Browsing Kofa ************* Here we visit parts of a Kofa portal using a browser. University ========== We can watch universities in the browser. We create an university object and put into the ZODB root:: >>> root = getRootFolder() >>> list(root) [] >>> from import University >>> u = University() >>> root['myuniversity'] = u >>> list(root) [u'myuniversity'] >>> from zope.component.hooks import setSite >>> setSite(root['myuniversity']) To make sure, we can 'watch' pages, we first have to initialize out test browser:: >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser >>> browser = Browser() Let's get the default view of a university:: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity') >>> print browser.contents >> browser.getLink('de').click() >>> print browser.contents >> browser.getLink('en', index=2).click() >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity') >>> browser.getLink('Enquiries').click() >>> browser.getControl('Send').click() >>> print browser.contents >> browser.getControl(name='form.fullname').value = "Bob Tester" >>> browser.getControl(name='form.email_from').value = "xx@yy.zz" >>> browser.getControl(name='form.body').value = u'test message' >>> browser.getControl('Send').click() >>> print browser.contents >> root['myuniversity']['users'].addUser('forgetful', 'secret',title='Bob Forgetful', ... description='A forgetful user', email='') >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/changepw') >>> browser.getControl(name="form.identifier").value = 'forgetful' >>> browser.getControl(name="").value = '' >>> browser.getControl("Send login credentials").click() >>> print browser.contents >> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic mgr:mgrpw') >>> browser.handleErrors = False We can then get an edit view of the configuration container:: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/configuration') >>> print browser.contents >> 'Sample University' in browser.contents True We can perform several actions on the edit form:: >>> browser.getControl("Save", index=0).click() >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity/configuration') >>> browser.getControl("Update plugins").click() >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity') >>> print browser.contents Welcome to WAeUP.Kofa... ... The German part is really not being rendered: >>> 'Willkommen' in browser.contents False If we change to German so that the German part of frontpage.rst is rendered: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity//@@change_language?lang=de') >>> print browser.contents Willkommen auf WAeUP.Kofa... ... The English part is really not being rendered: >>> 'Welcome' in browser.contents False Switch back to English: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity//@@change_language?lang=en') Officers ======== >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity') >>> browser.getLink('Officers').click() >>> print browser.contents >> browser.getLink("Add officer").click() >>> browser.getControl(name="").value = 'bob' >>> browser.getControl(name="form.title").value = 'Bob The User' >>> browser.getControl(name="").value = 'xx@yy.zz' >>> browser.getControl(name="").value = ['+234'] >>> browser.getControl(name="").value = '123' >>> browser.getControl(name="").value = '45678' >>> browser.getControl(name="password").value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl(name="control_password").value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl("Add officer").click() >>> print browser.contents >> browser.getControl(name="password").value = 'TOP4secret' >>> browser.getControl(name="control_password").value = 'TOP4secret' >>> browser.getControl("Add officer").click() >>> print browser.contents bob ... We can edit user bob: >>> browser.getControl("Manage", index=0).click() >>> browser.getControl("Save", index=0).click() >>> browser.getControl("Cancel", index=0).click() We can add site roles which are then displayed on the user container page. Since the test browser does not use javascript, we have to add site roles manually by setting the roles attribute: >>> print root['myuniversity']['users']['bob'].roles [] >>> root['myuniversity']['users']['bob'].roles = ['waeup.ApplicationsOfficer'] >>> print root['myuniversity']['users']['bob'].roles ['waeup.ApplicationsOfficer'] >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/users') >>> print browser.contents Applications Officer (view only)
... Officers can't be added twice: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/users/add') >>> browser.getControl(name="").value = 'bob' >>> browser.getControl(name="form.title").value = 'Bob The User' >>> browser.getControl(name="password").value = 'TOP4secret' >>> browser.getControl(name="control_password").value = 'TOP4secret' >>> browser.getControl(name="").value = 'xx@yy.zz' >>> browser.getControl(name="").value = ['+234'] >>> browser.getControl(name="").value = '123' >>> browser.getControl(name="").value = '45678' >>> browser.getControl("Add officer").click() >>> 'The userid chosen already exists' in browser.contents True Officers can be deleted: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/users') >>> browser.getControl("Remove", index=0).click() >>> 'User account bob successfully deleted' in browser.contents True Contact Form ============ Let's enter the contact form:: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/contactadmin') >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity/contactadmin') >>> browser.getControl(name='form.body').value = "test message" >>> browser.getControl('Send').click() >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/manage') >>> browser.getControl('Add faculty').click() >>> print