Changeset 11980 for main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/src
- Timestamp:
- 17 Nov 2014, 12:29:02 (10 years ago)
- Location:
- main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/src/waeup/ikoba
- Files:
- 9 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r11979 r11980 1 1 <form i18n:domain="waeup.ikoba" method="post"> 2 2 <p i18n:translate="login_as_intro_1"> 3 Kofa is creating a temporary customer password which will replace the3 Ikoba is creating a temporary customer password which will replace the 4 4 original password chosen by the customer. The password will be valid 5 5 for -
r11979 r11980 13 13 </p> 14 14 <p i18n:translate=""> 15 Thanks for using Kofa!15 Thanks for using Ikoba! 16 16 </p> 17 17 </tal:only_email> … … 43 43 </p> 44 44 <p i18n:translate=""> 45 Thanks for using Kofa!45 Thanks for using Ikoba! 46 46 </p> 47 47 </tal:credentials> -
r11954 r11980 15 15 msgstr "" 16 16 "Project-Id-Version: WAeUP.KOFA\n" 17 "POT-Creation-Date: Thu Nov 13 15:09:532014\n"17 "POT-Creation-Date: Mon Nov 17 13:28:06 2014\n" 18 18 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-15 13:21+0100\n" 19 19 "Last-Translator: Henrik Bettermann <>\n" … … 37 37 msgstr "Portaleinstellungen" 38 38 39 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3839 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 40 40 msgid "Administration" 41 41 msgstr "Verwaltung" … … 46 46 msgstr "Portalkonfiguration" 47 47 48 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48548 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49 49 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 50 50 msgid "Portal Users" 51 51 msgstr "Benutzer" 52 52 53 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3054 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 25waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55 55 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56 56 msgid "Data Center" … … 62 62 msgid "Reports" 63 63 msgstr "Reimportieren" 64 65 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ #, fuzzy67 msgid "Student Data Exports"68 msgstr "Studiengangdaten"69 64 70 65 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ … … 83 78 "Registrierungsnummer" 84 79 85 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/ 86 #: waeup/ikoba/ 80 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 81 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/ 82 #: waeup/ikoba/ 87 83 msgid "Email Address" 88 84 msgstr "Emailadresse" 89 85 90 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 186 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 91 87 #, fuzzy 92 88 msgid "Are you sure?" 93 89 msgstr "'Sind Sie sicher?'" 94 90 95 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 96 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 97 msgid "Process CSV file" 98 msgstr "Verarbeite CSF-Datei" 91 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 92 msgid "Only csv files are allowed." 93 msgstr "Es sind nur csv-Dateien erlaubt." 94 95 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 96 msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier." 97 msgstr "Eine Datei gleichen Namens wurde bereits hochgeladen." 98 99 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 100 msgid "" 101 "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First " 102 "problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace." 103 msgstr "" 99 104 100 105 #. Default: "" … … 103 108 msgstr "Lokale Rolle erfolgreich entfernt: ${a}" 104 109 105 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 110 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 111 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 112 msgid "Process CSV file" 113 msgstr "Verarbeite CSF-Datei" 114 115 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 106 116 msgid "Back to step 1" 107 117 msgstr "Zurück zu Schritt 1" 108 118 109 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 36119 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 110 120 msgid "Proceed to step 3" 111 121 msgstr "Gehe zu Schritt 3" 112 122 113 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 179123 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 114 124 msgid "Double headers: each column name may only appear once. " 115 125 msgstr "Doppelte Spaltenüberschrift" 116 126 117 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 187127 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 118 128 msgid "Replace imported file!" 119 129 msgstr "Tauschen Sie die Importdatei aus!" 120 130 121 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 122 132 msgid "Import aborted." 123 133 msgstr "Import abgebrochen." 124 134 125 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12135 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 126 136 msgid "Update mode only!" 127 137 msgstr "Nur Aktualisierungsmodus!" 128 138 129 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 139 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 140 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 141 msgid "No item selected." 142 msgstr "Nichts ausgewählt." 143 144 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 130 145 msgid "Reset" 131 146 msgstr "Zurücksetzen" 132 147 133 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 39148 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 134 149 msgid "Set headerfields" 135 150 msgstr "Spaltenüberschrift setzen" 136 151 137 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 40152 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 138 153 msgid "Back to step 2" 139 154 msgstr "Zurück zu Schritt 2" 140 155 141 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 41156 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 142 157 msgid "Perform import" 143 158 msgstr "Import durchführen" 144 159 145 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 146 msgid "No item selected." 147 msgstr "Nichts ausgewählt." 148 149 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 160 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 150 161 msgid "Edit headers or replace imported file!" 151 162 msgstr "" 152 163 "Bearbeiten Sie die Spaltenüberschrift oder tauschen Sie die Importdatei aus." 153 164 154 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49165 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 155 166 #, fuzzy 156 167 msgid "Process next" … … 158 169 159 170 #. Default: "" 160 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 399171 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 161 172 msgid "Processing of ${a} rows failed." 162 173 msgstr "Bearbeitung von ${a} Zeilen fehlgeschlagen." 163 174 164 175 #. Default: "" 165 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01176 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 166 177 msgid "Successfully processed ${a} rows." 167 178 msgstr "${a} Zeilen erfolgreich verarbeitet." 168 179 169 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 09180 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 170 181 msgid "Show logfiles" 171 182 msgstr "Logdateien anzeigen" 172 183 173 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12184 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 174 185 msgid "Show" 175 186 msgstr "Zeigen" 176 187 177 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 178 189 msgid "Search" 179 190 msgstr "Suchen" 180 191 181 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 29192 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 182 193 msgid "Enter a regular expression here..." 183 194 msgstr "Geben Sie einen regulären Ausdruck ein ..." 184 195 185 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 196 #. Default: "" 197 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 198 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 199 msgstr "Erfolgreich entfernt: ${a}" 200 201 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 186 202 msgid "Log files can only be searched on Unix-based operating systems." 187 203 msgstr "" 188 204 "Logdateien können nur auf Unix-basierten Betriebsystem durchsucht werden." 189 205 190 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 52206 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 191 207 msgid "Invalid search expression." 192 208 msgstr "Ungültiger Suchausdruck" 193 209 194 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55210 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 195 211 msgid "No search results found." 196 212 msgstr "Keinen Datensatz gefunden." 197 213 198 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 63214 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 199 215 msgid "Edit data center settings" 200 216 msgstr "Einstellungen des Datenzentrums bearbeiten" 201 217 202 218 #. Default: "" 203 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 204 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 205 msgstr "Erfolgreich entfernt: ${a}" 206 207 #. Default: "" 208 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 219 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 209 220 msgid "File already existed (not copied): ${a}" 210 221 msgstr "Datei existiert (nicht kopiert): ${a}" 211 222 212 223 #. Default: "" 213 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486224 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 214 225 #, fuzzy 215 226 msgid "Given storage path cannot be used. ${a}" 216 227 msgstr "Der Datenpfad kann nicht verwendet werden." 217 228 218 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 490229 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 219 230 msgid "New storage path succefully set." 220 231 msgstr "Neuen Datenpfad erfolgreich gesetzt." 221 232 222 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 02233 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 223 234 msgid "Download portal data as CSV file" 224 235 msgstr "Portaldaten als CSV-Datei herunterladen" 225 236 226 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 04237 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 227 238 #, fuzzy 228 239 msgid "Create CSV file" 229 240 msgstr "CSV-Datei exportieren" 230 241 231 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30242 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 232 243 #, fuzzy 233 244 msgid "Discarded export" 234 245 msgstr "Verworfene Export-Ergebnisse" 235 246 236 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 574247 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 237 248 msgid "Send me a new password" 238 249 msgstr "Neues Passwort zusenden" 239 250 240 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01251 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 241 252 msgid "Send login credentials to email address" 242 253 msgstr "Zugangsdaten an Email-Adresse senden" 243 254 244 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12255 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 245 256 msgid "No record found." 246 257 msgstr "Keinen Datensatz gefunden." 247 258 248 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 26259 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 249 260 msgid "You have successfully requested a password for the" 250 261 msgstr "Sie haben erfolgreich ein Passwort angefordert für das" 251 262 252 263 #. Default: "" 253 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30264 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 254 265 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to ${a}." 255 266 msgstr "" … … 257 268 "${a}." 258 269 259 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 270 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 260 271 msgid "Form has been saved." 261 272 msgstr "Das Formular wurde gespeichert." … … 263 274 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 264 275 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 265 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 266 277 msgid "Login" 267 278 msgstr "Einloggen" 268 279 269 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 68280 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 270 281 msgid "You logged in." 271 282 msgstr "Sie sind jetzt eingeloggt." 272 283 273 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 274 msgid "Your personal data record is outdated. Please update." 275 msgstr "" 276 277 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 284 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 285 #, fuzzy 286 msgid "Your account has been temporarily deactivated." 287 msgstr "Kurseliste wurde validiert." 288 289 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 290 #, fuzzy 291 msgid "Your account has been deactivated." 292 msgstr "Kurseliste wurde validiert." 293 294 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 278 295 #, fuzzy 279 296 msgid "You entered invalid credentials." 280 297 msgstr "Sie haben falsche Zugangsdaten eingegeben." 281 298 282 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01299 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 283 300 #, fuzzy 284 301 msgid "You have been logged out. Thanks for using WAeUP Ikoba!" … … 286 303 287 304 #. Default: "" 288 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 43305 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 289 306 msgid "Contact ${a}" 290 307 msgstr "Kontaktiere ${a}" 291 308 292 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 293 310 msgid "Send message now" 294 311 msgstr "Jetzt senden" 295 312 296 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 368 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46313 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 314 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 298 315 msgid "Your message has been sent." 299 316 msgstr "Ihre Nachricht wurde verschickt." 300 317 301 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 388318 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 302 319 msgid "Send now" 303 320 msgstr "Sende jetzt" 304 321 305 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 03322 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 306 323 msgid "A smtp server error occurred." 307 324 msgstr "Es trat ein smtp-Serverfehler auf." 308 325 309 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28326 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 310 327 #, fuzzy 311 328 msgid "<h1>Welcome to WAeUP.Ikoba</h1>" 312 329 msgstr "<h1>Willkommen bei WAeUP.Kofa</h1>" 313 330 314 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486331 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 315 332 msgid "Manage" 316 333 msgstr "Verwalten" 317 334 318 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 487waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 319 336 msgid "Remove" 320 337 msgstr "Entfernen" 321 338 322 339 #. Default: "" 323 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 494340 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 324 341 msgid "User account ${a} successfully deleted." 325 342 msgstr "Benutzerkonto ${a} erfolgreich gelöscht." 326 343 327 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 31 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 328 345 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 329 346 msgid "Add user" … … 331 348 332 349 #. Default: "" 333 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55350 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 334 351 msgid "User account ${a} successfully added." 335 352 msgstr "Benutzerkonto ${a} erfolgreich hinzugefügt." 336 353 337 354 #. Default: "" 338 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 576355 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 339 356 msgid "Edit user ${a}" 340 357 msgstr "Benutzer bearbeiten" 341 358 342 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 343 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 344 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 359 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 360 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 361 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 362 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 363 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 345 364 msgid "Save" 346 365 msgstr "Speichern" 347 366 348 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 10367 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 349 368 msgid "User settings have been saved." 350 369 msgstr "Benutzereinstellungen wurden gespeichert." 351 370 352 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 13 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 37371 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 372 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 373 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 355 374 msgid "Cancel" 356 375 msgstr "Abbruch" 357 376 358 377 #. Default: "" 359 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27378 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 360 379 msgid "Send message to ${a}" 361 380 msgstr "Sende Nachricht an ${a}" 362 381 363 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 364 383 msgid "My Preferences" 365 384 msgstr "Meine Präferenzen" 366 385 367 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 669waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 368 387 msgid "My Roles" 369 388 msgstr "Meine Rollen" 370 389 371 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00390 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 372 391 msgid "View portal configuration" 373 392 msgstr "Portal-Konfiguration betrachten" 374 393 375 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 14394 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 376 395 msgid "Edit portal configuration" 377 396 msgstr "Portalkonfiguration bearbeiten" 378 397 379 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 15 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 380 399 msgid "Update plugins" 381 400 msgstr "Plugins aktualisieren" 382 401 383 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 771402 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 403 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 385 404 msgid "Add session configuration" 386 405 msgstr "Session-Konfiguration hinzufügen" 387 406 388 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 18 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 33407 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 408 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 390 409 msgid "Remove selected" 391 410 msgstr "Ausgewählte Objekte löschen" 392 411 393 412 #. Default: "" 394 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46413 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 395 414 msgid "Session ${a} Configuration" 396 415 msgstr "Session ${a}-Konfiguration" 397 416 398 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56417 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 399 418 msgid "For experts only!" 400 419 msgstr "" 401 420 402 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57421 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 403 422 msgid "" 404 423 "Plugins may only be updated after software upgrades. Are you really sure?" 405 424 msgstr "" 406 425 407 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 62426 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 408 427 msgid "Plugins were updated. See log file for details." 409 428 msgstr "Plugins wurden aktualisiert, siehe Logdatei." 410 429 411 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 775430 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 412 431 msgid "Add Session Configuration" 413 432 msgstr "Session-Konfiguration hinzufügen" 414 433 415 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 786434 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 416 435 msgid "The session chosen already exists." 417 436 msgstr "Die Session existiert bereits." 418 437 419 438 #. Default: "" 420 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 08439 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 421 440 msgid "Edit academic session ${a} configuration" 422 441 msgstr "Session ${a}-Konfiguration bearbeiten" 423 442 424 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 50443 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 425 444 msgid "OSError: The file could not be deleted." 426 445 msgstr "OSError: Die Datei konnte nicht gelöscht werden." 427 446 428 447 #. Default: "" 429 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54448 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 430 449 msgid "Successfully deleted: ${a}" 431 450 msgstr "Successfully deleted: ${a}" 432 451 433 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 65452 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 434 453 #, fuzzy 435 454 msgid "Processed Files" 436 455 msgstr "Verarbeite CSF-Datei" 437 456 438 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 867 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05457 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 458 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 459 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 460 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 442 461 msgid "Back to Data Center" 443 462 msgstr "Zurück zum Datenzentrum" 444 463 445 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 879464 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 446 465 #, fuzzy 447 466 msgid "Upload portal data as CSV file" 448 467 msgstr "Portaldaten als CSV-Datei herunterladen" 449 468 450 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 882469 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 451 470 msgid "Upload" 452 471 msgstr "Hochladen" … … 456 475 msgstr "Keine lokalen Rollen ausgewählt." 457 476 458 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 22477 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 459 478 #, fuzzy 460 479 msgid "Import Manager" … … 462 481 463 482 #. Default: "" 464 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 24483 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 465 484 #, fuzzy 466 485 msgid "${a}: ${b} uploaded" … … 468 487 469 488 #. Default: "" 470 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28489 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 471 490 msgid "" 472 491 "File: ${a}\n" … … 480 499 msgstr "" 481 500 482 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 47501 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 483 502 msgid "All import managers have been notified by email." 484 503 msgstr "Alle Import-Manager wurden per Email benachrichtigt." 485 504 486 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 505 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 506 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 487 507 msgid "An smtp server error occurred." 488 508 msgstr "Es trat ein smtp-Serverfehler auf." 489 509 490 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57510 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 491 511 #, fuzzy 492 512 msgid "Maximum number of files in the data center exceeded." 493 513 msgstr "Maximale Anzahl der Credit-Punkte von ${a} überschritten." 494 495 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "Only csv files are allowed."497 msgstr "Es sind nur csv-Dateien erlaubt."498 499 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier."501 msgstr "Eine Datei gleichen Namens wurde bereits hochgeladen."502 503 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid ""505 "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First "506 "problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace."507 msgstr ""508 514 509 515 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ … … 571 577 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 572 578 msgid "" 573 "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data except student data."574 " Please pick the type of objects you want to export from the selection below."575 " The file will be generated and then be made available for you to download in"576 " the table below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after"577 " generation. Thedownload link disappears afterwards."579 "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data. Please pick the " 580 "type of objects you want to export from the selection below. The file will " 581 "be generated and then be made available for you to download in the table " 582 "below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after generation. The " 583 "download link disappears afterwards." 578 584 msgstr "" 579 585 … … 622 628 "datasets." 623 629 msgstr "" 624 625 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ msgid "File"629 msgstr "Datei"630 630 631 631 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ … … 824 824 "im Browser aktiviert sind." 825 825 826 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your studentaccount <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>."826 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>." 827 827 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 828 828 msgid "login_trouble2" … … 833 833 "\"setpassword\"> hier</a></strong>." 834 834 835 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Inititialize your studentaccount <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>."835 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>." 836 836 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 837 837 msgid "login_trouble4" … … 841 841 "<strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> hier</a></strong>." 842 842 843 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your student id, application id orpassword? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>."843 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your customer id password? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>." 844 844 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 845 845 msgid "login_trouble3" … … 902 902 903 903 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 904 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 905 905 msgid "Contact" 906 906 msgstr "Kontakt" 907 907 908 908 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 909 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 910 910 msgid "Logout" 911 911 msgstr "Ausloggen" 912 912 913 913 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 914 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #, fuzzy 916 msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Student ManagementSystem"914 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 915 #, fuzzy 916 msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Application and Registration System" 917 917 msgstr "WAeUP.Kofa - Student Management System" 918 918 919 919 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 920 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 921 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 920 922 msgid "Retype Password:" 921 923 msgstr "Wiederhole Passwort:" 922 924 923 925 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 926 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 927 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 928 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 929 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 924 930 msgid "Password:" 925 931 msgstr "Passwort:" … … 941 947 msgstr "Any link text" 942 948 943 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 949 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 944 950 msgid "Send email" 945 951 msgstr "Email versenden" … … 980 986 msgstr "Bearbeiten" 981 987 982 #: waeup/ikoba/ 983 msgid "courses registered" 984 msgstr "Kurse registriert" 985 986 #: waeup/ikoba/ 987 msgid "courses validated" 988 msgstr "Kurse validiert" 989 990 #: waeup/ikoba/ 991 msgid "returning" 992 msgstr "rückgemeldet" 993 994 #: waeup/ikoba/ 995 #, fuzzy 996 msgid "graduated" 997 msgstr "neu" 998 999 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1000 #, fuzzy 1001 msgid "transcript requested" 1002 msgstr "Einschreibung beantragt" 1003 1004 #: waeup/ikoba/ 988 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 989 #, fuzzy 990 msgid "Customer record created" 991 msgstr "Student erzeugt" 992 993 #. Default: "" 994 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 995 msgid "State '${a}' set" 996 msgstr "Zustand '${a}' gesetzt" 997 998 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 999 #, fuzzy 1000 msgid "Customer Processor" 1001 msgstr "Prozessor:" 1002 1003 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1004 msgid "Empty search string" 1005 msgstr "Leerer Suchtext" 1006 1007 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1008 msgid "Only year dates allowed (e.g. 2011)." 1009 msgstr "Nur Jafreszahlen erlaubt (z.B. 2011)" 1010 1011 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1012 #, fuzzy 1013 msgid "No customer found." 1014 msgstr "Keinen Datensatz gefunden." 1015 1016 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1017 #, fuzzy 1018 msgid "Manage customer section" 1019 msgstr "Studenten verwalten" 1020 1021 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1022 #, fuzzy 1023 msgid "Add customer" 1024 msgstr "Benutzer hinzufügen" 1025 1026 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1027 #, fuzzy 1028 msgid "Create customer record" 1029 msgstr "Studenten erzeugen" 1030 1031 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1032 #, fuzzy 1033 msgid "Customer record created." 1034 msgstr "Student erzeugt." 1035 1036 #. Default: "" 1037 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1038 msgid "Set temporary password for ${a}" 1039 msgstr "Setze temporäres Passwort für ${a}" 1040 1041 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1042 msgid "Login now" 1043 msgstr "Jetzt einloggen" 1044 1045 #. Default: "" 1046 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1047 #, fuzzy 1048 msgid "Login as ${a}" 1049 msgstr "Kontaktiere ${a}" 1050 1051 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1052 #, fuzzy 1053 msgid "You successfully logged in as customer." 1054 msgstr "Sie haben erfolgreich Ihr Passwort geändert für das" 1055 1056 #. Default: "" 1057 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1058 msgid "${a}: Base Data (account deactivated)" 1059 msgstr "${a}: Basisdaten (Konto gesperrt)" 1060 1061 #. Default: "" 1062 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1063 msgid "${a}: Base Data" 1064 msgstr "${a}: Basisdaten" 1065 1066 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1067 msgid "set" 1068 msgstr "gesetzt" 1069 1070 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1071 msgid "unset" 1072 msgstr "ungesetzt" 1073 1074 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1075 msgid "Manage base data" 1076 msgstr "Basisdaten verwalten" 1077 1078 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1079 #, fuzzy 1080 msgid "Trigger registration transition" 1081 msgstr "Zustandsänderung der Registrierung:" 1082 1083 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1084 msgid "No transition" 1085 msgstr "Keine Änderung" 1086 1087 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1088 #, fuzzy 1089 msgid "Customer account has been activated." 1090 msgstr "Kurseliste wurde validiert." 1091 1092 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1093 #, fuzzy 1094 msgid "Customer account has been deactivated." 1095 msgstr "Kurseliste wurde validiert." 1096 1097 #. Default: "" 1098 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1099 msgid "${a}: History" 1100 msgstr "${a}: Historie" 1101 1102 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1103 msgid "Request password for first-time login" 1104 msgstr "Passwort zum erstmaligen Einloggen beantragen" 1105 1106 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1107 msgid "An error occurred." 1108 msgstr "Es ein Fehler auf." 1109 1110 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1111 #, fuzzy 1112 msgid "No customer record found." 1113 msgstr "Keinen Studenten gefunden." 1114 1115 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1116 msgid "" 1117 "Your password has already been set and used. Please proceed to the login " 1118 "page." 1119 msgstr "" 1120 "Das Passwort wurde bereits gesetzt und benutzt. Bitte gehen Sie zu Login-" 1121 "Seite." 1122 1123 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1124 msgid "Your password request was successful." 1125 msgstr "Ihre Passwortanfrage war erfolgreich." 1126 1127 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1128 #, fuzzy 1129 msgid "Upload files" 1130 msgstr "Datei hochladen" 1131 1132 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1133 msgid "Edit base data" 1134 msgstr "Basisdaten editieren" 1135 1136 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1137 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1138 msgid "Customers" 1139 msgstr "" 1140 1141 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1142 msgid "Change password" 1143 msgstr "Passwort ändern" 1144 1145 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1146 msgid "Password changed." 1147 msgstr "Passwort geändert" 1148 1149 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1150 #, fuzzy 1151 msgid "Find customers" 1152 msgstr "Student hinzufügen" 1153 1154 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1155 #, fuzzy 1156 msgid "Find customer(s)" 1157 msgstr "Student hinzufügen" 1158 1159 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1160 msgid "Select all" 1161 msgstr "Alle auswählen" 1162 1163 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1164 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1165 msgid "with name" 1166 msgstr "mit Name" 1167 1168 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1169 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1170 msgid "with registration number" 1171 msgstr "mit Regsistrierungsnummer" 1172 1173 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1174 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1175 msgid "with deactivated account (search term omitted)" 1176 msgstr "" 1177 1178 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1179 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1180 msgid "who requested transcript (search term omitted)" 1181 msgstr "" 1182 1183 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1184 msgid "Search Results" 1185 msgstr "Suchergebnisse" 1186 1187 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1188 msgid "Reg. Number" 1189 msgstr "Registrierungsnummer" 1190 1191 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1192 msgid "State" 1193 msgstr "Status" 1194 1195 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1196 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1197 msgid "with id" 1198 msgstr "mit Id" 1199 1200 #. Default: "Ikoba is creating a temporary customer password which will replace the original password chosen by the customer. The password will be valid for ${minutes} minutes. The customer can't login during this time period. After expiration the customer can login with the original password again." 1201 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1202 msgid "login_as_intro_1" 1203 msgstr "" 1204 "Kofa erzeugt automatisch ein temporäres Passwort, welches das originale " 1205 "Passwort des Studenten ersetzt. Das Passwort bleibt für ${minutes} Minuten " 1206 "gültig. Während dieser Zeit kann sich der Student nicht einloggen. Nach " 1207 "Verfall des temporären Passworts kann das originale Passwort wieder " 1208 "verwendet werden. " 1209 1210 #. Default: "The random password \"${password}\" has been set. You can proceed by clicking the button below." 1211 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1212 msgid "login_as_intro_2" 1213 msgstr "" 1214 "Das temporäre Passwort \"${password}\" wurde gesetzt. Sie können sich durch " 1215 "Anklicken des Buttons unten jetzt einloggen." 1216 1217 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1218 msgid "" 1219 "Your student record will be looked up and your login credentials will be " 1220 "sent to the email address given above. To be able to proceed you must " 1221 "provide a valid email address!" 1222 msgstr "" 1223 "Wenn Ihr Datensatz gefunden wurde, werden die Zugangsdaten an die zur " 1224 "Verfügung gestellte Emailadresse versendet. Um sich einloggen zu können, " 1225 "müssen Sie somit eine gültige Email-Adresse besitzen!" 1226 1227 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1228 msgid "Please solve the captcha<br />to prevent misuse of this service:" 1229 msgstr "" 1230 "Bitte helfen Sie uns, Missbrauch des Dienstes zu vermeiden, indem Sie das " 1231 "folgende Captcha lösen:" 1232 1233 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1234 msgid "Email could not been sent. Please retry later." 1235 msgstr "" 1236 "Email konnte nicht versendet werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch " 1237 "einmal." 1238 1239 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1240 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1241 #, fuzzy 1242 msgid "Thanks for using Ikoba!" 1243 msgstr "Vielen Dank, dass Sie Kofa verwendet haben!" 1244 1245 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1246 msgid "Your login credentials are:" 1247 msgstr "Ihre Zugangsdaten sind:" 1248 1249 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1250 msgid "User Name:" 1251 msgstr "Benutzername:" 1252 1253 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1254 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1255 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to" 1256 msgstr "" 1257 "EIne Email mit Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihrem Passwort wurde versendet an" 1258 1259 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1260 msgid "Print this page and proceed to the" 1261 msgstr "Drucken Sie diese Seite und gehen Sie zu " 1262 1263 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1264 msgid "" 1265 "Please note that passwords are case-sensitive, <br />when entering your " 1266 "credentials, and keep your password secret!" 1267 msgstr "" 1268 "Bitte achten Sie auf Groß- und Kleinschreibung bei Passwörtern und halten " 1269 "Sie Ihr Passwort geheim." 1270 1271 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1272 msgid "Please check your email account to proceed." 1273 msgstr "Bitte prüfen Sie den Eingang dieser Email und fahren Sie dann fort." 1274 1275 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1276 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1277 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1278 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1279 msgid "File" 1280 msgstr "Datei" 1281 1282 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1283 msgid "Scan" 1284 msgstr "Scan" 1285 1286 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1287 #, fuzzy 1288 msgid "Upload selected file" 1289 msgstr "Neue Datei hochladen" 1290 1291 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1292 msgid "Delete" 1293 msgstr "" 1294 1295 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1296 msgid "No local file selected." 1297 msgstr "Keine lokale Datei ausgewählt." 1298 1299 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1300 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1301 msgid "Passport Picture" 1302 msgstr "Passbild" 1303 1304 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1305 msgid "Passport Picture (jpg only)" 1306 msgstr "Passbild (nur jpg)" 1307 1308 #. Default: "" 1309 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1310 msgid "${a} deleted." 1311 msgstr "${a} gelöscht." 1312 1313 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1314 msgid "Uploaded file is too big." 1315 msgstr "Das hochgeladene Bild ist zu groß!" 1316 1317 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1318 msgid "Could not determine file type." 1319 msgstr "Dateityp konnte nicht ermittelt werden." 1320 1321 #. Default: "" 1322 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1323 msgid "${a} file extension expected." 1324 msgstr "${a} Dateiendung erwartet." 1325 1326 #. Default: "" 1327 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1328 msgid "Only the following extensions are allowed: ${a}" 1329 msgstr "Nur die folgenden Erweiterungen sind erlaubt: ${a}" 1330 1331 #. Default: "" 1332 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1333 msgid "File ${a} uploaded." 1334 msgstr "Datei ${a} hochgeladen." 1335 1336 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1337 msgid "Account suspended" 1338 msgstr "Konto gesperrt" 1339 1340 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1341 #, fuzzy 1342 msgid "Reasons for Deactivation" 1343 msgstr "Response-Beschreibung" 1344 1345 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1346 msgid "" 1347 "This message will be shown if and only if deactivated customers try to login." 1348 msgstr "" 1349 1350 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1351 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1352 msgid "Student Id" 1353 msgstr "Studenten Id" 1354 1355 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1356 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1357 msgid "First Name" 1358 msgstr "Vorname" 1359 1360 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1361 msgid "Middle Name" 1362 msgstr "Zweiter Vorname" 1363 1364 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1365 msgid "Last Name (Surname)" 1366 msgstr "Nachname" 1367 1368 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1369 msgid "Sex" 1370 msgstr "Geschlecht" 1371 1372 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1373 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1374 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1375 msgid "Registration Number" 1376 msgstr "Registrierungsnummer" 1377 1378 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1379 msgid "Email" 1380 msgstr "Emailadresse" 1381 1382 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/ 1383 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1384 msgid "Phone" 1385 msgstr "Telefon" 1386 1387 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1388 msgid "History" 1389 msgstr "Historie" 1390 1391 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1392 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1393 msgid "Base Data" 1394 msgstr "Basisdaten" 1395 1396 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1397 #, fuzzy 1398 msgid "Trigger transition" 1399 msgstr "Keine Änderung" 1400 1401 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1402 #, fuzzy 1403 msgid "Login as customer" 1404 msgstr "nach Studenten" 1405 1406 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1407 msgid "Deactivate account" 1408 msgstr "Deaktiviere Konto" 1409 1410 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1411 msgid "'A history message will be added. Are you sure?'" 1412 msgstr "" 1413 1414 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1415 msgid "Activate account" 1416 msgstr "Aktiviere Konto" 1417 1418 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1419 msgid "My Data" 1420 msgstr "Meine Daten" 1421 1422 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1423 msgid "male" 1424 msgstr "männlich" 1425 1426 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1427 msgid "female" 1428 msgstr "weiblich" 1429 1430 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1431 #, fuzzy 1432 msgid "Create customer" 1433 msgstr "Wohnheim erzeugen" 1434 1435 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1436 #, fuzzy 1437 msgid "Start registration" 1438 msgstr "Kurseregistrierung starten" 1439 1440 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1441 #, fuzzy 1442 msgid "Customer registration started" 1443 msgstr "Kursregistrierung wurde gestartet." 1444 1445 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1446 #, fuzzy 1447 msgid "Request registration" 1448 msgstr "Kurseregistrierung starten" 1449 1450 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1451 #, fuzzy 1452 msgid "Customer registration requested" 1453 msgstr "Kursregistrierung wurde gestartet." 1454 1455 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1456 #, fuzzy 1457 msgid "Approve customer" 1458 msgstr "Zahlung bestätigen" 1459 1460 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1461 #, fuzzy 1462 msgid "Customer registration approved" 1463 msgstr "Kursregistrierungsbeleg" 1464 1465 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1466 #, fuzzy 1467 msgid "Reject customer" 1468 msgstr "Kurseregistrierung zurückweisen" 1469 1470 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1471 #, fuzzy 1472 msgid "Customer registration rejected" 1473 msgstr "Kursregistrierung wurde gestartet." 