# # ChangeLog for / # # Generated by Trac 1.2.2 # 14 Mar 2025, 09:27:08 Thu, 11 Nov 2010 07:13:04 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5587] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/futminna/vocabularies/waeup_bed_letters.xml (modified) more beds Wed, 10 Nov 2010 19:51:41 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5586] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/futminna/vocabularies/waeup_bed_letters.xml (modified) fix keys Wed, 10 Nov 2010 19:49:44 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5585] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/futminna/vocabularies/waeup_bed_letters.xml (added) more beds per room Wed, 10 Nov 2010 09:32:19 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5584] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/futminna/layouts/acco_hall.xml (modified) Wed, 10 Nov 2010 08:57:15 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5583] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTables.py (modified) Extend Moodle data export file. Wed, 10 Nov 2010 08:56:03 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5582] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/fceokene/layouts/student_accommodation_fe.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceokene/getFormattedBedOkene.py (added) FCEOkene: Show bed coordinates only after payment. Mon, 08 Nov 2010 12:59:16 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5581] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTables.py (modified) First version of Moodle authentication data export. Mon, 08 Nov 2010 08:51:16 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5580] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_aaua/getPaymentStatistics.py (modified) Edit doc string. Mon, 08 Nov 2010 08:46:31 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5579] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_aaua/getPaymentStatistics.py (added) Add payment statistics. Fri, 29 Oct 2010 11:18:41 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5578] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/futminna/layouts/acco_hall.xml (modified) Increase width of form field. Wed, 27 Oct 2010 08:49:46 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5577] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Widgets.py (modified) Allow import of very old course results. Tue, 26 Oct 2010 08:05:29 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5576] * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/fw_color.css (modified) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/fw_fonts.css (modified) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/fw_layout.css (modified) Adapt colors to the color scheme of the BT Education logo. Tue, 26 Oct 2010 05:49:15 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5575] * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/fw_layout.css (modified) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/header.html (modified) Remove navlistbox. Sun, 17 Oct 2010 17:46:21 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5574] * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/header.html (added) Add missing file. Sun, 17 Oct 2010 17:01:42 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5573] * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/BTEducation.png (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/README.html (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/config.php (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/datenschutz.html (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/docstyles.php (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/favicon.ico (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/footer.html (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/fw_color.css (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/fw_fonts.css (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/fw_layout.css (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/gradient.jpg (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/grad (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/grad/bg_bread.jpg (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/grad/bg_header.jpg (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/tab (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/tab/left.gif (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/tab/left_active.gif (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/tab/left_active_hover.gif (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/tab/left_hover.gif (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/tab/right.gif (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/tab/right_active.gif (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/tab/right_active_hover.gif (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/tab/right_end.gif (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/pix/tab/right_hover.gif (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/styles.php (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/waeup_header.jpg (added) * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation/waeup_header_main.jpg (added) BT Education Moodle Theme Fri, 15 Oct 2010 09:44:41 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5572] * WAeUP_Moodle/bteducation (added) Create an empty folder for the bteducation Moodle theme. Fri, 15 Oct 2010 09:43:57 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5571] * WAeUP_Moodle (added) Create an empty folder for Moodle themes. Fri, 15 Oct 2010 06:57:55 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5570] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceokene/examination_slip.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/course_registration_slip.pt (modified) Adjust layout. Fri, 15 Oct 2010 06:49:26 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5569] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceokene/examination_slip.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceokene/study_level_view.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/course_registration_slip.pt (modified) FCEOkene: show both course_registration_slip and examination_slip ... Thu, 14 Oct 2010 10:31:40 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5568] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceokene/examination_slip.pt (added) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceokene/study_level_view.pt (added) Replace Course Registration Slip by Examination Clearance Slip Thu, 14 Oct 2010 06:10:25 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5567] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_study_level.