11 Nov 2007:
- 15:56 Changeset [2627] by
- dump aos text not the key
10 Nov 2007:
- 23:21 Changeset [2626] by
- Extended nginx-conf documentation.
- 23:10 Changeset [2625] by
- Document static resources with nginx.
- 22:50 Changeset [2624] by
- Added static dir clause for fceokene.
- 22:47 Changeset [2623] by
- Added static dir clause for uniben.
- 22:28 Changeset [2622] by
- Added README for nginx configuration.
- 22:10 Changeset [2621] by
- Import system config for nginx.
- 17:40 Changeset [2620] by
- updated
- 17:39 Changeset [2619] by
- initialize payments_catalog.xml
9 Nov 2007:
- 22:38 Changeset [2618] by
- logging messages improved
- 22:00 Changeset [2617] by
- updated
- 22:00 Changeset [2616] by
- Show proper lastname label. JAMB does only provide full names, which …
- 21:55 Changeset [2615] by
- do not show link is student object does not exist
- 21:30 Changeset [2614] by
- display semesters seperately: first, second and combined
- 21:23 Changeset [2613] by
- updated
- 21:23 Changeset [2612] by
- remove semester from course_results catalog levels vov customized for …
- 21:16 Changeset [2611] by
- interprete results as carry-overs if score is missing but the grade exists
- 15:41 Changeset [2610] by
- update here also
- 15:38 Changeset [2609] by
- ti_391 now uses students_catalog, use levels vocabulary for …
- 14:14 Changeset [2608] by
- updated
- 14:13 Changeset [2607] by
- PRE prefix in application_prence emetgency PIN change in …
- 12:04 Changeset [2606] by
- resolve #122
- 11:05 Changeset [2605] by
- fix for #391
- 09:06 Changeset [2604] by
- error messages slightly improved
- 08:14 Changeset [2603] by
- fixed
- 07:54 Changeset [2602] by
- remove anonymous user actions don't stop moveCourseResults (as …
8 Nov 2007:
- 22:37 Changeset [2601] by
- close also objects in state created
- 17:56 Changeset [2600] by
- updated
- 17:55 Changeset [2599] by
- sex was visible in create mode
- 17:48 Changeset [2598] by
- fixed
- 17:21 Changeset [2597] by
- APP reuse default value is False
- 15:44 Changeset [2596] by
- close subobjects
- 15:05 Changeset [2595] by
- updated
- 15:04 Changeset [2594] by
- use always WAeUPSex Widget (though it does only make a difference for …
- 14:50 Changeset [2593] by
- add re_use_pin flag to ScratchcardPinWidget?
- 14:36 Changeset [2592] by
- use WAeUPSexWidget for sex
- 14:34 Changeset [2591] by
- use WAeUPSexWidget for sex
- 14:23 Changeset [2590] by
- send correct mails
- 12:53 Changeset [2589] by
- updated
- 12:53 Changeset [2588] by
- fixed
- 12:48 Changeset [2587] by
- fixed
- 12:34 Changeset [2586] by
- show message if student object has been created
- 12:15 Changeset [2585] by
- updated
- 12:15 Changeset [2584] by
- change length of matric_no widget
- 11:09 Changeset [2583] by
- jamb_reg_no not editable
- 11:07 Changeset [2582] by
- updated
- 10:37 Changeset [2581] by
- finished, please test
- 10:31 Changeset [2580] by
- copy passport foto
- 10:14 Changeset [2579] by
- Ziwschenversion Ich arbeite noch an layout_application_edit.pt
- 10:14 Changeset [2578] by
- 07:55 Changeset [2577] by
- updated
- 07:55 Changeset [2576] by
- Uebergabe an Joachim, darf noch nicht ausgecheckt werden
7 Nov 2007:
- 22:56 Changeset [2575] by
- further development of admit function (nearly finished)
- 21:47 Changeset [2574] by
- updated
- 21:45 Changeset [2573] by
- new student_application structure to include all data from …
- 16:20 Changeset [2572] by