1474 1475 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1476 #, fuzzy 1477 msgid "Reset customer" 1478 msgstr "Auf 'eingeschrieben' zurücksetzen" 1479 1480 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1481 #, fuzzy 1482 msgid "Reset to initial customer state" 1483 msgstr "Auf 'initialisiert' zurücksetzen" 1484 1485 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1486 #, fuzzy 1487 msgid "Reset to requested" 1488 msgstr "Auf 'eingeschrieben' zurücksetzen" 1489 1490 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1491 #, fuzzy 1492 msgid "Reset to 'requested'" 1493 msgstr "Auf 'eingeschrieben' zurücksetzen" 1494 1495 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1496 msgid "Reset to initial state" 1497 msgstr "Auf 'initialisiert' zurücksetzen" 1498 1499 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1005 1500 msgid "Subject" 1006 1501 msgstr "Fach" 1007 1502 1008 #: waeup/ikoba/ 361503 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1009 1504 msgid "Grade" 1010 1505 msgstr "Note" 1011 1506 1012 #: waeup/ikoba/ 921507 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1013 1508 msgid "Processor name" 1014 1509 msgstr "Prozessorname" 1015 1510 1016 #: waeup/ikoba/ 181511 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1017 1512 msgid "Email Address:" 1018 1513 msgstr "Emailadresse:" 1019 1514 1020 #: waeup/ikoba/ 251515 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1021 1516 msgid "Email to:" 1022 1517 msgstr "Email an:" 1023 1518 1024 #: waeup/ikoba/ 321519 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1025 1520 msgid "Subject:" 1026 1521 msgstr "Betreff:" 1027 1522 1028 #: waeup/ikoba/ 361523 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1029 1524 msgid "Full Name:" 1030 1525 msgstr "Vollständiger Name:" 1031 1526 1032 #: waeup/ikoba/ 401527 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1033 1528 msgid "Text:" 1034 1529 msgstr "Text:" 1035 1530 1036 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 1037 msgid "Phone" 1038 msgstr "Telefon" 1039 1040 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 1531 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 1041 1532 msgid "Public Name" 1042 1533 msgstr "Öffentlicher Name" 1043 1534 1044 #: waeup/ikoba/ 79 waeup/ikoba/ #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 1045 1536 #, fuzzy 1046 1537 msgid "Number of failed logins" 1047 1538 msgstr "Zugangscode-Nummer" 1048 1539 1049 #: waeup/ikoba/ 861540 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1050 1541 msgid "Timestamp" 1051 1542 msgstr "" 1052 1543 1053 #: waeup/ikoba/ 871544 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1054 1545 msgid "Timestamp of last failed login or `None`" 1055 1546 msgstr "" 1056 1547 1057 #: waeup/ikoba/ 161548 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1058 1549 msgid "User Id" 1059 1550 msgstr "Benutzer Id" 1060 1551 1061 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1552 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1553 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1062 1554 msgid "Full Name" 1063 1555 msgstr "Vollständiger Name" 1064 1556 1065 #: waeup/ikoba/ 311557 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1066 1558 msgid "Description/Notice" 1067 1559 msgstr "Beschreibung/Nachricht" 1068 1560 1069 #: waeup/ikoba/ 481561 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1070 1562 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1071 1563 msgid "Portal Roles" 1072 1564 msgstr "Portalweite Rollen:" 1073 1565 1074 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1566 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1567 msgid "new" 1568 msgstr "neu" 1569 1570 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1571 msgid "completed" 1572 msgstr "abgeschlossen" 1573 1574 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1575 msgid "pending" 1576 msgstr "unerledigt" 1577 1578 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1579 msgid "active" 1580 msgstr "aktiv" 1581 1582 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1075 1583 msgid "Name of Company" 1076 1584 msgstr "Name der Universität" 1077 1585 1078 #: waeup/ikoba/ 961586 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1079 1587 msgid "Sample Company" 1080 1588 msgstr "Deomo-Universität" 1081 1589 1082 #: waeup/ikoba/ 6011590 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1083 1591 msgid "Abbreviated Title of Company" 1084 1592 msgstr "Abkürzung" 1085 1593 1086 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1594 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1595 msgid "assigned" 1596 msgstr "zugewiesen" 1597 1598 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1087 1599 msgid "Content in HTML format" 1088 1600 msgstr "Inhalt im HTML-Format" 1089 1601 1090 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1602 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1603 #, fuzzy 1604 msgid "callbacks" 1605 msgstr "Bitte um Rückruf" 1606 1607 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1091 1608 msgid "Name of Administrator" 1092 1609 msgstr "Name des Administrators" 1093 1610 1094 #: waeup/ikoba/ 251611 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1095 1612 msgid "Email Address of Administrator" 1096 1613 msgstr "Emailadresse des Administrators" 1097 1614 1098 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1099 msgid "new" 1100 msgstr "neu" 1101 1102 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1615 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1103 1616 msgid "Subject of Email to Administrator" 1104 1617 msgstr "Betreff der Email an Administrator" 1105 1618 1106 #: waeup/ikoba/ 331619 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1107 1620 #, fuzzy 1108 1621 msgid "Ikoba Contact" 1109 1622 msgstr "Kofa-Kontakt" 1110 1623 1111 #: waeup/ikoba/ 381624 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1112 1625 msgid "SMTP mailer to use when sending mail" 1113 1626 msgstr "SMTP Dienst" 1114 1627 1115 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1116 msgid "completed" 1117 msgstr "abgeschlossen" 1118 1119 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1628 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1120 1629 msgid "Captcha used for public registration pages" 1121 1630 msgstr "Captcha für öffentliche Registrierung" 1122 1631 1123 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1124 msgid "pending" 1125 msgstr "unerledigt" 1126 1127 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1632 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1128 1633 msgid "Period" 1129 1634 msgstr "" 1130 1635 1131 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1132 msgid "active" 1133 msgstr "aktiv" 1134 1135 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1136 msgid "assigned" 1137 msgstr "zugewiesen" 1138 1139 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1636 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1140 1637 msgid "Academic Session" 1141 1638 msgstr "Akademische Session" 1142 1639 1143 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1144 #, fuzzy 1145 msgid "callbacks" 1146 msgstr "Bitte um Rückruf" 1147 1148 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1640 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1149 1641 msgid "created" 1150 1642 msgstr "neu" 1151 1643 1152 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1153 msgid "admitted" 1154 msgstr "zugelassen" 1155 1156 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1157 msgid "clearance started" 1158 msgstr "Einschreibung begonnen" 1159 1160 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1161 msgid "clearance requested" 1644 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1645 msgid "started" 1646 msgstr "begonnen" 1647 1648 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1649 #, fuzzy 1650 msgid "requested" 1162 1651 msgstr "Einschreibung beantragt" 1163 1652 1164 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1165 msgid "cleared" 1166 msgstr "eingeschrieben" 1167 1168 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1169 msgid "school fee paid" 1170 msgstr "Gebühren bezahlt" 1653 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1654 #, fuzzy 1655 msgid "approved" 1656 msgstr "Zahlung bestätigt" 1171 1657 1172 1658 #: waeup/ikoba/mandates/ … … 2266 2752 msgstr "Guernsey" 2267 2753 2268 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 42754 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2269 2755 msgid "" 2270 2756 "Fullname: ${a}\n" … … 2282 2768 "${e}\n" 2283 2769 2284 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2770 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2771 #, fuzzy 2285 2772 msgid "" 2286 2773 "Dear ${a},\n" 2287 2774 "\n" 2288 2775 "${b}\n" 2289 " Student Registration and Information Portal of\n"2776 "Application and Registration Portal of\n" 2290 2777 "${c}.\n" 2291 2778 "\n" … … 2351 2838 msgstr "Ausgewählte Elemente löschen" 2352 2839 2840 #, fuzzy 2841 #~ msgid "Student Data Exports" 2842 #~ msgstr "Studiengangdaten" 2843 2844 #~ msgid "courses registered" 2845 #~ msgstr "Kurse registriert" 2846 2847 #~ msgid "courses validated" 2848 #~ msgstr "Kurse validiert" 2849 2850 #~ msgid "returning" 2851 #~ msgstr "rückgemeldet" 2852 2853 #, fuzzy 2854 #~ msgid "graduated" 2855 #~ msgstr "neu" 2856 2857 #, fuzzy 2858 #~ msgid "transcript requested" 2859 #~ msgstr "Einschreibung beantragt" 2860 2861 #~ msgid "admitted" 2862 #~ msgstr "zugelassen" 2863 2864 #~ msgid "clearance started" 2865 #~ msgstr "Einschreibung begonnen" 2866 2867 #~ msgid "cleared" 2868 #~ msgstr "eingeschrieben" 2869 2870 #~ msgid "school fee paid" 2871 #~ msgstr "Gebühren bezahlt" 2872 2353 2873 #~ msgid "Batch creation cancelled." 2354 2874 #~ msgstr "Zugangscodeerzeugung abgebrochen." … … 2582 3102 #~ msgid "Application record imported" 2583 3103 #~ msgstr "Antragsteller-Datensatz importiert" 2584 2585 #~ msgid "State '${a}' set"2586 #~ msgstr "Zustand '${a}' gesetzt"2587 3104 2588 3105 #~ msgid "The requested form is locked (read-only)." … … 2617 3134 #~ msgstr "Außerhalb des Antragszeitraums." 2618 3135 2619 #~ msgid "An error occurred."2620 #~ msgstr "Es ein Fehler auf."2621 2622 3136 #~ msgid "No application record found." 2623 3137 #~ msgstr "Es wurde kein passender Datensatz gefunden." 2624 2625 #~ msgid ""2626 #~ "Your password has already been set and used. Please proceed to the login "2627 #~ "page."2628 #~ msgstr ""2629 #~ "Das Passwort wurde bereits gesetzt und benutzt. Bitte gehen Sie zu Login-"2630 #~ "Seite."2631 2632 #~ msgid "Empty search string"2633 #~ msgstr "Leerer Suchtext"2634 3138 2635 3139 #~ msgid "You have successfully been registered for the" … … 2715 3219 #~ msgstr "Antragsteller" 2716 3220 2717 #~ msgid "set"2718 #~ msgstr "gesetzt"2719 2720 #~ msgid "unset"2721 #~ msgstr "ungesetzt"2722 2723 3221 #~ msgid "${a} <br /> Application Record ${b}" 2724 3222 #~ msgstr "${a} <br /> Antrag ${b}" … … 2780 3278 #~ msgid "${a} <br /> Application Form ${b}" 2781 3279 #~ msgstr "${a} <br /> Antragsformular ${b}" 2782 2783 #~ msgid "No transition"2784 #~ msgstr "Keine Änderung"2785 3280 2786 3281 #~ msgid "No payment selected." … … 2927 3422 #~ msgstr "Ordner für Antragsteller verwalten" 2928 3423 2929 #~ msgid "Account suspended"2930 #~ msgstr "Konto gesperrt"2931 2932 3424 #~ msgid "Applicant Id" 2933 3425 #~ msgstr "Antragsteller Id" 2934 3426 2935 #~ msgid "Registration Number"2936 #~ msgstr "Registrierungsnummer"2937 2938 #~ msgid "First Name"2939 #~ msgstr "Vorname"2940 2941 #~ msgid "Middle Name"2942 #~ msgstr "Zweiter Vorname"2943 2944 #~ msgid "Last Name (Surname)"2945 #~ msgstr "Nachname"2946 2947 3427 #~ msgid "Date of Birth" 2948 3428 #~ msgstr "Geburtsdatum" 2949 3429 2950 #~ msgid "Sex"2951 #~ msgstr "Geschlecht"2952 2953 3430 #~ msgid "1st Choice Course of Study" 2954 3431 #~ msgstr "Studienfach (1. Wahl)" … … 2960 3437 #~ msgstr "Bemerkung" 2961 3438 2962 #~ msgid "Student Id"2963 #~ msgstr "Studenten Id"2964 2965 3439 #~ msgid "Admitted Course of Study" 2966 3440 #~ msgstr "Zugelassenes Studienfach" … … 2976 3450 #~ msgid "Identification Number" 2977 3451 #~ msgstr "Matrikelnummer" 2978 2979 #~ msgid "Payment approved"2980 #~ msgstr "Zahlung bestätigt"2981 3452 2982 3453 #~ msgid "Successful payment" … … 3041 3512 #~ msgstr "Antrag herunterladen" 3042 3513 3043 #~ msgid "Create student record"3044 #~ msgstr "Studenten erzeugen"3045 3046 3514 #~ msgid "Download payment slip" 3047 3515 #~ msgstr "Quittung herunterladen" 3048 3516 3049 #~ msgid "Approve payment"3050 #~ msgstr "Zahlung bestätigen"3051 3052 3517 #~ msgid "Application" 3053 3518 #~ msgstr "Antragstellung" 3054 3519 3055 #~ msgid "My Data"3056 #~ msgstr "Meine Daten"3057 3058 #~ msgid "Student record created"3059 #~ msgstr "Student erzeugt"3060 3061 3520 #~ msgid "Reset application to started" 3062 3521 #~ msgstr "Antrag zurücksetzen" … … 3079 3538 #~ msgstr "Antrag zurückgesetzt auf 'bezahlt'" 3080 3539 3081 #~ msgid "started"3082 #~ msgstr "begonnen"3083 3084 3540 #~ msgid "paid" 3085 3541 #~ msgstr "bezahlt" … … 3163 3619 3164 3620 #, fuzzy 3165 #~ msgid "Find student(s)"3166 #~ msgstr "Student hinzufügen"3167 3168 #, fuzzy3169 3621 #~ msgid "Find students in " 3170 3622 #~ msgstr "Keinen Studenten gefunden." … … 3240 3692 #~ msgstr "Speichen und zurück" 3241 3693 3242 #, fuzzy3243 #~ msgid "Your account has been temporarily deactivated."3244 #~ msgstr "Kurseliste wurde validiert."3245 3246 #, fuzzy3247 #~ msgid "Your account has been deactivated."3248 #~ msgstr "Kurseliste wurde validiert."3249 3250 3694 #~ msgid "Search Academic Section" 3251 3695 #~ msgstr "Akademie durchsuchen" … … 3295 3739 #~ msgstr "Akademie durchsuchen" 3296 3740 3297 #, fuzzy3298 #~ msgid "Find students"3299 #~ msgstr "Student hinzufügen"3300 3301 3741 #~ msgid "Show students" 3302 3742 #~ msgstr "Studenten zeigen" … … 3325 3765 #~ msgid "Settings have been saved." 3326 3766 #~ msgstr "Einstellungen wurden gespeichert." 3327 3328 #~ msgid "Create hostel"3329 #~ msgstr "Wohnheim erzeugen"3330 3767 3331 3768 #~ msgid "The hostel already exists." … … 3755 4192 #~ msgstr "Leveldaten" 3756 4193 3757 #~ msgid "Course Registration Slip"3758 #~ msgstr "Kursregistrierungsbeleg"3759 3760 4194 #, fuzzy 3761 4195 #~ msgid "1st Semester Courses" … … 3925 4359 #~ msgid "Student relocated: ${a}" 3926 4360 #~ msgstr "Student umgezogen: ${a}" 3927 3928 #~ msgid "${a}: History"3929 #~ msgstr "${a}: Historie"3930 3931 #~ msgid "Edit base data"3932 #~ msgstr "Basisdaten editieren"3933 3934 #~ msgid "Change password"3935 #~ msgstr "Passwort ändern"3936 3937 #~ msgid "Password changed."3938 #~ msgstr "Passwort geändert"3939 4361 3940 4362 #~ msgid "Accommodation" … … 4059 4481 #~ msgstr "Passwort wurde gesetzt. Ihre Studenten Id ist ${a}" 4060 4482 4061 #~ msgid "Request password for first-time login"4062 #~ msgstr "Passwort zum erstmaligen Einloggen beantragen"4063 4064 #~ msgid "No student record found."4065 #~ msgstr "Keinen Studenten gefunden."4066 4067 #~ msgid "Only year dates allowed (e.g. 2011)."4068 #~ msgstr "Nur Jafreszahlen erlaubt (z.B. 2011)"4069 4070 #~ msgid "Your password request was successful."4071 #~ msgstr "Ihre Passwortanfrage war erfolgreich."4072 4073 4483 #~ msgid "Current Session" 4074 4484 #~ msgstr "Aktuelle Session" … … 4091 4501 #~ msgstr "Level" 4092 4502 4093 #~ msgid "Manage student section"4094 #~ msgstr "Studenten verwalten"4095 4096 4503 #, fuzzy 4097 4504 #~ msgid "Current academic session not set." … … 4113 4520 #~ msgstr "Student hinzufügen" 4114 4521 4115 #~ msgid "Student record created."4116 #~ msgstr "Student erzeugt."4117 4118 #~ msgid "Set temporary password for ${a}"4119 #~ msgstr "Setze temporäres Passwort für ${a}"4120 4121 #~ msgid "Login now"4122 #~ msgstr "Jetzt einloggen"4123 4124 #, fuzzy4125 #~ msgid "Login as ${a}"4126 #~ msgstr "Kontaktiere ${a}"4127 4128 #, fuzzy4129 #~ msgid "You successfully logged in as student."4130 #~ msgstr "Sie haben erfolgreich Ihr Passwort geändert für das"4131 4132 #~ msgid "${a}: Base Data (account deactivated)"4133 #~ msgstr "${a}: Basisdaten (Konto gesperrt)"4134 4135 #~ msgid "${a}: Base Data"4136 #~ msgstr "${a}: Basisdaten"4137 4138 4522 #~ msgid "Admission Letter of" 4139 4523 #~ msgstr "Admission Letter von" 4140 4524 4141 #~ msgid "Manage base data"4142 #~ msgstr "Basisdaten verwalten"4143 4144 #, fuzzy4145 #~ msgid "Trigger registration transition"4146 #~ msgstr "Zustandsänderung der Registrierung:"4147 4148 4525 #, fuzzy 4149 4526 #~ msgid "Student account has been activated." … … 4251 4628 #~ msgstr "Scans" 4252 4629 4253 #~ msgid "Select all"4254 #~ msgstr "Alle auswählen"4255 4256 #~ msgid "with name"4257 #~ msgstr "mit Name"4258 4259 #~ msgid "with registration number"4260 #~ msgstr "mit Regsistrierungsnummer"4261 4262 4630 #~ msgid "with matriculation number" 4263 4631 #~ msgstr "mit Matrikelnummer" … … 4269 4637 #~ msgstr "im Studienmodus" 4270 4638 4271 #~ msgid "Search Results"4272 #~ msgstr "Suchergebnisse"4273 4274 #~ msgid "Reg. Number"4275 #~ msgstr "Registrierungsnummer"4276 4277 4639 #~ msgid "Matric. Number" 4278 4640 #~ msgstr "Matrikelnummer" 4279 4641 4280 #~ msgid "State"4281 #~ msgstr "Status"4282 4283 #~ msgid "with id"4284 #~ msgstr "mit Id"4285 4286 4642 #, fuzzy 4287 4643 #~ msgid "Course Level" … … 4307 4663 #~ msgstr "Pflicht" 4308 4664 4309 #~ msgid "login_as_intro_1"4310 #~ msgstr ""4311 #~ "Kofa erzeugt automatisch ein temporäres Passwort, welches das originale "4312 #~ "Passwort des Studenten ersetzt. Das Passwort bleibt für ${minutes} "4313 #~ "Minuten gültig. Während dieser Zeit kann sich der Student nicht "4314 #~ "einloggen. Nach Verfall des temporären Passworts kann das originale "4315 #~ "Passwort wieder verwendet werden. "4316 4317 #~ msgid "login_as_intro_2"4318 #~ msgstr ""4319 #~ "Das temporäre Passwort \"${password}\" wurde gesetzt. Sie können sich "4320 #~ "durch Anklicken des Buttons unten jetzt einloggen."4321 4322 4665 #~ msgid "Category" 4323 4666 #~ msgstr "Kategorie" … … 4328 4671 #~ msgid "Payment Id" 4329 4672 #~ msgstr "Zahlungs-Id" 4330 4331 #~ msgid ""4332 #~ "Your student record will be looked up and your login credentials will be "4333 #~ "sent to the email address given above. To be able to proceed you must "4334 #~ "provide a valid email address!"4335 #~ msgstr ""4336 #~ "Wenn Ihr Datensatz gefunden wurde, werden die Zugangsdaten an die zur "4337 #~ "Verfügung gestellte Emailadresse versendet. Um sich einloggen zu können, "4338 #~ "müssen Sie somit eine gültige Email-Adresse besitzen!"4339 4340 #~ msgid "Please solve the captcha<br />to prevent misuse of this service:"4341 #~ msgstr ""4342 #~ "Bitte helfen Sie uns, Missbrauch des Dienstes zu vermeiden, indem Sie das "4343 #~ "folgende Captcha lösen:"4344 4345 #~ msgid "Email could not been sent. Please retry later."4346 #~ msgstr ""4347 #~ "Email konnte nicht versendet werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch "4348 #~ "einmal."4349 4350 #~ msgid "Thanks for using Kofa!"4351 #~ msgstr "Vielen Dank, dass Sie Kofa verwendet haben!"4352 4353 #~ msgid "Your login credentials are:"4354 #~ msgstr "Ihre Zugangsdaten sind:"4355 4356 #~ msgid "User Name:"4357 #~ msgstr "Benutzername:"4358 4359 #~ msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to"4360 #~ msgstr ""4361 #~ "EIne Email mit Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihrem Passwort wurde versendet an"4362 4363 #~ msgid "Print this page and proceed to the"4364 #~ msgstr "Drucken Sie diese Seite und gehen Sie zu "4365 4366 #~ msgid ""4367 #~ "Please note that passwords are case-sensitive, <br />when entering your "4368 #~ "credentials, and keep your password secret!"4369 #~ msgstr ""4370 #~ "Bitte achten Sie auf Groß- und Kleinschreibung bei Passwörtern und halten "4371 #~ "Sie Ihr Passwort geheim."4372 4373 #~ msgid "Please check your email account to proceed."4374 #~ msgstr "Bitte prüfen Sie den Eingang dieser Email und fahren Sie dann fort."4375 4673 4376 4674 #~ msgid "Access Code:" … … 4509 4807 #~ msgstr "Levels" 4510 4808 4511 #, fuzzy4512 #~ msgid "Reasons for Deactivation"4513 #~ msgstr "Response-Beschreibung"4514 4515 4809 #~ msgid "Matriculation Number" 4516 4810 #~ msgstr "Matrikelnummer" … … 4519 4813 #~ msgstr "PWD-Aktivierungs-Code" 4520 4814 4521 #~ msgid "Email"4522 #~ msgstr "Emailadresse"4523 4524 4815 #~ msgid "Clearance form locked" 4525 4816 #~ msgstr "Einschreibungsformular gesperrt" … … 4719 5010 #~ msgstr "Student erzeugt." 4720 5011 4721 #~ msgid "Base Data"4722 #~ msgstr "Basisdaten"4723 4724 5012 #, fuzzy 4725 5013 #~ msgid "Workflow History" … … 4740 5028 #~ msgstr "Persönliche Daten" 4741 5029 4742 #~ msgid "History"4743 #~ msgstr "Historie"4744 4745 #, fuzzy4746 #~ msgid "Trigger transition"4747 #~ msgstr "Keine Änderung"4748 4749 #, fuzzy4750 #~ msgid "Login as student"4751 #~ msgstr "nach Studenten"4752 4753 5030 #, fuzzy 4754 5031 #~ msgid "Download admission letter" 4755 5032 #~ msgstr "Antrag herunterladen" 4756 5033 4757 #~ msgid "Deactivate account"4758 #~ msgstr "Deaktiviere Konto"4759 4760 #~ msgid "Activate account"4761 #~ msgstr "Aktiviere Konto"4762 4763 5034 #~ msgid "Clear student" 4764 5035 #~ msgstr "Student einschreiben" … … 4777 5048 #~ msgstr "Kurse validieren" 4778 5049 4779 #~ msgid "Reject courses"4780 #~ msgstr "Kurseregistrierung zurückweisen"4781 4782 5050 #~ msgid "Download course registration slip" 4783 5051 #~ msgstr "Kurseregistrierungsbeleg herunterladen" … … 4819 5087 #~ msgstr "Unterkunft" 4820 5088 4821 #~ msgid "${a} deleted."4822 #~ msgstr "${a} gelöscht."4823 4824 #~ msgid "Uploaded file is too big."4825 #~ msgstr "Das hochgeladene Bild ist zu groß!"4826 4827 #~ msgid "Could not determine file type."4828 #~ msgstr "Dateityp konnte nicht ermittelt werden."4829 4830 #~ msgid "${a} file extension expected."4831 #~ msgstr "${a} Dateiendung erwartet."4832 4833 #~ msgid "Only the following extensions are allowed: ${a}"4834 #~ msgstr "Nur die folgenden Erweiterungen sind erlaubt: ${a}"4835 4836 #~ msgid "File ${a} uploaded."4837 #~ msgstr "Datei ${a} hochgeladen."4838 4839 #~ msgid "Scan"4840 #~ msgstr "Scan"4841 4842 #, fuzzy4843 #~ msgid "Upload selected file"4844 #~ msgstr "Neue Datei hochladen"4845 4846 5089 #~ msgid "Application Slip" 4847 5090 #~ msgstr "Antrag" 4848 5091 4849 #~ msgid "No local file selected."4850 #~ msgstr "Keine lokale Datei ausgewählt."4851 4852 #~ msgid "Passport Picture"4853 #~ msgstr "Passbild"4854 4855 #~ msgid "Passport Picture (jpg only)"4856 #~ msgstr "Passbild (nur jpg)"4857 4858 5092 #~ msgid "Birth Certificate" 4859 5093 #~ msgstr "Geburtsurkunde" … … 4877 5111 #~ msgstr "${title} / 2. Wiederholung" 4878 5112 4879 #~ msgid "male"4880 #~ msgstr "männlich"4881 4882 #~ msgid "female"4883 #~ msgstr "weiblich"4884 4885 5113 #~ msgid "Error: wrong level id ${value}" 4886 5114 #~ msgstr "Fehler: falsche level_id ${value}" … … 4889 5117 #~ msgstr "Fehler: level_id ${value} nicht verfügbar" 4890 5118 4891 #~ msgid "Reset to cleared"4892 #~ msgstr "Auf 'eingeschrieben' zurücksetzen"4893 4894 #~ msgid "Reset to 'cleared'"4895 #~ msgstr "Auf 'eingeschrieben' zurücksetzen"4896 4897 5119 #, fuzzy 4898 5120 #~ msgid "School fee payment made" … … 4988 5210 #~ msgid "Reset student" 4989 5211 #~ msgstr "Zurücksetzen" 4990 4991 #~ msgid "Reset to initial state"4992 #~ msgstr "Auf 'initialisiert' zurücksetzen"4993 5212 4994 5213 #~ msgid "Clearance started" … … 5334 5553 #~ msgstr "Describe Score here." 5335 5554 5336 #~ msgid "Upload file"5337 #~ msgstr "Datei hochladen"5338 5339 5555 #~ msgid "Batch processing" 5340 5556 #~ msgstr "Stapelverarbeitung" … … 5425 5641 #~ msgstr "Portalweite Rollen" 5426 5642 5427 #~ msgid "Start course registration"5428 #~ msgstr "Kurseregistrierung starten"5429 5430 5643 #~ msgid "Start course registration now" 5431 5644 #~ msgstr "Kursregistrierung jetzt starten" … … 5434 5647 #~ msgstr "Sie sind im falschen Status." 5435 5648 5436 #~ msgid "Course registration has been started."5437 #~ msgstr "Kursregistrierung wurde gestartet."5438 5439 5649 #~ msgid "File name has no extension." 5440 5650 #~ msgstr "Dateiname hat keine Endung." -
r11954 r11980 15 15 msgstr "" 16 16 "Project-Id-Version: WAeUP.KOFA\n" 17 "POT-Creation-Date: Thu Nov 13 15:09:532014\n"17 "POT-Creation-Date: Mon Nov 17 13:28:06 2014\n" 18 18 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-13 14:47+0100\n" 19 19 "Last-Translator: Henrik Bettermann <>\n" … … 35 35 msgstr "" 36 36 37 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3837 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 38 38 msgid "Administration" 39 39 msgstr "" … … 44 44 msgstr "" 45 45 46 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48546 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 47 47 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48 48 msgid "Portal Users" 49 49 msgstr "" 50 50 51 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3052 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 25waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 52 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 53 53 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54 54 msgid "Data Center" … … 60 60 msgstr "" 61 61 62 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "Student Data Exports"64 msgstr ""65 66 62 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 67 63 msgid "Home" … … 76 72 msgstr "" 77 73 78 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/ 79 #: waeup/ikoba/ 74 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 75 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/ 76 #: waeup/ikoba/ 80 77 msgid "Email Address" 81 78 msgstr "" 82 79 83 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 180 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 84 81 msgid "Are you sure?" 85 82 msgstr "" 86 83 87 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 88 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 89 msgid "Process CSV file" 84 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 85 msgid "Only csv files are allowed." 86 msgstr "" 87 88 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 89 msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier." 90 msgstr "" 91 92 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 93 msgid "" 94 "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First " 95 "problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace." 90 96 msgstr "" 91 97 … … 95 101 msgstr "" 96 102 97 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 103 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 104 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 105 msgid "Process CSV file" 106 msgstr "" 107 108 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 98 109 msgid "Back to step 1" 99 110 msgstr "" 100 111 101 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 36112 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 102 113 msgid "Proceed to step 3" 103 114 msgstr "" 104 115 105 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 179116 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 106 117 msgid "Double headers: each column name may only appear once. " 107 118 msgstr "" 108 119 109 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 187120 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 110 121 msgid "Replace imported file!" 111 122 msgstr "" 112 123 113 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 114 125 msgid "Import aborted." 115 126 msgstr "" 116 127 117 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12128 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 118 129 msgid "Update mode only!" 119 130 msgstr "" 120 131 121 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 132 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 133 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 134 msgid "No item selected." 135 msgstr "" 136 137 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 122 138 msgid "Reset" 123 139 msgstr "" 124 140 125 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 39141 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 126 142 msgid "Set headerfields" 127 143 msgstr "" 128 144 129 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 40145 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 130 146 msgid "Back to step 2" 131 147 msgstr "" 132 148 133 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 41149 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 134 150 msgid "Perform import" 135 151 msgstr "" 136 152 137 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 138 msgid "No item selected." 139 msgstr "" 140 141 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 153 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 142 154 msgid "Edit headers or replace imported file!" 143 155 msgstr "" 144 156 145 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49157 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 146 158 msgid "Process next" 147 159 msgstr "" 148 160 149 161 #. Default: "" 150 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 399162 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 151 163 msgid "Processing of ${a} rows failed." 152 164 msgstr "" 153 165 154 166 #. Default: "" 155 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01167 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 156 168 msgid "Successfully processed ${a} rows." 157 169 msgstr "" 158 170 159 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 09171 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 160 172 msgid "Show logfiles" 161 173 msgstr "" 162 174 163 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12175 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 164 176 msgid "Show" 165 177 msgstr "" 166 178 167 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 168 180 msgid "Search" 169 181 msgstr "" 170 182 171 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 29183 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 172 184 msgid "Enter a regular expression here..." 173 185 msgstr "" 174 186 175 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 187 #. Default: "" 188 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 189 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 190 msgstr "" 191 192 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 176 193 msgid "Log files can only be searched on Unix-based operating systems." 177 194 msgstr "" 178 195 179 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 52196 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 180 197 msgid "Invalid search expression." 181 198 msgstr "" 182 199 183 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55200 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 184 201 msgid "No search results found." 185 202 msgstr "" 186 203 187 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 63204 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 188 205 msgid "Edit data center settings" 189 206 msgstr "" 190 207 191 208 #. Default: "" 192 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 193 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 194 msgstr "" 195 196 #. Default: "" 197 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 209 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 198 210 msgid "File already existed (not copied): ${a}" 199 211 msgstr "" 200 212 201 213 #. Default: "" 202 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486214 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 203 215 msgid "Given storage path cannot be used. ${a}" 204 216 msgstr "" 205 217 206 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 490218 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 207 219 msgid "New storage path succefully set." 208 220 msgstr "" 209 221 210 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 02222 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 211 223 msgid "Download portal data as CSV file" 212 224 msgstr "" 213 225 214 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 04226 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 215 227 msgid "Create CSV file" 216 228 msgstr "" 217 229 218 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30230 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 219 231 msgid "Discarded export" 220 232 msgstr "" 221 233 222 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 574234 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 223 235 msgid "Send me a new password" 224 236 msgstr "" 225 237 226 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01238 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 227 239 msgid "Send login credentials to email address" 228 240 msgstr "" 229 241 230 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12242 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 231 243 msgid "No record found." 232 244 msgstr "" 233 245 234 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 26246 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 235 247 msgid "You have successfully requested a password for the" 236 248 msgstr "" 237 249 238 250 #. Default: "" 239 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30251 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 240 252 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to ${a}." 241 253 msgstr "" 242 254 243 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 255 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 244 256 msgid "Form has been saved." 245 257 msgstr "" … … 247 259 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 248 260 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 249 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 250 262 msgid "Login" 251 263 msgstr "" 252 264 253 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 68265 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 254 266 msgid "You logged in." 255 267 msgstr "" 256 268 257 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 258 msgid "Your personal data record is outdated. Please update." 259 msgstr "" 260 261 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 269 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 270 msgid "Your account has been temporarily deactivated." 271 msgstr "" 272 273 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 274 msgid "Your account has been deactivated." 275 msgstr "" 276 277 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 262 278 msgid "You entered invalid credentials." 263 279 msgstr "" 264 280 265 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01281 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 266 282 msgid "You have been logged out. Thanks for using WAeUP Ikoba!" 267 283 msgstr "" 268 284 269 285 #. Default: "" 270 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 43286 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 271 287 msgid "Contact ${a}" 272 288 msgstr "" 273 289 274 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 275 291 msgid "Send message now" 276 292 msgstr "" 277 293 278 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 368 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46294 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 295 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 280 296 msgid "Your message has been sent." 281 297 msgstr "" 282 298 283 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 388299 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 284 300 msgid "Send now" 285 301 msgstr "" 286 302 287 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 03303 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 288 304 msgid "A smtp server error occurred." 289 305 msgstr "" 290 306 291 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28307 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 292 308 msgid "<h1>Welcome to WAeUP.Ikoba</h1>" 293 309 msgstr "" 294 310 295 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486311 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 296 312 msgid "Manage" 297 313 msgstr "" 298 314 299 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 487waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 300 316 msgid "Remove" 301 317 msgstr "" 302 318 303 319 #. Default: "" 304 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 494320 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 305 321 msgid "User account ${a} successfully deleted." 306 322 msgstr "" 307 323 308 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 31 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 309 325 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 310 326 msgid "Add user" … … 312 328 313 329 #. Default: "" 314 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55330 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 315 331 msgid "User account ${a} successfully added." 316 332 msgstr "" 317 333 318 334 #. Default: "" 319 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 576335 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 320 336 msgid "Edit user ${a}" 321 337 msgstr "" 322 338 323 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 324 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 325 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 339 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 340 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 341 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 342 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 343 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 326 344 msgid "Save" 327 345 msgstr "" 328 346 329 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 10347 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 330 348 msgid "User settings have been saved." 331 349 msgstr "" 332 350 333 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 13 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 37351 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 352 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 353 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 336 354 msgid "Cancel" 337 355 msgstr "" 338 356 339 357 #. Default: "" 340 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27358 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 341 359 msgid "Send message to ${a}" 342 360 msgstr "" 343 361 344 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 345 363 msgid "My Preferences" 346 364 msgstr "" 347 365 348 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 669waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 349 367 msgid "My Roles" 350 368 msgstr "" 351 369 352 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00370 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 353 371 msgid "View portal configuration" 354 372 msgstr "" 355 373 356 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 14374 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 357 375 msgid "Edit portal configuration" 358 376 msgstr "" 359 377 360 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 15 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 361 379 msgid "Update plugins" 362 380 msgstr "" 363 381 364 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 771382 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 383 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 366 384 msgid "Add session configuration" 367 385 msgstr "" 368 386 369 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 18 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 33387 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 388 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 371 389 msgid "Remove selected" 372 390 msgstr "" 373 391 374 392 #. Default: "" 375 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46393 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 376 394 msgid "Session ${a} Configuration" 377 395 msgstr "" 378 396 379 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56397 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 380 398 msgid "For experts only!" 381 399 msgstr "" 382 400 383 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57401 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 384 402 msgid "" 385 403 "Plugins may only be updated after software upgrades. Are you really sure?" 386 404 msgstr "" 387 405 388 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 62406 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 389 407 msgid "Plugins were updated. See log file for details." 390 408 msgstr "" 391 409 392 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 775410 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 393 411 msgid "Add Session Configuration" 394 412 msgstr "" 395 413 396 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 786414 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 397 415 msgid "The session chosen already exists." 398 416 msgstr "" 399 417 400 418 #. Default: "" 401 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 08419 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 402 420 msgid "Edit academic session ${a} configuration" 403 421 msgstr "" 404 422 405 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 50423 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 406 424 msgid "OSError: The file could not be deleted." 407 425 msgstr "" 408 426 409 427 #. Default: "" 410 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54428 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 411 429 msgid "Successfully deleted: ${a}" 412 430 msgstr "" 413 431 414 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 65432 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 415 433 msgid "Processed Files" 416 434 msgstr "" 417 435 418 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 867 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05436 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 437 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 438 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 439 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 422 440 msgid "Back to Data Center" 423 441 msgstr "" 424 442 425 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 879443 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 426 444 msgid "Upload portal data as CSV file" 427 445 msgstr "" 428 446 429 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 882447 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 430 448 msgid "Upload" 431 449 msgstr "" … … 435 453 msgstr "" 436 454 437 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 22455 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 438 456 msgid "Import Manager" 439 457 msgstr "" 440 458 441 459 #. Default: "" 442 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 24460 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 443 461 msgid "${a}: ${b} uploaded" 444 462 msgstr "" 445 463 446 464 #. Default: "" 447 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28465 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 448 466 msgid "" 449 467 "File: ${a}\n" … … 457 475 msgstr "" 458 476 459 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 47477 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 460 478 msgid "All import managers have been notified by email." 461 479 msgstr "" 462 480 463 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 481 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 482 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 464 483 msgid "An smtp server error occurred." 465 484 msgstr "" 466 485 467 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57486 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 468 487 msgid "Maximum number of files in the data center exceeded." 469 msgstr ""470 471 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "Only csv files are allowed."473 msgstr ""474 475 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier."477 msgstr ""478 479 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid ""481 "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First "482 "problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace."483 488 msgstr "" 484 489 … … 537 542 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 538 543 msgid "" 539 "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data except student data."540 " Please pick the type of objects you want to export from the selection below."541 " The file will be generated and then be made available for you to download in"542 " the table below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after"543 " generation. Thedownload link disappears afterwards."544 "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data. Please pick the " 545 "type of objects you want to export from the selection below. The file will " 546 "be generated and then be made available for you to download in the table " 547 "below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after generation. The " 548 "download link disappears afterwards." 544 549 msgstr "" 545 550 … … 585 590 "Find below the last ${count} imports. The files contain the imported " 586 591 "datasets." 587 msgstr ""588 589 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ msgid "File"593 592 msgstr "" 594 593 … … 776 775 msgstr "" 777 776 778 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your studentaccount <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>."777 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>." 779 778 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 780 779 msgid "login_trouble2" 781 780 msgstr "" 782 781 783 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Inititialize your studentaccount <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>."782 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>." 784 783 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 785 784 msgid "login_trouble4" 786 785 msgstr "" 787 786 788 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your student id, application id orpassword? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>."787 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your customer id password? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>." 789 788 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 790 789 msgid "login_trouble3" … … 840 839 841 840 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 842 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 843 842 msgid "Contact" 844 843 msgstr "" 845 844 846 845 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 847 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 848 847 msgid "Logout" 849 848 msgstr "" 850 849 851 850 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 852 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Student ManagementSystem"851 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 852 msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Application and Registration System" 854 853 msgstr "" 855 854 856 855 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 856 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 857 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 857 858 msgid "Retype Password:" 858 859 msgstr "" 859 860 860 861 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 862 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 863 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 864 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 865 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 861 866 msgid "Password:" 862 867 msgstr "" … … 878 883 msgstr "" 879 884 880 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 885 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 881 886 msgid "Send email" 882 887 msgstr "" … … 914 919 msgstr "" 915 920 916 #: waeup/ikoba/ 917 msgid "courses registered" 918 msgstr "" 919 920 #: waeup/ikoba/ 921 msgid "courses validated" 922 msgstr "" 923 924 #: waeup/ikoba/ 925 msgid "returning" 926 msgstr "" 927 928 #: waeup/ikoba/ 929 msgid "graduated" 930 msgstr "" 931 932 #: waeup/ikoba/ 933 msgid "transcript requested" 934 msgstr "" 935 936 #: waeup/ikoba/ 921 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 922 msgid "Customer record created" 923 msgstr "" 924 925 #. Default: "" 926 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 927 msgid "State '${a}' set" 928 msgstr "" 929 930 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 931 msgid "Customer Processor" 932 msgstr "" 933 934 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 935 msgid "Empty search string" 936 msgstr "" 937 938 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 939 msgid "Only year dates allowed (e.g. 2011)." 940 msgstr "" 941 942 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 943 msgid "No customer found." 944 msgstr "" 945 946 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 947 msgid "Manage customer section" 948 msgstr "" 949 950 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 951 msgid "Add customer" 952 msgstr "" 953 954 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 955 msgid "Create customer record" 956 msgstr "" 957 958 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 959 msgid "Customer record created." 960 msgstr "" 961 962 #. Default: "" 963 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 964 msgid "Set temporary password for ${a}" 965 msgstr "" 966 967 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 968 msgid "Login now" 969 msgstr "" 970 971 #. Default: "" 972 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 973 msgid "Login as ${a}" 974 msgstr "" 975 976 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 977 msgid "You successfully logged in as customer." 978 msgstr "" 979 980 #. Default: "" 981 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 982 msgid "${a}: Base Data (account deactivated)" 983 msgstr "" 984 985 #. Default: "" 986 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 987 msgid "${a}: Base Data" 988 msgstr "" 989 990 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 991 msgid "set" 992 msgstr "" 993 994 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 995 msgid "unset" 996 msgstr "" 997 998 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 999 msgid "Manage base data" 1000 msgstr "" 1001 1002 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1003 msgid "Trigger registration transition" 1004 msgstr "" 1005 1006 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1007 msgid "No transition" 1008 msgstr "" 1009 1010 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1011 msgid "Customer account has been activated." 