16 years |
uli |
Move 'students' to 'student', step 1.
16 years |
uli |
Get rid of 'BaseItem?' dependency.
16 years |
uli |
Drop obsolete interfaces module.
16 years |
uli |
Update IHostelContainer interface.
16 years |
uli |
Remove unneeded import.
16 years |
uli |
Remove unneeded import.
16 years |
uli |
Add tests for hostelcontainers.
16 years |
uli |
Add addHostel stuff for hostelcontainers.
16 years |
uli |
Make Hostel a good Grok citizen.
16 years |
uli |
Move interface for hostels to main interface collection.
16 years |
uli |
Make hostelcontainer more grok-like.
16 years |
uli |
Add basic tests for waeup.university.
16 years |
uli |
Fix import/export stuff.
16 years |
uli |
Update test.
16 years |
uli |
Make faculties an attribute instead of a container entry.
16 years |
uli |
Add facultites attribute in IUniversity interface.
16 years |
uli |
Add a link for managing faculties.
16 years |
uli |
Add interface for contained stuff.
16 years |
uli |
Render faculties in viewlets.
16 years |
uli |
Get rid of unneeded import.
16 years |
uli |
Update tests.
16 years |
uli |
Add unit doctests for faculty container.
16 years |
uli |
Remove getId from facultycontainer: it overcomplicates things.
16 years |
uli |
Update tests.
16 years |
uli |
Be smart when looking for new ids.
16 years |
uli |
Use ints as keys.
16 years |
uli |
Update interface.
16 years |
uli |
Be more verbose.
16 years |
uli |
Disable too specific listings for now.
16 years |
uli |
Be accurate.
16 years |
uli |
Remove unwanted attribute (the internal name of the container is …
16 years |
uli |
Be explicit about imported stuff.
16 years |
uli |
Clean up imports, be more verbose.
16 years |
uli |
Move IFaculty interface to main interfaces collection.
16 years |
uli |
Let AddFaculty? viewlet use the new mixin.
16 years |
uli |
Make use of the new viewlet form-mixin.
16 years |
uli |
Add a viewlet-mixin for rendering forms.
16 years |
uli |
Fix tests to use 'manage' instead of 'edit'.
16 years |
uli |
Remove edit view of universities (this is now called 'manage').
16 years |
uli |
Remove obsolete template.
16 years |
uli |
Remove obsolete template.
16 years |
uli |
Fix tests.
16 years |
uli |
Get faculties from container.
16 years |
uli |
Display 'Add faculty' as link in sidebar. Some cleanup.
16 years |
uli |
Remove manage template (we use master.pt now).
16 years |
uli |
Make standard views use the master template.
16 years |
uli |
Make manage.pt the new master template.
16 years |
uli |
Remove master-template. Will be replaced by another template.
16 years |
uli |
Add a content view for faculty containers.
16 years |
uli |
Make faculty container a generic grok.Container.
16 years |
uli |
Provide a faculty factory.
16 years |
uli |
Add a general add view.
16 years |
uli |
Update tests.
16 years |
uli |
First basic exporter adapters.
16 years |
uli |
Make use of new viewlet concept.
16 years |
uli |
Add manage viewlet.
16 years |
uli |
Make login viewlet usable.
16 years |
uli |
Make logo a link to home.
16 years |
uli |
Add new viewlets.
16 years |
uli |
Add a manage permission.
16 years |
uli |
Default name is 'Sample University' now.
16 years |
uli |
New interfaces.
16 years |
uli |
Update tests.
16 years |
uli |
Remove permission checker until later.
16 years |
uli |
Fix header.
16 years |
uli |
Use utility lookups instead of imported classes to populate the …
16 years |
uli |
Make hostel container available as utility.
16 years |
uli |
Make faculty container available as utility.
16 years |
uli |
Make student container available as utility.
16 years |
uli |
Add basic interfaces for hostels, students, faculties.
16 years |
uli |
Prepare rewrite.
copied from waeup/trunk/src:
17 years |
cliersch |
file name test data