- copy of workflow-definition
- 16:19 Changeset [2571] by
- new function deactivate student
- 13:11 Changeset [2570] by
- allow removal only for deaktivated students
- 12:16 Changeset [2569] by
- updated
- 12:02 Changeset [2568] by
- fix layout
- 11:34 Changeset [2567] by
- make only visible for staff (in custom)
- 11:28 Changeset [2566] by
- make only visible for staff (in custom)
- 11:15 Changeset [2565] by
- make only visible for staff (in custom)
- 10:50 Changeset [2564] by
- make only visible for staff
- 10:17 Changeset [2563] by
- add logging message
- 09:31 Changeset [2562] by
- give staff access to getcre…
6 Nov 2007:
- 21:20 Changeset [2561] by
- do not call gzip
- 17:36 Changeset [2560] by
- set view protection for makeStudentData
- 16:06 Changeset [2559] by
- updated
- 16:05 Changeset [2558] by
- Admitted Course of Study
- 15:40 Changeset [2557] by
- unprotect makeStudentData, fix ref
- 15:14 Changeset [2556] by
- more protection
- 15:04 Changeset [2555] by
- set protection
- 12:12 Changeset [2554] by
- updated
- 12:11 Changeset [2553] by
- aggregate reinserted
- 12:08 Changeset [2552] by
- updated
- 12:08 Changeset [2551] by
- course3 removed JAMB scores removed
- 12:00 Changeset [2550] by
- remove Uniben COS from vocabulary
- 11:51 Changeset [2549] by
- updated
- 11:49 Changeset [2548] by
- application statistics customized (in custom)
- 10:50 Changeset [2547] by
- fixed 2
- 10:48 Changeset [2546] by
- fixed
- 10:44 Changeset [2545] by
- fixed
- 10:41 Changeset [2544] by
- updated
- 10:38 Changeset [2543] by
- import reg_no as string widget
- 09:05 Changeset [2542] by
- updated
- 09:01 Changeset [2541] by
- vocabularies fixed better error messages for logged in members
5 Nov 2007:
- 18:47 Changeset [2540] by
- new function admitStudents please check
- 18:07 Changeset [2539] by
- disallow calling from the url, commented out code removed (in custom)
- 16:19 Changeset [2538] by
- redirect none SectionOfficers? to anonymous_view (in custom)
- 11:09 Changeset [2537] by
- dump all fields of applicants_catalog
- 09:04 Changeset [2536] by
- do not overwrite status field
- 08:54 Changeset [2535] by
- show notice box
- 06:37 Changeset [2534] by
- fix wrong indentation
4 Nov 2007:
- 20:50 Changeset [2533] by
- remove statistics links
- 20:34 Changeset [2532] by
- updated
- 20:34 Changeset [2531] by
- show names properly
- 20:22 Changeset [2530] by
- action title changed
- 20:20 Changeset [2529] by
- pde and pume expired pce and prence not expired
- 20:15 Changeset [2528] by
- show proper application statistics commit after 2000 if importing …
- 17:24 Changeset [2527] by
- see content
- 17:14 Changeset [2526] by
- see ticket #349
- 16:29 Changeset [2525] by
- Add FCE courses
- 06:58 Changeset [2524] by
- updated
- 06:58 Changeset [2523] by
- show screening result data only if not empty
- 06:38 Changeset [2522] by
- ticket #349
- 00:28 Changeset [2521] by
- fixed
- 00:24 Changeset [2520] by
- application layouts adjusted
- 00:24 Changeset [2519] by
- updated
3 Nov 2007:
- 19:11 Changeset [2518] by
- use only one application schema (import and editing)
- 18:59 Changeset [2517] by
- updated
- 18:59 Changeset [2516] by
- new deadline layout and schema should be called application (like the …
- 15:32 Changeset [2515] by
- add mass_(create,edit)_applicant
- 15:27 Changeset [2514] by
- find moved results faster, add mass_(create,edit)_applicant