1012 msgstr "" 1013 1014 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1015 msgid "Customer account has been deactivated." 1016 msgstr "" 1017 1018 #. Default: "" 1019 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1020 msgid "${a}: History" 1021 msgstr "" 1022 1023 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1024 msgid "Request password for first-time login" 1025 msgstr "" 1026 1027 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1028 msgid "An error occurred." 1029 msgstr "" 1030 1031 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1032 msgid "No customer record found." 1033 msgstr "" 1034 1035 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1036 msgid "" 1037 "Your password has already been set and used. Please proceed to the login " 1038 "page." 1039 msgstr "" 1040 1041 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1042 msgid "Your password request was successful." 1043 msgstr "" 1044 1045 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1046 msgid "Upload files" 1047 msgstr "" 1048 1049 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1050 msgid "Edit base data" 1051 msgstr "" 1052 1053 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1054 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1055 msgid "Customers" 1056 msgstr "" 1057 1058 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1059 msgid "Change password" 1060 msgstr "" 1061 1062 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1063 msgid "Password changed." 1064 msgstr "" 1065 1066 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1067 msgid "Find customers" 1068 msgstr "" 1069 1070 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1071 msgid "Find customer(s)" 1072 msgstr "" 1073 1074 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1075 msgid "Select all" 1076 msgstr "" 1077 1078 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1079 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1080 msgid "with name" 1081 msgstr "" 1082 1083 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1084 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1085 msgid "with registration number" 1086 msgstr "" 1087 1088 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1089 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1090 msgid "with deactivated account (search term omitted)" 1091 msgstr "" 1092 1093 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1094 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1095 msgid "who requested transcript (search term omitted)" 1096 msgstr "" 1097 1098 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1099 msgid "Search Results" 1100 msgstr "" 1101 1102 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1103 msgid "Reg. Number" 1104 msgstr "" 1105 1106 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1107 msgid "State" 1108 msgstr "" 1109 1110 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1111 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1112 msgid "with id" 1113 msgstr "" 1114 1115 #. Default: "Ikoba is creating a temporary customer password which will replace the original password chosen by the customer. The password will be valid for ${minutes} minutes. The customer can't login during this time period. After expiration the customer can login with the original password again." 1116 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1117 msgid "login_as_intro_1" 1118 msgstr "" 1119 1120 #. Default: "The random password \"${password}\" has been set. You can proceed by clicking the button below." 1121 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1122 msgid "login_as_intro_2" 1123 msgstr "" 1124 1125 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1126 msgid "" 1127 "Your student record will be looked up and your login credentials will be " 1128 "sent to the email address given above. To be able to proceed you must " 1129 "provide a valid email address!" 1130 msgstr "" 1131 1132 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1133 msgid "Please solve the captcha<br />to prevent misuse of this service:" 1134 msgstr "" 1135 1136 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1137 msgid "Email could not been sent. Please retry later." 1138 msgstr "" 1139 1140 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1141 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1142 msgid "Thanks for using Ikoba!" 1143 msgstr "" 1144 1145 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1146 msgid "Your login credentials are:" 1147 msgstr "" 1148 1149 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1150 msgid "User Name:" 1151 msgstr "" 1152 1153 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1154 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1155 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to" 1156 msgstr "" 1157 1158 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1159 msgid "Print this page and proceed to the" 1160 msgstr "" 1161 1162 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1163 msgid "" 1164 "Please note that passwords are case-sensitive, <br />when entering your " 1165 "credentials, and keep your password secret!" 1166 msgstr "" 1167 1168 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1169 msgid "Please check your email account to proceed." 1170 msgstr "" 1171 1172 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1173 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1174 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1175 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1176 msgid "File" 1177 msgstr "" 1178 1179 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1180 msgid "Scan" 1181 msgstr "" 1182 1183 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1184 msgid "Upload selected file" 1185 msgstr "" 1186 1187 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1188 msgid "Delete" 1189 msgstr "" 1190 1191 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1192 msgid "No local file selected." 1193 msgstr "" 1194 1195 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1196 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1197 msgid "Passport Picture" 1198 msgstr "" 1199 1200 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1201 msgid "Passport Picture (jpg only)" 1202 msgstr "" 1203 1204 #. Default: "" 1205 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1206 msgid "${a} deleted." 1207 msgstr "" 1208 1209 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1210 msgid "Uploaded file is too big." 1211 msgstr "" 1212 1213 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1214 msgid "Could not determine file type." 1215 msgstr "" 1216 1217 #. Default: "" 1218 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1219 msgid "${a} file extension expected." 1220 msgstr "" 1221 1222 #. Default: "" 1223 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1224 msgid "Only the following extensions are allowed: ${a}" 1225 msgstr "" 1226 1227 #. Default: "" 1228 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1229 msgid "File ${a} uploaded." 1230 msgstr "" 1231 1232 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1233 msgid "Account suspended" 1234 msgstr "" 1235 1236 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1237 msgid "Reasons for Deactivation" 1238 msgstr "" 1239 1240 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1241 msgid "" 1242 "This message will be shown if and only if deactivated customers try to login." 1243 msgstr "" 1244 1245 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1246 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1247 msgid "Student Id" 1248 msgstr "" 1249 1250 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1251 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1252 msgid "First Name" 1253 msgstr "" 1254 1255 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1256 msgid "Middle Name" 1257 msgstr "" 1258 1259 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1260 msgid "Last Name (Surname)" 1261 msgstr "" 1262 1263 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1264 msgid "Sex" 1265 msgstr "" 1266 1267 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1268 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1269 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1270 msgid "Registration Number" 1271 msgstr "" 1272 1273 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1274 msgid "Email" 1275 msgstr "" 1276 1277 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/ 1278 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1279 msgid "Phone" 1280 msgstr "" 1281 1282 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1283 msgid "History" 1284 msgstr "" 1285 1286 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1287 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1288 msgid "Base Data" 1289 msgstr "" 1290 1291 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1292 msgid "Trigger transition" 1293 msgstr "" 1294 1295 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1296 msgid "Login as customer" 1297 msgstr "" 1298 1299 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1300 msgid "Deactivate account" 1301 msgstr "" 1302 1303 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1304 msgid "'A history message will be added. Are you sure?'" 1305 msgstr "" 1306 1307 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1308 msgid "Activate account" 1309 msgstr "" 1310 1311 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1312 msgid "My Data" 1313 msgstr "" 1314 1315 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1316 msgid "male" 1317 msgstr "" 1318 1319 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1320 msgid "female" 1321 msgstr "" 1322 1323 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1324 msgid "Create customer" 1325 msgstr "" 1326 1327 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1328 msgid "Start registration" 1329 msgstr "" 1330 1331 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1332 msgid "Customer registration started" 1333 msgstr "" 1334 1335 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1336 msgid "Request registration" 1337 msgstr "" 1338 1339 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1340 msgid "Customer registration requested" 1341 msgstr "" 1342 1343 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1344 msgid "Approve customer" 1345 msgstr "" 1346 1347 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1348 msgid "Customer registration approved" 1349 msgstr "" 1350 1351 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1352 msgid "Reject customer" 1353 msgstr "" 1354 1355 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1356 msgid "Customer registration rejected" 1357 msgstr "" 1358 1359 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1360 msgid "Reset customer" 1361 msgstr "" 1362 1363 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1364 msgid "Reset to initial customer state" 1365 msgstr "" 1366 1367 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1368 msgid "Reset to requested" 1369 msgstr "" 1370 1371 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1372 msgid "Reset to 'requested'" 1373 msgstr "" 1374 1375 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1376 msgid "Reset to initial state" 1377 msgstr "" 1378 1379 #: waeup/ikoba/ 937 1380 msgid "Subject" 938 1381 msgstr "" 939 1382 940 #: waeup/ikoba/ 361383 #: waeup/ikoba/ 941 1384 msgid "Grade" 942 1385 msgstr "" 943 1386 944 #: waeup/ikoba/ 921387 #: waeup/ikoba/ 945 1388 msgid "Processor name" 946 1389 msgstr "" 947 1390 948 #: waeup/ikoba/ 181391 #: waeup/ikoba/ 949 1392 msgid "Email Address:" 950 1393 msgstr "" 951 1394 1395 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1396 msgid "Email to:" 1397 msgstr "" 1398 1399 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1400 msgid "Subject:" 1401 msgstr "" 1402 1403 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1404 msgid "Full Name:" 1405 msgstr "" 1406 952 1407 #: waeup/ikoba/ 953 msgid "Email to:"954 msgstr ""955 956 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Subject:"958 msgstr ""959 960 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Full Name:"962 msgstr ""963 964 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1408 msgid "Text:" 966 1409 msgstr "" 967 1410 968 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 969 msgid "Phone" 970 msgstr "" 971 972 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 1411 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 973 1412 msgid "Public Name" 974 1413 msgstr "" 975 1414 976 #: waeup/ikoba/ 79 waeup/ikoba/ #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 977 1416 msgid "Number of failed logins" 978 1417 msgstr "" 979 1418 980 #: waeup/ikoba/ 861419 #: waeup/ikoba/ 981 1420 msgid "Timestamp" 982 1421 msgstr "" 983 1422 984 #: waeup/ikoba/ 871423 #: waeup/ikoba/ 985 1424 msgid "Timestamp of last failed login or `None`" 986 1425 msgstr "" 987 1426 1427 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1428 msgid "User Id" 1429 msgstr "" 1430 1431 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1432 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1433 msgid "Full Name" 1434 msgstr "" 1435 988 1436 #: waeup/ikoba/ 989 msgid "User Id"990 msgstr ""991 992 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Full Name"994 msgstr ""995 996 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1437 msgid "Description/Notice" 998 1438 msgstr "" 999 1439 1000 #: waeup/ikoba/ 481440 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1001 1441 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1002 1442 msgid "Portal Roles" 1003 1443 msgstr "" 1004 1444 1005 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1445 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1446 msgid "new" 1447 msgstr "" 1448 1449 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1450 msgid "completed" 1451 msgstr "" 1452 1453 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1454 msgid "pending" 1455 msgstr "" 1456 1457 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1458 msgid "active" 1459 msgstr "" 1460 1461 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1006 1462 msgid "Name of Company" 1007 1463 msgstr "" 1008 1464 1009 #: waeup/ikoba/ 961465 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1010 1466 msgid "Sample Company" 1011 1467 msgstr "" 1012 1468 1013 #: waeup/ikoba/ 6011469 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1014 1470 msgid "Abbreviated Title of Company" 1015 1471 msgstr "" 1016 1472 1017 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1473 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1474 msgid "assigned" 1475 msgstr "" 1476 1477 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1018 1478 msgid "Content in HTML format" 1019 1479 msgstr "" 1020 1480 1021 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1481 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1482 msgid "callbacks" 1483 msgstr "" 1484 1485 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1022 1486 msgid "Name of Administrator" 1023 1487 msgstr "" 1024 1488 1025 #: waeup/ikoba/ 251489 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1026 1490 msgid "Email Address of Administrator" 1027 1491 msgstr "" 1028 1492 1029 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1030 msgid "new" 1031 msgstr "" 1032 1033 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1493 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1034 1494 msgid "Subject of Email to Administrator" 1035 1495 msgstr "" 1036 1496 1037 #: waeup/ikoba/ 331497 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1038 1498 msgid "Ikoba Contact" 1039 1499 msgstr "" 1040 1500 1041 #: waeup/ikoba/ 381501 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1042 1502 msgid "SMTP mailer to use when sending mail" 1043 1503 msgstr "" 1044 1504 1045 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1046 msgid "completed" 1047 msgstr "" 1048 1049 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1505 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1050 1506 msgid "Captcha used for public registration pages" 1051 1507 msgstr "" 1052 1508 1053 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1054 msgid "pending" 1055 msgstr "" 1056 1057 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1509 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1058 1510 msgid "Period" 1059 1511 msgstr "" 1060 1512 1061 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1062 msgid "active" 1063 msgstr "" 1064 1065 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1066 msgid "assigned" 1067 msgstr "" 1068 1069 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1513 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1070 1514 msgid "Academic Session" 1071 1515 msgstr "" 1072 1516 1073 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1074 msgid "callbacks" 1075 msgstr "" 1076 1077 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1517 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1078 1518 msgid "created" 1079 1519 msgstr "" 1080 1520 1081 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1082 msgid "admitted" 1083 msgstr "" 1084 1085 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1086 msgid "clearance started" 1087 msgstr "" 1088 1089 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1090 msgid "clearance requested" 1091 msgstr "" 1092 1093 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1094 msgid "cleared" 1095 msgstr "" 1096 1097 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1098 msgid "school fee paid" 1521 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1522 msgid "started" 1523 msgstr "" 1524 1525 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1526 msgid "requested" 1527 msgstr "" 1528 1529 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1530 msgid "approved" 1099 1531 msgstr "" 1100 1532 … … 2192 2624 msgstr "" 2193 2625 2194 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 42626 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2195 2627 msgid "" 2196 2628 "Fullname: ${a}\n" … … 2202 2634 msgstr "" 2203 2635 2204 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 62636 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2205 2637 msgid "" 2206 2638 "Dear ${a},\n" 2207 2639 "\n" 2208 2640 "${b}\n" 2209 " Student Registration and Information Portal of\n"2641 "Application and Registration Portal of\n" 2210 2642 "${c}.\n" 2211 2643 "\n" -
r11954 r11980 15 15 msgstr "" 16 16 "Project-Id-Version: WAeUP.Kofa\n" 17 "POT-Creation-Date: Thu Nov 13 15:09:532014\n"17 "POT-Creation-Date: Mon Nov 17 13:28:06 2014\n" 18 18 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-13 14:49+0100\n" 19 19 "Last-Translator: Henrik Bettermann <>\n" … … 35 35 msgstr "Paramètres du portail" 36 36 37 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3837 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 38 38 msgid "Administration" 39 39 msgstr "Administration" … … 44 44 msgstr "Configuration du portail" 45 45 46 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48546 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 47 47 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48 48 msgid "Portal Users" 49 49 msgstr "Les utilisateurs du portail" 50 50 51 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3052 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 25waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 52 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 53 53 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54 54 msgid "Data Center" … … 61 61 msgstr "Réimporter" 62 62 63 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ #, fuzzy65 msgid "Student Data Exports"66 msgstr "Cours d' étude"67 68 63 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 69 64 msgid "Home" … … 78 73 msgstr "" 79 74 80 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/ 81 #: waeup/ikoba/ 75 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 76 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/ 77 #: waeup/ikoba/ 82 78 msgid "Email Address" 83 79 msgstr "Adresse email" 84 80 85 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 181 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 86 82 msgid "Are you sure?" 87 83 msgstr "" 88 84 89 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 90 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 91 msgid "Process CSV file" 92 msgstr "Traitement fichier CSV" 85 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 86 #, fuzzy 87 msgid "Only csv files are allowed." 88 msgstr "Actuellement aucun de fichier journal n’est valable" 89 90 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 91 msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier." 92 msgstr "" 93 94 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 95 msgid "" 96 "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First " 97 "problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace." 98 msgstr "" 93 99 94 100 #. Default: "" … … 97 103 msgstr "Role local supprimé avec success: ${a}" 98 104 99 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 105 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 106 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 107 msgid "Process CSV file" 108 msgstr "Traitement fichier CSV" 109 110 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 100 111 msgid "Back to step 1" 101 112 msgstr "Retour à l’étape 1" 102 113 103 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 36114 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 104 115 msgid "Proceed to step 3" 105 116 msgstr "Passer à l’étape 3" 106 117 107 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 179118 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 108 119 msgid "Double headers: each column name may only appear once. " 109 120 msgstr "" 110 121 "Deux en-têtes: chaque nom de colonne doit apparaître qu’une seule fois." 111 122 112 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 187123 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 113 124 msgid "Replace imported file!" 114 125 msgstr "Remplacer le fichier importé!" 115 126 116 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 117 128 msgid "Import aborted." 118 129 msgstr "Importation échouée." 119 130 120 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12131 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 121 132 msgid "Update mode only!" 122 133 msgstr "Mettre à jour mode seulement!" 123 134 124 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 135 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 136 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 137 msgid "No item selected." 138 msgstr "Aucun element sélectionné." 139 140 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 125 141 msgid "Reset" 126 142 msgstr "Réinitialiser" 127 143 128 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 39144 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 129 145 msgid "Set headerfields" 130 146 msgstr "Mettre l’en-tête des champ" 131 147 132 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 40148 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 133 149 msgid "Back to step 2" 134 150 msgstr "Retour à l’étape 2" 135 151 136 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 41152 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 137 153 msgid "Perform import" 138 154 msgstr "Effectuer l’importation" 139 155 140 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 141 msgid "No item selected." 142 msgstr "Aucun element sélectionné." 143 144 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 156 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 145 157 msgid "Edit headers or replace imported file!" 146 158 msgstr "Editer les en-têtes ou remplacer le fichier importé" 147 159 148 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49160 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 149 161 #, fuzzy 150 162 msgid "Process next" … … 152 164 153 165 #. Default: "" 154 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 399166 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 155 167 msgid "Processing of ${a} rows failed." 156 168 msgstr "Traitement des ${a} lignes erronées." 157 169 158 170 #. Default: "" 159 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01171 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 160 172 msgid "Successfully processed ${a} rows." 161 173 msgstr "${a} lignes traitées avec succès." 162 174 163 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 09175 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 164 176 msgid "Show logfiles" 165 177 msgstr "Afficher les journaux " 166 178 167 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12179 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 168 180 msgid "Show" 169 181 msgstr "Afficher" 170 182 171 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 172 184 msgid "Search" 173 185 msgstr "Recherche " 174 186 175 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 29187 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 176 188 msgid "Enter a regular expression here..." 177 189 msgstr "" 178 190 179 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 191 #. Default: "" 192 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 193 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 194 msgstr "Supprimer avec succès: ${a}" 195 196 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 180 197 msgid "Log files can only be searched on Unix-based operating systems." 181 198 msgstr "" … … 183 200 "d’exploitation basés sur l’Unix." 184 201 185 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 52202 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 186 203 msgid "Invalid search expression." 187 204 msgstr "" 188 205 189 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55206 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 190 207 #, fuzzy 191 208 msgid "No search results found." 192 209 msgstr "Pas d’enregistrement d’étudiant trouvé." 193 210 194 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 63211 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 195 212 msgid "Edit data center settings" 196 213 msgstr "Editer les paramètres du centre de données" 197 214 198 215 #. Default: "" 199 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 200 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 201 msgstr "Supprimer avec succès: ${a}" 202 203 #. Default: "" 204 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 216 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 205 217 msgid "File already existed (not copied): ${a}" 206 218 msgstr "Fichier déjà existant (ne pas copié): ${a}" 207 219 208 220 #. Default: "" 209 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486221 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 210 222 #, fuzzy 211 223 msgid "Given storage path cannot be used. ${a}" 212 224 msgstr "Le Chemin de stockage donné ne peut pas être utilisé." 213 225 214 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 490226 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 215 227 msgid "New storage path succefully set." 216 228 msgstr "Le nouveau chemin de stockage a été défini avec succès." 217 229 218 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 02230 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 219 231 msgid "Download portal data as CSV file" 220 232 msgstr "" 221 233 222 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 04234 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 223 235 #, fuzzy 224 236 msgid "Create CSV file" 225 237 msgstr "Transférer le fichier CSV" 226 238 227 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30239 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 228 240 msgid "Discarded export" 229 241 msgstr "" 230 242 231 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 574243 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 232 244 #, fuzzy 233 245 msgid "Send me a new password" 234 246 msgstr "Changer mot de passe" 235 247 236 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01248 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 237 249 #, fuzzy 238 250 msgid "Send login credentials to email address" 239 251 msgstr "Obtenir les autorisations d'ouverture" 240 252 241 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12253 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 242 254 #, fuzzy 243 255 msgid "No record found." 244 256 msgstr "Pas d’enregistrement d’étudiant trouvé." 245 257 246 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 26258 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 247 259 #, fuzzy 248 260 msgid "You have successfully requested a password for the" … … 250 262 251 263 #. Default: "" 252 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30264 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 253 265 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to ${a}." 254 266 msgstr "" … … 256 268 "${a}." 257 269 258 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 270 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 259 271 msgid "Form has been saved." 260 272 msgstr "Formulaire a été Sauvegardé" … … 262 274 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 263 275 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 264 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 265 277 msgid "Login" 266 278 msgstr "Connexion" 267 279 268 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 68280 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 269 281 msgid "You logged in." 270 282 msgstr "Vous etes connecté" 271 283 272 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 273 msgid "Your personal data record is outdated. Please update." 274 msgstr "" 275 276 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 284 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 285 #, fuzzy 286 msgid "Your account has been temporarily deactivated." 287 msgstr "La liste de cours a été validée." 288 289 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 290 #, fuzzy 291 msgid "Your account has been deactivated." 292 msgstr "La liste de cours a été validée." 293 294 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 277 295 #, fuzzy 278 296 msgid "You entered invalid credentials." 279 297 msgstr "Vous avez entré des références erronées" 280 298 281 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01299 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 282 300 #, fuzzy 283 301 msgid "You have been logged out. Thanks for using WAeUP Ikoba!" … … 285 303 286 304 #. Default: "" 287 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 43305 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 288 306 msgid "Contact ${a}" 289 307 msgstr "Contacte ${a}" 290 308 291 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 292 310 msgid "Send message now" 293 311 msgstr "Envoyer un message maintenant" 294 312 295 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 368 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46313 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 314 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 297 315 msgid "Your message has been sent." 298 316 msgstr "Votre message a été envoyé." 299 317 300 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 388318 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 301 319 msgid "Send now" 302 320 msgstr "Envoyer maintenant" 303 321 304 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 03322 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 305 323 msgid "A smtp server error occurred." 306 324 msgstr "Une erreur de serveur smtp s’est produite." 307 325 308 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28326 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 309 327 #, fuzzy 310 328 msgid "<h1>Welcome to WAeUP.Ikoba</h1>" 311 329 msgstr "<h1> Bienvenue à WAeUP.SIRP<h1>" 312 330 313 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486331 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 314 332 msgid "Manage" 315 333 msgstr "Gérer" 316 334 317 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 487waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 318 336 msgid "Remove" 319 337 msgstr "Supprimer" 320 338 321 339 #. Default: "" 322 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 494340 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 323 341 msgid "User account ${a} successfully deleted." 324 342 msgstr "Le compte d’utilisateur ${a} supprimé avec succès." 325 343 326 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 31 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 327 345 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 328 346 msgid "Add user" … … 330 348 331 349 #. Default: "" 332 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55350 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 333 351 msgid "User account ${a} successfully added." 334 352 msgstr "Compte utilisateur ${a} ajouté avec succès." 335 353 336 354 #. Default: "" 337 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 576355 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 338 356 msgid "Edit user ${a}" 339 357 msgstr "Editer utilisateur ${a}" 340 358 341 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 342 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 343 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 359 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 360 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 361 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 362 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 363 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 344 364 msgid "Save" 345 365 msgstr "Sauvegarder" 346 366 347 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 10367 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 348 368 msgid "User settings have been saved." 349 369 msgstr "Les paramètres de l’utilisateur ont été sauvegardés." 350 370 351 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 13 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 37371 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 372 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 373 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 354 374 msgid "Cancel" 355 375 msgstr "Annuller" 356 376 357 377 #. Default: "" 358 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27378 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 359 379 msgid "Send message to ${a}" 360 380 msgstr "Envoyer message à ${a}" 361 381 362 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 363 383 msgid "My Preferences" 364 384 msgstr "Mes Préférences" 365 385 366 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 669waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 367 387 msgid "My Roles" 368 388 msgstr "Mes Roles" 369 389 370 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00390 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 371 391 msgid "View portal configuration" 372 392 msgstr "Voir la configuration du portail" 373 393 374 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 14394 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 375 395 msgid "Edit portal configuration" 376 396 msgstr "Editer la configuration du portail" 377 397 378 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 15 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 379 399 msgid "Update plugins" 380 400 msgstr "Mise à jour modules" 381 401 382 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 771402 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 403 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 384 404 msgid "Add session configuration" 385 405 msgstr "Ajouter configuration de session" 386 406 387 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 18 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 33407 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 408 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 389 409 msgid "Remove selected" 390 410 msgstr "Supprimer sélectionné" 391 411 392 412 #. Default: "" 393 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46413 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 394 414 msgid "Session ${a} Configuration" 395 415 msgstr "Configuration ${a} Session" 396 416 397 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56417 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 398 418 msgid "For experts only!" 399 419 msgstr "" 400 420 401 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57421 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 402 422 msgid "" 403 423 "Plugins may only be updated after software upgrades. Are you really sure?" 404 424 msgstr "" 405 425 406 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 62426 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 407 427 msgid "Plugins were updated. See log file for details." 408 428 msgstr "" … … 410 430 "détails." 411 431 412 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 775432 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 413 433 msgid "Add Session Configuration" 414 434 msgstr "Ajouter Configuration de Session" 415 435 416 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 786436 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 417 437 msgid "The session chosen already exists." 418 438 msgstr "La session choisie existe déjà." 419 439 420 440 #. Default: "" 421 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 08441 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 422 442 msgid "Edit academic session ${a} configuration" 423 443 msgstr "Editer configuration ${a} session universitaire" 424 444 425 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 50445 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 426 446 msgid "OSError: The file could not be deleted." 427 447 msgstr "" 428 448 429 449 #. Default: "" 430 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54450 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 431 451 #, fuzzy 432 452 msgid "Successfully deleted: ${a}" 433 453 msgstr "Supprimer avec succès: ${a}" 434 454 435 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 65455 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 436 456 #, fuzzy 437 457 msgid "Processed Files" 438 458 msgstr "Traitement fichier CSV" 439 459 440 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 867 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05460 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 461 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 462 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 463 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 444 464 msgid "Back to Data Center" 445 465 msgstr "Retour au centre des données" 446 466 447 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 879467 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 448 468 #, fuzzy 449 469 msgid "Upload portal data as CSV file" 450 470 msgstr "Transférer le fichier CSV" 451 471 452 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 882472 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 453 473 msgid "Upload" 454 474 msgstr "Télécharger (vers le serveur)" … … 458 478 msgstr "Aucun rôle local sélectionné." 459 479 460 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 22480 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 461 481 #, fuzzy 462 482 msgid "Import Manager" … … 464 484 465 485 #. Default: "" 466 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 24486 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 467 487 #, fuzzy 468 488 msgid "${a}: ${b} uploaded" … … 470 490 471 491 #. Default: "" 472 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28492 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 473 493 msgid "" 474 494 "File: ${a}\n" … … 482 502 msgstr "" 483 503 484 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 47504 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 485 505 msgid "All import managers have been notified by email." 486 506 msgstr "" 487 507 488 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 508 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 509 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 489 510 msgid "An smtp server error occurred." 490 511 msgstr "Une erreur du serveur smtp produite." 491 512 492 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57513 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 493 514 msgid "Maximum number of files in the data center exceeded." 494 msgstr ""495 496 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ #, fuzzy498 msgid "Only csv files are allowed."499 msgstr "Actuellement aucun de fichier journal n’est valable"500 501 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier."503 msgstr ""504 505 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid ""507 "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First "508 "problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace."509 515 msgstr "" 510 516 … … 569 575 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 570 576 msgid "" 571 "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data except student data."572 " Please pick the type of objects you want to export from the selection below."573 " The file will be generated and then be made available for you to download in"574 " the table below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after"575 " generation. Thedownload link disappears afterwards."577 "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data. Please pick the " 578 "type of objects you want to export from the selection below. The file will " 579 "be generated and then be made available for you to download in the table " 580 "below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after generation. The " 581 "download link disappears afterwards." 576 582 msgstr "" 577 583 … … 619 625 "datasets." 620 626 msgstr "" 621 622 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ msgid "File"626 msgstr "Fichier"627 627 628 628 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ … … 829 829 msgstr "Problème de connexion1" 830 830 831 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your studentaccount <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>."831 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>." 832 832 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 833 833 msgid "login_trouble2" 834 834 msgstr "Problème de connexion2" 835 835 836 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Inititialize your studentaccount <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>."836 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>." 837 837 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 838 838 #, fuzzy … … 840 840 msgstr "Problème de connexion1" 841 841 842 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your student id, application id orpassword? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>."842 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your customer id password? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>." 843 843 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 844 844 msgid "login_trouble3" … … 898 898 899 899 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 900 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 901 901 msgid "Contact" 902 902 msgstr "Contact" 903 903 904 904 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 905 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 906 906 msgid "Logout" 907 907 msgstr "Déconnexion" 908 908 909 909 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 910 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Student ManagementSystem"910 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 911 msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Application and Registration System" 912 912 msgstr "" 913 913 914 914 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 915 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 916 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 915 917 #, fuzzy 916 918 msgid "Retype Password:" … … 918 920 919 921 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 922 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 923 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 924 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 925 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 920 926 msgid "Password:" 921 927 msgstr "Mot de passe" … … 937 943 msgstr "" 938 944 939 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 945 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 940 946 msgid "Send email" 941 947 msgstr "Envoyer un email" … … 977 983 msgstr "Editer" 978 984 979 #: waeup/ikoba/ 980 msgid "courses registered" 981 msgstr "cours enregistrés" 982 983 #: waeup/ikoba/ 984 msgid "courses validated" 985 msgstr "cours validés" 986 987 #: waeup/ikoba/ 988 msgid "returning" 989 msgstr "Ancien (ne)" 990 991 #: waeup/ikoba/ 992 #, fuzzy 993 msgid "graduated" 994 msgstr "créé" 995 996 #: waeup/ikoba/ 997 #, fuzzy 998 msgid "transcript requested" 999 msgstr "acquittement demandé" 1000 1001 #: waeup/ikoba/ 985 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 986 #, fuzzy 987 msgid "Customer record created" 988 msgstr "Dossier d’étudiant créé" 989 990 #. Default: "" 991 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 992 #, fuzzy 993 msgid "State '${a}' set" 994 msgstr "Contacte ${a}" 995 996 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 997 #, fuzzy 998 msgid "Customer Processor" 999 msgstr "Processeur:" 1000 1001 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1002 msgid "Empty search string" 1003 msgstr "Chaîne de recherche vide" 1004 1005 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1006 msgid "Only year dates allowed (e.g. 2011)." 1007 msgstr "" 1008 1009 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1010 #, fuzzy 1011 msgid "No customer found." 1012 msgstr "Pas d’enregistrement d’étudiant trouvé." 1013 1014 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1015 #, fuzzy 1016 msgid "Manage customer section" 1017 msgstr "Gérer la section étudiant" 1018 1019 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1020 #, fuzzy 1021 msgid "Add customer" 1022 msgstr "Ajouter utilisateur" 1023 1024 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1025 #, fuzzy 1026 msgid "Create customer record" 1027 msgstr "Créer les données d’étudiant" 1028 1029 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1030 #, fuzzy 1031 msgid "Customer record created." 1032 msgstr "Données étudiant créé." 1033 1034 #. Default: "" 1035 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1036 msgid "Set temporary password for ${a}" 1037 msgstr "" 1038 1039 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1040 #, fuzzy 1041 msgid "Login now" 1042 msgstr "Connexion" 1043 1044 #. Default: "" 1045 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1046 #, fuzzy 1047 msgid "Login as ${a}" 1048 msgstr "Contacte ${a}" 1049 1050 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1051 #, fuzzy 1052 msgid "You successfully logged in as customer." 