browser.contents Name of faculty: ... >>> browser.getControl('Cancel').click() >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/add') We fill in a new name for our new faculty:: >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'TestFac' Furthermore we add a prefix and a code (kind of abbreviation): >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'TF' Finally we click on 'Add Faculty' to add the new thing:: >>> browser.getControl('Add faculty').click() We can view a faculty by browsing a URL like this:: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF') Afterwards, the faculty should be visible: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties') >>> print browser.contents Academic Section ... TF ... We can 'visit' each faculty by clicking on the appropriate link: >>> browser.getLink('TF').click() >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/add') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'TestFac' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'TF' >>> browser.getControl('Add faculty').click() >>> 'The faculty code chosen already exists.' in browser.contents True Modifying faculties ------------------- A faculty can directly be reached by its code: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF') We can change the settings for a faculty by clicking on the provided 'Manage faculty' button: >>> browser.getLink('Manage faculty').click() Let's set a new title and save the form: >>> browser.getControl(name='form.title').value = "My renamed faculty" >>> browser.getControl(name='').click() Our faculty was indeed renamed to ``My renamed faculty``: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties') >>> print browser.contents Academic Section ... TF ...Faculty of My renamed faculty (TF) ... We can grant local roles: >>> root['myuniversity']['users'].addUser('bob', 'secret',title='Bob', ... description='A sample user') >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/manage') >>> browser.getControl(name="user").value = ['bob'] >>> browser.getControl( ... name="local_role").value = ['waeup.local.DepartmentManager'] >>> browser.getControl("Add local role").click() >>> print browser.contents bob ... On the officers page the new local role is displayed: >>> browser.getLink("Officers").click() >>> print browser.contents Department Manager:... ... The local role can be removed again: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/manage') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='role_id') >>> browser.getControl("Remove selected local roles").click() >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/manage') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='role_id') >>> ctrl.getControl(value='bob|waeup.local.DepartmentManager').selected = True >>> browser.getControl("Remove selected local roles").click() >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/manage') >>> browser.getControl('Cancel').click() >>> print browser.url http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties >>> browser.getLink('Manage academic section').click() >>> browser.getControl('Add faculty').click() >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'Second Faculty' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'TF2' >>> browser.getControl('Add faculty').click() >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/manage') >>> browser.getControl("Remove selected", index=0).click() >>> 'No item selected' in browser.contents True >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/manage') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='val_id') >>> ctrl.getControl(value='TF2').selected = True >>> browser.getControl("Remove selected", index=0).click() >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/add') >>> print browser.contents ...Name of department: ... >>> browser.getControl('Cancel').click() >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/add') We fill in a new name for our new department: >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'TestDept' Furthermore we add a code (kind of abbreviation): >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'TD' Finally we click on 'Add Department' to add the new thing:: >>> browser.getControl('Add department').click() If we try to register a department under the same code twice we will get an error: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/add') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'Another TestDept with same code' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'TD' >>> browser.getControl('Add department').click() >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD') Afterwards, the department should be visible:: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF') >>> print browser.contents Departments ... TD ...Department of TestDept (TD) ... Modifying departments --------------------- We can change the settings for a department by clicking on the provided 'Edit department' button: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD') >>> browser.getLink('Manage department').click() Let's set a new title and save the form: >>> browser.getControl(name='form.title').value = "My test dept" >>> browser.getControl(name='').click() Clicking 'Save' we will stay on the settings form. So we can change the department again. >>> browser.getControl(name='form.title').value = "My renamed dept" >>> ctrl = browser.getControl("Save") >>> Our department was indeed renamed to ``My renamed dept``: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF') >>> print browser.contents Departments ... TD ...Department of My renamed dept (TD) ... We can grant local roles: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD/manage') >>> browser.getControl(name="user").value = ['bob'] >>> browser.getControl( ... name="local_role").value = ['waeup.local.DepartmentManager'] >>> browser.getControl("Add local role").click() >>> print browser.contents bob ... The local role can be removed again: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD/manage') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='role_id') >>> browser.getControl("Remove selected local roles").click() >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD/manage') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='role_id') >>> ctrl.getControl( ... value='bob|waeup.local.DepartmentManager').selected = True >>> browser.getControl("Remove selected local roles").click() >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/manage') >>> browser.getControl('Cancel', index=0).click() >>> print browser.url http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF >>> browser.getLink('Manage faculty').click() >>> browser.getControl('Add department').click() >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'Second Department' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'TD2' >>> browser.getControl('Add department').click() >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/manage') >>> browser.getControl("Remove selected", index=0).click() >>> 'No item selected' in browser.contents True >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/manage') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='val_id') >>> ctrl.getControl(value='TD2').selected = True >>> browser.getControl("Remove selected", index=0).click() >>> print browser.contents >> dept_url = 'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD' >>> + '/manage') >>> browser.getControl('Add course').click() >>> print browser.contents ...Title of course: ... We fill in a name for our new course: >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'My Course 1' Furthermore we add a code (kind of abbreviation): >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'COURSE1' This course will take place in the the first semester, so we set the `semester` value to 1: >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.semester') >>> ctrl.options ['1', '2', '3', '9'] >>> ctrl.displayOptions ['1st Semester', '2nd Semester', 'Combined', 'N/A'] >>> ctrl.value = ['1'] Finally, we create the course: >>> browser.getControl('Add course').click() If we try to register a course under the same code twice we will get an error: >>> + '/addcourse') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'Another course with same code' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'COURSE1' >>> browser.getControl('Add course').click() >>> print browser.contents >> >>> browser.getLink('COURSE1').click() >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD/courses/COURSE1' Before we really add a course we can cancel the action and will be redirected to the department page: >>> + '/addcourse') >>> browser.getControl('Cancel').click() >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD' Modifying courses ----------------- We can change the settings for a course by clicking on the provided 'Edit settings' link: >>> + '/courses/COURSE1') >>> browser.getLink('Edit course').click() When modifying a course, we cannot change the code any more: >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code') Traceback (most recent call last): ... LookupError: name 'form.code' available items: ... Let's set a new title and save the form: >>> browser.getControl(name='form.title').value = "My test course" >>> browser.getControl(name='').click() Clicking 'Save' we will stay on the settings form. So we can change the course again. If we click ``Cancel`` nothing will be changed: >>> browser.getControl(name='form.title').value = "Blah" >>> browser.getControl('Cancel').click() Our course was not renamed to ``Blah``: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD') >>> print browser.contents My test course... ... Searching courses ----------------- >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/search') >>> browser.getControl(name='query').value = "My test course" >>> browser.getControl('Search').click() >>> print browser.contents COURSE1 ... >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/search') >>> browser.getControl(name='query').value = "COURSE1" >>> browser.getControl('Search').click() >>> print browser.contents COURSE1 ... >>> browser.getControl(name='query').value = "Nonsense" >>> browser.getControl('Search').click() >>> 'Search Results' in browser.contents False >>> '
No object found.
' in browser.contents True >>> browser.getControl(name='query').value = "" >>> browser.getControl('Search').click() >>> 'Empty search string' in browser.contents True We can grant local roles: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD/courses/COURSE1/manage') >>> browser.getControl(name="user").value = ['bob'] >>> browser.getControl( ... name="local_role").value = ['waeup.local.Lecturer'] >>> browser.getControl("Add local role").click() >>> print browser.contents bob ... On the portal user page the new local role is displayed: >>> browser.getLink("Officers").click() >>> print browser.contents Lecturer:... ... The local role can be removed again: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD/courses/COURSE1/manage') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='role_id') >>> browser.getControl("Remove selected local roles").click() >>> print browser.contents >>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD/courses/COURSE1/manage') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='role_id') >>> ctrl.getControl(value='bob|waeup.local.Lecturer').selected = True >>> browser.getControl("Remove