- 12:54 Changeset [2513] by
- improve logging
- 12:32 Changeset [2512] by
- updated
- 12:32 Changeset [2511] by
- extend applicants_catalog
- 09:59 Changeset [2510] by
- updated
- 09:59 Changeset [2509] by
- add new import application layouts add new fields notice and …
- 07:34 Changeset [2508] by
- switch back to pce import
2 Nov 2007:
- 20:42 Changeset [2507] by
- skip already moved results much faster
- 20:02 Changeset [2506] by
- updated
- 20:02 Changeset [2505] by
- see comment 11/02/07 21:00:14 in ticket #362
- 18:16 Changeset [2504] by
- updated
- 18:16 Changeset [2503] by
- seperate add_student and import_student layouts.xml fix import_student …
- 12:38 Changeset [2502] by
- created script moveCourseResults.py for #385
- 09:49 Changeset [2501] by
- put back in mass_create_course_result
- 07:51 Changeset [2500] by
- put back in mass_create_course_result
1 Nov 2007:
- 18:48 Changeset [2499] by
- updated
- 18:48 Changeset [2498] by
- new areas
- 08:51 Changeset [2497] by
- updated
- 08:50 Changeset [2496] by
- new student workflow state deactivated student workflow cleaned
- 07:11 Changeset [2495] by
- fix for #313 and #386
31 Oct 2007:
- 21:42 Changeset [2494] by
- fixed wrong title (which was taken from the file)
- 21:28 Changeset [2493] by
- provide link to download provisional venue list
- 15:06 Changeset [2492] by
- show proper session results (in custom)
- 14:02 Changeset [2491] by
- avoid tracebacks after double-clicking the refect button
- 13:36 Changeset [2490] by
- add warning: Accessing the course list may take longer. Please be …
- 11:15 Changeset [2489] by
- fix for students with strange session result course codes beautify …
- 10:45 Changeset [2488] by
- set found to true
- 10:16 Changeset [2487] by
- fix for recent problem please test
- 08:35 Changeset [2486] by
- show session_results_view even if results are missing
30 Oct 2007:
- 23:56 Changeset [2485] by
- getSessionResults.py: fetch verdict from results aos.xml: ticket #371 …
- 23:54 Changeset [2484] by
- updated
- 20:29 Changeset [2483] by
- don't fetch verdict from results_import if school_fee_paid
- 20:26 Changeset [2482] by
- updated (comment: Joachim, please always update also fceokene branch)
- 18:19 Changeset [2481] by
- add mass_(create,edit)course_result
- 15:23 Changeset [2480] by
- check for existing app_doc, avoid accessviolation in …
- 13:20 Changeset [2479] by
- updated
- 13:19 Changeset [2478] by
- enable import of previous_verdict
- 08:59 Changeset [2477] by
- show student objects sorted by title
29 Oct 2007:
- 21:53 Changeset [2476] by
- move verdict also after interswitch payment
- 18:46 Changeset [2475] by
- moves current_verdict to cprevious_verdict after session change …
- 18:46 Changeset [2474] by
- updated
- 12:46 Changeset [2473] by
- display reason message only if in state returning
- 10:09 Changeset [2472] by
- define records
- 09:44 Changeset [2471] by
- define results (in custom)
- 09:05 Changeset [2470] by
- open level for edit (in custom)
- 09:04 Changeset [2469] by
- add max_credits again, got lost somehow
- 07:34 Changeset [2468] by
- fetch correct level from results_import for school_fee_paid students …
- 05:51 Changeset [2467] by
- misleading message corrected
28 Oct 2007:
- 20:58 Changeset [2466] by
- rebuild getNextInfo.py (was completely wrong) fix makeStudentData and …
- 17:43 Changeset [2465] by
- correct session property
- 17:42 Changeset [2464] by
- fix view
