12 Mar 2015, 05:29:43 (10 years ago)

Merge changes from uli-payments back into trunk.

1 edited


  • main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/src/waeup/ikoba/customers/tests/test_contract.py

    r12259 r12741  
    1919Tests for contracts.
     21import decimal
    2122from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass, verifyObject
    22 from zope.component import createObject
     23from zope.component import createObject, getUtility, getUtilitiesFor
     24from zope.component.hooks import setSite
    2325from hurry.workflow.interfaces import (
    2426    IWorkflowInfo, IWorkflowState, InvalidTransitionError)
    2527from waeup.ikoba.customers.interfaces import (
    2628    IContractsContainer, IContract)
    27 from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import IObjectHistory
    2829from waeup.ikoba.customers.contracts import (
    29     ContractsContainer, SampleContract)
     30    ContractsContainer, SampleContract, ContractPayer, ContractFinder,
     31    PayableContract,
     32    )
     33from waeup.ikoba.app import Company
     34from waeup.ikoba.customers.customer import Customer
     35from waeup.ikoba.payments.interfaces import (
     36    IPaymentItem, IPayer, IPayableFinder, IPayable,
     37    )
     38from waeup.ikoba.products.productoptions import ProductOption
    3039from waeup.ikoba.testing import (FunctionalLayer, FunctionalTestCase)
    3242class ContractsContainerTestCase(FunctionalTestCase):
    8999        self.assertTrue('Contract created by system' in messages)
    90100        return
     103class TestContractHelpers(FunctionalTestCase):
     105    layer = FunctionalLayer
     107    def test_payer_adapter(self):
     108        # we can adapt IContract to IPayer (i.e. create a payer)
     109        customer = Customer()
     110        customer.firstname, customer.lastname = u'Anna', u'Tester'
     111        contract = createObject(u'waeup.SampleContract')
     112        customer['contracts'] = ContractsContainer()
     113        customer['contracts'].addContract(contract)
     114        result = IPayer(contract)
     115        self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, ContractPayer))
     116        verifyObject(IPayer, result)
     117        self.assertEqual(result.first_name, u'Anna')
     118        self.assertEqual(result.last_name, u'Tester')
     119        self.assertEqual(result.payer_id, customer.customer_id)
     121    def test_contract_finder_iface(self):
     122        # we have a contract finder that returns IPayableFinder data.
     123        verifyClass(IPayableFinder, ContractFinder)
     125    def test_contract_finder_registered(self):
     126        # the contract finder is a utility registered on startup
     127        util = getUtility(IPayableFinder, name='contracts_finder')
     128        self.assertTrue(isinstance(util, ContractFinder))
     129        utils = [util for name, util in getUtilitiesFor(IPayableFinder)
     130                 if isinstance(util, ContractFinder)]
     131        self.assertEqual(len(utils), 1)
     133    def create_contract_and_site(self):
     134        contract = SampleContract()
     135        option1 = ProductOption(u"Fee 1", decimal.Decimal("31.10"), "USD")
     136        option2 = ProductOption(u"Fee 2", decimal.Decimal("12.12"), "USD")
     137        contract.product_options = [option1, option2]
     138        contract.contract_id = u'CON1234'
     139        self.getRootFolder()['app'] = Company()
     140        app = self.getRootFolder()['app']
     141        setSite(app)
     142        return contract, app
     144    def test_contract_finder(self):
     145        # the contract finder can really find contracts
     146        contract, app = self.create_contract_and_site()
     147        app['mycontract'] = contract  # trigger cataloging
     148        finder = ContractFinder()
     149        result = finder.get_payable_by_id('CON1234')
     150        self.assertTrue(result is contract)
     152    def test_contract_finder_not_stored(self):
     153        # we get none if an id is not stored
     154        contract, app = self.create_contract_and_site()
     155        app['mycontract'] = contract  # trigger cataloging
     156        finder = ContractFinder()
     157        result = finder.get_payable_by_id('Not-a-valid-id')
     158        self.assertTrue(result is None)
     160    def test_contract_finder_no_catalog(self):
     161        # contract finder does not complain about missing catalog
     162        finder = ContractFinder()
     163        result = finder.get_payable_by_id('CON1234')
     164        self.assertTrue(result is None)
     167class TestContractAsPayable(FunctionalTestCase):
     169    layer = FunctionalLayer
     171    def test_adaptable(self):
     172        # we can turn contracts into payables.
     173        contract = SampleContract()
     174        payable = IPayable(contract)
     175        self.assertTrue(payable is not None)
     176        self.assertTrue(isinstance(payable, PayableContract))
     178    def test_payable_iface(self):
     179        # PayableContracts really provide IPayable
     180        contract = SampleContract()
     181        option1 = ProductOption(u"Fee 1", decimal.Decimal("31.10"), "USD")
     182        option2 = ProductOption(u"Fee 2", decimal.Decimal("12.12"), "USD")
     183        contract.product_options = [option1, option2]
     184        payable = PayableContract(contract)
     185        verifyObject(IPayable, payable)
     186        verifyClass(IPayable, PayableContract)
     188    def test_payable_simple_attributes(self):
     189        # the simple attribs are set correctly, according to context contract
     190        contract = SampleContract()
     191        contract.title = u'the title'
     192        option1 = ProductOption(u"Fee 1", decimal.Decimal("31.10"), "EUR")
     193        option2 = ProductOption(u"Fee 2", decimal.Decimal("12.12"), "EUR")
     194        contract.product_options = [option1, option2]
     195        payable = PayableContract(contract)
     196        self.assertTrue(contract.contract_id, payable.payable_id)
     197        self.assertEqual(payable.title, contract.title)
     198        self.assertEqual(payable.currency, 'EUR')
     200    def test_payable_items(self):
     201        # we can get payment items from payable
     202        contract = SampleContract()
     203        option1 = ProductOption(u"Fee 1", decimal.Decimal("31.10"), "EUR")
     204        option2 = ProductOption(u"Fee 2", decimal.Decimal("12.12"), "EUR")
     205        contract.product_options = [option1, option2]
     206        payable = PayableContract(contract)
     207        items = payable.payment_items
     208        self.assertTrue(isinstance(items, tuple))
     209        self.assertEqual(len(items), 2)
     210        verifyObject(IPaymentItem, items[0])
     211        verifyObject(IPaymentItem, items[1])
     212        self.assertEqual(items[0].item_id, '0')
     213        self.assertEqual(items[0].title, u'Fee 1')
     214        self.assertEqual(items[0].amount, decimal.Decimal("31.10"))
     216    def test_payable_no_items(self):
     217        # payables work also with no options set on contract
     218        contract = SampleContract()
     219        payable = PayableContract(contract)
     220        items = payable.payment_items
     221        self.assertTrue(isinstance(items, tuple))
     222        self.assertEqual(len(items), 0)
     223        self.assertEqual(payable.currency, None)
     225    def test_different_currencies_forbiddedn(self):
     226        # we do not accept different currencies in payment items
     227        contract = SampleContract()
     228        option1 = ProductOption(u"Fee 1", decimal.Decimal("31.10"), "EUR")
     229        option2 = ProductOption(u"Fee 2", decimal.Decimal("12.12"), "USD")
     230        contract.product_options = [option1, option2]
     231        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PayableContract, contract)
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