title = "Hello World!" baseURL = "http://www.tanzpartie.de" # Option 1 (recommended): adding the theme as a Hugo module # theme = "github.com/Lednerb/bilberry-hugo-theme/v3" # Option 2: cloning/copying the theme files theme = "bilberry-hugo-theme" # Generate the robots.txt file for SEO enableRobotsTXT = true # Change to one of your content languages defined at the end. DefaultContentLanguage = "de" # Enable / Disable Google Analytics statistics for your site googleAnalytics = "" # Enable / Disable comments on the articles via Disqus. disqusShortname = "" [params] # Custom CSS / JS modules that will be imported by the template. # Files are relative to the static/ directory or a URL. # Files are imported in the order they appear here, after # theme.css and theme.js, respectively. css_modules = ["custom.css"] js_modules = [] # Description and meta data for the search engines author = "Henrik Bettermann" description = "Henrik's World Travel Blog" keywords = "landrover, defender, latin music, latin dance," # How many articles should be displayed at once? paginate = 7 # Enable / Disable MathJax enable_mathjax = false # Enable / Disable algolia search algolia_search = false algolia_appId = "45CEN6X6AT" algolia_apiKey = "16030625f1a4d0dd3b8aefd794fd4cf1" algolia_indexName = "bilberry-hugo-theme" # Set this option to false if you want to search within all articles in all languages at once algolia_currentLanguageOnly = true # Enable / Disable comments on the articles via commento # commentoJsURL = "https://commento.lednerb.de/js/commento.js" # Enable / Disable Giscus comments giscus = false giscusJsUrl = "https://giscus.app/client.js" giscusRepository = "[ENTER REPO HERE]" giscusRepositoryId = "[ENTER REPO ID HERE]" giscusMapping = "pathname" giscusCategory = "[ENTER CATEGORY NAME HERE]" giscusCategoryId = "[ENTER CATEGORY ID HERE]" giscusTheme = "light" giscusReactions = "1" giscusEmitMetadata = "0" giscusLanguage = "en" giscusCrossOrigin = "anonymous" # Enable / Disable Utterances comments utterances = false utterancesJsUrl = "https://utteranc.es/client.js" utterancesRepository = "[ENTER REPO HERE]" utterancesIssueTerm = "pathname" utterancesLabel = "Comment" utterancesTheme = "github-light" utterancesCrossOrigin = "anonymous" # Media configuration # let hugo automatically resize and crop your images to the correct sizes # NB: When enabled the image files get renamed by adding additional information, # even if the image has the correct sizes. resizeImages = true # Header configuration # your subtitle if you want to use any subtitle = "World Travel Blog of Henrik Bettermann" # if you want to use libravatar or gravatar for the header image # avatarEmail = "" # set an path to the image file you want to use | overwrites avatar by email customImage = "roja.jpg" # define the icon you want to use for the overlay for the customImage or avatar. overlayIcon = "fa-home" # always display the top navigation (with pages and search) on non-mobile screens permanentTopNav = true # always display the top navigation when scrolling # works only with permanentTopNav = true stickyNav = true # show a language chooser in the header showHeaderLanguageChooser = false featuredImage = "americas.png" # Content configuration # Enable an optional pinned page to display at the top of the index # pinnedPost = "/article/installing-bilberry-theme/" # Set to true to pin only to the first page, false to all pages # pinOnlyToFirstPage = true # enable automatic localization of the article's PublishedDate with momentjs enableMomentJs = true # customize the date format | only works if momentjs is disabled | only works with English month names # you can customize it with the options you find here: # https://gohugo.io/functions/format/#hugo-date-and-time-templating-reference dateFormat = "2006-01-02" # display the estimated reading time for an article showReadingTime = false # Minimum word count to display the Table of Contents tocMinWordCount = 400 # Footer configuration showFooter = true # How many articles should be displayed at latest posts in the footer? # Set to -1 to hide the 'Latest Posts' column amountLatestPostsInFooter = 7 # How many categories should be displayed in the footer section? # Set to -1 to hide the 'Categories' column amountCategoriesInFooter = 7 # show a language chooser in the footer showFooterLanguageChooser = false # social media profile urls for the footer links showSocialMedia = true # show an archive link in the footer showArchive = false # archive grouping: "2006" by year, "2006-01" by month archiveDateGrouping = "2006-01" # define your links with FontAwesome 5 (only free icons are supported) # all icons https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&m=free # brand icons https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&s=brands&m=free socialMediaLinks = [ # { link = "https://twitter.com/TheRealLednerb", icon = "fab fa-twitter" }, # { link = "https://github.com/Lednerb", icon = "fab fa-github" }, { link = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL9aRzE6v9DpH-M7OG_6YTw", icon = "fab fa-youtube" }, { link = "https://www.facebook.com/henrik.bettermann", icon = "fab fa-facebook" }, ] # credits line configuration copyrightBy = "by Dr. Henrik Bettermann" copyrightUseCurrentYear = true # set to true to always display the current year in the copyright copyrightYearOverride = "2017" copyrightUrl = "/page/kontakt/" creditsText = " " creditsUrl = " " # customize your available languages for your multi-lingual site # or delete the [Languages] blog to use the theme with only one supported language [Languages] [Languages.en] weight = 2 [Languages.de] weight = 1 title = "Hallo Welt!" subtitle = "Weltreise-Weblog von Henrik Bettermann" # don't change anything below [taxonomies] author = "author" tag = "tags" category = "categories" series = "series" [outputs] home = [ "HTML", "JSON", "RSS" ] page = [ "HTML" ] [markup] defaultMarkdownHandler = 'goldmark' [markup.goldmark] [markup.goldmark.renderer] # Change to 'true' if you need to render raw HTML within your markdown content unsafe = false [markup.tableOfContents] endLevel = 5 ordered = false startLevel = 2