- 17:36 Changeset [2463] by
- show only one link returning students
- 16:53 Changeset [2462] by
- fix
- 16:47 Changeset [2461] by
- include reasons if payment is not possible
- 14:46 Changeset [2460] by
- fix refreshlevel + add_course_result
- 13:56 Changeset [2459] by
- show payment button only if verdict, session and level are not empty …
- 07:16 Changeset [2458] by
- add deprecated files
- 07:14 Changeset [2457] by
- updated
- 07:09 Changeset [2456] by
- mark deprecated vocabulary use '000' for pre-studies (no longer …
27 Oct 2007:
- 21:54 Changeset [2455] by
- updated
- 21:53 Changeset [2454] by
- rebuild getNextInfo.py completely fetch session from portal …
- 15:26 Changeset [2453] by
- new
- 15:11 Changeset [2452] by
- set back session for returning
- 14:26 Changeset [2451] by
- new getNextInfo used in pay_by_sc
- 13:33 Changeset [2450] by
- updated
- 13:33 Changeset [2449] by
- layout now fits to schema
- 12:03 Changeset [2448] by
- new course registration module
- 10:59 Changeset [2447] by
- reload verdict and level
- 06:53 Changeset [2446] by
- updated
- 06:52 Changeset [2445] by
- resolve ticket #371
26 Oct 2007:
- 16:37 Changeset [2444] by
- ticket #19
- 16:33 Changeset [2443] by
- ticket #19
- 15:53 Changeset [2442] by
- filter carry over courses correctly
- 15:32 Changeset [2441] by
- updated
- 15:32 Changeset [2440] by
- fixed also carry_over must be an index in order to list course …
- 14:48 Changeset [2439] by
- new versions for getLevel
- 08:11 Changeset [2438] by
- add session_id
- 05:21 Changeset [2437] by
- wrong syntax fixed
25 Oct 2007:
- 20:31 Changeset [2436] by
- copy student names into application object
- 17:09 Changeset [2435] by
- fix keyerror id
- 14:35 Changeset [2434] by
- adopt to new course_result table
- 14:21 Changeset [2433] by
- fixes for emailed problems
- 13:18 Changeset [2432] by
- updated
- 13:17 Changeset [2431] by
- close security holes
- 08:08 Changeset [2430] by
- define required columns
- 08:08 Changeset [2429] by
- define required columns
- 08:04 Changeset [2428] by
- minor changes
24 Oct 2007:
- 09:06 Changeset [2427] by
- booking_allowed = False # booking temporarily disabled …
23 Oct 2007:
- 20:00 Changeset [2426] by
- downloads all halls if called from the accommodation root
- 14:45 Changeset [2425] by
- avoid traceback error if hall is empty
- 12:40 Changeset [2424] by
- DE students start with level 200 und must be able to register courses …
- 08:49 Changeset [2423] by
- show different labels and omit special handling code
- 08:43 Changeset [2422] by
- updated
- 08:42 Changeset [2421] by
- add 'Beds for PRE-NCE' category (displayed only for collgeges)
22 Oct 2007:
- 20:46 Changeset [2420] by
- use waeup_tool.picturesExist for passport check
- 19:37 Changeset [2419] by
- remove all passport pictures from ZODB
- 19:01 Changeset [2418] by
- see ticket #365
- 18:04 Changeset [2417] by
- remove reundant lines
- 18:02 Changeset [2416] by
- mixed search for student_id and matric_no
- 13:37 Changeset [2415] by
- updated
- 13:36 Changeset [2414] by
- allow edit without uploading a picture
- 11:48 Changeset [2413] by
- modified loadstudentFoto to copy file
- 05:53 Changeset [2412] by
- more comments
21 Oct 2007:
- 18:55 Changeset [2411] by
- more PINs are not necessary
- 18:52 Changeset [2410] by
- layout_pume_fe deleted
- 18:51 Changeset [2409] by
- layout_pume_fe deleted
- 09:35 Changeset [2408] by
