCourseCode() not in allticketcodes:
     155                    missedticketcodes += '%s ' % certcourse.__name__
     156            student_wo = (student, missedticketcodes,
     157                          failedticketcodes, nottakenticketcodes)
     158            students_wo.append(student_wo)
     159    return students_wo
    135161def get_payments(students, p_states=None, **kw):
    136162    """Get all payments of `students` within given payment_date period.
    430456            value, name, context=context)
     458class StudentOutstandingCoursesExporter(grok.GlobalUtility, StudentExporterBase):
     459    """The Student Outstanding Courses Exporter first filters the set of
     460    students by searching the students catalog. Then it exports students with
     461    lists of outstanding courses, i.e. courses which the student has
     462    missed (not registered at all), failed (registered but not passed)
     463    or nottaken (registered but not taken).
     464    """
     465    grok.name('studentoutstandingcourses')
     467    fields = ('student_id', 'certcode', 'display_fullname','missed',
     468              'failed', 'nottaken')
     469    title = _(u'Student Outstanding Courses')
     471    def filter_func(self, x, **kw):
     472        return get_outstanding(x, **kw)
     474    def mangle_value(self, value, name, context=None):
     475        """The mangler determines the student's id, fullname and certcode,
     476        and it collects the lists of outstanding courses.
     477        """
     478        if context is not None:
     479            if name in ('student_id', 'display_fullname', 'certcode'):
     480                value = getattr(context[0], name, None)
     481            elif name == 'missed':
     482                value = context[1]
     483            elif name == 'failed':
     484                value = context[2]
     485            elif name == 'nottaken':
     486                value = context[3]
     487        return super(
     488            StudentOutstandingCoursesExporter, self).mangle_value(
     489            value, name, context=context)
    432491class StudentPaymentExporter(grok.GlobalUtility, StudentExporterBase):
    433492    """The Student Payment Exporter first filters the set of students
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