selected local roles").click() >>> print browser.contents >> ... 'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD/@@manage#tab-2') >>> 'My test course' in browser.contents True >>> browser.getControl('Cancel', index=0).click() >>> browser.getLink('Manage department').click() >>> browser.getControl('Remove selected courses').click() >>> 'No item selected' in browser.contents True >>> browser.getControl( ... name='val_id').getControl(value='COURSE1').selected = True >>> browser.getControl('Remove selected courses').click() >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD') >>> 'My renamed course' in browser.contents False Deleting departments with courses --------------------------------- >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/manage') >>> browser.getControl('Cancel', index=0).click() >>> browser.getLink('Manage faculty').click() >>> browser.getControl('Add department').click() >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'Third Department' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'TD3' >>> browser.getControl('Add department').click() >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD3/manage') >>> browser.getControl('Add course').click() >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'My Course 5' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'COURSE5' >>> browser.getControl('Add course').click() >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/manage') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='val_id') >>> ctrl.getControl(value='TD3').selected = True >>> browser.getControl("Remove selected", index=0).click() >>> print browser.contents >> dept_url = 'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD' >>> + '/manage') >>> browser.getControl('Add certificate').click() >>> print browser.contents ...Title: ... We fill in a name for our new cert: >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'My Certificate 1' Furthermore we add a code (kind of abbreviation): >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'CERT1' Set the remaining required fields: >>> browser.getControl(name='form.study_mode').value = ['ug_ft'] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.start_level').value = ['100'] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.end_level').value = ['400'] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.application_category').value = ['basic'] Finally, we create the certificate: >>> browser.getControl('Add certificate').click() If we try to register a certificate under the same code twice we will get an error: >>> + '/addcertificate') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'Another cert with same code' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'CERT1' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.study_mode').value = ['ug_ft'] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.start_level').value = ['100'] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.end_level').value = ['400'] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.application_category').value = ['basic'] >>> browser.getControl('Add certificate').click() >>> print browser.contents >> >>> browser.getLink('CERT1').click() >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD/certificates/CERT1' Before we really add a certificate we can cancel the action and will be redirected to the department page: >>> + '/addcertificate') >>> browser.getControl('Cancel').click() >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD' Modifying certificates ---------------------- We can change the settings for a cert by clicking on the provided 'Edit certificate' link: >>> + '/certificates/CERT1') >>> browser.getLink('Manage certificate').click() When modifying a certificate, we cannot change the code any more: >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code') Traceback (most recent call last): ... LookupError: name 'form.code' available items: ... Let's set a new title and save the form: >>> browser.getControl(name='form.title').value = "My test cert" >>> browser.getControl(name='').click() Clicking 'Save' we will stay on the settings form. So we can change the cert again. >>> browser.getControl(name='form.title').value = "My renamed cert" >>> ctrl = browser.getControl("Save",index=0) >>> If we go to the settings page and click ``Cancel`` nothing will be changed: >>> browser.getControl(name='form.title').value = "Blah" >>> browser.getControl('Cancel',index=0).click() Our certificate was indeed renamed to ``My renamed cert`` and not to ``Blah``: >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD') >>> print browser.contents My renamed cert... ... Searching certificates ---------------------- >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/search') >>> browser.getControl(name='query').value = "My renamed cert" >>> browser.getControl('Search').click() >>> print browser.contents CERT1 ... >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/search') >>> browser.getControl(name='query').value = "CERT1" >>> browser.getControl('Search').click() >>> print browser.contents CERT1 ... Deleting certificates --------------------- We can delete certificates by browsing the manage page of the containing department and checking the appropriate select box and clicking the ´´Remove selected´´ button. >>> ... 'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD/@@manage#tab-3') >>> 'My renamed cert' in browser.contents True >>> browser.getControl('Remove selected certificates').click() >>> 'No item selected' in browser.contents True >>> browser.getControl(name='val_id').getControl( ... value='CERT1').selected = True >>> browser.getControl('Remove selected certificates').click() >>> 'My renamed cert' in