18 years |
joachim |
accept Foreigner as key, add empty key to cos-vocabulary
18 years |
joachim |
ignore empty lga, state fields, headings can now start with spaces
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
generates applicants statistics
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
fix allow resize of jpec pictures
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
error message text changed
18 years |
joachim |
check for passport picture in widget
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
log file size of picture if picture is too big
18 years |
joachim |
error when image too big, delete button gone
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
add logging messages
change storage location of passport picture
and more
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
show correct image aspect ratio
(attention: I set data = …
18 years |
joachim |
18 years |
joachim |
add passport widget
18 years |
joachim |
better lga checking
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
no comment
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
some corrections (see email 'Befund')
18 years |
joachim |
first version of apply_pume, without passport and ugly layout.
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
applicants_catalog and application instead of new_students
18 years |
joachim |
add applicants_catalog
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
see ticket #102
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
problem with wrong batch number fixed
Now we need a fix to replace …
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
don't show wrong batch number
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
show sessions, courselevel and entrymodes vocabularies in correct …
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
show widgets in alphabetical order
18 years |
joachim |
error messages with variables cause no modifications to zodb
18 years |
joachim |
avoid modificaton of zodb by constant error messages
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
layout_clearance_edit.pt: table alignment changed
Widgets.py: error …
18 years |
joachim |
add transferStudents + views + schemas
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
syntax error fixed in logged_in.py
error messages extended in Widgets.py
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
preparations for viewing CEST results
18 years |
joachim |
fix for #205, add more widgets for import_data
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
error messages beautified
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
- assertViewable removed and page templates adjusted, so that no …
18 years |
joachim |
some fixes for addStudent and importStudent
18 years |
joachim |
make it work for display session results
18 years |
joachim |
new function in WAeUPTool importData
usage from url: …
18 years |
joachim |
better errormessage for WAeUPIdWidgeteupIdWidget
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
logger messages corrected
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
new logging format Part 4 (rest)
18 years |
joachim |
display a list of students for the CourseAdviser?
fix for issue #115
M …
18 years |
joachim |
modified importReservedBeds
added release_bed
many …
18 years |
joachim |
new method book_reserved_bed to book a reserved bed for a student
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
name field must not be empty
18 years |
joachim |
D profiles/default/schemas/epayment.xml
was replaced by payment.xml …
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
18 years |
joachim |
in scratchcardpinwidget check first if is not student
18 years |
joachim |
more fixes
18 years |
joachim |
fix empty matric_no entry
18 years |
joachim |
fix for problem if an invalid string is given for matric_no
18 years |
joachim |
check acknowledge box,
add logging messages.
18 years |
joachim |
added Secret Widget and use it in display_session_results
if …
18 years |
joachim |
display_session_results now asks for jamb_reg_no
set_access_data uses …
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
18 years |
joachim |
ask for email and password
18 years |
joachim |
added import for registered and results,
the csv-files must contain a …
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
logging messages changed
18 years |
joachim |
catch Kehindes Error
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
logging messages modified
Study Course always listed
date labels chsnged
18 years |
joachim |
made Widgets.py from Widgets_neu.py
corrected a syntax-error in …
18 years |
joachim |
Removed all fields except study_course from student_study_course
adde …
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
logging messages modified
please see comments
18 years |
joachim |
M profiles/default/schemas/student_clearance.xml
M …
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
upper was missing
18 years |
joachim |
=fix pin-formatting
18 years |
joachim |
=fix for not all arguments
18 years |
joachim |
=fix for attribute Error
18 years |
joachim |
=fix for attribute Error
18 years |
joachim |
fixed not created issue
and application-pin rendering
18 years |
joachim |
10-digit PIN instead of Password
18 years |
joachim |
more text fixes
18 years |
joachim |
corrected log entry for Student RegNo?
18 years |
joachim |
log more cases to students_pin_usage
handle the case when student …
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
contact actions modified
Use mail host allowed for anonymous
message …
18 years |
joachim |
fixed not found
18 years |
joachim |
created new catalog pumeresults for pumeresult checking
modified …
18 years |
joachim |
loading of cps_portlets by generic_setup
18 years |
joachim |
add special handling code to hostels
use letters for blocks
18 years |
joachim |
=removed SectionManager? from getDynamicRoles, convert jamb_reg_no to …
18 years |
joachim |
show filename in clearance slip
show faculty and department title in …
18 years |
joachim |
add vocabularies for subjects and grades according to Kehindes Data …
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
mail2admin for testing
18 years |
joachim |
remove breakpoint
18 years |
joachim |
pin is now not used if jamb_no is invalid
reserve_accommodation had …
18 years |
joachim |
results added
18 years |
joachim |
application_edit etc. like clearance_edit
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
many things fixed accorging to email of Nov 8
18 years |
joachim |
added WAeUPResultsWidget used in clearance modul not fully working …
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
texts modified
18 years |
joachim |
view PUME result finalized,
export of PINs started
18 years |
joachim |
first draft of the pume search and display, the pume_slip.pt has to be …
18 years |
Henrik Bettermann |
StudentPume? class added
18 years |
joachim |
fixed apply Pume
18 years |
joachim |
added pay-hostel-maintainance fee
18 years |
joachim |
implemented new reserved room procedure as described in ticket #50 …
18 years |
joachim |
fixed several bugs in the Apply for PUME Process:
jamb_reg_no had …
18 years |
joachim |
added layout_application_view_info to display selected Info for a …
18 years |
joachim |
fixed bug in getStudentInfo isManager() instead of isManager
fixed s_id bug
18 years |
joachim |
18 years |
joachim |
halls can now be deleted, first steps for accommodation reservation
18 years |
joachim |
fixed 'zwei kleine Sachen'
18 years |
joachim |
added CourseId? widget
made adding in Academics Section work again