1053 msgstr "Vous avez changé votre mot de passe avec succès pour le" 1054 1055 #. Default: "" 1056 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1057 msgid "${a}: Base Data (account deactivated)" 1058 msgstr "" 1059 1060 #. Default: "" 1061 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1062 msgid "${a}: Base Data" 1063 msgstr "${a}: Données de Base" 1064 1065 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1066 msgid "set" 1067 msgstr "Prêt" 1068 1069 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1070 msgid "unset" 1071 msgstr "Non prêt" 1072 1073 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1074 msgid "Manage base data" 1075 msgstr "Gestion données de base" 1076 1077 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1078 #, fuzzy 1079 msgid "Trigger registration transition" 1080 msgstr "Transition d’Inscription:" 1081 1082 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1083 msgid "No transition" 1084 msgstr "Pas de transition" 1085 1086 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1087 #, fuzzy 1088 msgid "Customer account has been activated." 1089 msgstr "La liste de cours a été validée." 1090 1091 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1092 #, fuzzy 1093 msgid "Customer account has been deactivated." 1094 msgstr "La liste de cours a été validée." 1095 1096 #. Default: "" 1097 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1098 msgid "${a}: History" 1099 msgstr "${a}: Histoire" 1100 1101 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1102 #, fuzzy 1103 msgid "Request password for first-time login" 1104 msgstr "Mettre un mot de passe pour la première connexion" 1105 1106 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1107 #, fuzzy 1108 msgid "An error occurred." 1109 msgstr "Une erreur du serveur smtp produite." 1110 1111 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1112 #, fuzzy 1113 msgid "No customer record found." 1114 msgstr "Aucun étudiant trouvé." 1115 1116 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1117 #, fuzzy 1118 msgid "" 1119 "Your password has already been set and used. Please proceed to the login " 1120 "page." 1121 msgstr "" 1122 "Le mot de passe a été déjà saisi. Vous utilisez le mauvais Code d’Accès." 1123 1124 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1125 #, fuzzy 1126 msgid "Your password request was successful." 1127 msgstr "Votre inscription a été enregistrée avec succès." 1128 1129 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1130 #, fuzzy 1131 msgid "Upload files" 1132 msgstr "Transférer le fichier" 1133 1134 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1135 msgid "Edit base data" 1136 msgstr "Editer données de base" 1137 1138 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1139 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1140 msgid "Customers" 1141 msgstr "" 1142 1143 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1144 msgid "Change password" 1145 msgstr "Changer mot de passe" 1146 1147 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1148 msgid "Password changed." 1149 msgstr "Mot de passé changé." 1150 1151 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1152 #, fuzzy 1153 msgid "Find customers" 1154 msgstr "Ajouter étudiant" 1155 1156 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1157 #, fuzzy 1158 msgid "Find customer(s)" 1159 msgstr "Ajouter étudiant" 1160 1161 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1162 msgid "Select all" 1163 msgstr "Tout sélectionné" 1164 1165 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1166 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1167 msgid "with name" 1168 msgstr "avec nom" 1169 1170 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1171 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1172 msgid "with registration number" 1173 msgstr "avec numéro d’inscription" 1174 1175 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1176 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1177 msgid "with deactivated account (search term omitted)" 1178 msgstr "" 1179 1180 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1181 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1182 msgid "who requested transcript (search term omitted)" 1183 msgstr "" 1184 1185 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1186 msgid "Search Results" 1187 msgstr "Résultats de la Recherche" 1188 1189 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1190 msgid "Reg. Number" 1191 msgstr "Numéro Reg." 1192 1193 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1194 msgid "State" 1195 msgstr "Etat" 1196 1197 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1198 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1199 msgid "with id" 1200 msgstr "avec id" 1201 1202 #. Default: "Ikoba is creating a temporary customer password which will replace the original password chosen by the customer. The password will be valid for ${minutes} minutes. The customer can't login during this time period. After expiration the customer can login with the original password again." 1203 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1204 #, fuzzy 1205 msgid "login_as_intro_1" 1206 msgstr "Problème de connexion1" 1207 1208 #. Default: "The random password \"${password}\" has been set. You can proceed by clicking the button below." 1209 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1210 #, fuzzy 1211 msgid "login_as_intro_2" 1212 msgstr "Problème de connexion1" 1213 1214 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1215 #, fuzzy 1216 msgid "" 1217 "Your student record will be looked up and your login credentials will be " 1218 "sent to the email address given above. To be able to proceed you must " 1219 "provide a valid email address!" 1220 msgstr "" 1221 "Un compte sera créé pour vous et un email avec vos coordonnées d'ouverture " 1222 "sera envoyé à l'adresse fournie." 1223 1224 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1225 msgid "Please solve the captcha<br />to prevent misuse of this service:" 1226 msgstr "" 1227 "Veuillez résoudre le captcha<br />pour empêcher l'usage abusif de ce " 1228 "service :" 1229 1230 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1231 msgid "Email could not been sent. Please retry later." 1232 msgstr "L'email ne peut pas être envoyé. Réessayez plus tard." 1233 1234 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1235 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1236 #, fuzzy 1237 msgid "Thanks for using Ikoba!" 1238 msgstr "Merci d'avoir utiliser SIRP !" 1239 1240 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1241 #, fuzzy 1242 msgid "Your login credentials are:" 1243 msgstr "Obtenir les autorisations d'ouverture" 1244 1245 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1246 #, fuzzy 1247 msgid "User Name:" 1248 msgstr "Nom d’Utilisateur ou Identifiant" 1249 1250 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1251 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1252 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to" 1253 msgstr "Un email avec votre nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe a été envoyé à" 1254 1255 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1256 msgid "Print this page and proceed to the" 1257 msgstr "" 1258 1259 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1260 msgid "" 1261 "Please note that passwords are case-sensitive, <br />when entering your " 1262 "credentials, and keep your password secret!" 1263 msgstr "" 1264 1265 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1266 msgid "Please check your email account to proceed." 1267 msgstr "Veuillez vérifier votre compte email pour procéder." 1268 1269 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1270 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1271 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1272 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1273 msgid "File" 1274 msgstr "Fichier" 1275 1276 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1277 msgid "Scan" 1278 msgstr "Scan" 1279 1280 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1281 #, fuzzy 1282 msgid "Upload selected file" 1283 msgstr "Envoyer un nouveau fichier" 1284 1285 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1286 msgid "Delete" 1287 msgstr "" 1288 1289 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1290 msgid "No local file selected." 1291 msgstr "Aucun fichier local sélectioné" 1292 1293 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1294 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1295 msgid "Passport Picture" 1296 msgstr "Photo d’Identité" 1297 1298 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1299 msgid "Passport Picture (jpg only)" 1300 msgstr "Photo d’Identité (jpg seulement)" 1301 1302 #. Default: "" 1303 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1304 msgid "${a} deleted." 1305 msgstr "${a} supprimé." 1306 1307 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1308 msgid "Uploaded file is too big." 1309 msgstr "Le fichier envoyé est trop grand." 1310 1311 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1312 #, fuzzy 1313 msgid "Could not determine file type." 1314 msgstr "Ne pourrait être supprimer:" 1315 1316 #. Default: "" 1317 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1318 msgid "${a} file extension expected." 1319 msgstr "${a} l’extension de fichier attendue." 1320 1321 #. Default: "" 1322 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1323 #, fuzzy 1324 msgid "Only the following extensions are allowed: ${a}" 1325 msgstr "Seulement les extensions suivantes sont autorisées: ${a}" 1326 1327 #. Default: "" 1328 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1329 msgid "File ${a} uploaded." 1330 msgstr "Fichier ${a} chargé." 1331 1332 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1333 msgid "Account suspended" 1334 msgstr "" 1335 1336 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1337 #, fuzzy 1338 msgid "Reasons for Deactivation" 1339 msgstr "Description de Réponse" 1340 1341 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1342 msgid "" 1343 "This message will be shown if and only if deactivated customers try to login." 1344 msgstr "" 1345 1346 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1347 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1348 msgid "Student Id" 1349 msgstr "Id de l'étudiant" 1350 1351 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1352 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1353 msgid "First Name" 1354 msgstr "Prénom" 1355 1356 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1357 msgid "Middle Name" 1358 msgstr "Deuxième prénom" 1359 1360 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1361 msgid "Last Name (Surname)" 1362 msgstr "Nom de famille" 1363 1364 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1365 msgid "Sex" 1366 msgstr "Sexe" 1367 1368 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1369 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1370 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1371 msgid "Registration Number" 1372 msgstr "Numéro d’Inscription" 1373 1374 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1375 msgid "Email" 1376 msgstr "Email" 1377 1378 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/ 1379 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1380 msgid "Phone" 1381 msgstr "Téléphone" 1382 1383 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1384 msgid "History" 1385 msgstr "Histoire" 1386 1387 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1388 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1389 msgid "Base Data" 1390 msgstr "Données de Base" 1391 1392 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1393 #, fuzzy 1394 msgid "Trigger transition" 1395 msgstr "Pas de transition" 1396 1397 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1398 #, fuzzy 1399 msgid "Login as customer" 1400 msgstr "pour les étudiants" 1401 1402 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1403 msgid "Deactivate account" 1404 msgstr "" 1405 1406 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1407 msgid "'A history message will be added. Are you sure?'" 1408 msgstr "" 1409 1410 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1411 msgid "Activate account" 1412 msgstr "" 1413 1414 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1415 msgid "My Data" 1416 msgstr "Mes Données" 1417 1418 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1419 #, fuzzy 1420 msgid "male" 1421 msgstr "Féminin" 1422 1423 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1424 #, fuzzy 1425 msgid "female" 1426 msgstr "Féminin" 1427 1428 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1429 #, fuzzy 1430 msgid "Create customer" 1431 msgstr "Créer dortoir" 1432 1433 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1434 #, fuzzy 1435 msgid "Start registration" 1436 msgstr "Démarrer l’inscription de cours" 1437 1438 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1439 #, fuzzy 1440 msgid "Customer registration started" 1441 msgstr "L’inscription de cours a été démarré." 1442 1443 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1444 #, fuzzy 1445 msgid "Request registration" 1446 msgstr "Démarrer l’inscription de cours" 1447 1448 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1449 #, fuzzy 1450 msgid "Customer registration requested" 1451 msgstr "L’inscription de cours a été démarré." 1452 1453 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1454 #, fuzzy 1455 msgid "Approve customer" 1456 msgstr "Ajouter paiement en ligne" 1457 1458 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1459 #, fuzzy 1460 msgid "Customer registration approved" 1461 msgstr "Imprimé des cours d' inscription" 1462 1463 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1464 #, fuzzy 1465 msgid "Reject customer" 1466 msgstr "Rejeter Cours" 1467 1468 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1469 #, fuzzy 1470 msgid "Customer registration rejected" 1471 msgstr "L’inscription de cours a été démarré." 1472 1473 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1474 #, fuzzy 1475 msgid "Reset customer" 1476 msgstr "Réinitialisation pour acquitter" 1477 1478 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1479 #, fuzzy 1480 msgid "Reset to initial customer state" 1481 msgstr "Réinitialiser à valider" 1482 1483 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1484 #, fuzzy 1485 msgid "Reset to requested" 1486 msgstr "Réinitialisation pour acquitter" 1487 1488 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1489 #, fuzzy 1490 msgid "Reset to 'requested'" 1491 msgstr "Réinitialisation pour acquitter" 1492 1493 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1494 #, fuzzy 1495 msgid "Reset to initial state" 1496 msgstr "Réinitialiser à valider" 1497 1498 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1002 1499 msgid "Subject" 1003 1500 msgstr "" 1004 1501 1005 #: waeup/ikoba/ 361502 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1006 1503 msgid "Grade" 1007 1504 msgstr "" 1008 1505 1009 #: waeup/ikoba/ 921506 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1010 1507 #, fuzzy 1011 1508 msgid "Processor name" 1012 1509 msgstr "Processeur:" 1013 1510 1014 #: waeup/ikoba/ 181511 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1015 1512 #, fuzzy 1016 1513 msgid "Email Address:" 1017 1514 msgstr "Adresse email" 1018 1515 1019 #: waeup/ikoba/ 251516 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1020 1517 #, fuzzy 1021 1518 msgid "Email to:" 1022 1519 msgstr "Email" 1023 1520 1024 #: waeup/ikoba/ 321521 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1025 1522 msgid "Subject:" 1026 1523 msgstr "" 1027 1524 1028 #: waeup/ikoba/ 361525 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1029 1526 #, fuzzy 1030 1527 msgid "Full Name:" 1031 1528 msgstr "Nom Complet" 1032 1529 1033 #: waeup/ikoba/ 401530 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1034 1531 msgid "Text:" 1035 1532 msgstr "" 1036 1533 1037 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 1038 msgid "Phone" 1039 msgstr "Téléphone" 1040 1041 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 1534 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 1042 1535 #, fuzzy 1043 1536 msgid "Public Name" 1044 1537 msgstr "Nom Complet" 1045 1538 1046 #: waeup/ikoba/ 79 waeup/ikoba/ #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 1047 1540 #, fuzzy 1048 1541 msgid "Number of failed logins" 1049 1542 msgstr "Nombre des codes d'accès" 1050 1543 1051 #: waeup/ikoba/ 861544 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1052 1545 msgid "Timestamp" 1053 1546 msgstr "" 1054 1547 1055 #: waeup/ikoba/ 871548 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1056 1549 msgid "Timestamp of last failed login or `None`" 1057 1550 msgstr "" 1058 1551 1059 #: waeup/ikoba/ 161552 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1060 1553 msgid "User Id" 1061 1554 msgstr "Id de l’utilisateur" 1062 1555 1063 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1556 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1557 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1064 1558 msgid "Full Name" 1065 1559 msgstr "Nom Complet" 1066 1560 1067 #: waeup/ikoba/ 311561 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1068 1562 msgid "Description/Notice" 1069 1563 msgstr "" 1070 1564 1071 #: waeup/ikoba/ 481565 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1072 1566 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1073 1567 msgid "Portal Roles" 1074 1568 msgstr "Rôles Portail" 1075 1569 1076 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1570 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1571 msgid "new" 1572 msgstr "" 1573 1574 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1575 msgid "completed" 1576 msgstr "" 1577 1578 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1579 msgid "pending" 1580 msgstr "" 1581 1582 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1583 msgid "active" 1584 msgstr "" 1585 1586 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1077 1587 #, fuzzy 1078 1588 msgid "Name of Company" 1079 1589 msgstr "Nom du département" 1080 1590 1081 #: waeup/ikoba/ 961591 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1082 1592 msgid "Sample Company" 1083 1593 msgstr "" 1084 1594 1085 #: waeup/ikoba/ 6011595 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1086 1596 msgid "Abbreviated Title of Company" 1087 1597 msgstr "" 1088 1598 1089 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1599 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1600 msgid "assigned" 1601 msgstr "" 1602 1603 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1090 1604 msgid "Content in HTML format" 1091 1605 msgstr "" 1092 1606 1093 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1607 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1608 #, fuzzy 1609 msgid "callbacks" 1610 msgstr "Demander un rappel" 1611 1612 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1094 1613 #, fuzzy 1095 1614 msgid "Name of Administrator" 1096 1615 msgstr "Administration" 1097 1616 1098 #: waeup/ikoba/ 251617 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1099 1618 #, fuzzy 1100 1619 msgid "Email Address of Administrator" 1101 1620 msgstr "Adresse email" 1102 1621 1103 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1104 msgid "new" 1105 msgstr "" 1106 1107 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1622 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1108 1623 msgid "Subject of Email to Administrator" 1109 1624 msgstr "" 1110 1625 1111 #: waeup/ikoba/ 331626 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1112 1627 #, fuzzy 1113 1628 msgid "Ikoba Contact" 1114 1629 msgstr "Contact" 1115 1630 1116 #: waeup/ikoba/ 381631 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1117 1632 msgid "SMTP mailer to use when sending mail" 1118 1633 msgstr "" 1119 1634 1120 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1121 msgid "completed" 1122 msgstr "" 1123 1124 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1635 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1125 1636 msgid "Captcha used for public registration pages" 1126 1637 msgstr "" 1127 1638 1128 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1129 msgid "pending" 1130 msgstr "" 1131 1132 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1639 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1133 1640 msgid "Period" 1134 1641 msgstr "" 1135 1642 1136 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1137 msgid "active" 1138 msgstr "" 1139 1140 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1141 msgid "assigned" 1142 msgstr "" 1143 1144 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1643 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1145 1644 #, fuzzy 1146 1645 msgid "Academic Session" 1147 1646 msgstr "Section Universitaire" 1148 1647 1149 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1150 #, fuzzy 1151 msgid "callbacks" 1152 msgstr "Demander un rappel" 1153 1154 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1648 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1155 1649 msgid "created" 1156 1650 msgstr "créé" 1157 1651 1158 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1159 msgid "admitted" 1160 msgstr "admis" 1161 1162 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1163 msgid "clearance started" 1164 msgstr "acquittement démarré" 1165 1166 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1167 msgid "clearance requested" 1652 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1653 msgid "started" 1654 msgstr "Démarrée" 1655 1656 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1657 #, fuzzy 1658 msgid "requested" 1168 1659 msgstr "acquittement demandé" 1169 1660 1170 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1171 msgid "cleared" 1172 msgstr "acquitté" 1173 1174 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1175 msgid "school fee paid" 1176 msgstr "Frais de scolarité payés" 1661 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1662 #, fuzzy 1663 msgid "approved" 1664 msgstr "Date de Paiement" 1177 1665 1178 1666 #: waeup/ikoba/mandates/ … … 2281 2769 msgstr "" 2282 2770 2283 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 42771 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2284 2772 msgid "" 2285 2773 "Fullname: ${a}\n" … … 2297 2785 "${e}\n" 2298 2786 2299 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 62787 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2300 2788 #, fuzzy 2301 2789 msgid "" … … 2303 2791 "\n" 2304 2792 "${b}\n" 2305 " Student Registration and Information Portal of\n"2793 "Application and Registration Portal of\n" 2306 2794 "${c}.\n" 2307 2795 "\n" … … 2365 2853 msgstr "Supprimer les tickets sélectionnés" 2366 2854 2855 #, fuzzy 2856 #~ msgid "Student Data Exports" 2857 #~ msgstr "Cours d' étude" 2858 2859 #~ msgid "courses registered" 2860 #~ msgstr "cours enregistrés" 2861 2862 #~ msgid "courses validated" 2863 #~ msgstr "cours validés" 2864 2865 #~ msgid "returning" 2866 #~ msgstr "Ancien (ne)" 2867 2868 #, fuzzy 2869 #~ msgid "graduated" 2870 #~ msgstr "créé" 2871 2872 #, fuzzy 2873 #~ msgid "transcript requested" 2874 #~ msgstr "acquittement demandé" 2875 2876 #~ msgid "admitted" 2877 #~ msgstr "admis" 2878 2879 #~ msgid "clearance started" 2880 #~ msgstr "acquittement démarré" 2881 2882 #~ msgid "cleared" 2883 #~ msgstr "acquitté" 2884 2885 #~ msgid "school fee paid" 2886 #~ msgstr "Frais de scolarité payés" 2887 2367 2888 #~ msgid "Batch creation cancelled." 2368 2889 #~ msgstr "Création du lot annullée" … … 2629 3150 2630 3151 #, fuzzy 2631 #~ msgid "An error occurred."2632 #~ msgstr "Une erreur du serveur smtp produite."2633 2634 #, fuzzy2635 3152 #~ msgid "No application record found." 2636 3153 #~ msgstr "Aperçu des données de la demande" 2637 2638 #, fuzzy2639 #~ msgid ""2640 #~ "Your password has already been set and used. Please proceed to the login "2641 #~ "page."2642 #~ msgstr ""2643 #~ "Le mot de passe a été déjà saisi. Vous utilisez le mauvais Code d’Accès."2644 2645 #~ msgid "Empty search string"2646 #~ msgstr "Chaîne de recherche vide"2647 3154 2648 3155 #~ msgid "You have successfully been registered for the" … … 2733 3240 #~ msgstr "Demandeur " 2734 3241 2735 #~ msgid "set"2736 #~ msgstr "Prêt"2737 2738 #~ msgid "unset"2739 #~ msgstr "Non prêt"2740 2741 3242 #, fuzzy 2742 3243 #~ msgid "${a} <br /> Application Record ${b}" … … 2780 3281 #~ msgid "${a} <br /> Application Form ${b}" 2781 3282 #~ msgstr "${a} formulaire de demande ${b}" 2782 2783 #~ msgid "No transition"2784 #~ msgstr "Pas de transition"2785 3283 2786 3284 #~ msgid "No payment selected." … … 2910 3408 #~ msgstr "Id du demandeur" 2911 3409 2912 #~ msgid "Registration Number"2913 #~ msgstr "Numéro d’Inscription"2914 2915 #~ msgid "First Name"2916 #~ msgstr "Prénom"2917 2918 #~ msgid "Middle Name"2919 #~ msgstr "Deuxième prénom"2920 2921 #~ msgid "Last Name (Surname)"2922 #~ msgstr "Nom de famille"2923 2924 3410 #~ msgid "Date of Birth" 2925 3411 #~ msgstr "Date de naissance" 2926 3412 2927 #~ msgid "Sex"2928 #~ msgstr "Sexe"2929 2930 3413 #~ msgid "1st Choice Course of Study" 2931 3414 #~ msgstr "Premier choix " … … 2937 3420 #~ msgstr "Notification" 2938 3421 2939 #~ msgid "Student Id"2940 #~ msgstr "Id de l'étudiant"2941 2942 3422 #~ msgid "Admitted Course of Study" 2943 3423 #~ msgstr "Admis au cours" … … 2953 3433 #~ msgid "Identification Number" 2954 3434 #~ msgstr "Numéro d’Immatriculation" 2955 2956 #, fuzzy2957 #~ msgid "Payment approved"2958 #~ msgstr "Date de Paiement"2959 3435 2960 3436 #, fuzzy … … 3020 3496 #~ msgstr "Télécharger la demande en veille" 3021 3497 3022 #~ msgid "Create student record"3023 #~ msgstr "Créer les données d’étudiant"3024 3025 3498 #, fuzzy 3026 3499 #~ msgid "Download payment slip" 3027 3500 #~ msgstr "Télécharger le reçu du paiement" 3028 3501 3029 #, fuzzy3030 #~ msgid "Approve payment"3031 #~ msgstr "Ajouter paiement en ligne"3032 3033 3502 #~ msgid "Application" 3034 3503 #~ msgstr "Demande" 3035 3504 3036 #~ msgid "My Data"3037 #~ msgstr "Mes Données"3038 3039 #~ msgid "Student record created"3040 #~ msgstr "Dossier d’étudiant créé"3041 3042 3505 #~ msgid "Reset application to started" 3043 3506 #~ msgstr "Réinitialiser la demande pour commencer" … … 3061 3524 #~ msgstr "Demande réinitialisée" 3062 3525 3063 #~ msgid "started"3064 #~ msgstr "Démarrée"3065 3066 3526 #~ msgid "paid" 3067 3527 #~ msgstr "Payé" … … 3147 3607 3148 3608 #, fuzzy 3149 #~ msgid "Find student(s)"3150 #~ msgstr "Ajouter étudiant"3151 3152 #, fuzzy3153 3609 #~ msgid "Find students in " 3154 3610 #~ msgstr "Aucun étudiant trouvé." … … 3229 3685 #~ msgstr "Enregistrer et revenir" 3230 3686 3231 #, fuzzy3232 #~ msgid "Your account has been temporarily deactivated."3233 #~ msgstr "La liste de cours a été validée."3234 3235 #, fuzzy3236 #~ msgid "Your account has been deactivated."3237 #~ msgstr "La liste de cours a été validée."3238 3239 3687 #~ msgid "Search Academic Section" 3240 3688 #~ msgstr "Chercher section universitaire" … … 3288 3736 #~ msgstr "Rechercher la section universitaire" 3289 3737 3290 #, fuzzy3291 #~ msgid "Find students"3292 #~ msgstr "Ajouter étudiant"3293 3294 3738 #~ msgid "Show students" 3295 3739 #~ msgstr "Montrer les étudiants" … … 3318 3762 #~ msgid "Settings have been saved." 3319 3763 #~ msgstr "Les paramètres ont été enregistrés." 3320 3321 #~ msgid "Create hostel"3322 #~ msgstr "Créer dortoir"3323 3764 3324 3765 #~ msgid "The hostel already exists." … … 3745 4186 3746 4187 #, fuzzy 3747 #~ msgid "Course Registration Slip"3748 #~ msgstr "Imprimé des cours d' inscription"3749 3750 #, fuzzy3751 4188 #~ msgid "1st Semester Courses" 3752 4189 #~ msgstr "Enregistrer cours" … … 3908 4345 #~ msgstr "Etudiant déplacé: ${a}" 3909 4346 3910 #~ msgid "${a}: History"3911 #~ msgstr "${a}: Histoire"3912 3913 #~ msgid "Edit base data"3914 #~ msgstr "Editer données de base"3915 3916 #~ msgid "Change password"3917 #~ msgstr "Changer mot de passe"3918 3919 #~ msgid "Password changed."3920 #~ msgstr "Mot de passé changé."3921 3922 4347 #~ msgid "Accommodation" 3923 4348 #~ msgstr "Hébergement" … … 4032 4457 #~ msgstr "Le mot de passe a été saisi. Votre Id d’étudiant est ${a}" 4033 4458 4034 #, fuzzy4035 #~ msgid "Request password for first-time login"4036 #~ msgstr "Mettre un mot de passe pour la première connexion"4037 4038 #, fuzzy4039 #~ msgid "No student record found."4040 #~ msgstr "Aucun étudiant trouvé."4041 4042 #, fuzzy4043 #~ msgid "Your password request was successful."4044 #~ msgstr "Votre inscription a été enregistrée avec succès."4045 4046 4459 #~ msgid "Current Session" 4047 4460 #~ msgstr "Session Actuelle" … … 4064 4477 #~ msgstr "Niveau" 4065 4478 4066 #~ msgid "Manage student section"4067 #~ msgstr "Gérer la section étudiant"4068 4069 4479 #, fuzzy 4070 4480 #~ msgid "Current academic session not set." … … 4086 4496 #~ msgstr "Ajouter étudiant" 4087 4497 4088 #~ msgid "Student record created."4089 #~ msgstr "Données étudiant créé."4090 4091 #, fuzzy4092 #~ msgid "Login now"4093 #~ msgstr "Connexion"4094 4095 #, fuzzy4096 #~ msgid "Login as ${a}"4097 #~ msgstr "Contacte ${a}"4098 4099 #, fuzzy4100 #~ msgid "You successfully logged in as student."4101 #~ msgstr "Vous avez changé votre mot de passe avec succès pour le"4102 4103 #~ msgid "${a}: Base Data"4104 #~ msgstr "${a}: Données de Base"4105 4106 #~ msgid "Manage base data"4107 #~ msgstr "Gestion données de base"4108 4109 #, fuzzy4110 #~ msgid "Trigger registration transition"4111 #~ msgstr "Transition d’Inscription:"4112 4113 4498 #, fuzzy 4114 4499 #~ msgid "Student account has been activated." … … 4215 4600 #~ msgstr "Scans" 4216 4601 4217 #~ msgid "Select all"4218 #~ msgstr "Tout sélectionné"4219 4220 #~ msgid "with name"4221 #~ msgstr "avec nom"4222 4223 #~ msgid "with registration number"4224 #~ msgstr "avec numéro d’inscription"4225 4226 4602 #~ msgid "with matriculation number" 4227 4603 #~ msgstr "avec numéro matricule" … … 4233 4609 #~ msgstr "en mode d’étude" 4234 4610 4235 #~ msgid "Search Results"4236 #~ msgstr "Résultats de la Recherche"4237 4238 #~ msgid "Reg. Number"4239 #~ msgstr "Numéro Reg."4240 4241 4611 #~ msgid "Matric. Number" 4242 4612 #~ msgstr "Numéro Matricule." 4243 4613 4244 #~ msgid "State"4245 #~ msgstr "Etat"4246 4247 #~ msgid "with id"4248 #~ msgstr "avec id"4249 4250 4614 #, fuzzy 4251 4615 #~ msgid "Course Level" … … 4267 4631 #~ msgstr "Mand." 4268 4632 4269 #, fuzzy4270 #~ msgid "login_as_intro_1"4271 #~ msgstr "Problème de connexion1"4272 4273 #, fuzzy4274 #~ msgid "login_as_intro_2"4275 #~ msgstr "Problème de connexion1"4276 4277 4633 #~ msgid "Category" 4278 4634 #~ msgstr "Catégorie" … … 4283 4639 #~ msgid "Payment Id" 4284 4640 #~ msgstr "Paiement Id" 4285 4286 #, fuzzy4287 #~ msgid ""4288 #~ "Your student record will be looked up and your login credentials will be "4289 #~ "sent to the email address given above. To be able to proceed you must "4290 #~ "provide a valid email address!"4291 #~ msgstr ""4292 #~ "Un compte sera créé pour vous et un email avec vos coordonnées "4293 #~ "d'ouverture sera envoyé à l'adresse fournie."4294 4295 #~ msgid "Please solve the captcha<br />to prevent misuse of this service:"4296 #~ msgstr ""4297 #~ "Veuillez résoudre le captcha<br />pour empêcher l'usage abusif de ce "4298 #~ "service :"4299 4300 #~ msgid "Email could not been sent. Please retry later."4301 #~ msgstr "L'email ne peut pas être envoyé. Réessayez plus tard."4302 4303 #, fuzzy4304 #~ msgid "Thanks for using Kofa!"4305 #~ msgstr "Merci d'avoir utiliser SIRP !"4306 4307 #, fuzzy4308 #~ msgid "Your login credentials are:"4309 #~ msgstr "Obtenir les autorisations d'ouverture"4310 4311 #, fuzzy4312 #~ msgid "User Name:"4313 #~ msgstr "Nom d’Utilisateur ou Identifiant"4314 4315 #~ msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to"4316 #~ msgstr ""4317 #~ "Un email avec votre nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe a été envoyé à"4318 4319 #~ msgid "Please check your email account to proceed."4320 #~ msgstr "Veuillez vérifier votre compte email pour procéder."4321 4641 4322 4642 #~ msgid "Access Code:" … … 4450 4770 #~ msgstr "Niveaux d’Etude" 4451 4771 4452 #, fuzzy4453 #~ msgid "Reasons for Deactivation"4454 #~ msgstr "Description de Réponse"4455 4456 4772 #~ msgid "Matriculation Number" 4457 4773 #~ msgstr "Numéro d’Immatriculation" … … 4460 4776 #~ msgstr "PWD Code Activation" 4461 4777 4462 #~ msgid "Email"4463 #~ msgstr "Email"4464 4465 4778 #~ msgid "Clearance form locked" 4466 4779 #~ msgstr "Formulaire d’acquittement vérouillé" … … 4657 4970 #~ msgstr "Données étudiant créé." 4658 4971 4659 #~ msgid "Base Data"4660 #~ msgstr "Données de Base"4661 4662 4972 #, fuzzy 4663 4973 #~ msgid "Workflow History" … … 4675 4985 #~ msgstr "Données Personnels" 4676 4986 4677 #~ msgid "History"4678 #~ msgstr "Histoire"4679 4680 #, fuzzy4681 #~ msgid "Trigger transition"4682 #~ msgstr "Pas de transition"4683 4684 #, fuzzy4685 #~ msgid "Login as student"4686 #~ msgstr "pour les étudiants"4687 4688 4987 #, fuzzy 4689 4988 #~ msgid "Download admission letter" … … 4703 5002 #~ msgstr "Valider Cours" 4704 5003 4705 #~ msgid "Reject courses"4706 #~ msgstr "Rejeter Cours"4707 4708 5004 #~ msgid "Download course registration slip" 4709 5005 #~ msgstr "Télécharger imprimé des cours inscrit" … … 4747 5043 #~ msgstr "Données d’hébergement" 4748 5044 4749 #~ msgid "${a} deleted."4750 #~ msgstr "${a} supprimé."4751 4752 #~ msgid "Uploaded file is too big."4753 #~ msgstr "Le fichier envoyé est trop grand."4754 4755 #, fuzzy4756 #~ msgid "Could not determine file type."4757 #~ msgstr "Ne pourrait être supprimer:"4758 4759 #~ msgid "${a} file extension expected."4760 #~ msgstr "${a} l’extension de fichier attendue."4761 4762 #, fuzzy4763 #~ msgid "Only the following extensions are allowed: ${a}"4764 #~ msgstr "Seulement les extensions suivantes sont autorisées: ${a}"4765 4766 #~ msgid "File ${a} uploaded."4767 #~ msgstr "Fichier ${a} chargé."4768 4769 #~ msgid "Scan"4770 #~ msgstr "Scan"4771 4772 #, fuzzy4773 #~ msgid "Upload selected file"4774 #~ msgstr "Envoyer un nouveau fichier"4775 4776 5045 #~ msgid "Application Slip" 4777 5046 #~ msgstr "Imprimé de demande" 4778 5047 4779 #~ msgid "No local file selected."4780 #~ msgstr "Aucun fichier local sélectioné"4781 4782 #~ msgid "Passport Picture"4783 #~ msgstr "Photo d’Identité"4784 4785 #~ msgid "Passport Picture (jpg only)"4786 #~ msgstr "Photo d’Identité (jpg seulement)"4787 4788 5048 #~ msgid "Birth Certificate" 4789 5049 #~ msgstr "Extrait d’Acte de Naissance" … … 4808 5068 4809 5069 #, fuzzy 4810 #~ msgid "male"4811 #~ msgstr "Féminin"4812 4813 #, fuzzy4814 #~ msgid "female"4815 #~ msgstr "Féminin"4816 4817 #, fuzzy4818 5070 #~ msgid "Error: wrong level id ${value}" 4819 5071 #~ msgstr "Erreur: niveau id ${value} en dépassement" … … 4822 5074 #~ msgstr "Erreur: niveau id ${value} en dépassement" 4823 5075 4824 #~ msgid "Reset to cleared"4825 #~ msgstr "Réinitialisation pour acquitter"4826 4827 #, fuzzy4828 #~ msgid "Reset to 'cleared'"4829 #~ msgstr "Réinitialisation pour acquitter"4830 4831 5076 #, fuzzy 4832 5077 #~ msgid "School fee payment made" … … 4923 5168 #~ msgid "Reset student" 4924 5169 #~ msgstr "Réinitialisé etudiant" 4925 4926 #, fuzzy4927 #~ msgid "Reset to initial state"4928 #~ msgstr "Réinitialiser à valider"4929 5170 4930 5171 #~ msgid "Clearance started" … … 5236 5477 #~ msgstr "Note du test " 5237 5478 5238 #~ msgid "Upload file"5239 #~ msgstr "Transférer le fichier"5240 5241 5479 #~ msgid "Batch processing" 5242 5480 #~ msgstr "Traitement par lots" … … 5326 5564 #~ msgstr "Rôles Portail" 5327 5565 5328 #~ msgid "Start course registration"5329 #~ msgstr "Démarrer l’inscription de cours"5330 5331 5566 #~ msgid "Start course registration now" 5332 5567 #~ msgstr "Démarrer l’inscription de cours maintenant" … … 5335 5570 #~ msgid "You are in wrong state." 5336 5571 #~ msgstr "Etudiant est dans un faux état." 5337 5338 #~ msgid "Course registration has been started."5339 #~ msgstr "L’inscription de cours a été démarré."5340 5572 5341 5573 #~ msgid "File name has no extension." -
r11954 r11980 15 15 msgstr "" 16 16 "Project-Id-Version: WAeUP.KOFA\n" 17 "POT-Creation-Date: Thu Nov 13 15:09:532014\n"17 "POT-Creation-Date: Mon Nov 17 13:28:06 2014\n" 18 18 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-09 07:17+0100\n" 19 19 "Last-Translator: Henrik Bettermann <>\n" … … 36 36 msgstr "" 37 37 38 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3838 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 39 39 msgid "Administration" 40 40 msgstr "" … … 45 45 msgstr "" 46 46 47 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48547 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48 48 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49 49 msgid "Portal Users" 50 50 msgstr "" 51 51 52 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3053 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 25waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 53 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54 54 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55 55 msgid "Data Center" … … 61 61 msgstr "" 62 62 63 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "Student Data Exports"65 msgstr ""66 67 63 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 68 64 msgid "Home" … … 77 73 msgstr "" 78 74 79 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/ 80 #: waeup/ikoba/ 75 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 76 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/ 77 #: waeup/ikoba/ 81 78 msgid "Email Address" 82 79 msgstr "" 83 80 84 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 181 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 85 82 msgid "Are you sure?" 86 83 msgstr "" 87 84 88 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 89 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 90 msgid "Process CSV file" 85 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 86 msgid "Only csv files are allowed." 87 msgstr "" 88 89 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 90 msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier." 91 msgstr "" 92 93 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 94 msgid "" 95 "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First " 96 "problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace." 91 97 msgstr "" 92 98 … … 96 102 msgstr "" 97 103 98 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 104 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 105 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 106 msgid "Process CSV file" 107 msgstr "" 108 109 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 99 110 msgid "Back to step 1" 100 111 msgstr "" 101 112 102 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 36113 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 103 114 msgid "Proceed to step 3" 104 115 msgstr "" 105 116 106 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 179117 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 107 118 msgid "Double headers: each column name may only appear once. " 108 119 msgstr "" 109 120 110 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 187121 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 111 122 msgid "Replace imported file!" 112 123 msgstr "" 113 124 114 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 115 126 msgid "Import aborted." 116 127 msgstr "" 117 128 118 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12129 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 119 130 msgid "Update mode only!" 120 131 msgstr "" 121 132 122 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 133 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 134 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 135 msgid "No item selected." 136 msgstr "" 137 138 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 123 139 msgid "Reset" 124 140 msgstr "" 125 141 126 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 39142 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 127 143 msgid "Set headerfields" 128 144 msgstr "" 129 145 130 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 40146 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 131 147 msgid "Back to step 2" 132 148 msgstr "" 133 149 134 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 41150 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 135 151 msgid "Perform import" 136 152 msgstr "" 137 153 138 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 139 msgid "No item selected." 140 msgstr "" 141 142 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 154 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 143 155 msgid "Edit headers or replace imported file!" 144 156 msgstr "" 145 157 146 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49158 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 147 159 msgid "Process next" 148 160 msgstr "" 149 161 150 162 #. Default: "" 151 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 399163 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 152 164 msgid "Processing of ${a} rows failed." 153 165 msgstr "" 154 166 155 167 #. Default: "" 156 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01168 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 157 169 msgid "Successfully processed ${a} rows." 158 170 msgstr "" 159 171 160 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 09172 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 161 173 msgid "Show logfiles" 162 174 msgstr "" 163 175 164 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12176 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 165 177 msgid "Show" 166 178 msgstr "" 167 179 168 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 169 181 msgid "Search" 170 182 msgstr "" 171 183 172 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 29184 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 173 185 msgid "Enter a regular expression here..." 174 186 msgstr "" 175 187 176 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 188 #. Default: "" 189 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 190 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 191 msgstr "" 192 193 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 177 194 msgid "Log files can only be searched on Unix-based operating systems." 178 195 msgstr "" 179 196 180 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 52197 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 181 198 msgid "Invalid search expression." 182 199 msgstr "" 183 200 184 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55201 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 185 202 msgid "No search results found." 186 203 msgstr "" 187 204 188 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 63205 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 189 206 msgid "Edit data center settings" 190 207 msgstr "" 191 208 192 209 #. Default: "" 193 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 194 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 195 msgstr "" 196 197 #. Default: "" 198 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 210 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 199 211 msgid "File already existed (not copied): ${a}" 200 212 msgstr "" 201 213 202 214 #. Default: "" 203 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486215 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 204 216 msgid "Given storage path cannot be used. ${a}" 205 217 msgstr "" 206 218 207 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 490219 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 208 220 msgid "New storage path succefully set." 209 221 msgstr "" 210 222 211 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 02223 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 212 224 msgid "Download portal data as CSV file" 213 225 msgstr "" 214 226 215 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 04227 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 216 228 msgid "Create CSV file" 217 229 msgstr "" 218 230 219 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30231 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 220 232 msgid "Discarded export" 221 233 msgstr "" 222 234 223 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 574235 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 224 236 msgid "Send me a new password" 225 237 msgstr "" 226 238 227 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01239 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 228 240 msgid "Send login credentials to email address" 229 241 msgstr "" 230 242 231 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12243 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 232 244 msgid "No record found." 233 245 msgstr "" 234 246 235 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 26247 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 236 248 msgid "You have successfully requested a password for the" 237 249 msgstr "" 238 250 239 251 #. Default: "" 240 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30252 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 241 253 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to ${a}." 242 254 msgstr "" 243 255 244 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 256 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 245 257 msgid "Form has been saved." 246 258 msgstr "" … … 248 260 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 249 261 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 250 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 251 263 msgid "Login" 252 264 msgstr "" 253 265 254 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 68266 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 255 267 msgid "You logged in." 256 268 msgstr "" 257 269 258 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 259 msgid "Your personal data record is outdated. Please update." 260 msgstr "" 261 262 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 270 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 271 msgid "Your account has been temporarily deactivated." 272 msgstr "" 273 274 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 275 msgid "Your account has been deactivated." 276 msgstr "" 277 278 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 263 279 msgid "You entered invalid credentials." 264 280 msgstr "" 265 281 266 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01282 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 267 283 msgid "You have been logged out. Thanks for using WAeUP Ikoba!" 268 284 msgstr "" 269 285 270 286 #. Default: "" 271 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 43287 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 272 288 msgid "Contact ${a}" 273 289 msgstr "" 274 290 275 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 276 292 msgid "Send message now" 277 293 msgstr "" 278 294 279 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 368 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46295 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 296 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 281 297 msgid "Your message has been sent." 282 298 msgstr "" 283 299 284 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 388300 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 285 301 msgid "Send now" 286 302 msgstr "" 287 303 288 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 03304 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 289 305 msgid "A smtp server error occurred." 