browser.contents False Certificate Courses =================== Once we have a certificate, we can add also certificate courses. These are referrers of courses with some extra data. Before we can work with certificate courses, we need some certificates and courses to be available. >>> + '/addcourse') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'Another course with same code' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'COURSE1' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.title').value = 'Course 1' >>> browser.getControl('Add course').click() >>> + '/addcourse') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'Another course with same code' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'COURSE2' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.title').value = 'Course 2' >>> browser.getControl('Add course').click() >>> + '/addcertificate') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'Another cert with same code' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'CERT1' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.title').value = 'Certificate 1' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.study_mode').value = ['ug_ft'] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.start_level').value = ['100'] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.end_level').value = ['400'] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.application_category').value = ['basic'] >>> browser.getControl('Add certificate').click() >>> + '/addcertificate') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.title') >>> ctrl.value = 'Another cert with same code' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.code').value = 'CERT2' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.title').value = 'Certificate 2' >>> browser.getControl(name='form.study_mode').value = ['ug_ft'] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.start_level').value = ['100'] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.end_level').value = ['400'] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.application_category').value = ['basic'] >>> browser.getControl('Add certificate').click() Adding certificate courses -------------------------- Certcourses are stored in :class:`ICertificate` instances with their code as key. Each certificate provides a ``Add certificate course`` action button near top. Certificates provide an add-form to add new certcourses: >>> cert_url = dept_url + '/certificates/CERT1' >>> + '/manage') >>> browser.getControl('Add certificate course').click() >>> print browser.contents ...Level: ... In the add-form we will get a list of available courses to select from. This list will contain all courses stored in the site, not only the ones from local department: >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.course') >>> ctrl.displayOptions ['--', 'COURSE1 - Course 1', 'COURSE2 - Course 2'] We select the first course and create our certificate course: >>> ctrl.getControl('COURSE1').selected = True >>> browser.getControl(name='form.level').value = ['100'] >>> browser.getControl('Add certificate course').click() Our certificate course will be linked on the parent certificate page: >>> >>> browser.getLink('COURSE1_100').click() >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/my...sity/faculties/TF/TD/certificates/CERT1/COURSE1_100' We can't add the same certificate course twice: >>> cert_url = dept_url + '/certificates/CERT1' >>> + '/manage') >>> browser.getControl('Add certificate course').click() >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.course') >>> ctrl.getControl('COURSE1').selected = True >>> browser.getControl(name='form.level').value = ['100'] >>> browser.getControl('Add certificate course').click() >>> 'The chosen certificate course is already' in browser.contents True When we started to add a new certificate course, we can also cancel the process before submitting. This will bring us back to the certificate page: >>> + '/addcertificatecourse') >>> browser.getControl('Cancel').click() >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/TF/TD/certificates/CERT1' Modifying certificate courses ----------------------------- We can change the settings for a certcourse by clicking on the provided 'Edit certificate course' link: >>> + '/COURSE1_100') >>> browser.getLink('Edit certificate course').click() If we just click 'Save and return' nothing will change: >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/myun.../TF/TD/certificates/CERT1/COURSE1_100/@@manage' Let's set a new level (it was 100 before) and save the form. The entire certificate course will be replaced and we will be redirected to manage page afterwards: >>> browser.getControl(name='form.level').value = ['200'] >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/myun.../TF/TD/certificates/CERT1/COURSE1_200/@@manage' Nothing will be changed if click ``Cancel``: >>> browser.getControl(name='form.level').value = ['400'] >>> browser.getControl('Cancel').click() >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/myun.../TF/TD/certificates/CERT1/COURSE1_200' Searching certificate courses ----------------------------- >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/faculties/search') >>> browser.getControl(name='query').value = "COURSE1" >>> browser.getControl('Search').click() >>> print browser.contents COURSE1 ... >>> browser.getControl(name='query').value = "*" >>> browser.getControl('Search').click() >>> 'Search string not allowed' in browser.contents True Deleting certificate courses ---------------------------- We can delete certcourses by browsing the containing certificate manage page: >>> + '/manage#tab-2') >>> 'COURSE1_200' in