- never show link to pume objects
- 06:21 Changeset [2407] by
- put comments into logged_in.py remove pume-object-relevant code (but …
- 06:06 Changeset [2406] by
- remove pume objects
- 06:05 Changeset [2405] by
- remove pume objects
20 Oct 2007:
- 12:55 Changeset [2404] by
- forgotten to check in
19 Oct 2007:
- 20:29 Changeset [2403] by
- see ticket #15
- 19:51 Changeset [2402] by
- fix security for remove_students correct logging messages
- 15:51 Changeset [2401] by
- Add Hostel FCE
- 15:36 Changeset [2400] by
- some fixes and beautifications
- 15:04 Changeset [2399] by
- updated
- 15:03 Changeset [2398] by
- revert to old key for Arabic
- 14:21 Changeset [2397] by
- Add exams subjects
- 14:17 Changeset [2396] by
- added remove_students
- 14:17 Changeset [2395] by
- 11:44 Changeset [2394] by
- simplified and corrected payment statistics
- 10:48 Changeset [2393] by
- replaced by payment_export.py
- 10:47 Changeset [2392] by
- new payment data export
- 09:24 Changeset [2391] by
- current version (NOT in custom)
- 09:20 Changeset [2390] by
- use_session = False
18 Oct 2007:
- 20:42 Changeset [2389] by
- reverted
- 20:03 Changeset [2388] by
- use_session = False
- 17:46 Changeset [2387] by
- da waren es nur noch 4
- 16:37 Changeset [2386] by
- count online payments + two counts for scratchcards (in custom)
- 13:43 Changeset [2385] by
- include pume/pde statistics
- 11:33 Changeset [2384] by
- updated
- 11:33 Changeset [2383] by
- wring field name fixed
- 11:31 Changeset [2382] by
- aos was missing
- 10:42 Changeset [2381] by
- show venue info only for pume applicants (in custom)
- 07:39 Changeset [2380] by
- pde application deadline added
- 04:55 Changeset [2379] by
- updated
- 04:53 Changeset [2378] by
- actions fixed
17 Oct 2007:
- 19:46 Changeset [2377] by
- minor changes action added
- 19:46 Changeset [2376] by
- updated
- 19:36 Changeset [2375] by
- implementation of recent requests (see ticket #360)
- 19:36 Changeset [2374] by
- implementation of recent requests (see ticket #360)
- 15:13 Changeset [2373] by
- fix for #364 already in custom
- 15:07 Changeset [2372] by
- fix for #364 already in custom
- 13:27 Changeset [2371] by
- only allow pde application, others are expired
- 08:25 Changeset [2370] by
- updated
- 08:24 Changeset [2369] by
16 Oct 2007:
- 20:35 Changeset [2368] by
- data structure and layout for pde screening customized
- 20:35 Changeset [2367] by
- data structure and layout for pde screening customized
- 06:43 Changeset [2366] by
- add counted prefixes
- 06:29 Changeset [2365] by
- add getPaymentStatistic
15 Oct 2007:
- 17:03 Changeset [2364] by
- new function picturesList in waeup_tool used in clearance_edit
- 12:04 Changeset [2363] by
- new function picturesExist in waeup_tool used in clearance_edit
14 Oct 2007:
- 17:05 Changeset [2362] by
- School instead of Faculty
- 16:53 Changeset [2361] by
- action icons added
- 16:49 Changeset [2360] by
- fixed
- 16:42 Changeset [2359] by
- first customizations (do not copy into WAeUP_Uniben!)
13 Oct 2007:
12 Oct 2007:
- 20:52 Changeset [2357] by
- do not show title twice
- 19:55 Changeset [2356] by
- fixed
- 15:57 Changeset [2355] by
- write resized image
- 11:21 Changeset [2354] by
- make File Image Widget work with all filetypes
- 10:47 Changeset [2353] by
- ensure that always correct application form is used
- 07:07 Changeset [2352] by
- for Joachim
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.