:mod:`waeup.kofa.university.facultiescontainer` -- Faculty Containers ********************************************************************* .. module:: waeup.kofa.university.facultiescontainer Components that represent faculty containers. .. :doctest: .. :layer: waeup.kofa.testing.KOFAUnitTestLayer Content Classes (models and containers) ======================================= :class:`FacultiesContainer` --------------------------- .. class:: FacultiesContainer() Create a faculty container: >>> from waeup.kofa.university.facultiescontainer import FacultiesContainer >>> mycontainer = FacultiesContainer() >>> mycontainer Another way to create :class:`FacultiesContainer` instances is by asking for a factory called ``waeup.FacultiesContainer``. This way we can create a faculty without importing a class: >>> from zope.component import createObject >>> mycontainer = createObject(u'waeup.FacultiesContainer') >>> mycontainer :class:`FacultiesContainer` instances have the attributes required by the `IFacultiesContainer` interface: >>> from waeup.kofa.university.interfaces import IFacultiesContainer >>> IFacultiesContainer.providedBy(mycontainer) True >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject >>> verifyObject(IFacultiesContainer, mycontainer) True .. method:: addFaculty(faculty) Add a faculty into this container. Added objects are checked and only `IFaculty` objects accepted: >>> mycontainer.addFaculty(object()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: FacultiesContainers contain only IFaculty instances >>> list(mycontainer.values()) [] Regular faculties are accepted: >>> from waeup.kofa.university.faculty import Faculty >>> mycontainer.addFaculty(Faculty(title='Physics', ... code='FP')) >>> list(mycontainer.items()) [(u'FP', )] Utilities ========= :class:`AcademicsPlugin` ------------------------ .. class:: AcademicsPlugin() .. attribute:: grok.implements(IKOFAPluggable) This plugin component tells under which name (``faculties``) an instance of academics stuff should be created in plain KOFA instances. It also tells the factory name for FacultiesContainer instances, which serve as root object for academics stuff in KOFA apps. :class:`FacultiesContainerFactory` ---------------------------------- .. class:: FacultiesContainerFactory() .. attribute:: grok.name(u'waeup.FacultiesContainer') .. attribute:: grok.implements(IFactoryContainer) A named utility to deliver new instances of :class:`FacultiesContainer` without the need to import the implementation before: >>> from zope.component import createObject >>> mycontainer = createObject(u'waeup.FacultiesContainer') >>> mycontainer The factory complies with the specifications from the :class:`IFactory` insterface: >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass >>> from zope.component.interfaces import IFactory >>> from waeup.kofa.university.facultiescontainer import ( ... FacultiesContainerFactory) >>> verifyClass(IFactory, FacultiesContainerFactory) True This means also, that we can get the interfaces of the created object from the factory: >>> fac_container_factory = FacultiesContainerFactory() >>> fac_container_factory.getInterfaces() Examples ======== We can easily create `FacultiesContainers`: >>> from waeup.kofa.university.facultiescontainer import FacultiesContainer >>> mycontainer = FacultiesContainer() Faculty containers provide `IFacultiesContainer`: >>> from waeup.kofa.university.interfaces import IFacultiesContainer >>> IFacultiesContainer.providedBy(mycontainer) True Another way to get a faculty container -- without importing the class -- is via factories. We registered a factory for faculty containers under the name ``waeup.facultiescontainer``: >>> from zope.component import createObject >>> createObject(u'waeup.FacultiesContainer') This way we get a thing that implements IFacultiesContainer without imports or similar. We can be sure, that the full interface is supported by the FacultiesContainer class:: >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass >>> verifyClass(IFacultiesContainer, FacultiesContainer) True Storing things in faculty containers ==================================== We can, of course, store things in a faculty container. But when we really store an object, then it must be a faculty:: >>> mycontainer.addFaculty(42) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: FacultiesContainers contain only IFaculty instances Okay, so we have to get a faculty first:: >>> from waeup.kofa.university.faculty import Faculty >>> myfaculty = Faculty() We can add this faculty to our container:: >>> mycontainer.addFaculty(myfaculty) We get back the key, under which the faculty was stored. It will be some string, but there is no guarantee at all, how this key looks like. It might be a string of integers, a name or whatever; you cannot know before.