# # ChangeLog for / # # Generated by Trac 1.2.2 # 19 Mar 2025, 22:31:41 Thu, 28 Jun 2007 14:06:36 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1975] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/isSectionOfficer.py (modified) fixed Thu, 28 Jun 2007 07:50:46 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1974] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/getStudyLevelInfo.py (modified) don't list courses with empty course id Thu, 28 Jun 2007 04:34:35 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1973] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/interswitch_cb.py (modified) requerying enabled for all members Thu, 28 Jun 2007 04:21:24 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1972] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/isSectionOfficer.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/isStaff.py (modified) was not yet changed in the file system Wed, 27 Jun 2007 10:03:44 GMT joachim [1971] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTables.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/add_course_result.py (modified) set course to core in add_course_result, return if course_id in ... Tue, 26 Jun 2007 15:01:57 GMT joachim [1970] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/getFormattedStudentEntry.py (modified) add dumpStudentsCatalog Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:58:03 GMT joachim [1969] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:47:37 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1968] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_custom/getCustomDisplayParams.py (modified) show more items_per_page Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:45:54 GMT joachim [1967] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTables.py (modified) next try to fix registered_courses Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:19:18 GMT joachim [1966] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTables.py (modified) fix if no registered_courses Tue, 26 Jun 2007 06:11:42 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1965] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) edit values only if in state admitted Tue, 26 Jun 2007 05:53:29 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1964] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) fixed Tue, 26 Jun 2007 05:47:12 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1963] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) importEditStudent: set to returning only if in state admitted Tue, 26 Jun 2007 04:51:01 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1962] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/search_members.py (modified) fixed Tue, 26 Jun 2007 04:12:13 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1961] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) fixed Tue, 26 Jun 2007 04:04:57 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1960] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/members_search.xml (modified) fixed Mon, 25 Jun 2007 20:17:04 GMT joachim [1959] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/PatchCPSUserFolderUserFolder.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/isCourseAdviser.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/isSectionOfficer.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/isStaff.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/isStudent.py (modified) faster method to detect isStudent Mon, 25 Jun 2007 19:30:01 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1958] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/import_student.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/members_search.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_application.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_application_fe.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_clearance.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_clearance_fe.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_create.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_firsttime_login.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_personal.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_personal_fe.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_session_results_search.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/vocabularies/student_search_mode.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/search_members.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/search_members_results.pt (modified) correct spelling of first, middle, last and full name Mon, 25 Jun 2007 18:45:38 GMT joachim [1957] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/PatchCPSUserFolderUserFolder.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/isCourseAdviser.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/isSectionOfficer.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/isStaff.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_default/isStudent.py (modified) replace calls to isStudent by inline statements, please test. Mon, 25 Jun 2007 15:59:27 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1956] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/interswitch_cb.py (modified) log response description for unsuccessful callbacks (in custom) Mon, 25 Jun 2007 14:24:37 GMT joachim [1955] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/search_members.py (modified) fix for #287 Mon, 25 Jun 2007 08:28:28 GMT joachim [1954] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTables.py (modified) fix for #260 reindexing registered_courses index is now also faster Sun, 24 Jun 2007 16:38:01 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1953] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) modifications to import Admitted06_Latest7.csv (records without ... Sat, 23 Jun 2007 21:44:30 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1952] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/members_search.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/getPaymentsFolderInfo.py (modified) members_search.xml: labels in members search form corrected ... Sat, 23 Jun 2007 15:49:55 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1951] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_application.xml (modified) ticket #266 Sat, 23 Jun 2007 06:23:51 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1950] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/check_transactions.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/payments_view.pt (modified) check_transactions.py fixed payments_view.pt adapted to the needs of IE Sat, 23 Jun 2007 04:25:10 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1949] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/check_transactions.py (modified) - logging messages changed - First check if student review state is ... Fri, 22 Jun 2007 19:56:52 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1948] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/members_search.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/interswitch_cb.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/payments_view.pt (modified) members_search.xml: add groups to layout table (select widget was not ... Fri, 22 Jun 2007 15:21:07 GMT joachim [1947] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/check_transactions.py (modified) aprove closed payments Fri, 22 Jun 2007 14:01:38 GMT joachim [1946] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/getPaymentsFolderInfo.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/pay_interswitch.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/payments_view.pt (modified) live interswitch url (in custom) Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:47:42 GMT joachim [1945] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/schemas/members_search.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/vocabularies/groups_voc.