290 306 msgstr "" 291 307 292 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28308 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 293 309 msgid "<h1>Welcome to WAeUP.Ikoba</h1>" 294 310 msgstr "" 295 311 296 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486312 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 297 313 msgid "Manage" 298 314 msgstr "" 299 315 300 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 487waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 301 317 msgid "Remove" 302 318 msgstr "" 303 319 304 320 #. Default: "" 305 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 494321 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 306 322 msgid "User account ${a} successfully deleted." 307 323 msgstr "" 308 324 309 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 31 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 310 326 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 311 327 msgid "Add user" … … 313 329 314 330 #. Default: "" 315 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55331 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 316 332 msgid "User account ${a} successfully added." 317 333 msgstr "" 318 334 319 335 #. Default: "" 320 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 576336 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 321 337 msgid "Edit user ${a}" 322 338 msgstr "" 323 339 324 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 325 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 326 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 340 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 341 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 342 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 343 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 344 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 327 345 msgid "Save" 328 346 msgstr "" 329 347 330 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 10348 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 331 349 msgid "User settings have been saved." 332 350 msgstr "" 333 351 334 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 13 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 37352 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 353 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 354 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 337 355 msgid "Cancel" 338 356 msgstr "" 339 357 340 358 #. Default: "" 341 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27359 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 342 360 msgid "Send message to ${a}" 343 361 msgstr "" 344 362 345 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 346 364 msgid "My Preferences" 347 365 msgstr "" 348 366 349 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 669waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 350 368 msgid "My Roles" 351 369 msgstr "" 352 370 353 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00371 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 354 372 msgid "View portal configuration" 355 373 msgstr "" 356 374 357 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 14375 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 358 376 msgid "Edit portal configuration" 359 377 msgstr "" 360 378 361 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 15 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 362 380 msgid "Update plugins" 363 381 msgstr "" 364 382 365 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 771383 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 384 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 367 385 msgid "Add session configuration" 368 386 msgstr "" 369 387 370 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 18 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 33388 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 389 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 372 390 msgid "Remove selected" 373 391 msgstr "" 374 392 375 393 #. Default: "" 376 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46394 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 377 395 msgid "Session ${a} Configuration" 378 396 msgstr "" 379 397 380 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56398 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 381 399 msgid "For experts only!" 382 400 msgstr "" 383 401 384 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57402 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 385 403 msgid "" 386 404 "Plugins may only be updated after software upgrades. Are you really sure?" 387 405 msgstr "" 388 406 389 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 62407 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 390 408 msgid "Plugins were updated. See log file for details." 391 409 msgstr "" 392 410 393 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 775411 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 394 412 msgid "Add Session Configuration" 395 413 msgstr "" 396 414 397 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 786415 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 398 416 msgid "The session chosen already exists." 399 417 msgstr "" 400 418 401 419 #. Default: "" 402 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 08420 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 403 421 msgid "Edit academic session ${a} configuration" 404 422 msgstr "" 405 423 406 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 50424 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 407 425 msgid "OSError: The file could not be deleted." 408 426 msgstr "" 409 427 410 428 #. Default: "" 411 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54429 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 412 430 msgid "Successfully deleted: ${a}" 413 431 msgstr "" 414 432 415 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 65433 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 416 434 msgid "Processed Files" 417 435 msgstr "" 418 436 419 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 867 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05437 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 438 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 439 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 440 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 423 441 msgid "Back to Data Center" 424 442 msgstr "" 425 443 426 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 879444 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 427 445 msgid "Upload portal data as CSV file" 428 446 msgstr "" 429 447 430 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 882448 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 431 449 msgid "Upload" 432 450 msgstr "" … … 436 454 msgstr "" 437 455 438 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 22456 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 439 457 msgid "Import Manager" 440 458 msgstr "" 441 459 442 460 #. Default: "" 443 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 24461 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 444 462 msgid "${a}: ${b} uploaded" 445 463 msgstr "" 446 464 447 465 #. Default: "" 448 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28466 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 449 467 msgid "" 450 468 "File: ${a}\n" … … 458 476 msgstr "" 459 477 460 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 47478 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 461 479 msgid "All import managers have been notified by email." 462 480 msgstr "" 463 481 464 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 482 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 483 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 465 484 msgid "An smtp server error occurred." 466 485 msgstr "" 467 486 468 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57487 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 469 488 msgid "Maximum number of files in the data center exceeded." 470 msgstr ""471 472 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "Only csv files are allowed."474 msgstr ""475 476 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier."478 msgstr ""479 480 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid ""482 "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First "483 "problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace."484 489 msgstr "" 485 490 … … 538 543 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 539 544 msgid "" 540 "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data except student data."541 " Please pick the type of objects you want to export from the selection below."542 " The file will be generated and then be made available for you to download in"543 " the table below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after"544 " generation. Thedownload link disappears afterwards."545 "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data. Please pick the " 546 "type of objects you want to export from the selection below. The file will " 547 "be generated and then be made available for you to download in the table " 548 "below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after generation. The " 549 "download link disappears afterwards." 545 550 msgstr "" 546 551 … … 586 591 "Find below the last ${count} imports. The files contain the imported " 587 592 "datasets." 588 msgstr ""589 590 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ msgid "File"594 593 msgstr "" 595 594 … … 777 776 msgstr "" 778 777 779 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your studentaccount <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>."778 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>." 780 779 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 781 780 msgid "login_trouble2" 782 781 msgstr "" 783 782 784 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Inititialize your studentaccount <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>."783 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>." 785 784 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 786 785 msgid "login_trouble4" 787 786 msgstr "" 788 787 789 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your student id, application id orpassword? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>."788 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your customer id password? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>." 790 789 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 791 790 msgid "login_trouble3" … … 841 840 842 841 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 843 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 844 843 msgid "Contact" 845 844 msgstr "" 846 845 847 846 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 848 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 849 848 msgid "Logout" 850 849 msgstr "" 851 850 852 851 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 853 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Student ManagementSystem"852 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 853 msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Application and Registration System" 855 854 msgstr "" 856 855 857 856 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 857 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 858 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 858 859 msgid "Retype Password:" 859 860 msgstr "" 860 861 861 862 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 863 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 864 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 865 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 866 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 862 867 msgid "Password:" 863 868 msgstr "" … … 879 884 msgstr "" 880 885 881 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 886 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 882 887 msgid "Send email" 883 888 msgstr "" … … 915 920 msgstr "" 916 921 917 #: waeup/ikoba/ 918 msgid "courses registered" 919 msgstr "" 920 921 #: waeup/ikoba/ 922 msgid "courses validated" 923 msgstr "" 924 925 #: waeup/ikoba/ 926 msgid "returning" 927 msgstr "" 928 929 #: waeup/ikoba/ 930 msgid "graduated" 931 msgstr "" 932 933 #: waeup/ikoba/ 934 msgid "transcript requested" 935 msgstr "" 936 937 #: waeup/ikoba/ 922 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 923 msgid "Customer record created" 924 msgstr "" 925 926 #. Default: "" 927 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 928 msgid "State '${a}' set" 929 msgstr "" 930 931 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 932 msgid "Customer Processor" 933 msgstr "" 934 935 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 936 msgid "Empty search string" 937 msgstr "" 938 939 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 940 msgid "Only year dates allowed (e.g. 2011)." 941 msgstr "" 942 943 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 944 msgid "No customer found." 945 msgstr "" 946 947 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 948 msgid "Manage customer section" 949 msgstr "" 950 951 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 952 msgid "Add customer" 953 msgstr "" 954 955 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 956 msgid "Create customer record" 957 msgstr "" 958 959 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 960 msgid "Customer record created." 961 msgstr "" 962 963 #. Default: "" 964 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 965 msgid "Set temporary password for ${a}" 966 msgstr "" 967 968 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 969 msgid "Login now" 970 msgstr "" 971 972 #. Default: "" 973 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 974 msgid "Login as ${a}" 975 msgstr "" 976 977 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 978 msgid "You successfully logged in as customer." 979 msgstr "" 980 981 #. Default: "" 982 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 983 msgid "${a}: Base Data (account deactivated)" 984 msgstr "" 985 986 #. Default: "" 987 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 988 msgid "${a}: Base Data" 989 msgstr "" 990 991 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 992 msgid "set" 993 msgstr "" 994 995 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 996 msgid "unset" 997 msgstr "" 998 999 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1000 msgid "Manage base data" 1001 msgstr "" 1002 1003 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1004 msgid "Trigger registration transition" 1005 msgstr "" 1006 1007 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1008 msgid "No transition" 1009 msgstr "" 1010 1011 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1012 msgid "Customer account has been activated." 1013 msgstr "" 1014 1015 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1016 msgid "Customer account has been deactivated." 1017 msgstr "" 1018 1019 #. Default: "" 1020 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1021 msgid "${a}: History" 1022 msgstr "" 1023 1024 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1025 msgid "Request password for first-time login" 1026 msgstr "" 1027 1028 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1029 msgid "An error occurred." 1030 msgstr "" 1031 1032 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1033 msgid "No customer record found." 1034 msgstr "" 1035 1036 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1037 msgid "" 1038 "Your password has already been set and used. Please proceed to the login " 1039 "page." 1040 msgstr "" 1041 1042 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1043 msgid "Your password request was successful." 1044 msgstr "" 1045 1046 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1047 msgid "Upload files" 1048 msgstr "" 1049 1050 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1051 msgid "Edit base data" 1052 msgstr "" 1053 1054 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1055 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1056 msgid "Customers" 1057 msgstr "" 1058 1059 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1060 msgid "Change password" 1061 msgstr "" 1062 1063 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1064 msgid "Password changed." 1065 msgstr "" 1066 1067 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1068 msgid "Find customers" 1069 msgstr "" 1070 1071 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1072 msgid "Find customer(s)" 1073 msgstr "" 1074 1075 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1076 msgid "Select all" 1077 msgstr "" 1078 1079 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1080 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1081 msgid "with name" 1082 msgstr "" 1083 1084 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1085 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1086 msgid "with registration number" 1087 msgstr "" 1088 1089 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1090 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1091 msgid "with deactivated account (search term omitted)" 1092 msgstr "" 1093 1094 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1095 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1096 msgid "who requested transcript (search term omitted)" 1097 msgstr "" 1098 1099 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1100 msgid "Search Results" 1101 msgstr "" 1102 1103 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1104 msgid "Reg. Number" 1105 msgstr "" 1106 1107 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1108 msgid "State" 1109 msgstr "" 1110 1111 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1112 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1113 msgid "with id" 1114 msgstr "" 1115 1116 #. Default: "Ikoba is creating a temporary customer password which will replace the original password chosen by the customer. The password will be valid for ${minutes} minutes. The customer can't login during this time period. After expiration the customer can login with the original password again." 1117 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1118 msgid "login_as_intro_1" 1119 msgstr "" 1120 1121 #. Default: "The random password \"${password}\" has been set. You can proceed by clicking the button below." 1122 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1123 msgid "login_as_intro_2" 1124 msgstr "" 1125 1126 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1127 msgid "" 1128 "Your student record will be looked up and your login credentials will be " 1129 "sent to the email address given above. To be able to proceed you must " 1130 "provide a valid email address!" 1131 msgstr "" 1132 1133 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1134 msgid "Please solve the captcha<br />to prevent misuse of this service:" 1135 msgstr "" 1136 1137 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1138 msgid "Email could not been sent. Please retry later." 1139 msgstr "" 1140 1141 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1142 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1143 msgid "Thanks for using Ikoba!" 1144 msgstr "" 1145 1146 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1147 msgid "Your login credentials are:" 1148 msgstr "" 1149 1150 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1151 msgid "User Name:" 1152 msgstr "" 1153 1154 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1155 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1156 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to" 1157 msgstr "" 1158 1159 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1160 msgid "Print this page and proceed to the" 1161 msgstr "" 1162 1163 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1164 msgid "" 1165 "Please note that passwords are case-sensitive, <br />when entering your " 1166 "credentials, and keep your password secret!" 1167 msgstr "" 1168 1169 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1170 msgid "Please check your email account to proceed." 1171 msgstr "" 1172 1173 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1174 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1175 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1176 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1177 msgid "File" 1178 msgstr "" 1179 1180 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1181 msgid "Scan" 1182 msgstr "" 1183 1184 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1185 msgid "Upload selected file" 1186 msgstr "" 1187 1188 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1189 msgid "Delete" 1190 msgstr "" 1191 1192 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1193 msgid "No local file selected." 1194 msgstr "" 1195 1196 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1197 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1198 msgid "Passport Picture" 1199 msgstr "" 1200 1201 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1202 msgid "Passport Picture (jpg only)" 1203 msgstr "" 1204 1205 #. Default: "" 1206 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1207 msgid "${a} deleted." 1208 msgstr "" 1209 1210 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1211 msgid "Uploaded file is too big." 1212 msgstr "" 1213 1214 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1215 msgid "Could not determine file type." 1216 msgstr "" 1217 1218 #. Default: "" 1219 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1220 msgid "${a} file extension expected." 1221 msgstr "" 1222 1223 #. Default: "" 1224 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1225 msgid "Only the following extensions are allowed: ${a}" 1226 msgstr "" 1227 1228 #. Default: "" 1229 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1230 msgid "File ${a} uploaded." 1231 msgstr "" 1232 1233 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1234 msgid "Account suspended" 1235 msgstr "" 1236 1237 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1238 msgid "Reasons for Deactivation" 1239 msgstr "" 1240 1241 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1242 msgid "" 1243 "This message will be shown if and only if deactivated customers try to login." 1244 msgstr "" 1245 1246 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1247 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1248 msgid "Student Id" 1249 msgstr "" 1250 1251 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1252 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1253 msgid "First Name" 1254 msgstr "" 1255 1256 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1257 msgid "Middle Name" 1258 msgstr "" 1259 1260 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1261 msgid "Last Name (Surname)" 1262 msgstr "" 1263 1264 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1265 msgid "Sex" 1266 msgstr "" 1267 1268 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1269 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1270 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1271 msgid "Registration Number" 1272 msgstr "" 1273 1274 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1275 msgid "Email" 1276 msgstr "" 1277 1278 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/ 1279 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1280 msgid "Phone" 1281 msgstr "" 1282 1283 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1284 msgid "History" 1285 msgstr "" 1286 1287 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1288 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1289 msgid "Base Data" 1290 msgstr "" 1291 1292 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1293 msgid "Trigger transition" 1294 msgstr "" 1295 1296 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1297 msgid "Login as customer" 1298 msgstr "" 1299 1300 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1301 msgid "Deactivate account" 1302 msgstr "" 1303 1304 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1305 msgid "'A history message will be added. Are you sure?'" 1306 msgstr "" 1307 1308 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1309 msgid "Activate account" 1310 msgstr "" 1311 1312 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1313 msgid "My Data" 1314 msgstr "" 1315 1316 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1317 msgid "male" 1318 msgstr "" 1319 1320 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1321 msgid "female" 1322 msgstr "" 1323 1324 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1325 msgid "Create customer" 1326 msgstr "" 1327 1328 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1329 msgid "Start registration" 1330 msgstr "" 1331 1332 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1333 msgid "Customer registration started" 1334 msgstr "" 1335 1336 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1337 msgid "Request registration" 1338 msgstr "" 1339 1340 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1341 msgid "Customer registration requested" 1342 msgstr "" 1343 1344 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1345 msgid "Approve customer" 1346 msgstr "" 1347 1348 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1349 msgid "Customer registration approved" 1350 msgstr "" 1351 1352 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1353 msgid "Reject customer" 1354 msgstr "" 1355 1356 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1357 msgid "Customer registration rejected" 1358 msgstr "" 1359 1360 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1361 msgid "Reset customer" 1362 msgstr "" 1363 1364 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1365 msgid "Reset to initial customer state" 1366 msgstr "" 1367 1368 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1369 msgid "Reset to requested" 1370 msgstr "" 1371 1372 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1373 msgid "Reset to 'requested'" 1374 msgstr "" 1375 1376 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1377 msgid "Reset to initial state" 1378 msgstr "" 1379 1380 #: waeup/ikoba/ 938 1381 msgid "Subject" 939 1382 msgstr "" 940 1383 941 #: waeup/ikoba/ 361384 #: waeup/ikoba/ 942 1385 msgid "Grade" 943 1386 msgstr "" 944 1387 945 #: waeup/ikoba/ 921388 #: waeup/ikoba/ 946 1389 msgid "Processor name" 947 1390 msgstr "" 948 1391 949 #: waeup/ikoba/ 181392 #: waeup/ikoba/ 950 1393 msgid "Email Address:" 951 1394 msgstr "" 952 1395 1396 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1397 msgid "Email to:" 1398 msgstr "" 1399 1400 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1401 msgid "Subject:" 1402 msgstr "" 1403 1404 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1405 msgid "Full Name:" 1406 msgstr "" 1407 953 1408 #: waeup/ikoba/ 954 msgid "Email to:"955 msgstr ""956 957 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Subject:"959 msgstr ""960 961 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Full Name:"963 msgstr ""964 965 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1409 msgid "Text:" 967 1410 msgstr "" 968 1411 969 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 970 msgid "Phone" 971 msgstr "" 972 973 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 1412 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 974 1413 msgid "Public Name" 975 1414 msgstr "" 976 1415 977 #: waeup/ikoba/ 79 waeup/ikoba/ #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 978 1417 msgid "Number of failed logins" 979 1418 msgstr "" 980 1419 981 #: waeup/ikoba/ 861420 #: waeup/ikoba/ 982 1421 msgid "Timestamp" 983 1422 msgstr "" 984 1423 985 #: waeup/ikoba/ 871424 #: waeup/ikoba/ 986 1425 msgid "Timestamp of last failed login or `None`" 987 1426 msgstr "" 988 1427 1428 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1429 msgid "User Id" 1430 msgstr "" 1431 1432 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1433 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1434 msgid "Full Name" 1435 msgstr "" 1436 989 1437 #: waeup/ikoba/ 990 msgid "User Id"991 msgstr ""992 993 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Full Name"995 msgstr ""996 997 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1438 msgid "Description/Notice" 999 1439 msgstr "" 1000 1440 1001 #: waeup/ikoba/ 481441 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1002 1442 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1003 1443 msgid "Portal Roles" 1004 1444 msgstr "" 1005 1445 1006 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1446 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1447 msgid "new" 1448 msgstr "" 1449 1450 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1451 msgid "completed" 1452 msgstr "" 1453 1454 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1455 msgid "pending" 1456 msgstr "" 1457 1458 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1459 msgid "active" 1460 msgstr "" 1461 1462 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1007 1463 msgid "Name of Company" 1008 1464 msgstr "" 1009 1465 1010 #: waeup/ikoba/ 961466 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1011 1467 msgid "Sample Company" 1012 1468 msgstr "" 1013 1469 1014 #: waeup/ikoba/ 6011470 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1015 1471 msgid "Abbreviated Title of Company" 1016 1472 msgstr "" 1017 1473 1018 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1474 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1475 msgid "assigned" 1476 msgstr "" 1477 1478 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1019 1479 msgid "Content in HTML format" 1020 1480 msgstr "" 1021 1481 1022 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1482 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1483 msgid "callbacks" 1484 msgstr "" 1485 1486 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1023 1487 msgid "Name of Administrator" 1024 1488 msgstr "" 1025 1489 1026 #: waeup/ikoba/ 251490 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1027 1491 msgid "Email Address of Administrator" 1028 1492 msgstr "" 1029 1493 1030 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1031 msgid "new" 1032 msgstr "" 1033 1034 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1494 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1035 1495 msgid "Subject of Email to Administrator" 1036 1496 msgstr "" 1037 1497 1038 #: waeup/ikoba/ 331498 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1039 1499 msgid "Ikoba Contact" 1040 1500 msgstr "" 1041 1501 1042 #: waeup/ikoba/ 381502 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1043 1503 msgid "SMTP mailer to use when sending mail" 1044 1504 msgstr "" 1045 1505 1046 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1047 msgid "completed" 1048 msgstr "" 1049 1050 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1506 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1051 1507 msgid "Captcha used for public registration pages" 1052 1508 msgstr "" 1053 1509 1054 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1055 msgid "pending" 1056 msgstr "" 1057 1058 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1510 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1059 1511 msgid "Period" 1060 1512 msgstr "" 1061 1513 1062 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1063 msgid "active" 1064 msgstr "" 1065 1066 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1067 msgid "assigned" 1068 msgstr "" 1069 1070 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1514 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1071 1515 msgid "Academic Session" 1072 1516 msgstr "" 1073 1517 1074 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1075 msgid "callbacks" 1076 msgstr "" 1077 1078 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1518 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1079 1519 msgid "created" 1080 1520 msgstr "" 1081 1521 1082 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1083 msgid "admitted" 1084 msgstr "" 1085 1086 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1087 msgid "clearance started" 1088 msgstr "" 1089 1090 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1091 msgid "clearance requested" 1092 msgstr "" 1093 1094 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1095 msgid "cleared" 1096 msgstr "" 1097 1098 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1099 msgid "school fee paid" 1522 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1523 msgid "started" 1524 msgstr "" 1525 1526 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1527 msgid "requested" 1528 msgstr "" 1529 1530 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1531 msgid "approved" 1100 1532 msgstr "" 1101 1533 … … 2193 2625 msgstr "" 2194 2626 2195 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 42627 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2196 2628 msgid "" 2197 2629 "Fullname: ${a}\n" … … 2203 2635 msgstr "" 2204 2636 2205 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 62637 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2206 2638 msgid "" 2207 2639 "Dear ${a},\n" 2208 2640 "\n" 2209 2641 "${b}\n" 2210 " Student Registration and Information Portal of\n"2642 "Application and Registration Portal of\n" 2211 2643 "${c}.\n" 2212 2644 "\n" -
r11954 r11980 15 15 msgstr "" 16 16 "Project-Id-Version: WAeUP.KOFA\n" 17 "POT-Creation-Date: Thu Nov 13 15:09:532014\n"17 "POT-Creation-Date: Mon Nov 17 13:28:06 2014\n" 18 18 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-09 07:17+0100\n" 19 19 "Last-Translator: Henrik Bettermann <>\n" … … 36 36 msgstr "" 37 37 38 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3838 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 39 39 msgid "Administration" 40 40 msgstr "" … … 45 45 msgstr "" 46 46 47 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48547 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48 48 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49 49 msgid "Portal Users" 50 50 msgstr "" 51 51 52 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3053 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 25waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 53 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54 54 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55 55 msgid "Data Center" … … 61 61 msgstr "" 62 62 63 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "Student Data Exports"65 msgstr ""66 67 63 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 68 64 msgid "Home" … … 77 73 msgstr "" 78 74 79 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/ 80 #: waeup/ikoba/ 75 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 76 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/ 77 #: waeup/ikoba/ 81 78 msgid "Email Address" 82 79 msgstr "" 83 80 84 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 181 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 85 82 msgid "Are you sure?" 86 83 msgstr "" 87 84 88 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 89 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 90 msgid "Process CSV file" 85 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 86 msgid "Only csv files are allowed." 87 msgstr "" 88 89 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 90 msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier." 91 msgstr "" 92 93 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 94 msgid "" 95 "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First " 96 "problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace." 91 97 msgstr "" 92 98 … … 96 102 msgstr "" 97 103 98 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 104 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 105 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 106 msgid "Process CSV file" 107 msgstr "" 108 109 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 99 110 msgid "Back to step 1" 100 111 msgstr "" 101 112 102 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 36113 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 103 114 msgid "Proceed to step 3" 104 115 msgstr "" 105 116 106 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 179117 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 107 118 msgid "Double headers: each column name may only appear once. " 108 119 msgstr "" 109 120 110 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 187121 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 111 122 msgid "Replace imported file!" 112 123 msgstr "" 113 124 114 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 115 126 msgid "Import aborted." 116 127 msgstr "" 117 128 118 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12129 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 119 130 msgid "Update mode only!" 120 131 msgstr "" 121 132 122 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 133 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 134 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 135 msgid "No item selected." 136 msgstr "" 137 138 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 123 139 msgid "Reset" 124 140 msgstr "" 125 141 126 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 39142 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 127 143 msgid "Set headerfields" 128 144 msgstr "" 129 145 130 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 40146 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 131 147 msgid "Back to step 2" 132 148 msgstr "" 133 149 134 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 41150 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 135 151 msgid "Perform import" 136 152 msgstr "" 137 153 138 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 139 msgid "No item selected." 140 msgstr "" 141 142 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 154 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 143 155 msgid "Edit headers or replace imported file!" 144 156 msgstr "" 145 157 146 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49158 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 147 159 msgid "Process next" 148 160 msgstr "" 149 161 150 162 #. Default: "" 151 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 399163 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 152 164 msgid "Processing of ${a} rows failed." 153 165 msgstr "" 154 166 155 167 #. Default: "" 156 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01168 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 157 169 msgid "Successfully processed ${a} rows." 158 170 msgstr "" 159 171 160 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 09172 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 161 173 msgid "Show logfiles" 162 174 msgstr "" 163 175 164 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12176 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 165 177 msgid "Show" 166 178 msgstr "" 167 179 168 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 169 181 msgid "Search" 170 182 msgstr "" 171 183 172 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 29184 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 173 185 msgid "Enter a regular expression here..." 174 186 msgstr "" 175 187 176 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 188 #. Default: "" 189 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 190 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 191 msgstr "" 192 193 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 177 194 msgid "Log files can only be searched on Unix-based operating systems." 178 195 msgstr "" 179 196 180 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 52197 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 181 198 msgid "Invalid search expression." 182 199 msgstr "" 183 200 184 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55201 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 185 202 msgid "No search results found." 186 203 msgstr "" 187 204 188 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 63205 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 189 206 msgid "Edit data center settings" 190 207 msgstr "" 191 208 192 209 #. Default: "" 193 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 194 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 195 msgstr "" 196 197 #. Default: "" 198 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 210 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 199 211 msgid "File already existed (not copied): ${a}" 200 212 msgstr "" 201 213 202 214 #. Default: "" 203 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486215 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 204 216 msgid "Given storage path cannot be used. ${a}" 205 217 msgstr "" 206 218 207 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 490219 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 208 220 msgid "New storage path succefully set." 209 221 msgstr "" 210 222 211 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 02223 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 212 224 msgid "Download portal data as CSV file" 213 225 msgstr "" 214 226 215 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 04227 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 216 228 msgid "Create CSV file" 217 229 msgstr "" 218 230 219 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30231 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 220 232 msgid "Discarded export" 221 233 msgstr "" 222 234 223 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 574235 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 224 236 msgid "Send me a new password" 225 237 msgstr "" 226 238 227 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01239 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 228 240 msgid "Send login credentials to email address" 229 241 msgstr "" 230 242 231 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12243 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 232 244 msgid "No record found." 233 245 msgstr "" 234 246 235 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 26247 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 236 248 msgid "You have successfully requested a password for the" 237 249 msgstr "" 238 250 239 251 #. Default: "" 240 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30252 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 241 253 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to ${a}." 242 254 msgstr "" 243 255 244 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 256 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 245 257 msgid "Form has been saved." 246 258 msgstr "" … … 248 260 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 249 261 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 250 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 251 263 msgid "Login" 252 264 msgstr "" 253 265 254 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 68266 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 255 267 msgid "You logged in." 256 268 msgstr "" 257 269 258 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 259 msgid "Your personal data record is outdated. Please update." 260 msgstr "" 261 262 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 270 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 271 msgid "Your account has been temporarily deactivated." 272 msgstr "" 273 274 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 275 msgid "Your account has been deactivated." 276 msgstr "" 277 278 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 263 279 msgid "You entered invalid credentials." 264 280 msgstr "" 265 281 266 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01282 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 267 283 msgid "You have been logged out. Thanks for using WAeUP Ikoba!" 268 284 msgstr "" 269 285 270 286 #. Default: "" 271 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 43287 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 272 288 msgid "Contact ${a}" 273 289 msgstr "" 274 290 275 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 276 292 msgid "Send message now" 277 293 msgstr "" 278 294 279 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 368 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46295 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 296 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 281 297 msgid "Your message has been sent." 282 298 msgstr "" 283 299 284 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 388300 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 285 301 msgid "Send now" 286 302 msgstr "" 287 303 288 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 03304 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 289 305 msgid "A smtp server error occurred." 290 306 msgstr "" 291 307 292 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28308 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 293 309 msgid "<h1>Welcome to WAeUP.Ikoba</h1>" 294 310 msgstr "" 295 311 296 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486312 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 297 313 msgid "Manage" 298 314 msgstr "" 299 315 300 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 487waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 301 317 msgid "Remove" 302 318 msgstr "" 303 319 304 320 #. Default: "" 305 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 494321 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 306 322 msgid "User account ${a} successfully deleted." 307 323 msgstr "" 308 324 309 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 31 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 310 326 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 311 327 msgid "Add user" … … 313 329 314 330 #. Default: "" 315 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55331 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 316 332 msgid "User account ${a} successfully added." 317 333 msgstr "" 318 334 319 335 #. Default: "" 320 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 576336 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 321 337 msgid "Edit user ${a}" 322 338 msgstr "" 323 339 324 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 325 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 326 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 340 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 341 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 342 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 343 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 344 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 327 345 msgid "Save" 328 346 msgstr "" 329 347 330 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 10348 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 331 349 msgid "User settings have been saved." 