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/admitStudents.py (modified) student_study_level.xml: all fields read-only admitStudents.py: ... Tue, 12 Oct 2010 04:58:45 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5566] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/getNextInfo.py (modified) Students that are spilling over have the verdict L which is referred ... Fri, 08 Oct 2010 11:01:38 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5565] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_uniben/mail2admin.py (modified) Catch traceback (SMTPSenderRefused) Fri, 08 Oct 2010 10:29:09 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5564] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/grepLog.py (added) Search log files online. Wed, 06 Oct 2010 21:12:50 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5563] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/admitStudents.py (modified) Fix query string. Wed, 06 Oct 2010 12:58:35 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5562] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/admitStudents.py (modified) Filter applicants by specifying the entry_session. Wed, 06 Oct 2010 09:00:28 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5561] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTables.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceokene/statistics_payment_view.pt (deleted) Change default session in in dumpPayments. Wed, 06 Oct 2010 08:05:01 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5560] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceokene/getPaymentStatistics.py (added) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceokene/statistics_payment_view.pt (added) Implement payment statistics. Tue, 05 Oct 2010 12:20:34 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5559] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTables.py (modified) WAeUPTables.py: remove unused method, implement dumpPayments Fri, 01 Oct 2010 07:50:40 GMT gbenga [5558] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/workshop2010-playground/src/waeup/sirp/interfaces.py (modified) Make changes to email text string Fri, 01 Oct 2010 07:35:31 GMT gbenga [5557] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/workshop2010-playground/src/waeup/sirp/app.py (modified) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/workshop2010-playground/src/waeup/sirp/interfaces.py (modified) Making fresh changes to University Thu, 30 Sep 2010 20:09:50 GMT niyi [5556] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/workshop2010-playground/etc/deploy.ini.in (modified) Set default IP to in order not to block the portal for remote ... Thu, 30 Sep 2010 19:39:08 GMT uli [5555] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/workshop2010-playground (copied) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/workshop2010-playground/src/waeup/sirp/browser/browser.txt (copied) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/workshop2010-playground/src/waeup/sirp/browser/pages.py (copied) Create playground for workshop2010 Thu, 30 Sep 2010 10:10:38 GMT uli [5554] * workshop2010/trunk/src/grokworkshop/mergecsv.py (modified) Copy CSV file merger created last evening into repository. Thu, 30 Sep 2010 09:19:13 GMT uli [5553] * workshop2010/branches/uli-experimental (deleted) Remove merged branch, which is not needed anymore. Thu, 30 Sep 2010 09:11:27 GMT uli [5552] * workshop2010/trunk/buildout.cfg (modified) * workshop2010/trunk/setup.py (modified) * workshop2010/trunk/src/grokworkshop/mergecsv.py (copied) Merge back changes from uli-experimental into trunk. Thu, 30 Sep 2010 08:55:09 GMT gbenga [5551] * workshop2010/branches/gbenga-experimental/README.txt (modified) Just checking to make sure things are working right Thu, 30 Sep 2010 08:45:25 GMT niyi [5550] * workshop2010/trunk/README.txt (modified) update documentation. Thu, 30 Sep 2010 08:34:23 GMT isouaba [5549] * workshop2010/branches/isouaba-experimental/README.txt (modified) Just edited the README.txt Thu, 30 Sep 2010 08:27:55 GMT uli [5548] * workshop2010/branches/uli-experimental/src/grokworkshop/mergecsv.py (modified) - Add some input files as local strings. - Make use of csv module. Wed, 29 Sep 2010 19:46:45 GMT uli [5547] * workshop2010/branches/uli-experimental/setup.py (modified) Add an entry point to call our new mergecsv script. Wed, 29 Sep 2010 19:45:05 GMT uli [5546] * workshop2010/branches/uli-experimental/src/grokworkshop/mergecsv.py (modified) Add a function for merging CSV files. Wed, 29 Sep 2010 19:42:57 GMT uli [5545] * workshop2010/branches/uli-experimental/src/grokworkshop/mergecsv.py (added) Add a module to merge CSV files. Wed, 29 Sep 2010 19:41:18 GMT uli [5544] * workshop2010/branches/uli-experimental/buildout.cfg (modified) Modify buildout.cfg so that scripts of grokworkshop are generated in ... Wed, 29 Sep 2010 16:47:54 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5543] * workshop2010/branches/henrik-experimental (copied) Create experimental branch for henrik. Wed, 29 Sep 2010 16:43:36 GMT isouaba [5542] * workshop2010/branches/isouaba-experimental (copied) Create branch for Issoufou Wed, 29 Sep 2010 16:42:46 GMT gbenga [5541] * workshop2010/branches/gbenga-experimental (copied) create branch for gbenga Wed, 29 Sep 2010 16:40:35 GMT niyi [5540] * workshop2010/branches/niyi-experimental (copied) create a branch for niyi Wed, 29 Sep 2010 16:36:53 GMT uli [5539] * workshop2010/branches/uli-experimental (copied) Create branch for uli Wed, 29 Sep 2010 16:21:26 GMT uli [5538] * workshop2010/trunk (added) * workshop2010/trunk/CHANGES.txt (added) * workshop2010/trunk/README.txt (added) * workshop2010/trunk/bootstrap.py (added) * workshop2010/trunk/buildout.cfg (added) * workshop2010/trunk/setup.py (added) * workshop2010/trunk/src (added) * workshop2010/trunk/src/grokworkshop (added) * workshop2010/trunk/src/grokworkshop/__init__.py (added) * workshop2010/trunk/src/grokworkshop/samplemodule.py (added) * workshop2010/trunk/src/grokworkshop/subpkg (added) * workshop2010/trunk/src/grokworkshop/subpkg/__init__.py (added) * workshop2010/trunk/src/grokworkshop/subpkg/othermodule.py (added) Import first implementation. Wed, 29 Sep 2010 16:10:34 GMT uli [5537] * workshop2010/branches (added) * workshop2010/tags (added) Create basic project dirs. Wed, 29 Sep 2010 16:01:22 GMT uli [5536] * workshop2010 (added) Create a place where we can experiment during WAeUP workshop 2010. Wed, 29 Sep 2010 15:52:15 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5535] * WAeUP_Doc (deleted) remove old tree Wed, 29 Sep 2010 15:33:12 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5534] * waeup (deleted) remove old tree Wed, 29 Sep 2010 10:22:14 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5533] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_pins/search_pins.py (modified) allow isouaba to see pins Mon, 27 Sep 2010 14:43:34 