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/getWAeUPGroups.py (moved) fix search members Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:44:54 GMT joachim [1944] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/members_search.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/schemas.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/schemas/members_search.xml (added) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/vocabularies.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/vocabularies/groups_voc.xml (added) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/getGroups.py (added) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/getPaymentsFolderInfo.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/interswitch_cb.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/pay_interswitch.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/payments_view.pt (modified) add searching for groups in member_search, interswitch payment updates Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:22:51 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1943] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/check_transactions.py (modified) fixed Thu, 21 Jun 2007 19:47:47 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1942] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/workflows/waeup_student_subobject_wf/definition.xml (modified) student_subobject_wf fixed Thu, 21 Jun 2007 14:36:15 GMT joachim [1941] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) faster version of exportStudents Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:43:45 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1940] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) some more logging messages current_level instead of level Wed, 20 Jun 2007 08:43:33 GMT joachim [1939] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) add exportStudents Tue, 19 Jun 2007 17:28:07 GMT joachim [1938] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/getPaymentsFolderInfo.py (modified) missing for epayment Tue, 19 Jun 2007 17:12:59 GMT joachim [1937] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/goto_interswitch_form.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/interswitch_cb.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/interswitch_form.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/pay_interswitch.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/payments_view.pt (modified) interswitch payment (in custom) Tue, 19 Jun 2007 09:06:41 GMT joachim [1936] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/PatchCatalogToolXMLAdapter.py (modified) remove debugging output Tue, 19 Jun 2007 08:53:23 GMT joachim [1935] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/PatchCatalogToolXMLAdapter.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTables.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/exportimport.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/toolset.xml (modified) avoid clearing of portal_catalog_real Tue, 19 Jun 2007 06:20:56 GMT joachim [1934] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/PatchQueueCatalogProcessQueue.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/__init__.py (modified) fix for #283 Tue, 19 Jun 2007 05:05:29 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1933] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/PatchQueueCatalogProcessQueue.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_custom/logged_in.py (modified) is that correct? (it's still not active) Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:53:40 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1932] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/__init__.py (modified) Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:50:29 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1931] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/PatchQueueCatalogProcessQueue.py (modified) still trying to fix Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:44:57 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1930] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/PatchQueueCatalogProcessQueue.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/__init__.py (modified) ticket #283 Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:38:08 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1929] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/__init__.py (modified) see ticket Mon, 18 Jun 2007 19:52:23 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1928] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_custom/logged_in.py (modified) logging message extended to see the review_state when pictures are ... Mon, 18 Jun 2007 16:40:17 GMT joachim [1927] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/interswitch_form.pt (modified) call interswitch Mon, 18 Jun 2007 12:09:57 GMT joachim [1926] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/PatchQueueCatalogProcessQueue.py (added) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/__init__.py (modified) fix for #279 Mon, 18 Jun 2007 11:28:34 GMT joachim [1925] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_design/widget_portlet_actions.pt (modified) don't show empty actions Mon, 18 Jun 2007 11:16:24 GMT joachim [1924] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/member_view.pt (modified) display link in korrekt color Mon, 18 Jun 2007 10:16:28 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1923] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/actions.xml (modified) fix for ticket #280 Mon, 18 Jun 2007 10:01:22 GMT joachim [1922] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_design/main_template.pt (modified) all object_actions in action_slot Mon, 18 Jun 2007 09:28:04 GMT joachim [1921] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) reopen application object for loading foto Mon, 18 Jun 2007 08:16:33 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1920] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_utilities/addId2ReturningImport.py (modified) ticket #214 Mon, 18 Jun 2007 07:35:47 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1919] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_utilities/addId2ReturningImport.py (modified) try to solve ticket #214 Sun, 17 Jun 2007 20:24:31 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1918] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/import.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/vocabularies/pin_prefixes.xml (modified) ticket #91 (new PIN prefix) Sun, 17 Jun 2007 19:54:54 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1917] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/actions.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_design/folder_view.py_not_used (deleted) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_design/index_html_template.pt_not_used (deleted) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_design/main_template.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/member_create_form.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/member_edit_form.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/member_view.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/search_members_form.pt (modified) ticket #213 Sun, 17 Jun 2007 16:51:53 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1916] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTables.py (modified) enable catalog clearing Sun, 17 Jun 2007 16:43:57 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1915] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Widgets.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/import_student.xml (modified) show widgets in alphabetical order Sun, 17 Jun 2007 13:29:34 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1914] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_accommodation/getAccoHallInfo.py (modified) ticket #277 Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:56:26 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1913] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_custom/logged_in.py (modified) ticket #197 Joachim, please check what we have to to in ... Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:40:47 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1912] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/actions.xml (modified) fixed Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:26:26 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1911] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) fixed Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:18:26 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1910] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) fixed Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:06:42 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1909] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) logging messages included Sat, 16 Jun 2007 19:09:30 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1908] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/actions.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_application.xml (modified) ticket #257 Sat, 16 Jun 2007 14:09:52 GMT joachim [1907] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Widgets.py (modified) error messages with variables cause no modifications to zodb Sat, 16 Jun 2007 13:22:51 GMT joachim [1906] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/getMembersDirectoryActions.py (modified) id in edit button after save Sat, 16 Jun 2007 08:04:27 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1905] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) change also state of subobjects (please check) Sat, 16 Jun 2007 06:17:44 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1904] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) change wf state due import (not yet tested, please check) Fri, 15 Jun 2007 17:33:03 GMT joachim [1903] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/search_members.py (modified) show roles for courseadvisors Fri, 15 Jun 2007 16:48:48 GMT joachim [1902] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) search for reg_no in students_catalog Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:46:09 GMT joachim [1901] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/getMembersDirectoryActions.py (added) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/getWAeUPDirectoryActions.py (deleted) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/member_create_form.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/member_edit_form.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/member_view.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/search_members_form.pt (modified) Fri, 15 Jun 2007 07:51:48 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1900] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/getSessionResults.py (modified) getSessionResults: avoid memory overflow WAeUPTool: make addStudent work Thu, 14 Jun 2007 20:28:57 GMT joachim [1899] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/search_members.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/search_members_results.pt (modified) add a groups column Thu, 14 Jun 2007 19:26:02 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1898] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) resolve ticket #274 (not yet tested) Thu, 14 Jun 2007 14:01:14 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1897] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/course_registration_slip.pt (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/study_level_view.pt (modified) beautified Thu, 14 Jun 2007 13:17:35 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1896] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/add_course_result.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/display_cest_results.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/getStudyLevelInfo.py (modified) tickets #200 and #272 Thu, 14 Jun 2007 04:13:33 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1895] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) was very slow in live system Thu, 14 Jun 2007 03:45:50 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1894] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) fixed Wed, 13 Jun 2007 21:06:55 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1893] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) switched to pume results update Wed, 13 Jun 2007 15:57:09 GMT joachim [1892] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/interswitch_cb.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/pay_interswitch.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/add_course_result.py (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/display_cest_results.py (modified) mostly interswitch integration Wed, 13 Jun 2007 12:42:38 GMT joachim [1891] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Widgets.py (modified) avoid modificaton of zodb by constant error messages Wed, 13 Jun 2007 10:40:51 GMT joachim [1890] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/WAeUPTool.py (modified) new function removeDeletedDocIds Wed, 13 Jun 2007 07:18:29 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1889] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) commit 100 Wed, 13 Jun 2007 04:27:03 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1888] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) fixed Wed, 13 Jun 2007 03:46:47 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1887] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) no_import file was very confusing Tue, 12 Jun 2007 22:18:50 GMT joachim [1886] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_directory/search_members.py (modified) fix for #269 Tue, 12 Jun 2007 17:28:14 GMT joachim [1885] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/goto_interswitch_form.pt (added) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/interswitch_cb.py (added) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/interswitch_form.pt (added) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_epayment/pay_interswitch.py (added) interswitch payments Tue, 12 Jun 2007 09:11:15 GMT joachim [1884] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/session_results_slip.pt (modified) avoid error on anonymous view (in custom) Tue, 12 Jun 2007 08:53:55 GMT joachim [1883] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/course_registration_slip.pt (modified) avoid error on anonymous view (in custom) Tue, 12 Jun 2007 08:18:16 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1882] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Extensions/SetupDemoDB.py (modified) that works (slowly but steadily) Tue, 12 Jun 2007 08:03:32 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1881] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_utilities/ti_229_resolve.py (modified) Three bugs removed: 0 instead of '0' context instead of self (twice) Tue, 12 Jun 2007 05:14:45 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1880] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Students.py (modified) Rerunning transferStudents always transferred students, who were ... Mon, 11 Jun 2007 18:54:29 GMT joachim [1879] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_utilities/ti_229_resolve.py (added) please test solution for #229 Mon, 11 Jun 2007 18:20:17 GMT joachim [1878] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Extensions/SetupDemoDB.py (modified) new speed improved version Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:36:10 GMT joachim [1877] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/Extensions/SetupDemoDB.py (added) method for setting up a demo zodb Sun, 10 Jun 2007 21:19:23 GMT Henrik Bettermann [1876] * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/actions.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_clearance.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_clearance_fe.xml (modified) * WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/schemas/student_clearance.xml (modified) ticket 257 and more