332 350 msgstr "" 333 351 334 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 13 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 37352 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 353 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 354 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 337 355 msgid "Cancel" 338 356 msgstr "" 339 357 340 358 #. Default: "" 341 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27359 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 342 360 msgid "Send message to ${a}" 343 361 msgstr "" 344 362 345 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 346 364 msgid "My Preferences" 347 365 msgstr "" 348 366 349 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 669waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 350 368 msgid "My Roles" 351 369 msgstr "" 352 370 353 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00371 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 354 372 msgid "View portal configuration" 355 373 msgstr "" 356 374 357 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 14375 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 358 376 msgid "Edit portal configuration" 359 377 msgstr "" 360 378 361 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 15 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 362 380 msgid "Update plugins" 363 381 msgstr "" 364 382 365 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 771383 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 384 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 367 385 msgid "Add session configuration" 368 386 msgstr "" 369 387 370 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 18 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 33388 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 389 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 372 390 msgid "Remove selected" 373 391 msgstr "" 374 392 375 393 #. Default: "" 376 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46394 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 377 395 msgid "Session ${a} Configuration" 378 396 msgstr "" 379 397 380 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56398 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 381 399 msgid "For experts only!" 382 400 msgstr "" 383 401 384 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57402 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 385 403 msgid "" 386 404 "Plugins may only be updated after software upgrades. Are you really sure?" 387 405 msgstr "" 388 406 389 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 62407 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 390 408 msgid "Plugins were updated. See log file for details." 391 409 msgstr "" 392 410 393 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 775411 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 394 412 msgid "Add Session Configuration" 395 413 msgstr "" 396 414 397 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 786415 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 398 416 msgid "The session chosen already exists." 399 417 msgstr "" 400 418 401 419 #. Default: "" 402 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 08420 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 403 421 msgid "Edit academic session ${a} configuration" 404 422 msgstr "" 405 423 406 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 50424 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 407 425 msgid "OSError: The file could not be deleted." 408 426 msgstr "" 409 427 410 428 #. Default: "" 411 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54429 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 412 430 msgid "Successfully deleted: ${a}" 413 431 msgstr "" 414 432 415 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 65433 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 416 434 msgid "Processed Files" 417 435 msgstr "" 418 436 419 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 867 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05437 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 438 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 439 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 440 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 423 441 msgid "Back to Data Center" 424 442 msgstr "" 425 443 426 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 879444 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 427 445 msgid "Upload portal data as CSV file" 428 446 msgstr "" 429 447 430 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 882448 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 431 449 msgid "Upload" 432 450 msgstr "" … … 436 454 msgstr "" 437 455 438 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 22456 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 439 457 msgid "Import Manager" 440 458 msgstr "" 441 459 442 460 #. Default: "" 443 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 24461 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 444 462 msgid "${a}: ${b} uploaded" 445 463 msgstr "" 446 464 447 465 #. Default: "" 448 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28466 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 449 467 msgid "" 450 468 "File: ${a}\n" … … 458 476 msgstr "" 459 477 460 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 47478 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 461 479 msgid "All import managers have been notified by email." 462 480 msgstr "" 463 481 464 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 482 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 483 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 465 484 msgid "An smtp server error occurred." 466 485 msgstr "" 467 486 468 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57487 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 469 488 msgid "Maximum number of files in the data center exceeded." 470 msgstr ""471 472 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "Only csv files are allowed."474 msgstr ""475 476 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier."478 msgstr ""479 480 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid ""482 "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First "483 "problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace."484 489 msgstr "" 485 490 … … 538 543 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 539 544 msgid "" 540 "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data except student data."541 " Please pick the type of objects you want to export from the selection below."542 " The file will be generated and then be made available for you to download in"543 " the table below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after"544 " generation. Thedownload link disappears afterwards."545 "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data. Please pick the " 546 "type of objects you want to export from the selection below. The file will " 547 "be generated and then be made available for you to download in the table " 548 "below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after generation. The " 549 "download link disappears afterwards." 545 550 msgstr "" 546 551 … … 586 591 "Find below the last ${count} imports. The files contain the imported " 587 592 "datasets." 588 msgstr ""589 590 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ msgid "File"594 593 msgstr "" 595 594 … … 777 776 msgstr "" 778 777 779 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your studentaccount <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>."778 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>." 780 779 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 781 780 msgid "login_trouble2" 782 781 msgstr "" 783 782 784 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Inititialize your studentaccount <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>."783 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>." 785 784 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 786 785 msgid "login_trouble4" 787 786 msgstr "" 788 787 789 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your student id, application id orpassword? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>."788 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your customer id password? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>." 790 789 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 791 790 msgid "login_trouble3" … … 841 840 842 841 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 843 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 844 843 msgid "Contact" 845 844 msgstr "" 846 845 847 846 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 848 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 849 848 msgid "Logout" 850 849 msgstr "" 851 850 852 851 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 853 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Student ManagementSystem"852 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 853 msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Application and Registration System" 855 854 msgstr "" 856 855 857 856 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 857 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 858 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 858 859 msgid "Retype Password:" 859 860 msgstr "" 860 861 861 862 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 863 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 864 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 865 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 866 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 862 867 msgid "Password:" 863 868 msgstr "" … … 879 884 msgstr "" 880 885 881 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 886 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 882 887 msgid "Send email" 883 888 msgstr "" … … 915 920 msgstr "" 916 921 917 #: waeup/ikoba/ 918 msgid "courses registered" 919 msgstr "" 920 921 #: waeup/ikoba/ 922 msgid "courses validated" 923 msgstr "" 924 925 #: waeup/ikoba/ 926 msgid "returning" 927 msgstr "" 928 929 #: waeup/ikoba/ 930 msgid "graduated" 931 msgstr "" 932 933 #: waeup/ikoba/ 934 msgid "transcript requested" 935 msgstr "" 936 937 #: waeup/ikoba/ 922 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 923 msgid "Customer record created" 924 msgstr "" 925 926 #. Default: "" 927 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 928 msgid "State '${a}' set" 929 msgstr "" 930 931 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 932 msgid "Customer Processor" 933 msgstr "" 934 935 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 936 msgid "Empty search string" 937 msgstr "" 938 939 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 940 msgid "Only year dates allowed (e.g. 2011)." 941 msgstr "" 942 943 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 944 msgid "No customer found." 945 msgstr "" 946 947 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 948 msgid "Manage customer section" 949 msgstr "" 950 951 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 952 msgid "Add customer" 953 msgstr "" 954 955 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 956 msgid "Create customer record" 957 msgstr "" 958 959 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 960 msgid "Customer record created." 961 msgstr "" 962 963 #. Default: "" 964 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 965 msgid "Set temporary password for ${a}" 966 msgstr "" 967 968 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 969 msgid "Login now" 970 msgstr "" 971 972 #. Default: "" 973 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 974 msgid "Login as ${a}" 975 msgstr "" 976 977 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 978 msgid "You successfully logged in as customer." 979 msgstr "" 980 981 #. Default: "" 982 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 983 msgid "${a}: Base Data (account deactivated)" 984 msgstr "" 985 986 #. Default: "" 987 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 988 msgid "${a}: Base Data" 989 msgstr "" 990 991 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 992 msgid "set" 993 msgstr "" 994 995 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 996 msgid "unset" 997 msgstr "" 998 999 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1000 msgid "Manage base data" 1001 msgstr "" 1002 1003 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1004 msgid "Trigger registration transition" 1005 msgstr "" 1006 1007 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1008 msgid "No transition" 1009 msgstr "" 1010 1011 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1012 msgid "Customer account has been activated." 1013 msgstr "" 1014 1015 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1016 msgid "Customer account has been deactivated." 1017 msgstr "" 1018 1019 #. Default: "" 1020 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1021 msgid "${a}: History" 1022 msgstr "" 1023 1024 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1025 msgid "Request password for first-time login" 1026 msgstr "" 1027 1028 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1029 msgid "An error occurred." 1030 msgstr "" 1031 1032 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1033 msgid "No customer record found." 1034 msgstr "" 1035 1036 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1037 msgid "" 1038 "Your password has already been set and used. Please proceed to the login " 1039 "page." 1040 msgstr "" 1041 1042 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1043 msgid "Your password request was successful." 1044 msgstr "" 1045 1046 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1047 msgid "Upload files" 1048 msgstr "" 1049 1050 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1051 msgid "Edit base data" 1052 msgstr "" 1053 1054 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1055 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1056 msgid "Customers" 1057 msgstr "" 1058 1059 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1060 msgid "Change password" 1061 msgstr "" 1062 1063 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1064 msgid "Password changed." 1065 msgstr "" 1066 1067 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1068 msgid "Find customers" 1069 msgstr "" 1070 1071 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1072 msgid "Find customer(s)" 1073 msgstr "" 1074 1075 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1076 msgid "Select all" 1077 msgstr "" 1078 1079 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1080 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1081 msgid "with name" 1082 msgstr "" 1083 1084 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1085 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1086 msgid "with registration number" 1087 msgstr "" 1088 1089 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1090 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1091 msgid "with deactivated account (search term omitted)" 1092 msgstr "" 1093 1094 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1095 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1096 msgid "who requested transcript (search term omitted)" 1097 msgstr "" 1098 1099 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1100 msgid "Search Results" 1101 msgstr "" 1102 1103 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1104 msgid "Reg. Number" 1105 msgstr "" 1106 1107 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1108 msgid "State" 1109 msgstr "" 1110 1111 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1112 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1113 msgid "with id" 1114 msgstr "" 1115 1116 #. Default: "Ikoba is creating a temporary customer password which will replace the original password chosen by the customer. The password will be valid for ${minutes} minutes. The customer can't login during this time period. After expiration the customer can login with the original password again." 1117 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1118 msgid "login_as_intro_1" 1119 msgstr "" 1120 1121 #. Default: "The random password \"${password}\" has been set. You can proceed by clicking the button below." 1122 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1123 msgid "login_as_intro_2" 1124 msgstr "" 1125 1126 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1127 msgid "" 1128 "Your student record will be looked up and your login credentials will be " 1129 "sent to the email address given above. To be able to proceed you must " 1130 "provide a valid email address!" 1131 msgstr "" 1132 1133 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1134 msgid "Please solve the captcha<br />to prevent misuse of this service:" 1135 msgstr "" 1136 1137 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1138 msgid "Email could not been sent. Please retry later." 1139 msgstr "" 1140 1141 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1142 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1143 msgid "Thanks for using Ikoba!" 1144 msgstr "" 1145 1146 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1147 msgid "Your login credentials are:" 1148 msgstr "" 1149 1150 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1151 msgid "User Name:" 1152 msgstr "" 1153 1154 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1155 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1156 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to" 1157 msgstr "" 1158 1159 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1160 msgid "Print this page and proceed to the" 1161 msgstr "" 1162 1163 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1164 msgid "" 1165 "Please note that passwords are case-sensitive, <br />when entering your " 1166 "credentials, and keep your password secret!" 1167 msgstr "" 1168 1169 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1170 msgid "Please check your email account to proceed." 1171 msgstr "" 1172 1173 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1174 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1175 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1176 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1177 msgid "File" 1178 msgstr "" 1179 1180 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1181 msgid "Scan" 1182 msgstr "" 1183 1184 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1185 msgid "Upload selected file" 1186 msgstr "" 1187 1188 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1189 msgid "Delete" 1190 msgstr "" 1191 1192 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1193 msgid "No local file selected." 1194 msgstr "" 1195 1196 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1197 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1198 msgid "Passport Picture" 1199 msgstr "" 1200 1201 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1202 msgid "Passport Picture (jpg only)" 1203 msgstr "" 1204 1205 #. Default: "" 1206 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1207 msgid "${a} deleted." 1208 msgstr "" 1209 1210 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1211 msgid "Uploaded file is too big." 1212 msgstr "" 1213 1214 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1215 msgid "Could not determine file type." 1216 msgstr "" 1217 1218 #. Default: "" 1219 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1220 msgid "${a} file extension expected." 1221 msgstr "" 1222 1223 #. Default: "" 1224 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1225 msgid "Only the following extensions are allowed: ${a}" 1226 msgstr "" 1227 1228 #. Default: "" 1229 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1230 msgid "File ${a} uploaded." 1231 msgstr "" 1232 1233 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1234 msgid "Account suspended" 1235 msgstr "" 1236 1237 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1238 msgid "Reasons for Deactivation" 1239 msgstr "" 1240 1241 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1242 msgid "" 1243 "This message will be shown if and only if deactivated customers try to login." 1244 msgstr "" 1245 1246 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1247 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1248 msgid "Student Id" 1249 msgstr "" 1250 1251 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1252 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1253 msgid "First Name" 1254 msgstr "" 1255 1256 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1257 msgid "Middle Name" 1258 msgstr "" 1259 1260 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1261 msgid "Last Name (Surname)" 1262 msgstr "" 1263 1264 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1265 msgid "Sex" 1266 msgstr "" 1267 1268 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1269 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1270 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1271 msgid "Registration Number" 1272 msgstr "" 1273 1274 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1275 msgid "Email" 1276 msgstr "" 1277 1278 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/ 1279 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1280 msgid "Phone" 1281 msgstr "" 1282 1283 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1284 msgid "History" 1285 msgstr "" 1286 1287 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1288 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1289 msgid "Base Data" 1290 msgstr "" 1291 1292 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1293 msgid "Trigger transition" 1294 msgstr "" 1295 1296 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1297 msgid "Login as customer" 1298 msgstr "" 1299 1300 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1301 msgid "Deactivate account" 1302 msgstr "" 1303 1304 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1305 msgid "'A history message will be added. Are you sure?'" 1306 msgstr "" 1307 1308 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1309 msgid "Activate account" 1310 msgstr "" 1311 1312 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1313 msgid "My Data" 1314 msgstr "" 1315 1316 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1317 msgid "male" 1318 msgstr "" 1319 1320 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1321 msgid "female" 1322 msgstr "" 1323 1324 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1325 msgid "Create customer" 1326 msgstr "" 1327 1328 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1329 msgid "Start registration" 1330 msgstr "" 1331 1332 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1333 msgid "Customer registration started" 1334 msgstr "" 1335 1336 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1337 msgid "Request registration" 1338 msgstr "" 1339 1340 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1341 msgid "Customer registration requested" 1342 msgstr "" 1343 1344 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1345 msgid "Approve customer" 1346 msgstr "" 1347 1348 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1349 msgid "Customer registration approved" 1350 msgstr "" 1351 1352 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1353 msgid "Reject customer" 1354 msgstr "" 1355 1356 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1357 msgid "Customer registration rejected" 1358 msgstr "" 1359 1360 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1361 msgid "Reset customer" 1362 msgstr "" 1363 1364 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1365 msgid "Reset to initial customer state" 1366 msgstr "" 1367 1368 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1369 msgid "Reset to requested" 1370 msgstr "" 1371 1372 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1373 msgid "Reset to 'requested'" 1374 msgstr "" 1375 1376 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1377 msgid "Reset to initial state" 1378 msgstr "" 1379 1380 #: waeup/ikoba/ 938 1381 msgid "Subject" 939 1382 msgstr "" 940 1383 941 #: waeup/ikoba/ 361384 #: waeup/ikoba/ 942 1385 msgid "Grade" 943 1386 msgstr "" 944 1387 945 #: waeup/ikoba/ 921388 #: waeup/ikoba/ 946 1389 msgid "Processor name" 947 1390 msgstr "" 948 1391 949 #: waeup/ikoba/ 181392 #: waeup/ikoba/ 950 1393 msgid "Email Address:" 951 1394 msgstr "" 952 1395 1396 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1397 msgid "Email to:" 1398 msgstr "" 1399 1400 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1401 msgid "Subject:" 1402 msgstr "" 1403 1404 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1405 msgid "Full Name:" 1406 msgstr "" 1407 953 1408 #: waeup/ikoba/ 954 msgid "Email to:"955 msgstr ""956 957 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Subject:"959 msgstr ""960 961 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Full Name:"963 msgstr ""964 965 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1409 msgid "Text:" 967 1410 msgstr "" 968 1411 969 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 970 msgid "Phone" 971 msgstr "" 972 973 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 1412 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 974 1413 msgid "Public Name" 975 1414 msgstr "" 976 1415 977 #: waeup/ikoba/ 79 waeup/ikoba/ #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 978 1417 msgid "Number of failed logins" 979 1418 msgstr "" 980 1419 981 #: waeup/ikoba/ 861420 #: waeup/ikoba/ 982 1421 msgid "Timestamp" 983 1422 msgstr "" 984 1423 985 #: waeup/ikoba/ 871424 #: waeup/ikoba/ 986 1425 msgid "Timestamp of last failed login or `None`" 987 1426 msgstr "" 988 1427 1428 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1429 msgid "User Id" 1430 msgstr "" 1431 1432 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1433 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1434 msgid "Full Name" 1435 msgstr "" 1436 989 1437 #: waeup/ikoba/ 990 msgid "User Id"991 msgstr ""992 993 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Full Name"995 msgstr ""996 997 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1438 msgid "Description/Notice" 999 1439 msgstr "" 1000 1440 1001 #: waeup/ikoba/ 481441 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1002 1442 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1003 1443 msgid "Portal Roles" 1004 1444 msgstr "" 1005 1445 1006 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1446 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1447 msgid "new" 1448 msgstr "" 1449 1450 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1451 msgid "completed" 1452 msgstr "" 1453 1454 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1455 msgid "pending" 1456 msgstr "" 1457 1458 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1459 msgid "active" 1460 msgstr "" 1461 1462 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1007 1463 msgid "Name of Company" 1008 1464 msgstr "" 1009 1465 1010 #: waeup/ikoba/ 961466 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1011 1467 msgid "Sample Company" 1012 1468 msgstr "" 1013 1469 1014 #: waeup/ikoba/ 6011470 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1015 1471 msgid "Abbreviated Title of Company" 1016 1472 msgstr "" 1017 1473 1018 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1474 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1475 msgid "assigned" 1476 msgstr "" 1477 1478 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1019 1479 msgid "Content in HTML format" 1020 1480 msgstr "" 1021 1481 1022 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1482 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1483 msgid "callbacks" 1484 msgstr "" 1485 1486 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1023 1487 msgid "Name of Administrator" 1024 1488 msgstr "" 1025 1489 1026 #: waeup/ikoba/ 251490 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1027 1491 msgid "Email Address of Administrator" 1028 1492 msgstr "" 1029 1493 1030 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1031 msgid "new" 1032 msgstr "" 1033 1034 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1494 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1035 1495 msgid "Subject of Email to Administrator" 1036 1496 msgstr "" 1037 1497 1038 #: waeup/ikoba/ 331498 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1039 1499 msgid "Ikoba Contact" 1040 1500 msgstr "" 1041 1501 1042 #: waeup/ikoba/ 381502 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1043 1503 msgid "SMTP mailer to use when sending mail" 1044 1504 msgstr "" 1045 1505 1046 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1047 msgid "completed" 1048 msgstr "" 1049 1050 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1506 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1051 1507 msgid "Captcha used for public registration pages" 1052 1508 msgstr "" 1053 1509 1054 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1055 msgid "pending" 1056 msgstr "" 1057 1058 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1510 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1059 1511 msgid "Period" 1060 1512 msgstr "" 1061 1513 1062 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1063 msgid "active" 1064 msgstr "" 1065 1066 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1067 msgid "assigned" 1068 msgstr "" 1069 1070 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1514 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1071 1515 msgid "Academic Session" 1072 1516 msgstr "" 1073 1517 1074 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1075 msgid "callbacks" 1076 msgstr "" 1077 1078 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1518 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1079 1519 msgid "created" 1080 1520 msgstr "" 1081 1521 1082 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1083 msgid "admitted" 1084 msgstr "" 1085 1086 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1087 msgid "clearance started" 1088 msgstr "" 1089 1090 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1091 msgid "clearance requested" 1092 msgstr "" 1093 1094 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1095 msgid "cleared" 1096 msgstr "" 1097 1098 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1099 msgid "school fee paid" 1522 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1523 msgid "started" 1524 msgstr "" 1525 1526 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1527 msgid "requested" 1528 msgstr "" 1529 1530 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1531 msgid "approved" 1100 1532 msgstr "" 1101 1533 … … 2193 2625 msgstr "" 2194 2626 2195 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 42627 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2196 2628 msgid "" 2197 2629 "Fullname: ${a}\n" … … 2203 2635 msgstr "" 2204 2636 2205 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 62637 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2206 2638 msgid "" 2207 2639 "Dear ${a},\n" 2208 2640 "\n" 2209 2641 "${b}\n" 2210 " Student Registration and Information Portal of\n"2642 "Application and Registration Portal of\n" 2211 2643 "${c}.\n" 2212 2644 "\n" -
r11954 r11980 15 15 msgstr "" 16 16 "Project-Id-Version: Development/Unknown\n" 17 "POT-Creation-Date: Thu Nov 13 15:09:532014\n"17 "POT-Creation-Date: Mon Nov 17 13:28:06 2014\n" 18 18 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" 19 19 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" … … 33 33 34 34 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 35 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3835 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 36 36 msgid "Administration" 37 37 msgstr "" … … 44 44 45 45 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48546 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 47 47 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48 48 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ … … 51 51 52 52 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 53 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3054 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 2553 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55 55 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56 56 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ … … 65 65 msgstr "" 66 66 67 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "Student Data Exports"69 msgstr ""70 71 67 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 72 68 msgid "Home" … … 82 78 83 79 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 84 #: waeup/ikoba/ 85 #: waeup/ikoba/ 80 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 81 #: waeup/ikoba/ 82 #: waeup/ikoba/ 86 83 msgid "Email Address" 87 84 msgstr "" 88 85 89 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 186 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 90 87 msgid "Are you sure?" 91 88 msgstr "" 92 89 93 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 94 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 95 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 96 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 90 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 91 msgid "Only csv files are allowed." 92 msgstr "" 93 94 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 95 msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier." 96 msgstr "" 97 98 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 99 msgid "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace." 100 msgstr "" 101 102 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 103 #. Default: "" 104 msgid "Local role successfully removed: ${a}" 105 msgstr "" 106 107 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 108 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 109 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 110 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 97 111 msgid "Process CSV file" 98 112 msgstr "" 99 113 100 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 101 #. Default: "" 102 msgid "Local role successfully removed: ${a}" 103 msgstr "" 104 105 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 114 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 106 115 msgid "Back to step 1" 107 116 msgstr "" 108 117 109 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 36118 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 110 119 msgid "Proceed to step 3" 111 120 msgstr "" 112 121 113 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 179122 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 114 123 msgid "Double headers: each column name may only appear once. " 115 124 msgstr "" 116 125 117 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 187126 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 118 127 msgid "Replace imported file!" 119 128 msgstr "" 120 129 121 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00122 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 23130 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 131 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 123 132 msgid "Import aborted." 124 133 msgstr "" 125 134 126 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12135 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 127 136 msgid "Update mode only!" 128 137 msgstr "" 129 138 130 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 131 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 139 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 140 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 141 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 142 msgid "No item selected." 143 msgstr "" 144 145 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 146 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 132 147 msgid "Reset" 133 148 msgstr "" 134 149 135 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 39150 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 136 151 msgid "Set headerfields" 137 152 msgstr "" 138 153 139 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 40154 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 140 155 msgid "Back to step 2" 141 156 msgstr "" 142 157 143 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 41158 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 144 159 msgid "Perform import" 145 160 msgstr "" 146 161 147 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 148 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 149 msgid "No item selected." 150 msgstr "" 151 152 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 162 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 153 163 msgid "Edit headers or replace imported file!" 154 164 msgstr "" 155 165 156 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49166 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 157 167 msgid "Process next" 158 168 msgstr "" 159 169 160 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 399170 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 161 171 #. Default: "" 162 172 msgid "Processing of ${a} rows failed." 163 173 msgstr "" 164 174 165 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01175 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 166 176 #. Default: "" 167 177 msgid "Successfully processed ${a} rows." 168 178 msgstr "" 169 179 170 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 09180 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 171 181 msgid "Show logfiles" 172 182 msgstr "" 173 183 174 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12184 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 175 185 msgid "Show" 176 186 msgstr "" 177 187 178 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27188 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 179 189 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 180 190 msgid "Search" 181 191 msgstr "" 182 192 183 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 29193 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 184 194 msgid "Enter a regular expression here..." 185 195 msgstr "" 186 196 187 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 197 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 198 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 199 #. Default: "" 200 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 201 msgstr "" 202 203 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 188 204 msgid "Log files can only be searched on Unix-based operating systems." 189 205 msgstr "" 190 206 191 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 52207 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 192 208 msgid "Invalid search expression." 193 209 msgstr "" 194 210 195 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55211 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 196 212 msgid "No search results found." 197 213 msgstr "" 198 214 199 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 63215 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 200 216 msgid "Edit data center settings" 201 217 msgstr "" 202 218 203 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 204 #. Default: "" 205 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 206 msgstr "" 207 208 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 219 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 209 220 #. Default: "" 210 221 msgid "File already existed (not copied): ${a}" 211 222 msgstr "" 212 223 213 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486224 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 214 225 #. Default: "" 215 226 msgid "Given storage path cannot be used. ${a}" 216 227 msgstr "" 217 228 218 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 490229 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 219 230 msgid "New storage path succefully set." 220 231 msgstr "" 221 232 222 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 02233 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 223 234 msgid "Download portal data as CSV file" 224 235 msgstr "" 225 236 226 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 04237 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 227 238 msgid "Create CSV file" 228 239 msgstr "" 229 240 230 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30241 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 231 242 msgid "Discarded export" 232 243 msgstr "" 233 244 234 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 574245 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 235 246 msgid "Send me a new password" 236 247 msgstr "" 237 248 238 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 249 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 250 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 239 251 msgid "Send login credentials to email address" 240 252 msgstr "" 241 253 242 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12254 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 243 255 msgid "No record found." 244 256 msgstr "" 245 257 246 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 258 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 259 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 247 260 msgid "You have successfully requested a password for the" 248 261 msgstr "" 249 262 250 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30263 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 251 264 #. Default: "" 252 265 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to ${a}." … … 254 267 255 268 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 269 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 256 270 msgid "Form has been saved." 257 271 msgstr "" … … 260 274 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 261 275 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 262 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 263 277 msgid "Login" 264 278 msgstr "" 265 279 266 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 68280 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 267 281 msgid "You logged in." 268 282 msgstr "" 269 283 270 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 271 msgid "Your personal data record is outdated. Please update." 272 msgstr "" 273 274 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 284 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 285 msgid "Your account has been temporarily deactivated." 286 msgstr "" 287 288 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 289 msgid "Your account has been deactivated." 290 msgstr "" 291 292 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 275 293 msgid "You entered invalid credentials." 276 294 msgstr "" 277 295 278 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01296 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 279 297 msgid "You have been logged out. Thanks for using WAeUP Ikoba!" 280 298 msgstr "" 281 299 282 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 43300 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 283 301 #. Default: "" 284 302 msgid "Contact ${a}" 285 303 msgstr "" 286 304 287 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49288 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 29305 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 306 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 289 307 msgid "Send message now" 290 308 msgstr "" 291 309 292 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 310 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 294 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 311 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 312 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 313 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 295 314 msgid "Your message has been sent." 296 315 msgstr "" 297 316 298 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 388317 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 299 318 msgid "Send now" 300 319 msgstr "" 301 320 302 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 03321 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 303 322 msgid "A smtp server error occurred." 304 323 msgstr "" 305 324 306 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28325 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 307 326 msgid "<h1>Welcome to WAeUP.Ikoba</h1>" 308 327 msgstr "" 309 328 310 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 329 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 330 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 311 331 msgid "Manage" 312 332 msgstr "" 313 333 314 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 487334 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 315 335 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 316 336 msgid "Remove" 317 337 msgstr "" 318 338 319 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 494339 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 320 340 #. Default: "" 321 341 msgid "User account ${a} successfully deleted." 322 342 msgstr "" 323 343 324 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 31325 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 33344 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 345 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 326 346 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 327 347 msgid "Add user" 328 348 msgstr "" 329 349 330 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55350 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 331 351 #. Default: "" 332 352 msgid "User account ${a} successfully added." 333 353 msgstr "" 334 354 335 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 576355 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 336 356 #. Default: "" 337 357 msgid "Edit user ${a}" 338 358 msgstr "" 339 359 340 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 341 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 342 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 343 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 344 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 360 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 361 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 362 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 363 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 364 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 365 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 366 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 367 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 368 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 345 369 msgid "Save" 346 370 msgstr "" 347 371 348 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 10372 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 349 373 msgid "User settings have been saved." 