12 years |
uli |
Deriving IExportJobContainer from IKofaObject we can build pages for …
12 years |
uli |
Make the student specific parts of StudentsExportFilter? class …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Show entry_session on all slips.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Show entry_sesssion in export. Show only level_session to ease …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add some comment to remind of the dangerous 'fake_approve' page. I …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add 'Create all students' button on statistics page. There we can …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Maybe this prevents pre-filling of contact form body field with values …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Fix test.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add StudentStudyLevelsOverviewExporter?.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Remove unused views.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
I changed my mind. Course Advisers are allowed to view all students in …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Adjust tests to the new filterstudents pages. The buttons now redirect …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Put all information into a single logfile line. Otherwise we can't …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add views to filter students in departments, certificates and courses. …
12 years |
uli |
Students catalog now supports current study level (requires site …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Current level must be in range of certificate. This must be checked in …
12 years |
uli |
Try to make clearer where we head to regarding filtered exports.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Extend webservice and return reg_number too.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
We need to reduce selectable payment categories. Instead of defining …
12 years |
uli |
Add VirtualExportJobContainers? for storing export jobs in a central …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Reenable current_verdict for pg students.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Do not break line in category column.
12 years |
uli |
Support additional args for export jobs. These changes do not break …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Do not display 'None' in score (and any other) column.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
We do not need to redirect to context view.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Ease customization of displaying suspended_comment.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Rework logging of batch processing. Remove redundant text but add name …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
If suspended_comment is set this message will be flashed instead.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Fix size of suspended_comment input box.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add field 'suspended_comment'. This attribute will be used to render …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Replace 'has_key' by 'in'
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Avoid KeyError? if students use the back button and try to remove a …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
We need to customize if students are allowed to remove mandatory …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Show weight and grade on course ticket manage page.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Use new attrs_to_fields function to display gpa and total_credits on …
12 years |
uli |
attrs_to_fields now supports an additional 'omit' parameter.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Remove total_credits method from view. This is already done in the …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Translate also grade and weight.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Calculate grade and weight from score and show on courseticketpage …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Use FriendlyDatetimeDisplayWidget? for validation date.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Align reload button.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Set Id svn keyword.
Extend IStudentsReport.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Log job_id. Now we can retrieve the information from the log file, who …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add UI tests for for students reports.py.
Fix render method of …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Discarding a job must be logged.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Nesting forms can't be tested. They are causing a ParseError?.
12 years |
uli |
Add docs.
12 years |
uli |
More all-you-can-eat offers for views.
12 years |
uli |
Remove useless report title.
12 years |
uli |
Try to rip out all UI-related stuff from w.k.reports. Put it into views.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Change order of states. 'returning' is the last state in session.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
See email 'Re: AsyncReportJob?'.
12 years |
uli |
Add tests for StudentsReport?.str()
12 years |
uli |
Add a str for StudentsReport? and add a local creation_dt string.
12 years |
uli |
12 years |
uli |
Remove unneeded var.
12 years |
uli |
Make reload button a visible button.
12 years |
uli |
Fix repr() of StudentsReport?.
12 years |
uli |
Also check author when generating representations of StudentsReports?.
12 years |
uli |
Add some basic tests for StudentsReports?.
12 years |
uli |
Update docs to reflect actual data produced. Do we really need a …
12 years |
uli |
Update tests.
12 years |
uli |
Doesn't make much sense to display only values of a dict, does it?
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Replace reload button by a discreet icon.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Display report creation date.
Adjust margin between headline and body.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Exchange inputs.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Log the creation and download of reports.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
It's not a report of a single student but a report of subsets of students.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Filename must be informative for archiving reports.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
It seems that we do not need the get_data method?!
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Finetune pagetemplate.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Ease customization of MODE_GROUPS.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Rename generator.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Generate reports for students in a certain session and for groups of …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
We do not need an extra attribute for start time.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add permission to roles.
Show user id on reports page.
Show reports …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Display start time of job in table.
12 years |
uli |
Untabify page templates.
12 years |
uli |
Cp. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Iff.html
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Rework pagetemplates.
12 years |
uli |
Make use of modified job info.
12 years |
uli |
Provide a reduced set of stati in report jobs which are better suited …
12 years |
uli |
ReportContainers? should provide more usable infos about jobs.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add viewlets for reports.py
Add permission to roles.
Set label …
12 years |
uli |
Basic statistics for kofa. Still the functionality is hidden - but …
12 years |
uli |
Provide XMLRPC services. We start with a student_id service.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Display faculty and department in search result tables.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Limit number of files in data center.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Edit warning message.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Update svn:ignore
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Roolback 9581
12 years |
uli |
Add a null handler for deployment and let it be used by the 'wsgi' logger.
12 years |
uli |
Add a logging NullHandler? for Python < 2.7 compatibility.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Show warning message on datacenter page if number of pending files …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Display instructions on upload page to facilitate my job.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Let Datacenter Managers try step 1-3 of the import procedure but do …
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Show only last 100 finished files.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Disable developer mode. Disable access.log in deploy-config.
12 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add StudentPaymentsOverviewExporter?.