8 years |
uli |
Give time to sleep before reboot.
8 years |
uli |
Fix filename in sample call.
8 years |
uli |
Start installing basic packages.
8 years |
uli |
Add a playbook for setup of already bootstrapped hosts.
After …
8 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add Ikoba AAUE instance to playbooks.
8 years |
uli |
Make bootstrap.yml really work.
This version of bootstrap.yml was …
8 years |
uli |
Remove empty line.
8 years |
uli |
Update README.
Reflect changes to bootstrap.yml.
8 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
Add Ikoba Demo and Ikoba Uniben instances.
8 years |
uli |
Set port when waiting for server reboot.
When we reboot a host and …
8 years |
uli |
Hm, this is much shorter.
Just learned how to include other playbooks …
8 years |
uli |
Add a playbook that reboots hosts.
It does of course also all the …
9 years |
uli |
New versions of ansible upgrade.
9 years |
uli |
Add ansible playbook for starting services.
Yet we have a …
9 years |
uli |
This playbook works okay for all servers.
9 years |
uli |
Add roles to enable swap-accounting.
Swap accounting is at least used …
9 years |
uli |
Turn (some) tasks from playbook into roles.
9 years |
uli |
Use a more robust approach when updating remote hosts.
9 years |
uli |
Add playbook that prepares hosts for reboot.
9 years |
uli |
Simple shell script for running aptitude
safe-upgrade on all hosts.
9 years |
uli |
Add a hosts inventory with real hosts.
We should merge both set of …
9 years |
uli |
Add a minimal ansible.cfg.
Not sure, whether this is really needed.
9 years |
uli |
Merge two host-key tasks into one.
9 years |
uli |
Add missing sshd_config pieces.
We set required SSH ciphers/MACs/key …
9 years |
uli |
Use sshd restart as a handler.
This way sshd is only restarted if …
9 years |
uli |
Basic moduli fixer for ssh.
9 years |
uli |
Fix task for modifying sudoers file.
As colon followed by space (': …
9 years |
uli |
Add tasks for securing sshd config.
9 years |
uli |
Enable passwordless sudo for deploy user.
9 years |
uli |
Tell about what we learned.
9 years |
uli |
Let bootstrap.yml do real stuff.
9 years |
uli |
Restart ssh after provisioning.
9 years |
uli |
Add public deploy key.
9 years |
uli |
Tell about bootstrapping and add respective playbook.
9 years |
uli |
Add inventory file for virtual hosts.
9 years |
uli |
Updated README.
Reflect last changes.
9 years |
uli |
Update history.
9 years |
uli |
Add ansible-based vagrant provisioner.
9 years |
uli |
Update svn-ignore: ignore .vagrant dir.
9 years |
uli |
Tell about directory layout.
9 years |
uli |
Add a Vagrantfile.
And tell something about it in README.
9 years |
uli |
Add history.
9 years |
uli |
(also acting as a little tutorial).
9 years |
uli |
Create a repo for WAeUP ansible playbooks.
A place to keep ansible …