14 Feb 2017, 18:04:35 (8 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Update documentation.

1 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/academics.rst

    r13167 r14548  
    4949Faculties are container objects of type `Faculty`. They have a
    50 `code`, a `title` and a `title_prefix` attribute. Furthermore,
    51 faculties and departments have a `longtitle` property which
    52 :py:func:`composes <waeup.kofa.university.faculty.longtitle>` and
    53 returns the full title as it appears in tables, in breadcrumbs and
    54 in many other places:
     50`code`, a `title` a `title_prefix` and two officer name attributes:
     51`officer_1` and `officer_2`. Officer names are not made use of in
     52the base package. They can be used in custom packages to 'sign' pdf
     53slips and reports. Usually, `officer_1` is reserved for the Dean of
     54Faculty. Furthermore, faculties and departments have a `longtitle`
     55property which :py:func:`composes
     56<waeup.kofa.university.faculty.longtitle>` and returns the full
     57title as it appears in tables, in breadcrumbs and in many other
    5660  `longtitle` = `title_prefix` + `title` (`code`)
    6872Additionally, each department object has the attributes
    6973`certificates` and `courses`. These attributes again are containers
    70 which hold certificate and course objects respectively.
    71 A :py:meth:`traverse
     74which hold certificate and course objects respectively. A
    7276<waeup.kofa.university.department.Department.traverse>` method leads
    7377the user to believe that `certificates` and `courses` are the ids of
    7579However, it doesn't matter if we store a subobject 'in' or 'at' a
    7680parent object. The result is exactly the same: :ref:`a hierarchical,
    77 treelike storage of objects <object_database>` (see also diagram above).
     81treelike storage of objects <object_database>` (see also diagram
     84Department objects have four officer name attributes. Needless to say,
     85`officer_1` should contain the name of the Head of Department. The
     86title of the name fields can be localized in custom packages.
    7988The following :ref:`local roles <local_roles>` can be assigned at
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