350 374 msgstr "" 351 375 352 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 13353 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 791354 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17355 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 34356 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 37376 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 377 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 378 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 379 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 380 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 357 381 msgid "Cancel" 358 382 msgstr "" 359 383 360 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 384 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 385 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 361 386 #. Default: "" 362 387 msgid "Send message to ${a}" 363 388 msgstr "" 364 389 365 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56390 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 366 391 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 367 392 msgid "My Preferences" 368 393 msgstr "" 369 394 370 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 669395 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 371 396 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 372 397 msgid "My Roles" 373 398 msgstr "" 374 399 375 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00400 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 376 401 msgid "View portal configuration" 377 402 msgstr "" 378 403 379 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 14404 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 380 405 msgid "Edit portal configuration" 381 406 msgstr "" 382 407 383 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 15384 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55408 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 409 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 385 410 msgid "Update plugins" 386 411 msgstr "" 387 412 388 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17389 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 34390 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 771413 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 414 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 415 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 391 416 msgid "Add session configuration" 392 417 msgstr "" 393 418 394 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 395 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 396 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 419 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 420 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 421 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 422 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 397 423 msgid "Remove selected" 398 424 msgstr "" 399 425 400 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46426 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 401 427 #. Default: "" 402 428 msgid "Session ${a} Configuration" 403 429 msgstr "" 404 430 405 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56431 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 406 432 msgid "For experts only!" 407 433 msgstr "" 408 434 409 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57435 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 410 436 msgid "Plugins may only be updated after software upgrades. Are you really sure?" 411 437 msgstr "" 412 438 413 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 62439 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 414 440 msgid "Plugins were updated. See log file for details." 415 441 msgstr "" 416 442 417 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 775443 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 418 444 msgid "Add Session Configuration" 419 445 msgstr "" 420 446 421 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 786447 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 422 448 msgid "The session chosen already exists." 423 449 msgstr "" 424 450 425 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 08451 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 426 452 #. Default: "" 427 453 msgid "Edit academic session ${a} configuration" 428 454 msgstr "" 429 455 430 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 50456 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 431 457 msgid "OSError: The file could not be deleted." 432 458 msgstr "" 433 459 434 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54460 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 435 461 #. Default: "" 436 462 msgid "Successfully deleted: ${a}" 437 463 msgstr "" 438 464 439 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 65465 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 440 466 msgid "Processed Files" 441 467 msgstr "" 442 468 443 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 867444 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 883445 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05446 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 11447 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28448 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 467449 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05469 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 470 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 471 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 472 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 473 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 474 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 475 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 450 476 msgid "Back to Data Center" 451 477 msgstr "" 452 478 453 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 879479 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 454 480 msgid "Upload portal data as CSV file" 455 481 msgstr "" 456 482 457 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 882483 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 458 484 msgid "Upload" 459 485 msgstr "" … … 463 489 msgstr "" 464 490 465 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 22491 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 466 492 msgid "Import Manager" 467 493 msgstr "" 468 494 469 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 24495 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 470 496 #. Default: "" 471 497 msgid "${a}: ${b} uploaded" 472 498 msgstr "" 473 499 474 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28500 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 475 501 #. Default: "" 476 502 msgid "" … … 485 511 msgstr "" 486 512 487 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 47513 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 488 514 msgid "All import managers have been notified by email." 489 515 msgstr "" 490 516 491 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 492 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 517 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 518 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 519 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 493 520 msgid "An smtp server error occurred." 494 521 msgstr "" 495 522 496 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57523 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 497 524 msgid "Maximum number of files in the data center exceeded." 498 msgstr ""499 500 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "Only csv files are allowed."502 msgstr ""503 504 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier."506 msgstr ""507 508 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace."510 525 msgstr "" 511 526 … … 564 579 565 580 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 566 msgid "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data except student data. Please pick the type of objects you want to export from the selection below. The file will be generated and then be made available for you to download in the table below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after generation. The download link disappears afterwards."581 msgid "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data. Please pick the type of objects you want to export from the selection below. The file will be generated and then be made available for you to download in the table below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after generation. The download link disappears afterwards." 567 582 msgstr "" 568 583 … … 608 623 msgstr "" 609 624 625 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 626 msgid "Step 1" 627 msgstr "" 628 629 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 630 msgid "Filename" 631 msgstr "" 632 633 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 634 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 635 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 636 msgid "Datasets" 637 msgstr "" 638 639 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 640 msgid "Size" 641 msgstr "" 642 643 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 644 msgid "Using batch processing you can mass-create, mass-update, or mass-remove datasets from the database using CSV files." 645 msgstr "" 646 647 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 648 msgid "Select" 649 msgstr "" 650 651 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 652 msgid "Please select a file for processing from the list below." 653 msgstr "" 654 655 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 656 msgid "Step 2" 657 msgstr "" 658 659 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 660 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 661 msgid "Header" 662 msgstr "" 663 664 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 665 msgid "Sample Record 1" 666 msgstr "" 667 668 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 669 msgid "Sample Record 2" 670 msgstr "" 671 672 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 673 msgid "Sample Record 3" 674 msgstr "" 675 676 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 677 msgid "Mode:" 678 msgstr "" 679 680 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 681 msgid "Please select a file-processor and a processing-mode from the selections below." 682 msgstr "" 683 684 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 685 msgid "Header fields OK" 686 msgstr "" 687 688 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 689 msgid "change to" 690 msgstr "" 691 692 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 693 msgid "Sample Record" 694 msgstr "" 695 696 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 697 msgid "Step 3" 698 msgstr "" 699 700 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 701 msgid "Eventually modify headerfields of import file below." 702 msgstr "" 703 704 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 705 msgid "Step 4" 706 msgstr "" 707 708 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 709 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 710 msgid "Processing mode:" 711 msgstr "" 712 713 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 714 msgid "Batch processing finished." 715 msgstr "" 716 717 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 718 msgid "Currently no log files are available." 719 msgstr "" 720 721 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 722 msgid "Storage path" 723 msgstr "" 724 725 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 726 msgid "The data center helps you to manage portal data. You can upload CSV files here, which will be available for import afterwards." 727 msgstr "" 728 729 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 730 msgid "Storage path:" 731 msgstr "" 732 733 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 734 msgid "Before uploading a file check that your file header corresponds with header format of the selected processor. All available headers are listed below. After file upload click the 'Process data' button and proceed up to import step 3. Verify that the data format meets all the import criteria and requirements of the processor." 735 msgstr "" 736 737 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 738 msgid "File:" 739 msgstr "" 740 741 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 742 msgid "Processor:" 743 msgstr "" 744 745 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 746 msgid "Import Mode:" 747 msgstr "" 748 749 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 750 msgid "Import managers will be automatically informed by email after file upload. There is no need for assigning tickets or sending emails anymore. The data will be imported according to the information given." 751 msgstr "" 752 753 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 754 msgid "Available Processors (Importers)" 755 msgstr "" 756 757 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 758 msgid "Processor" 759 msgstr "" 760 761 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 762 msgid "Required Schema Fields" 763 msgstr "" 764 765 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 766 msgid "Optional Schema Fields" 767 msgstr "" 768 769 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 770 msgid "Non-Schema Fields" 771 msgstr "" 772 773 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 774 msgid "Download CSV Skeleton File" 775 msgstr "" 776 777 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 778 msgid "Uploaded Files" 779 msgstr "" 780 781 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 782 msgid "Password" 783 msgstr "" 784 785 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 786 msgid "Notice: User names, Ids and passwords are case sensitive." 787 msgstr "" 788 789 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 790 #. Default: "Don't forget to logout or exit your browser when you're done. If you are having trouble logging in, make sure to enable cookies in your web browser." 791 msgid "login_trouble1" 792 msgstr "" 793 794 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 795 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>." 796 msgid "login_trouble2" 797 msgstr "" 798 799 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 800 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>." 801 msgid "login_trouble4" 802 msgstr "" 803 804 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 805 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your customer id password? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>." 806 msgid "login_trouble3" 807 msgstr "" 808 809 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 810 msgid "User Name or Id" 811 msgstr "" 812 813 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 814 msgid "My Portal Roles:" 815 msgstr "" 816 817 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 818 msgid "My Local Roles:" 819 msgstr "" 820 821 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 822 msgid "The page you are trying to access is not available." 823 msgstr "" 824 825 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 826 msgid "You might be trying to access a non-existing page." 827 msgstr "" 828 829 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 830 msgid "Please note the following:" 831 msgstr "" 832 833 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 834 msgid "You might have misspelled the URL." 835 msgstr "" 836 837 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 838 msgid "Here you can create reports representing portal data. Please pick the type of report you want to create from the selection below. Afterwards you can configure the report (do the settings). The report data will be calculated and then made available for you to view/download." 839 msgstr "" 840 841 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 842 msgid "Report Number" 843 msgstr "" 844 845 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 846 msgid "Description" 847 msgstr "" 848 849 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 850 msgid "Create new report" 851 msgstr "" 852 853 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 854 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 855 msgid "Contact" 856 msgstr "" 857 858 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 859 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 860 msgid "Logout" 861 msgstr "" 862 863 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 864 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 865 msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Application and Registration System" 866 msgstr "" 867 868 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 869 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 870 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 871 msgid "Retype Password:" 872 msgstr "" 873 874 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 875 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 876 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 877 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 878 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 879 msgid "Password:" 880 msgstr "" 881 882 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 883 msgid "Id" 884 msgstr "" 885 886 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 887 msgid "Local Roles" 888 msgstr "" 889 890 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 891 msgid "Add" 892 msgstr "" 893 894 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 895 msgid "Any link text" 896 msgstr "" 897 898 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 899 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 900 msgid "Send email" 901 msgstr "" 902 903 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 904 msgid "Edit settings" 905 msgstr "" 906 907 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 908 msgid "Show logs" 909 msgstr "" 910 911 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 912 msgid "Upload data" 913 msgstr "" 914 915 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 916 msgid "Process data" 917 msgstr "" 918 919 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 920 msgid "Export data" 921 msgstr "" 922 923 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 924 msgid "View processed files" 925 msgstr "" 926 927 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 928 msgid "Enquiries" 929 msgstr "" 930 931 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 932 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 933 msgid "Edit" 934 msgstr "" 935 936 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 937 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 938 msgid "Customer record created" 939 msgstr "" 940 941 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 942 #. Default: "" 943 msgid "State '${a}' set" 944 msgstr "" 945 946 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 947 msgid "Customer Processor" 948 msgstr "" 949 950 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 951 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 952 msgid "Empty search string" 953 msgstr "" 954 955 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 956 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 957 msgid "Only year dates allowed (e.g. 2011)." 958 msgstr "" 959 960 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 961 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 962 msgid "No customer found." 963 msgstr "" 964 965 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 966 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 967 msgid "Manage customer section" 968 msgstr "" 969 970 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 971 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 972 msgid "Add customer" 973 msgstr "" 974 975 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 976 msgid "Create customer record" 977 msgstr "" 978 979 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 980 msgid "Customer record created." 981 msgstr "" 982 983 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 984 #. Default: "" 985 msgid "Set temporary password for ${a}" 986 msgstr "" 987 988 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 989 msgid "Login now" 990 msgstr "" 991 992 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 993 #. Default: "" 994 msgid "Login as ${a}" 995 msgstr "" 996 997 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 998 msgid "You successfully logged in as customer." 999 msgstr "" 1000 1001 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1002 #. Default: "" 1003 msgid "${a}: Base Data (account deactivated)" 1004 msgstr "" 1005 1006 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1007 #. Default: "" 1008 msgid "${a}: Base Data" 1009 msgstr "" 1010 1011 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1012 msgid "set" 1013 msgstr "" 1014 1015 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1016 msgid "unset" 1017 msgstr "" 1018 1019 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1020 msgid "Manage base data" 1021 msgstr "" 1022 1023 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1024 msgid "Trigger registration transition" 1025 msgstr "" 1026 1027 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1028 msgid "No transition" 1029 msgstr "" 1030 1031 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1032 msgid "Customer account has been activated." 1033 msgstr "" 1034 1035 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1036 msgid "Customer account has been deactivated." 1037 msgstr "" 1038 1039 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1040 #. Default: "" 1041 msgid "${a}: History" 1042 msgstr "" 1043 1044 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1045 msgid "Request password for first-time login" 1046 msgstr "" 1047 1048 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1049 msgid "An error occurred." 1050 msgstr "" 1051 1052 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1053 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1054 msgid "No customer record found." 1055 msgstr "" 1056 1057 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1058 msgid "Your password has already been set and used. Please proceed to the login page." 1059 msgstr "" 1060 1061 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1062 msgid "Your password request was successful." 1063 msgstr "" 1064 1065 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1066 msgid "Upload files" 1067 msgstr "" 1068 1069 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1070 msgid "Edit base data" 1071 msgstr "" 1072 1073 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1074 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1075 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1076 msgid "Customers" 1077 msgstr "" 1078 1079 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1080 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1081 msgid "Change password" 1082 msgstr "" 1083 1084 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1085 msgid "Password changed." 1086 msgstr "" 1087 1088 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1089 msgid "Find customers" 1090 msgstr "" 1091 1092 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1093 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1094 msgid "Find customer(s)" 1095 msgstr "" 1096 1097 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1098 msgid "Select all" 1099 msgstr "" 1100 1101 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1102 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1103 msgid "with name" 1104 msgstr "" 1105 1106 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1107 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1108 msgid "with registration number" 1109 msgstr "" 1110 1111 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1112 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1113 msgid "with deactivated account (search term omitted)" 1114 msgstr "" 1115 1116 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1117 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1118 msgid "who requested transcript (search term omitted)" 1119 msgstr "" 1120 1121 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1122 msgid "Search Results" 1123 msgstr "" 1124 1125 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1126 msgid "Reg. Number" 1127 msgstr "" 1128 1129 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1130 msgid "State" 1131 msgstr "" 1132 1133 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1134 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1135 msgid "with id" 1136 msgstr "" 1137 1138 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1139 #. Default: "Ikoba is creating a temporary customer password which will replace the original password chosen by the customer. The password will be valid for ${minutes} minutes. The customer can't login during this time period. After expiration the customer can login with the original password again." 1140 msgid "login_as_intro_1" 1141 msgstr "" 1142 1143 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1144 #. Default: "The random password \"${password}\" has been set. You can proceed by clicking the button below." 1145 msgid "login_as_intro_2" 1146 msgstr "" 1147 1148 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1149 msgid "Your student record will be looked up and your login credentials will be sent to the email address given above. To be able to proceed you must provide a valid email address!" 1150 msgstr "" 1151 1152 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1153 msgid "Please solve the captcha<br />to prevent misuse of this service:" 1154 msgstr "" 1155 1156 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1157 msgid "Email could not been sent. Please retry later." 1158 msgstr "" 1159 1160 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1161 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1162 msgid "Thanks for using Ikoba!" 1163 msgstr "" 1164 1165 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1166 msgid "Your login credentials are:" 1167 msgstr "" 1168 1169 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1170 msgid "User Name:" 1171 msgstr "" 1172 1173 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1174 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1175 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to" 1176 msgstr "" 1177 1178 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1179 msgid "Print this page and proceed to the" 1180 msgstr "" 1181 1182 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1183 msgid "Please note that passwords are case-sensitive, <br />when entering your credentials, and keep your password secret!" 1184 msgstr "" 1185 1186 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1187 msgid "Please check your email account to proceed." 1188 msgstr "" 1189 1190 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 610 1191 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 611 1192 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ … … 614 1195 msgstr "" 615 1196 616 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 617 msgid "Step 1" 618 msgstr "" 619 620 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 621 msgid "Filename" 622 msgstr "" 623 624 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 625 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 626 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 627 msgid "Datasets" 628 msgstr "" 629 630 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 631 msgid "Size" 632 msgstr "" 633 634 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 635 msgid "Using batch processing you can mass-create, mass-update, or mass-remove datasets from the database using CSV files." 636 msgstr "" 637 638 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 639 msgid "Select" 640 msgstr "" 641 642 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 643 msgid "Please select a file for processing from the list below." 644 msgstr "" 645 646 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 647 msgid "Step 2" 648 msgstr "" 649 650 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 651 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 652 msgid "Header" 653 msgstr "" 654 655 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 656 msgid "Sample Record 1" 657 msgstr "" 658 659 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 660 msgid "Sample Record 2" 661 msgstr "" 662 663 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 664 msgid "Sample Record 3" 665 msgstr "" 666 667 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 668 msgid "Mode:" 669 msgstr "" 670 671 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 672 msgid "Please select a file-processor and a processing-mode from the selections below." 673 msgstr "" 674 675 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 676 msgid "Header fields OK" 677 msgstr "" 678 679 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 680 msgid "change to" 681 msgstr "" 682 683 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 684 msgid "Sample Record" 685 msgstr "" 686 687 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 688 msgid "Step 3" 689 msgstr "" 690 691 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 692 msgid "Eventually modify headerfields of import file below." 693 msgstr "" 694 695 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 696 msgid "Step 4" 697 msgstr "" 698 699 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 700 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 701 msgid "Processing mode:" 702 msgstr "" 703 704 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 705 msgid "Batch processing finished." 706 msgstr "" 707 708 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 709 msgid "Currently no log files are available." 710 msgstr "" 711 712 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 713 msgid "Storage path" 714 msgstr "" 715 716 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 717 msgid "The data center helps you to manage portal data. You can upload CSV files here, which will be available for import afterwards." 718 msgstr "" 719 720 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 721 msgid "Storage path:" 722 msgstr "" 723 724 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 725 msgid "Before uploading a file check that your file header corresponds with header format of the selected processor. All available headers are listed below. After file upload click the 'Process data' button and proceed up to import step 3. Verify that the data format meets all the import criteria and requirements of the processor." 726 msgstr "" 727 728 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 729 msgid "File:" 730 msgstr "" 731 732 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 733 msgid "Processor:" 734 msgstr "" 735 736 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 737 msgid "Import Mode:" 738 msgstr "" 739 740 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 741 msgid "Import managers will be automatically informed by email after file upload. There is no need for assigning tickets or sending emails anymore. The data will be imported according to the information given." 742 msgstr "" 743 744 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 745 msgid "Available Processors (Importers)" 746 msgstr "" 747 748 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 749 msgid "Processor" 750 msgstr "" 751 752 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 753 msgid "Required Schema Fields" 754 msgstr "" 755 756 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 757 msgid "Optional Schema Fields" 758 msgstr "" 759 760 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 761 msgid "Non-Schema Fields" 762 msgstr "" 763 764 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 765 msgid "Download CSV Skeleton File" 766 msgstr "" 767 768 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 769 msgid "Uploaded Files" 770 msgstr "" 771 772 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 773 msgid "Password" 774 msgstr "" 775 776 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 777 msgid "Notice: User names, Ids and passwords are case sensitive." 778 msgstr "" 779 780 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 781 #. Default: "Don't forget to logout or exit your browser when you're done. If you are having trouble logging in, make sure to enable cookies in your web browser." 782 msgid "login_trouble1" 783 msgstr "" 784 785 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 786 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your student account <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>." 787 msgid "login_trouble2" 788 msgstr "" 789 790 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 791 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Inititialize your student account <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>." 792 msgid "login_trouble4" 793 msgstr "" 794 795 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 796 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your student id, application id or password? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>." 797 msgid "login_trouble3" 798 msgstr "" 799 800 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 801 msgid "User Name or Id" 802 msgstr "" 803 804 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 805 msgid "My Portal Roles:" 806 msgstr "" 807 808 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 809 msgid "My Local Roles:" 810 msgstr "" 811 812 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 813 msgid "The page you are trying to access is not available." 814 msgstr "" 815 816 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 817 msgid "You might be trying to access a non-existing page." 818 msgstr "" 819 820 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 821 msgid "Please note the following:" 822 msgstr "" 823 824 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 825 msgid "You might have misspelled the URL." 826 msgstr "" 827 828 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 829 msgid "Here you can create reports representing portal data. Please pick the type of report you want to create from the selection below. Afterwards you can configure the report (do the settings). The report data will be calculated and then made available for you to view/download." 830 msgstr "" 831 832 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 833 msgid "Report Number" 834 msgstr "" 835 836 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 837 msgid "Description" 838 msgstr "" 839 840 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 841 msgid "Create new report" 842 msgstr "" 843 844 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 845 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 846 msgid "Contact" 847 msgstr "" 848 849 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 850 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 851 msgid "Logout" 852 msgstr "" 853 854 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 855 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 856 msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Student Management System" 857 msgstr "" 858 859 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 860 msgid "Retype Password:" 861 msgstr "" 862 863 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 864 msgid "Password:" 865 msgstr "" 866 867 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 868 msgid "Id" 869 msgstr "" 870 871 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 872 msgid "Local Roles" 873 msgstr "" 874 875 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 876 msgid "Add" 877 msgstr "" 878 879 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 880 msgid "Any link text" 881 msgstr "" 882 883 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 884 msgid "Send email" 885 msgstr "" 886 887 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 888 msgid "Edit settings" 889 msgstr "" 890 891 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 892 msgid "Show logs" 893 msgstr "" 894 895 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 896 msgid "Upload data" 897 msgstr "" 898 899 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 900 msgid "Process data" 901 msgstr "" 902 903 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 904 msgid "Export data" 905 msgstr "" 906 907 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 908 msgid "View processed files" 909 msgstr "" 910 911 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 912 msgid "Enquiries" 913 msgstr "" 914 915 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 916 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 917 msgid "Edit" 918 msgstr "" 919 920 #: waeup/ikoba/ 921 msgid "courses registered" 922 msgstr "" 923 924 #: waeup/ikoba/ 925 msgid "courses validated" 926 msgstr "" 927 928 #: waeup/ikoba/ 929 msgid "returning" 930 msgstr "" 931 932 #: waeup/ikoba/ 933 msgid "graduated" 934 msgstr "" 935 936 #: waeup/ikoba/ 937 msgid "transcript requested" 938 msgstr "" 939 940 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1197 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1198 msgid "Scan" 1199 msgstr "" 1200 1201 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1202 msgid "Upload selected file" 1203 msgstr "" 1204 1205 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1206 msgid "Delete" 1207 msgstr "" 1208 1209 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1210 msgid "No local file selected." 1211 msgstr "" 1212 1213 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1214 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1215 msgid "Passport Picture" 1216 msgstr "" 1217 1218 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1219 msgid "Passport Picture (jpg only)" 1220 msgstr "" 1221 1222 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1223 #. Default: "" 1224 msgid "${a} deleted." 1225 msgstr "" 1226 1227 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1228 msgid "Uploaded file is too big." 1229 msgstr "" 1230 1231 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1232 msgid "Could not determine file type." 1233 msgstr "" 1234 1235 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1236 #. Default: "" 1237 msgid "${a} file extension expected." 1238 msgstr "" 1239 1240 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1241 #. Default: "" 1242 msgid "Only the following extensions are allowed: ${a}" 1243 msgstr "" 1244 1245 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1246 #. Default: "" 1247 msgid "File ${a} uploaded." 1248 msgstr "" 1249 1250 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1251 msgid "Account suspended" 1252 msgstr "" 1253 1254 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1255 msgid "Reasons for Deactivation" 1256 msgstr "" 1257 1258 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1259 msgid "This message will be shown if and only if deactivated customers try to login." 1260 msgstr "" 1261 1262 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1263 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1264 msgid "Student Id" 1265 msgstr "" 1266 1267 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1268 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1269 msgid "First Name" 1270 msgstr "" 1271 1272 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1273 msgid "Middle Name" 1274 msgstr "" 1275 1276 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1277 msgid "Last Name (Surname)" 1278 msgstr "" 1279 1280 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1281 msgid "Sex" 1282 msgstr "" 1283 1284 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1285 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1286 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1287 msgid "Registration Number" 1288 msgstr "" 1289 1290 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1291 msgid "Email" 1292 msgstr "" 1293 1294 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1295 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1296 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1297 msgid "Phone" 1298 msgstr "" 1299 1300 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1301 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1302 msgid "History" 1303 msgstr "" 1304 1305 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1306 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1307 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1308 msgid "Base Data" 1309 msgstr "" 1310 1311 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1312 msgid "Trigger transition" 1313 msgstr "" 1314 1315 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1316 msgid "Login as customer" 1317 msgstr "" 1318 1319 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1320 msgid "Deactivate account" 1321 msgstr "" 1322 1323 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1324 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1325 msgid "'A history message will be added. Are you sure?'" 1326 msgstr "" 1327 1328 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1329 msgid "Activate account" 1330 msgstr "" 1331 1332 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1333 msgid "My Data" 1334 msgstr "" 1335 1336 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1337 msgid "male" 1338 msgstr "" 1339 1340 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1341 msgid "female" 1342 msgstr "" 1343 1344 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1345 msgid "Create customer" 1346 msgstr "" 1347 1348 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1349 msgid "Start registration" 1350 msgstr "" 1351 1352 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1353 msgid "Customer registration started" 1354 msgstr "" 1355 1356 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1357 msgid "Request registration" 1358 msgstr "" 1359 1360 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1361 msgid "Customer registration requested" 1362 msgstr "" 1363 1364 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1365 msgid "Approve customer" 1366 msgstr "" 1367 1368 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1369 msgid "Customer registration approved" 1370 msgstr "" 1371 1372 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1373 msgid "Reject customer" 1374 msgstr "" 1375 1376 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1377 msgid "Customer registration rejected" 1378 msgstr "" 1379 1380 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1381 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1382 msgid "Reset customer" 1383 msgstr "" 1384 1385 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1386 msgid "Reset to initial customer state" 1387 msgstr "" 1388 1389 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1390 msgid "Reset to requested" 1391 msgstr "" 1392 1393 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1394 msgid "Reset to 'requested'" 1395 msgstr "" 1396 1397 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1398 msgid "Reset to initial state" 1399 msgstr "" 1400 1401 #: waeup/ikoba/ 941 1402 msgid "Subject" 942 1403 msgstr "" 943 1404 944 #: waeup/ikoba/ 361405 #: waeup/ikoba/ 945 1406 msgid "Grade" 946 1407 msgstr "" 947 1408 948 #: waeup/ikoba/ 921409 #: waeup/ikoba/ 949 1410 msgid "Processor name" 950 1411 msgstr "" 951 1412 952 #: waeup/ikoba/ 181413 #: waeup/ikoba/ 953 1414 msgid "Email Address:" 954 1415 msgstr "" 955 1416 1417 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1418 msgid "Email to:" 1419 msgstr "" 1420 1421 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1422 msgid "Subject:" 1423 msgstr "" 1424 1425 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1426 msgid "Full Name:" 1427 msgstr "" 1428 956 1429 #: waeup/ikoba/ 957 msgid "Email to:"958 msgstr ""959 960 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Subject:"962 msgstr ""963 964 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Full Name:"966 msgstr ""967 968 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1430 msgid "Text:" 970 1431 msgstr "" 971 1432 1433 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1434 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1435 msgid "Public Name" 1436 msgstr "" 1437 972 1438 #: waeup/ikoba/ 973 #: waeup/ikoba/ 974 msgid "Phone" 975 msgstr "" 976 977 #: waeup/ikoba/ 978 #: waeup/ikoba/ 979 msgid "Public Name" 980 msgstr "" 981 982 #: waeup/ikoba/ 983 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1439 #: waeup/ikoba/ 984 1440 msgid "Number of failed logins" 985 1441 msgstr "" 986 1442 987 #: waeup/ikoba/ 861443 #: waeup/ikoba/ 988 1444 msgid "Timestamp" 989 1445 msgstr "" 990 1446 991 #: waeup/ikoba/ 871447 #: waeup/ikoba/ 992 1448 msgid "Timestamp of last failed login or `None`" 993 1449 msgstr "" 994 1450 1451 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1452 msgid "User Id" 1453 msgstr "" 1454 1455 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1456 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1457 msgid "Full Name" 1458 msgstr "" 1459 995 1460 #: waeup/ikoba/ 996 msgid "User Id"997 msgstr ""998 999 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Full Name"1001 msgstr ""1002 1003 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1461 msgid "Description/Notice" 1005 1462 msgstr "" 1006 1463 1007 #: waeup/ikoba/ 481464 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1008 1465 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1009 1466 msgid "Portal Roles" 1010 1467 msgstr "" 1011 1468 1012 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1469 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1470 msgid "new" 1471 msgstr "" 1472 1473 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1474 msgid "completed" 1475 msgstr "" 1476 1477 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1478 msgid "pending" 1479 msgstr "" 1480 1481 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1482 msgid "active" 1483 msgstr "" 1484 1485 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1013 1486 msgid "Name of Company" 1014 1487 msgstr "" 1015 1488 1016 #: waeup/ikoba/ 961489 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1017 1490 msgid "Sample Company" 1018 1491 msgstr "" 1019 1492 1020 #: waeup/ikoba/ 6011493 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1021 1494 msgid "Abbreviated Title of Company" 1022 1495 msgstr "" 1023 1496 1024 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1497 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1498 msgid "assigned" 1499 msgstr "" 1500 1501 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1025 1502 msgid "Content in HTML format" 1026 1503 msgstr "" 1027 1504 1028 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1505 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1506 msgid "callbacks" 1507 msgstr "" 1508 1509 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1029 1510 msgid "Name of Administrator" 1030 1511 msgstr "" 1031 1512 1032 #: waeup/ikoba/ 251513 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1033 1514 msgid "Email Address of Administrator" 1034 1515 msgstr "" 1035 1516 1036 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1037 msgid "new" 1038 msgstr "" 1039 1040 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1517 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1041 1518 msgid "Subject of Email to Administrator" 1042 1519 msgstr "" 1043 1520 1044 #: waeup/ikoba/ 331521 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1045 1522 msgid "Ikoba Contact" 1046 1523 msgstr "" 1047 1524 1048 #: waeup/ikoba/ 381525 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1049 1526 msgid "SMTP mailer to use when sending mail" 1050 1527 msgstr "" 1051 1528 1052 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1053 msgid "completed" 1054 msgstr "" 1055 1056 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1529 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1057 1530 msgid "Captcha used for public registration pages" 1058 1531 msgstr "" 1059 1532 1060 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1061 msgid "pending" 1062 msgstr "" 1063 1064 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1533 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1065 1534 msgid "Period" 1066 1535 msgstr "" 1067 1536 1068 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1069 msgid "active" 1070 msgstr "" 1071 1072 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1073 msgid "assigned" 1074 msgstr "" 1075 1076 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1537 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1077 1538 msgid "Academic Session" 1078 1539 msgstr "" 1079 1540 1080 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1081 msgid "callbacks" 1082 msgstr "" 1083 1084 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1541 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1085 1542 msgid "created" 1086 1543 msgstr "" 1087 1544 1088 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1089 msgid "admitted" 1090 msgstr "" 1091 1092 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1093 msgid "clearance started" 1094 msgstr "" 1095 1096 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1097 msgid "clearance requested" 1098 msgstr "" 1099 1100 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1101 msgid "cleared" 1102 msgstr "" 1103 1104 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1105 msgid "school fee paid" 1545 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1546 msgid "started" 1547 msgstr "" 1548 1549 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1550 msgid "requested" 1551 msgstr "" 1552 1553 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1554 msgid "approved" 1106 1555 msgstr "" 1107 1556 … … 2201 2650 msgstr "" 2202 2651 2203 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 42652 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2204 2653 msgid "" 2205 2654 "Fullname: ${a}\n" … … 2211 2660 msgstr "" 2212 2661 2213 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 62662 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2214 2663 msgid "" 2215 2664 "Dear ${a},\n" 2216 2665 "\n" 2217 2666 "${b}\n" 2218 " Student Registration and Information Portal of\n"2667 "Application and Registration Portal of\n" 2219 2668 "${c}.\n" 2220 2669 "\n" -