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5532] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/clearance_edit.py (modified) do not require names Sat, 25 Sep 2010 15:47:38 GMT uli [5531] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/setup.py (modified) Require image-related packages. Sat, 25 Sep 2010 15:47:02 GMT uli [5530] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/jambtables/applicants.py (modified) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/jambtables/browser.py (modified) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/jambtables/interfaces.py (modified) Commit local changes (work inprogress) Sat, 25 Sep 2010 15:46:36 GMT uli [5529] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/widgets/passportwidget.py (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/widgets/tests/test_passportwidget.py (added) Add passportwidget, which sould be removed soon. Sat, 25 Sep 2010 15:45:52 GMT uli [5528] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/browser/static/photo-placeholder.jpg (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/browser/static/placeholder_f.jpg (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/browser/static/placeholder_m.jpg (added) Add placeholder images. Sat, 25 Sep 2010 15:45:06 GMT uli [5527] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/image (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/image/__init__.py (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/image/browser (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/image/browser/__init__.py (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/image/browser/image.txt (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/image/browser/sample.jpg (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/image/browser/tests.py (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/image/browser/views.py (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/image/browser/widget.py (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/image/interfaces.py (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images/src/waeup/sirp/image/schema.py (added) Add image module Sat, 25 Sep 2010 15:31:55 GMT uli [5526] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-images (copied) Create branch to store local stuff. Fri, 24 Sep 2010 15:59:28 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5525] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/uniben/layouts/student_clearance.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/uniben/layouts/student_clearance_fe.xml (modified) disable name change during clearance Thu, 23 Sep 2010 09:37:27 GMT uli [5524] * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/browser/pages.py (modified) - Fix line-length - Add a TODO comment. Thu, 23 Sep 2010 09:34:42 GMT uli [5523] * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/browser/browser.txt (modified) Be more verbose, when it comes to test sending contact messages. The ... Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:17:46 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5522] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceoyo/getSchoolFee.py (modified) see fceoyo #49 Wed, 22 Sep 2010 09:59:23 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5521] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceokene/pay_interswitch.py (modified) add account for pd_ft students Tue, 21 Sep 2010 10:37:35 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5520] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceoyo/getSchoolFee.py (modified) new school fees Mon, 20 Sep 2010 11:58:19 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5519] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceokene/getInterswitchParams.py (modified) fceokene #175 Thu, 16 Sep 2010 06:42:19 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5518] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/getStudyCourseInfo.py (modified) pd_ft (fceokene) students start at level 500 Mon, 13 Sep 2010 17:21:27 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5517] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/cps_custom/logged_in.py (modified) build correct app pin if batchnumber > 9 (in custom) Tue, 07 Sep 2010 21:52:02 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5516] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPImport.py (modified) fix traceback Tue, 07 Sep 2010 21:32:56 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5515] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPImport.py (modified) remove warnings (they do not make sense when importing verdicts) Tue, 07 Sep 2010 21:23:27 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5514] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPImport.py (modified) define logger for findStudent Tue, 07 Sep 2010 20:49:28 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5513] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPImport.py (modified) do not require study_level object for verdict imports Mon, 06 Sep 2010 20:21:05 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5512] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPImport.py (modified) do not output msg when overwriting matric nor reg numbers Thu, 02 Sep 2010 05:58:26 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5511] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_statistics/getApplicantsStatistics.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/apply_admission.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/apply_admission_manage_form.pt (modified) second choice pde application - part2 Thu, 02 Sep 2010 05:43:12 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5510] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_pde2.xml (added) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/vocabularies/screening_types.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/apply_admission.py (modified) second choice pde application (pde2) according to r5258 (untested) Wed, 01 Sep 2010 11:32:32 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5509] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_fceokene/getSchoolFee.py (modified) school fee for Professional Diploma in Education students (called ... Sat, 28 Aug 2010 07:38:20 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5508] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_cest.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_cest_2.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_ct.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_dp.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_manage.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_pce.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_pde.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_prence.