


The fields needed for generating Hostel Allocation Slip are as follows:

Student's Entry Registration No.
(for new students, Matriculation No. for Old Students)

Full Name

Access PIN
(the Scratch PIN purchased from a bank and used for the application)
(eg. Male or Female)
(Current Academic Session
Course of Study
(e.g. Medicine, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Law or Accounting)
Level of Study
(100, 200, 300, 400, 500 or 600 depending on the course of study)

Then the details of the hostel allocation comprising:

Date of Allocation
(This is the date the reservation was made)

Name of Residence Hall


Room Number

Bed Space Allocated

This is to affirm that you have been allocated a room in the hostel, details as shown above. Please print this Allocation Slip and keep for Hostel Clearance


The Hostel Categories are as follows:


Hall One

Consist of 7 Blocks labeled A,B,C.. & G, each Block consist of 30 rooms spread across three floors (10 rooms per floor). The first room on the Ground floor of Block A is numbered 101, the next 102, while the last room is labeled 110. The first room on the next floor is also labeled 201, next 202 and the 10th room on that floor is 210. Each room has 6 bed spaces labeled A, B, C, D, E & F. Therefore, the first space to be allocated will Hall one, Block A, Room 101, Bed Space A.

Therefore, there are a total of 1,260 bed spaces in Hall One. (7 Blocks X 30 rooms X 6 bed spaces).

Hall Two

This hall consist of 6 Blocks labeled A, B,C, D,E & F; each Block consist of 40 rooms, each room has 8 bed spaces. The bed spaces are labeled exactly as described in Hall One above.

Therefore, there are a total of 1,920 bed spaces in Hall One. (6 Blocks X 40 rooms bed spaces).

Hall Three

Same as Hall Two

Hall Four

This hall is divided into 3 Sections as follows:

Section I
has a total of 200 Rooms with 8 bed spaces in each room
Section II
has a total of 200 Rooms with 8 bed spaces in each room
Section III
has a total of 147 Rooms with 8 bed spaces in each room

Therefore, there are a total of 4,376 bed spaces in Hall Four.

Hall Five

This hall of residence has two blocks, each has 100 bed spaces. One block accommodates final year male students while the other is for final year female students.

Medical Hostel

Has two blocks, each for male and female (500 & 600 Medical & Dental Students) with capacity to accommodate 138 students each.

Postgraduate Accommodation is currently being handled manually, I will give the details in my subsequent mail.

Hostel Allocation Criteria

1. Only Full Time (Undergraduate & Postgraduate Students are entitled to Hostel Accommodation Allocation.

2. For all undergraduate hostel allocations, the available bed spaces are allocated as follows

  1. Bed Spaces A & B in halls one, two, three & four are meant for Final Year Students only
  2. Bed Space C in Hall One is strictly meant for Returning Students
  3. Bed Spaces D,E & F in Hall One are meant to be allocated to fresh students
  4. In Halls Two, Three and Four, Bed Spaces C & D are for Returning Students and E,F,G & H are for Fresh Students

3. Medical Hostel are allocated 500 & 600 Medical and Dental Students at a ratio 60:40 respectively

4. All the available bed spaces (A, B, C, D, E, F, G & H) in Hall Five are allocated to FINAL YEAR ONLY

5. Just before the commencement of Hostel Allocations, some reservations are made officially for Student Union Leaders, Sports Men and Women, Disabled or Physically-Challenged Students, etc. Therefore, there should be provision to make reservations at the back-end, and populate such reservations at a later date.

6. The Hall of Residence attracts different charges, so students do not pay same amount for allocated spaces

7. The Hostel Application Fee is all the same irrespective of the Hall of Residence the student is seeking reservation, and it N500.00