r11954 r11980 15 15 msgstr "" 16 16 "Project-Id-Version: WAeUP.Kofa\n" 17 "POT-Creation-Date: Thu Nov 13 15:09:532014\n"17 "POT-Creation-Date: Mon Nov 17 13:28:06 2014\n" 18 18 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-09 07:17+0100\n" 19 19 "Last-Translator: Henrik Bettermann <>\n" … … 36 36 msgstr "" 37 37 38 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3838 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 39 39 msgid "Administration" 40 40 msgstr "" … … 45 45 msgstr "" 46 46 47 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48547 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 48 48 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49 49 msgid "Portal Users" 50 50 msgstr "" 51 51 52 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 3053 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 25waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 53 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54 54 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55 55 msgid "Data Center" … … 61 61 msgstr "" 62 62 63 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "Student Data Exports"65 msgstr ""66 67 63 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 68 64 msgid "Home" … … 77 73 msgstr "" 78 74 79 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/ 80 #: waeup/ikoba/ 75 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 76 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/ 77 #: waeup/ikoba/ 81 78 msgid "Email Address" 82 79 msgstr "" 83 80 84 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 181 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 85 82 msgid "Are you sure?" 86 83 msgstr "" 87 84 88 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 89 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 90 msgid "Process CSV file" 85 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 86 msgid "Only csv files are allowed." 87 msgstr "" 88 89 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 90 msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier." 91 msgstr "" 92 93 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 94 msgid "" 95 "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First " 96 "problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace." 91 97 msgstr "" 92 98 … … 96 102 msgstr "" 97 103 98 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 104 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 105 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 106 msgid "Process CSV file" 107 msgstr "" 108 109 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 99 110 msgid "Back to step 1" 100 111 msgstr "" 101 112 102 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 36113 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 103 114 msgid "Proceed to step 3" 104 115 msgstr "" 105 116 106 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 179117 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 107 118 msgid "Double headers: each column name may only appear once. " 108 119 msgstr "" 109 120 110 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 187121 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 111 122 msgid "Replace imported file!" 112 123 msgstr "" 113 124 114 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 115 126 msgid "Import aborted." 116 127 msgstr "" 117 128 118 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12129 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 119 130 msgid "Update mode only!" 120 131 msgstr "" 121 132 122 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 133 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 134 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 135 msgid "No item selected." 136 msgstr "" 137 138 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 123 139 msgid "Reset" 124 140 msgstr "" 125 141 126 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 39142 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 127 143 msgid "Set headerfields" 128 144 msgstr "" 129 145 130 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 40146 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 131 147 msgid "Back to step 2" 132 148 msgstr "" 133 149 134 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 41150 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 135 151 msgid "Perform import" 136 152 msgstr "" 137 153 138 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 139 msgid "No item selected." 140 msgstr "" 141 142 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 154 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 143 155 msgid "Edit headers or replace imported file!" 144 156 msgstr "" 145 157 146 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49158 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 147 159 msgid "Process next" 148 160 msgstr "" 149 161 150 162 #. Default: "" 151 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 399163 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 152 164 msgid "Processing of ${a} rows failed." 153 165 msgstr "" 154 166 155 167 #. Default: "" 156 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01168 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 157 169 msgid "Successfully processed ${a} rows." 158 170 msgstr "" 159 171 160 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 09172 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 161 173 msgid "Show logfiles" 162 174 msgstr "" 163 175 164 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12176 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 165 177 msgid "Show" 166 178 msgstr "" 167 179 168 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 169 181 msgid "Search" 170 182 msgstr "" 171 183 172 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 29184 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 173 185 msgid "Enter a regular expression here..." 174 186 msgstr "" 175 187 176 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 188 #. Default: "" 189 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 190 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 191 msgstr "" 192 193 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 177 194 msgid "Log files can only be searched on Unix-based operating systems." 178 195 msgstr "" 179 196 180 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 52197 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 181 198 msgid "Invalid search expression." 182 199 msgstr "" 183 200 184 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55201 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 185 202 msgid "No search results found." 186 203 msgstr "" 187 204 188 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 63205 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 189 206 msgid "Edit data center settings" 190 207 msgstr "" 191 208 192 209 #. Default: "" 193 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 194 msgid "Successfully removed: ${a}" 195 msgstr "" 196 197 #. Default: "" 198 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 210 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 199 211 msgid "File already existed (not copied): ${a}" 200 212 msgstr "" 201 213 202 214 #. Default: "" 203 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486215 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 204 216 msgid "Given storage path cannot be used. ${a}" 205 217 msgstr "" 206 218 207 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 490219 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 208 220 msgid "New storage path succefully set." 209 221 msgstr "" 210 222 211 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 02223 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 212 224 msgid "Download portal data as CSV file" 213 225 msgstr "" 214 226 215 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 04227 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 216 228 msgid "Create CSV file" 217 229 msgstr "" 218 230 219 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30231 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 220 232 msgid "Discarded export" 221 233 msgstr "" 222 234 223 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 574235 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 224 236 msgid "Send me a new password" 225 237 msgstr "" 226 238 227 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01239 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 228 240 msgid "Send login credentials to email address" 229 241 msgstr "" 230 242 231 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 12243 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 232 244 msgid "No record found." 233 245 msgstr "" 234 246 235 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 26247 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 236 248 msgid "You have successfully requested a password for the" 237 249 msgstr "" 238 250 239 251 #. Default: "" 240 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 30252 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 241 253 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to ${a}." 242 254 msgstr "" 243 255 244 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 256 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 245 257 msgid "Form has been saved." 246 258 msgstr "" … … 248 260 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 249 261 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 250 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 251 263 msgid "Login" 252 264 msgstr "" 253 265 254 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 68266 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 255 267 msgid "You logged in." 256 268 msgstr "" 257 269 258 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 259 msgid "Your personal data record is outdated. Please update." 260 msgstr "" 261 262 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 270 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 271 msgid "Your account has been temporarily deactivated." 272 msgstr "" 273 274 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 275 msgid "Your account has been deactivated." 276 msgstr "" 277 278 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 263 279 msgid "You entered invalid credentials." 264 280 msgstr "" 265 281 266 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 01282 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 267 283 msgid "You have been logged out. Thanks for using WAeUP Ikoba!" 268 284 msgstr "" 269 285 270 286 #. Default: "" 271 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 43287 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 272 288 msgid "Contact ${a}" 273 289 msgstr "" 274 290 275 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 49 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 276 292 msgid "Send message now" 277 293 msgstr "" 278 294 279 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 368 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46295 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 296 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 281 297 msgid "Your message has been sent." 282 298 msgstr "" 283 299 284 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 388300 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 285 301 msgid "Send now" 286 302 msgstr "" 287 303 288 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 03304 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 289 305 msgid "A smtp server error occurred." 290 306 msgstr "" 291 307 292 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28308 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 293 309 msgid "<h1>Welcome to WAeUP.Ikoba</h1>" 294 310 msgstr "" 295 311 296 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 486312 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 297 313 msgid "Manage" 298 314 msgstr "" 299 315 300 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 487waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 301 317 msgid "Remove" 302 318 msgstr "" 303 319 304 320 #. Default: "" 305 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 494321 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 306 322 msgid "User account ${a} successfully deleted." 307 323 msgstr "" 308 324 309 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 31 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 310 326 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 311 327 msgid "Add user" … … 313 329 314 330 #. Default: "" 315 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 55331 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 316 332 msgid "User account ${a} successfully added." 317 333 msgstr "" 318 334 319 335 #. Default: "" 320 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 576336 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 321 337 msgid "Edit user ${a}" 322 338 msgstr "" 323 339 324 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 325 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 326 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 340 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 341 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 342 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 343 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 344 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 327 345 msgid "Save" 328 346 msgstr "" 329 347 330 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 10348 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 331 349 msgid "User settings have been saved." 332 350 msgstr "" 333 351 334 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 13 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 37352 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 353 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 354 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 337 355 msgid "Cancel" 338 356 msgstr "" 339 357 340 358 #. Default: "" 341 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 27359 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 342 360 msgid "Send message to ${a}" 343 361 msgstr "" 344 362 345 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 346 364 msgid "My Preferences" 347 365 msgstr "" 348 366 349 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 669waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 350 368 msgid "My Roles" 351 369 msgstr "" 352 370 353 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 00371 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 354 372 msgid "View portal configuration" 355 373 msgstr "" 356 374 357 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 14375 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 358 376 msgid "Edit portal configuration" 359 377 msgstr "" 360 378 361 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 15 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 362 380 msgid "Update plugins" 363 381 msgstr "" 364 382 365 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 17 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 771383 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 384 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 367 385 msgid "Add session configuration" 368 386 msgstr "" 369 387 370 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 18 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 33388 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 389 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 372 390 msgid "Remove selected" 373 391 msgstr "" 374 392 375 393 #. Default: "" 376 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 46394 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 377 395 msgid "Session ${a} Configuration" 378 396 msgstr "" 379 397 380 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 56398 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 381 399 msgid "For experts only!" 382 400 msgstr "" 383 401 384 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57402 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 385 403 msgid "" 386 404 "Plugins may only be updated after software upgrades. Are you really sure?" 387 405 msgstr "" 388 406 389 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 62407 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 390 408 msgid "Plugins were updated. See log file for details." 391 409 msgstr "" 392 410 393 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 775411 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 394 412 msgid "Add Session Configuration" 395 413 msgstr "" 396 414 397 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 786415 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 398 416 msgid "The session chosen already exists." 399 417 msgstr "" 400 418 401 419 #. Default: "" 402 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 08420 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 403 421 msgid "Edit academic session ${a} configuration" 404 422 msgstr "" 405 423 406 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 50424 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 407 425 msgid "OSError: The file could not be deleted." 408 426 msgstr "" 409 427 410 428 #. Default: "" 411 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 54429 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 412 430 msgid "Successfully deleted: ${a}" 413 431 msgstr "" 414 432 415 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 65433 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 416 434 msgid "Processed Files" 417 435 msgstr "" 418 436 419 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 867 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28 waeup/ikoba/browser/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 05437 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 438 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 439 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 440 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 423 441 msgid "Back to Data Center" 424 442 msgstr "" 425 443 426 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 879444 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 427 445 msgid "Upload portal data as CSV file" 428 446 msgstr "" 429 447 430 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 882448 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 431 449 msgid "Upload" 432 450 msgstr "" … … 436 454 msgstr "" 437 455 438 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 22456 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 439 457 msgid "Import Manager" 440 458 msgstr "" 441 459 442 460 #. Default: "" 443 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 24461 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 444 462 msgid "${a}: ${b} uploaded" 445 463 msgstr "" 446 464 447 465 #. Default: "" 448 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 28466 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 449 467 msgid "" 450 468 "File: ${a}\n" … … 458 476 msgstr "" 459 477 460 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 47478 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 461 479 msgid "All import managers have been notified by email." 462 480 msgstr "" 463 481 464 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 482 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/browser/ 483 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 465 484 msgid "An smtp server error occurred." 466 485 msgstr "" 467 486 468 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 57487 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 469 488 msgid "Maximum number of files in the data center exceeded." 470 msgstr ""471 472 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "Only csv files are allowed."474 msgstr ""475 476 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid "File with same name was uploaded earlier."478 msgstr ""479 480 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ msgid ""482 "Your file contains forbidden characters or has invalid CSV format. First "483 "problematic line detected: line %s. Please replace."484 489 msgstr "" 485 490 … … 538 543 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 539 544 msgid "" 540 "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data except student data."541 " Please pick the type of objects you want to export from the selection below."542 " The file will be generated and then be made available for you to download in"543 " the table below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after"544 " generation. Thedownload link disappears afterwards."545 "Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data. Please pick the " 546 "type of objects you want to export from the selection below. The file will " 547 "be generated and then be made available for you to download in the table " 548 "below. Files can only be downloaded within 24 hours after generation. The " 549 "download link disappears afterwards." 545 550 msgstr "" 546 551 … … 586 591 "Find below the last ${count} imports. The files contain the imported " 587 592 "datasets." 588 msgstr ""589 590 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ msgid "File"594 593 msgstr "" 595 594 … … 777 776 msgstr "" 778 777 779 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your studentaccount <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>."778 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"setpassword\"> here</a></strong>." 780 779 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 781 780 msgid "login_trouble2" 782 781 msgstr "" 783 782 784 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created? Inititialize your studentaccount <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>."783 #. Default: "You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created? Inititialize your customer account <strong><a href=\"requestpw\"> here</a></strong>." 785 784 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 786 785 msgid "login_trouble4" 787 786 msgstr "" 788 787 789 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your student id, application id orpassword? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>."788 #. Default: "Or simply forgot your customer id password? Then request a new password <strong><a href=\"changepw\"> here</a></strong>." 790 789 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 791 790 msgid "login_trouble3" … … 841 840 842 841 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 843 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 844 843 msgid "Contact" 845 844 msgstr "" 846 845 847 846 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 848 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 849 848 msgid "Logout" 850 849 msgstr "" 851 850 852 851 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 853 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Student ManagementSystem"852 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 853 msgid "WAeUP.Ikoba - Application and Registration System" 855 854 msgstr "" 856 855 857 856 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 857 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 858 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 858 859 msgid "Retype Password:" 859 860 msgstr "" 860 861 861 862 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 863 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 864 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 865 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 866 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 862 867 msgid "Password:" 863 868 msgstr "" … … 879 884 msgstr "" 880 885 881 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ 886 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 882 887 msgid "Send email" 883 888 msgstr "" … … 915 920 msgstr "" 916 921 917 #: waeup/ikoba/ 918 msgid "courses registered" 919 msgstr "" 920 921 #: waeup/ikoba/ 922 msgid "courses validated" 923 msgstr "" 924 925 #: waeup/ikoba/ 926 msgid "returning" 927 msgstr "" 928 929 #: waeup/ikoba/ 930 msgid "graduated" 931 msgstr "" 932 933 #: waeup/ikoba/ 934 msgid "transcript requested" 935 msgstr "" 936 937 #: waeup/ikoba/ 922 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 923 msgid "Customer record created" 924 msgstr "" 925 926 #. Default: "" 927 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 928 msgid "State '${a}' set" 929 msgstr "" 930 931 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 932 msgid "Customer Processor" 933 msgstr "" 934 935 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 936 msgid "Empty search string" 937 msgstr "" 938 939 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 940 msgid "Only year dates allowed (e.g. 2011)." 941 msgstr "" 942 943 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 944 msgid "No customer found." 945 msgstr "" 946 947 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 948 msgid "Manage customer section" 949 msgstr "" 950 951 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 952 msgid "Add customer" 953 msgstr "" 954 955 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 956 msgid "Create customer record" 957 msgstr "" 958 959 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 960 msgid "Customer record created." 961 msgstr "" 962 963 #. Default: "" 964 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 965 msgid "Set temporary password for ${a}" 966 msgstr "" 967 968 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 969 msgid "Login now" 970 msgstr "" 971 972 #. Default: "" 973 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 974 msgid "Login as ${a}" 975 msgstr "" 976 977 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 978 msgid "You successfully logged in as customer." 979 msgstr "" 980 981 #. Default: "" 982 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 983 msgid "${a}: Base Data (account deactivated)" 984 msgstr "" 985 986 #. Default: "" 987 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 988 msgid "${a}: Base Data" 989 msgstr "" 990 991 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 992 msgid "set" 993 msgstr "" 994 995 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 996 msgid "unset" 997 msgstr "" 998 999 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1000 msgid "Manage base data" 1001 msgstr "" 1002 1003 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1004 msgid "Trigger registration transition" 1005 msgstr "" 1006 1007 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1008 msgid "No transition" 1009 msgstr "" 1010 1011 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1012 msgid "Customer account has been activated." 1013 msgstr "" 1014 1015 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1016 msgid "Customer account has been deactivated." 1017 msgstr "" 1018 1019 #. Default: "" 1020 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1021 msgid "${a}: History" 1022 msgstr "" 1023 1024 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1025 msgid "Request password for first-time login" 1026 msgstr "" 1027 1028 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1029 msgid "An error occurred." 1030 msgstr "" 1031 1032 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1033 msgid "No customer record found." 1034 msgstr "" 1035 1036 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1037 msgid "" 1038 "Your password has already been set and used. Please proceed to the login " 1039 "page." 1040 msgstr "" 1041 1042 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1043 msgid "Your password request was successful." 1044 msgstr "" 1045 1046 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1047 msgid "Upload files" 1048 msgstr "" 1049 1050 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1051 msgid "Edit base data" 1052 msgstr "" 1053 1054 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1055 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1056 msgid "Customers" 1057 msgstr "" 1058 1059 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1060 msgid "Change password" 1061 msgstr "" 1062 1063 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1064 msgid "Password changed." 1065 msgstr "" 1066 1067 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1068 msgid "Find customers" 1069 msgstr "" 1070 1071 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1072 msgid "Find customer(s)" 1073 msgstr "" 1074 1075 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1076 msgid "Select all" 1077 msgstr "" 1078 1079 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1080 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1081 msgid "with name" 1082 msgstr "" 1083 1084 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1085 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1086 msgid "with registration number" 1087 msgstr "" 1088 1089 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1090 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1091 msgid "with deactivated account (search term omitted)" 1092 msgstr "" 1093 1094 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1095 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1096 msgid "who requested transcript (search term omitted)" 1097 msgstr "" 1098 1099 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1100 msgid "Search Results" 1101 msgstr "" 1102 1103 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1104 msgid "Reg. Number" 1105 msgstr "" 1106 1107 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1108 msgid "State" 1109 msgstr "" 1110 1111 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1112 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1113 msgid "with id" 1114 msgstr "" 1115 1116 #. Default: "Ikoba is creating a temporary customer password which will replace the original password chosen by the customer. The password will be valid for ${minutes} minutes. The customer can't login during this time period. After expiration the customer can login with the original password again." 1117 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1118 msgid "login_as_intro_1" 1119 msgstr "" 1120 1121 #. Default: "The random password \"${password}\" has been set. You can proceed by clicking the button below." 1122 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1123 msgid "login_as_intro_2" 1124 msgstr "" 1125 1126 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1127 msgid "" 1128 "Your student record will be looked up and your login credentials will be " 1129 "sent to the email address given above. To be able to proceed you must " 1130 "provide a valid email address!" 1131 msgstr "" 1132 1133 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1134 msgid "Please solve the captcha<br />to prevent misuse of this service:" 1135 msgstr "" 1136 1137 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1138 msgid "Email could not been sent. Please retry later." 1139 msgstr "" 1140 1141 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1142 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1143 msgid "Thanks for using Ikoba!" 1144 msgstr "" 1145 1146 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1147 msgid "Your login credentials are:" 1148 msgstr "" 1149 1150 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1151 msgid "User Name:" 1152 msgstr "" 1153 1154 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1155 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1156 msgid "An email with your user name and password has been sent to" 1157 msgstr "" 1158 1159 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1160 msgid "Print this page and proceed to the" 1161 msgstr "" 1162 1163 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1164 msgid "" 1165 "Please note that passwords are case-sensitive, <br />when entering your " 1166 "credentials, and keep your password secret!" 1167 msgstr "" 1168 1169 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1170 msgid "Please check your email account to proceed." 1171 msgstr "" 1172 1173 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1174 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1175 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1176 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1177 msgid "File" 1178 msgstr "" 1179 1180 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1181 msgid "Scan" 1182 msgstr "" 1183 1184 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1185 msgid "Upload selected file" 1186 msgstr "" 1187 1188 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1189 msgid "Delete" 1190 msgstr "" 1191 1192 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1193 msgid "No local file selected." 1194 msgstr "" 1195 1196 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1197 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1198 msgid "Passport Picture" 1199 msgstr "" 1200 1201 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1202 msgid "Passport Picture (jpg only)" 1203 msgstr "" 1204 1205 #. Default: "" 1206 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1207 msgid "${a} deleted." 1208 msgstr "" 1209 1210 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1211 msgid "Uploaded file is too big." 1212 msgstr "" 1213 1214 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1215 msgid "Could not determine file type." 1216 msgstr "" 1217 1218 #. Default: "" 1219 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1220 msgid "${a} file extension expected." 1221 msgstr "" 1222 1223 #. Default: "" 1224 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1225 msgid "Only the following extensions are allowed: ${a}" 1226 msgstr "" 1227 1228 #. Default: "" 1229 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1230 msgid "File ${a} uploaded." 1231 msgstr "" 1232 1233 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1234 msgid "Account suspended" 1235 msgstr "" 1236 1237 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1238 msgid "Reasons for Deactivation" 1239 msgstr "" 1240 1241 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1242 msgid "" 1243 "This message will be shown if and only if deactivated customers try to login." 1244 msgstr "" 1245 1246 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1247 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1248 msgid "Student Id" 1249 msgstr "" 1250 1251 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1252 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1253 msgid "First Name" 1254 msgstr "" 1255 1256 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1257 msgid "Middle Name" 1258 msgstr "" 1259 1260 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1261 msgid "Last Name (Surname)" 1262 msgstr "" 1263 1264 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1265 msgid "Sex" 1266 msgstr "" 1267 1268 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1269 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1270 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1271 msgid "Registration Number" 1272 msgstr "" 1273 1274 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1275 msgid "Email" 1276 msgstr "" 1277 1278 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/ 1279 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1280 msgid "Phone" 1281 msgstr "" 1282 1283 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1284 msgid "History" 1285 msgstr "" 1286 1287 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1288 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1289 msgid "Base Data" 1290 msgstr "" 1291 1292 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1293 msgid "Trigger transition" 1294 msgstr "" 1295 1296 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1297 msgid "Login as customer" 1298 msgstr "" 1299 1300 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1301 msgid "Deactivate account" 1302 msgstr "" 1303 1304 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1305 msgid "'A history message will be added. Are you sure?'" 1306 msgstr "" 1307 1308 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1309 msgid "Activate account" 1310 msgstr "" 1311 1312 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1313 msgid "My Data" 1314 msgstr "" 1315 1316 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1317 msgid "male" 1318 msgstr "" 1319 1320 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1321 msgid "female" 1322 msgstr "" 1323 1324 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1325 msgid "Create customer" 1326 msgstr "" 1327 1328 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1329 msgid "Start registration" 1330 msgstr "" 1331 1332 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1333 msgid "Customer registration started" 1334 msgstr "" 1335 1336 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1337 msgid "Request registration" 1338 msgstr "" 1339 1340 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1341 msgid "Customer registration requested" 1342 msgstr "" 1343 1344 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1345 msgid "Approve customer" 1346 msgstr "" 1347 1348 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1349 msgid "Customer registration approved" 1350 msgstr "" 1351 1352 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1353 msgid "Reject customer" 1354 msgstr "" 1355 1356 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1357 msgid "Customer registration rejected" 1358 msgstr "" 1359 1360 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1361 msgid "Reset customer" 1362 msgstr "" 1363 1364 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1365 msgid "Reset to initial customer state" 1366 msgstr "" 1367 1368 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1369 msgid "Reset to requested" 1370 msgstr "" 1371 1372 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1373 msgid "Reset to 'requested'" 1374 msgstr "" 1375 1376 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/ 1377 msgid "Reset to initial state" 1378 msgstr "" 1379 1380 #: waeup/ikoba/ 938 1381 msgid "Subject" 939 1382 msgstr "" 940 1383 941 #: waeup/ikoba/ 361384 #: waeup/ikoba/ 942 1385 msgid "Grade" 943 1386 msgstr "" 944 1387 945 #: waeup/ikoba/ 921388 #: waeup/ikoba/ 946 1389 msgid "Processor name" 947 1390 msgstr "" 948 1391 949 #: waeup/ikoba/ 181392 #: waeup/ikoba/ 950 1393 msgid "Email Address:" 951 1394 msgstr "" 952 1395 1396 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1397 msgid "Email to:" 1398 msgstr "" 1399 1400 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1401 msgid "Subject:" 1402 msgstr "" 1403 1404 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1405 msgid "Full Name:" 1406 msgstr "" 1407 953 1408 #: waeup/ikoba/ 954 msgid "Email to:"955 msgstr ""956 957 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Subject:"959 msgstr ""960 961 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Full Name:"963 msgstr ""964 965 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1409 msgid "Text:" 967 1410 msgstr "" 968 1411 969 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 970 msgid "Phone" 971 msgstr "" 972 973 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 1412 #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 974 1413 msgid "Public Name" 975 1414 msgstr "" 976 1415 977 #: waeup/ikoba/ 79 waeup/ikoba/ #: waeup/ikoba/ waeup/ikoba/ 978 1417 msgid "Number of failed logins" 979 1418 msgstr "" 980 1419 981 #: waeup/ikoba/ 861420 #: waeup/ikoba/ 982 1421 msgid "Timestamp" 983 1422 msgstr "" 984 1423 985 #: waeup/ikoba/ 871424 #: waeup/ikoba/ 986 1425 msgid "Timestamp of last failed login or `None`" 987 1426 msgstr "" 988 1427 1428 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1429 msgid "User Id" 1430 msgstr "" 1431 1432 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1433 #: waeup/ikoba/customers/browser_templates/ 1434 msgid "Full Name" 1435 msgstr "" 1436 989 1437 #: waeup/ikoba/ 990 msgid "User Id"991 msgstr ""992 993 #: waeup/ikoba/ msgid "Full Name"995 msgstr ""996 997 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1438 msgid "Description/Notice" 999 1439 msgstr "" 1000 1440 1001 #: waeup/ikoba/ 481441 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1002 1442 #: waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/ 1003 1443 msgid "Portal Roles" 1004 1444 msgstr "" 1005 1445 1006 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1446 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1447 msgid "new" 1448 msgstr "" 1449 1450 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1451 msgid "completed" 1452 msgstr "" 1453 1454 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1455 msgid "pending" 1456 msgstr "" 1457 1458 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1459 msgid "active" 1460 msgstr "" 1461 1462 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1007 1463 msgid "Name of Company" 1008 1464 msgstr "" 1009 1465 1010 #: waeup/ikoba/ 961466 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1011 1467 msgid "Sample Company" 1012 1468 msgstr "" 1013 1469 1014 #: waeup/ikoba/ 6011470 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1015 1471 msgid "Abbreviated Title of Company" 1016 1472 msgstr "" 1017 1473 1018 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1474 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1475 msgid "assigned" 1476 msgstr "" 1477 1478 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1019 1479 msgid "Content in HTML format" 1020 1480 msgstr "" 1021 1481 1022 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1482 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1483 msgid "callbacks" 1484 msgstr "" 1485 1486 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1023 1487 msgid "Name of Administrator" 1024 1488 msgstr "" 1025 1489 1026 #: waeup/ikoba/ 251490 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1027 1491 msgid "Email Address of Administrator" 1028 1492 msgstr "" 1029 1493 1030 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1031 msgid "new" 1032 msgstr "" 1033 1034 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1494 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1035 1495 msgid "Subject of Email to Administrator" 1036 1496 msgstr "" 1037 1497 1038 #: waeup/ikoba/ 331498 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1039 1499 msgid "Ikoba Contact" 1040 1500 msgstr "" 1041 1501 1042 #: waeup/ikoba/ 381502 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1043 1503 msgid "SMTP mailer to use when sending mail" 1044 1504 msgstr "" 1045 1505 1046 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1047 msgid "completed" 1048 msgstr "" 1049 1050 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1506 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1051 1507 msgid "Captcha used for public registration pages" 1052 1508 msgstr "" 1053 1509 1054 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1055 msgid "pending" 1056 msgstr "" 1057 1058 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1510 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1059 1511 msgid "Period" 1060 1512 msgstr "" 1061 1513 1062 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1063 msgid "active" 1064 msgstr "" 1065 1066 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1067 msgid "assigned" 1068 msgstr "" 1069 1070 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1514 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1071 1515 msgid "Academic Session" 1072 1516 msgstr "" 1073 1517 1074 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1075 msgid "callbacks" 1076 msgstr "" 1077 1078 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1518 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1079 1519 msgid "created" 1080 1520 msgstr "" 1081 1521 1082 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1083 msgid "admitted" 1084 msgstr "" 1085 1086 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1087 msgid "clearance started" 1088 msgstr "" 1089 1090 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1091 msgid "clearance requested" 1092 msgstr "" 1093 1094 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1095 msgid "cleared" 1096 msgstr "" 1097 1098 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1099 msgid "school fee paid" 1522 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1523 msgid "started" 1524 msgstr "" 1525 1526 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1527 msgid "requested" 1528 msgstr "" 1529 1530 #: waeup/ikoba/ 1531 msgid "approved" 1100 1532 msgstr "" 1101 1533 … … 2193 2625 msgstr "" 2194 2626 2195 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 42627 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2196 2628 msgid "" 2197 2629 "Fullname: ${a}\n" … … 2203 2635 msgstr "" 2204 2636 2205 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 62637 #: waeup/ikoba/utils/ 2206 2638 msgid "" 2207 2639 "Dear ${a},\n" 2208 2640 "\n" 2209 2641 "${b}\n" 2210 " Student Registration and Information Portal of\n"2642 "Application and Registration Portal of\n" 2211 2643 "${c}.\n" 2212 2644 "\n"
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.