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_pt.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_pume.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_pume2.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_sandwich.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_sandwich2008.xml (modified) change phone label Sat, 28 Aug 2010 06:39:05 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5507] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_utilities/open.py (added) more comfortable than using close.py with transition parameter Sat, 28 Aug 2010 06:38:12 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5506] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/cps_custom/logged_in.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/application_edit_form.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/apply_admission_manage.py (modified) logged_in.py: do not fill app_mobile after first_time_login ... Sat, 28 Aug 2010 06:35:39 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5505] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Widgets.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_cest.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_cest_2.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_ct.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_dp.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_manage.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_pce.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_pde.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_prence.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_pt.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_pume.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_pume2.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_sandwich.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application_sandwich2008.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_firsttime_login.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/uniben/layouts/student_personal_fe.xml (modified) implement Phone Widget and apply to application, first_time_login and ... Sat, 28 Aug 2010 06:32:31 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5504] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPImport.py (modified) catch wrong reg_transition (admitted and returning) to avoid editing ... Thu, 26 Aug 2010 17:00:32 GMT uli [5503] * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/buildout.cfg (modified) Add section to create sirpctl properly, with a fixed path to ... Thu, 26 Aug 2010 16:28:56 GMT uli [5502] * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/etc/zdaemon.conf.in (modified) Set absolute path to paster, not a 'guessed' relative one. We need ... Thu, 26 Aug 2010 13:15:12 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5501] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/cps_custom/logged_in.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/getSessionsVoc.py (modified) logged_in.py: copy images in state student_created ... Thu, 26 Aug 2010 11:09:03 GMT uli [5500] * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/etc/site.zcml.in (modified) Make site.zcml look more like it was before the switch to paster. Thu, 26 Aug 2010 11:08:04 GMT uli [5499] * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/ftesting.zcml (modified) - Deny general access for anonymous users. - Apply changes that ... Thu, 26 Aug 2010 11:06:04 GMT uli [5498] * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/browser/pages.py (modified) We're going to deny general access for unauthenticated users. ... Thu, 26 Aug 2010 10:55:39 GMT uli [5497] * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/jambtables/authentication.py (modified) Make applicant credentials work also if other credentials plugins ... Wed, 25 Aug 2010 16:10:37 GMT Henrik Bettermann [5496] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/cps_custom/logged_in.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/create_level.py (modified) create_level.py: reduce logging logged_in.py: find pictures with PIN ... Wed, 25 Aug 2010 00:32:07 GMT uli [5495] * main/waeup.sirp/trunk (modified) * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/README.txt (modified) * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/buildout.cfg (modified) * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/etc (copied) * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/etc/README.txt (copied) * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/etc/debug.ini.in (copied) * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/etc/deploy.ini.in (copied) * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/etc/site.zcml.in (copied) * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/etc/zdaemon.conf.in (copied) * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/etc/zope.conf.in (copied) * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/setup.py (modified) Merge changes from ulif-paster branch back into trunk. CAUTION: After ... Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:51:00 GMT uli [5494] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-paster (modified) The var/ directory is back :-) We ignore it in SVN. Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:49:16 GMT uli [5493] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-paster/etc (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-paster/etc/README.txt (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-paster/etc/debug.ini.in (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-paster/etc/deploy.ini.in (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-paster/etc/site.zcml.in (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-paster/etc/zdaemon.conf.in (added) * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-paster/etc/zope.conf.in (added) Add needed configuration file templates. Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:45:39 GMT uli [5492] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-paster/README.txt (modified) Update docs. Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:42:51 GMT uli [5491] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-paster/setup.py (modified) - Depend also on grokcore.startup. This package contains the code to ... Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:37:34 GMT uli [5490] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-paster/buildout.cfg (modified) Replace the old buildout.cfg with a new, paster-geared one. This ... Tue, 24 Aug 2010 15:12:32 GMT uli [5489] * main/waeup.sirp/branches/ulif-paster (copied) Create a branch for switch to paster-based instances. Tue, 24 Aug 2010 12:38:24 GMT uli [5488] * main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/jambtables/browser.py (modified) Use the new template instead of the default one.