browser.contents True >>> browser.getControl('Remove selected certificate courses').click() >>> 'No item selected' in browser.contents True >>> browser.getControl(name='val_id').getControl( ... value='COURSE1_200').selected = True >>> browser.getControl('Remove selected certificate courses').click() >>> 'Successfully removed: COURSE1_200' in browser.contents True >>> 'COURSE1_200' in browser.contents False Data Center =========== The data center helps us uploading files for later import or similar. >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity') >>> browser.getLink('Data Center').click() Setting the file path --------------------- A datacenter stores files in a path in filesystem. By default this is a directory in the sources: >>> print browser.contents Storage path: .../parts/test/datacenter ... Going to 'Settings` we can change the path: >>> browser.getLink('Edit settings').click() >>> pathsetting = browser.getControl(name='newpath') We create a directory and set it as our upload path: >>> import os >>> cwd = os.getcwd() >>> uploadpath = os.path.join(cwd, 'testfiles') >>> os.mkdir(uploadpath) >>> pathsetting.value = uploadpath And submit the form: >>> browser.getControl(name='save').click() We clean up the set directory path, as there might be some files be copied some files from installation: >>> files = os.listdir(uploadpath) >>> for filename in files: ... if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(uploadpath, filename)): ... continue ... os.unlink(os.path.join(uploadpath, filename)) We also remove any existing 'accesscodes' subdir: >>> import shutil >>> for filename in files: ... if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(uploadpath, filename)): ... continue ... if filename != 'accesscodes': ... continue ... shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(uploadpath, filename)) The new upload directory is now empty, except from the logs and other standard dirs, which are created automatically: >>> sorted(os.listdir(uploadpath)) ['deleted', 'finished', 'graduated', 'logs', 'unfinished'] Uploading files --------------- Now we can upload files. Most interesting files might be CSV files, that can be imported lateron. We create a CSV file containing faculty descriptions: >>> open('faculties.csv', 'wb').write( ... """code,title,title_prefix ... FA,Arts,faculty ... FS,Sciences,faculty ... """) Now we can upload this file. To do this, we first go to the upload page: >>> browser.getLink('Upload data').click() and enter the appropriate data in the form: >>> filewidget = browser.getControl(name='uploadfile:file') >>> filewidget A sidenote for developers: by marking the filewidget with the ``:file`` extension, we tell Zope to handle this field as a file widget. >>> import cStringIO >>> filecontents = cStringIO.StringIO( ... open('faculties.csv', 'rb').read()) >>> filewidget.add_file(filecontents, 'text/plain', 'myfaculties.csv') >>> browser.getControl(name='SUBMIT').click() The file was indeed uploaded, with the current userid inserted: >>> sorted(os.listdir(uploadpath)) ['deleted', 'finished', 'graduated', 'logs', 'myfaculties_zope.mgr.csv', 'unfinished'] We create and upload also a CSV file containing departments: >>> open('departments.csv', 'wb').write( ... """code,title,title_prefix,faculty_code ... LIT,Literature,department,FA ... SOC,Sociology,department,FA ... PHY,Physics,department,FS ... INF,Informatics,department,FS ... MAT,Math,department,FS ... """) >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/datacenter/upload') >>> browser.getControl(name='uploadfile:file').add_file( ... cStringIO.StringIO(open('departments.csv', 'rb').read()), ... 'text/plain', 'mydepartments.csv') >>> browser.getControl(name='SUBMIT').click() We create and upload also a CSV file containing courses: >>> open('courses.csv', 'wb').write( ... """code,level,title,passmark,credits,semester,faculty,department ... LI1,,Introduction to Literature I,40,2,1,FA,LIT ... LI2,,Introduction to Literature II,40,2,2,FA,LIT ... AN1,000,Analysis I,40,2,1,FS,MAT ... AN2,000,Analysis II,40,2,2,FS,MAT ... """) >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/datacenter/upload') >>> browser.getControl(name='uploadfile:file').add_file( ... cStringIO.StringIO(open('courses.csv', 'rb').read()), ... 'text/plain', 'mycourses.csv') >>> browser.getControl(name='SUBMIT').click() We create and upload also a CSV file containing certificates: >>> open('certificates.csv', 'wb').write( ... """code,title,faculty_code,department_code,study_mode,end_level,m_prefix,start_level,application_category ... LBA,BACHELOR OF LITERATURE,FA,LIT,UG,ug_ft,500,LIT,100,basic ... LMA,MASTER OF LITERATURE,FA,LIT,UG,ug_pt,500,LIT,100,cest ... DME,DIPLOMA OF MATH,FS,MAT,DP,dp_ft,200,DME,100,cest ... """) >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/datacenter/upload') >>> browser.getControl(name='uploadfile:file').add_file( ... cStringIO.StringIO(open('certificates.csv', 'rb').read()), ... 'text/plain', 'mycertificates.csv') >>> browser.getControl(name='SUBMIT').click() We create and upload also a CSV file containing certificate courses: >>> open('certcourses.csv', 'wb').write( ... """code,faculty_code,department_code,certificate_code,level,mandatory ... LI1,FA,LIT,LBA,100,True ... LI2,FA,LIT,LBA,200,True ... """) >>>'http://localhost/myuniversity/datacenter/upload') >>> browser.getControl(name='uploadfile:file').add_file( ... cStringIO.StringIO(open('certcourses.csv', 'rb').read()), ... 'text/plain', 'mycertcourses.csv') >>> browser.getControl(name='SUBMIT').click() Importing a CSV file -------------------- The import of CSV files is described in batchprocessing.txt. Clean up: >>> import os >>> import shutil >>> shutil.rmtree(uploadpath)