Get the global cache headers located in global_cache_settings. A slot where you can insert elements in the header from a template A slot where you can insert CSS in the header from a template A slot where you can insert javascript in the header from a template
Skip to content Skip to navigation
Site-wide actions (Contact, Sitemap, Help, Style Switcher etc)
The quicksearch box, normally placed at the top right
The portal logo, linked to the portal root
The breadcrumb navigation ("you are here")
The wrapper table. It contains the three columns. There's a table-less alternative in the plone_tableless skin layer that you can use if you prefer layouts that don't use tables. Start of the left column End of the left column Start of main content block End of main content block Start of right column End of the right column
This instruction gets the portlets (boxes) for the left column.  
The content views (View, Edit, Properties, Workflow)
The content bar
Portal status message
Visual Header Page body text
This instruction gets the portlets (boxes) for the right column.  
end column wrapper
