waeup.stresstest **************** This package provides stresstests for *existing* WAeUP SIRP sites. It deploys the Python multi-mechanize programme/library to fire tons of requests against a running site. So, you don't want to use it with sites that are under load already. The requests try to simulate users using the portal simultanously. multi-mechanize registers the numbers and latencies of single requests and generates graphics/tables with the results. This way you can see what actions/requests need how much time. You can also see how the server reacts when many concurrent users use the portal. `waeup.stresstest` is code-wise independent from `waeup.sirp`. You can run it on any machine that can do HTTP requests to the target machine (which means the machine that should be stress-tested). Installation is a bit difficult (numpy and matplotlib, two complex Python libs for statistical computations) are required and not easily installable in the usual buildout-way (well, numpy is but matplotlib is a constant source of trouble in that respect). Please refer to the ``Installation`` section below. Installation ============ The following steps are tested on Ubuntu Linux only. Requirements ------------ * Python 2.6 or Python 2.7. * Python packages numpy, mechanize and matplotlib With recent Ubuntu installs it should be possible to install the required libs systemwide by doing:: $ sudo apt-get install python-numpy $ sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib $ sudo apt-get install python-mechanize With older Ubuntu releases (for instance ones, that do not ship with Python 2.6 or newer), you have to install Python 2.6 or 2.7 locally and then install both packages using ``easy_install`` or ``pip``. The latter is also possible in ``virtualenv`` environments, i.e. if you don't want to install the additional packages system-wide. Install of ``multi-mechanize`` then is especially, ehrm, improvable, because this package (yet) lacks support for any package management (no setup.py or similar; just plain code packed in a ZIP file for download). We therefore packed the sources of version "1.011" (?) here and added some own project which can be run. See usage instructions below. Usage ===== Quick guide: 1) Make sure configuration is up-to-date in `multi-mechanize/projects/sirp1/config.cfg`. This 'project' will run against a SIRP portal installed locally as ``app-stress`` 2) Create a local waeup.sirp portal running on localhost:8080 and named ``app-stress`` 3) Start the portal. 4) On the shell, run:: $ cd multi-mechanize $ python multi-mechanize sirp1 The latter tells multi mechanize to run the stress tests in the ``projects/sirp1`` directory. Make sure that the Python interpreter you use here is the one that has support for matplotlib and numpy. Results will be as HTML page in ``projects/sirp1/results/``. Tweaking and Playing Around =========================== The current stress tests only include simulation of a bunch of users simultaneously trying to access the portal home page and the portal applicants page (as anonymous users). You can tweak and change ``projects/sirp1/test_scripts/`` to do different things. See http://code.google.com/p/multi-mechanize/ for first steps/hints. ToDo ==== multi-mechanize currently makes no use of Python packaging, entry-points and the like. Improving it in this way and making it a first-class-citizen of the Python 'packaging' community would be a first step to make it more useful for others. Notes ===== Installing matplotlib with buildout (notes) ------------------------------------------- To install `waeup.stresstest` you need matplotlib which in turn depends on `numpy`. While `numpy` can be installed during buildout-runs, `matplotlib` is a bit difficult. It does a manual check for already installed packages and does not detect already fetched numpy installs. As a result matplotlib cannot be installed easily with buildout, although there are a few workarounds: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.distutils.devel/13590