Changes ******* 1.6.1.dev0 (unreleased) ======================= * Add ReleaseExpiredAllocationsActionButton which has previously only been used by Uniben. * Fix get_student_payment_stats. Department codes are not unique. Use its path instead. * Implement study level 0 (Level Zero) option for storing orphaned course tickets (tickets without level assignment or information). Add `ticket_session` field to `ICourseTicket`. * Implement new transcript processing workflow. * Always display applicant payments if they exist. * Allow `ApplicationsManager` to view statistics. * Add payment session filter to payment exporters. * Add `SessionPaymentsOverviewExporter`. * Rename `StudentPaymentsOverviewExporter`. * Fix `CourseTicketExporter`. Ticket level and session filter did not work. * Add payment category filter to payment exporters. * Remove 'hidden' attribute from ordereddSelectionList which has caused a malfunction in Internet Exporer. * Set ssl index URL in buildout.cfg * Use the 'new' recaptcha v2. * Allow lecturer role assignment also at department level. 1.6 (2018-04-05) ================ * Add ticket level and session filter to `CourseTicketExporter`. * Add 'Student Record Creation' Report page. * Add `CreateStudents` permission and `StudentsCreator` role. * Do not allow uploading data with trailing whitespaces. * Do no longer hide the 'Create students' buttons but switch the portal to maintenance mode to ensure that nobody can enter the portal during record creation except for user 'admin'. This guarantees that record creation is only started once. * Replace `gpa_boundaries` utility attribute by `GPABoundaries` method which may return different values in custom packages depending on faculty, department or certificate code (requested by AAU Ekpoma). * Allow `ApplicantOnlinePaymentProcessor` to import records without `p_id` column in create mode. * Add `waeup.showStudents` permission to `ExportManager` role. * Fix `CertificateProcessor.checkHeaders`. The processor requires both faculty_code *and* department_code in create mode. * Add 'Update all tickets' button to StudyLevelEditFormPage. * Do not allow to create more than 10 students with a single request to avoid a timeout of Nginx/Apache. * Redirect to manage page after editing of certificate courses. * Add `course_category` attribute to course tickets. In the base package, this attribute is omitted from display and manage pages. * Add `course_category` attribute to certificate courses. * Simplify configuration of maximum or minimum total credits. * Add `outstanding` attribute to course tickets. * Exclude graduated students from `LevelReport`, `SessionResultsPresentation` and `RawScoreReport`. * Allow applicants in states `admitted`, `not admitted` or `created` to download the payment slip. * Catch traceback (`RequiredMissing`) if a required field is cleared by import. * Add role `FingerprintReaderDeviceRole` intended for fingerprint reader devices that access the portal via XMLRPC. 1.5 (2017-02-14) ================ * Happy Valentines Day everybody! * Sort arguments in table of `ReportsContainerPage`. * Add `entry_session` and `p_session` filter to Student Payment Statistics generator. Adjust reports: Change footer and filename formats. * Add officer name fields do `IDepartment` and `IFaculty`. Plugins must be updated! * Add serial number column to Session Results Presentations. * Add Raw Score Report to base package. * Only user 'admin' is allowed to access the `DatacenterSettings` page. * Show correct level title on Level Reports and Session Results Presentations. * Get set of selected students also from list of matric numbers. * Confine Level Reports and Session Results Presentations to certificates. * Show report number (job_id) on report pdf slips. * Level report: Count and display the number of courses registered but not taken. * Add control button to create graduated students. * Add option to render transcripts without passport picture and QR code. * Catch Reportlab `LayoutError`. * Replace `course_registration_allowed` by `course_registration_forbidden` method. * Add export purge button. * Add report purge button. * Add property attribute `total_score` in order to make provision for additional scores (like contineous assessments) in custom packages. * Make provision against storing other objects than applicant payments in applicant containers. * Count mandates on configuration page and provide 'Purge' button. * Start `ApplicantExporter` and `ApplicantPaymentExporter` at the same time when calling `ExportJobContainerJobStart`. * Add `ApplicantPaymentExporter`. * Add file upload functionality to `EditScoresPage`. * Add `LecturerLandingPage` and `LecturerCourses` `ManageLink` viewlet. * Add `ExportPDFScoresSlip`. * Add `DownloadScoresView` which is for lecturers only. Remove `waeup.showStudents` from `Lecturer` role. Adjust `DataForLecturerExporter`. Only editable course tickets are being exported. * Remove application fee fallback option. Application fees can only be set via applicants containers. Hide Payment Tickets section on application pages if fee isn't set. * Add `ApplicantOnlinePaymentProcessor`. * Improve `AddStudyLevelFormPage`. * Create new exporter for lecturers and further restrict the usage of exporters at course level. Lecturers can only export data of current academic session. * Show certificate-specific p_level value on payment pages. Ensure that only allowed payment levels can be selected when adding a balance payment. * Add `flash_notice` field. * Documentation updates. * Update pinned versions: six 1.4.1 (2016-02-14) ================== * Add new application workflow state (`processed`) and transition (`process`). * Add `DegreeSource` and `degree` field to `ICertificate`. Plugins must be updated! * Upgrade script and update some dependencies. For already running instances a new init might be neccessary, i.e. you might have to create a new virtualenv and run and buildout from that new virtualenv to get rid of old package versions in the runtime environment. * Upgrade versions.cfg to contain bugfix releases of packages we depend on. 1.4 (2016-01-14) ================ * Add button and view which allow students to unregister their current course list unless the courses have not been validated. * Configure transfer payments and let students enter their desired study course. Save entered text in `p_item` attribute. * Add further permissions to the local `ApplicationsManager` role and make it assignable at applicants container level. * Disable rendering of HTML tags in fullnames. * Add bed statistics components. * Add option which allows students to select a desired hostel before booking accommodation. * Add `BedProcessor`. * Add portal maintenance mode. * Allow also `reg_number` on public page to check application status without password. * Remove `beds_reserved` attribute from hostels. Hostels do no longer contain information about reserved bed spaces. * Add methods and page to release expired bed allocations. * Use lastname instead of firstname for first-time password requests. * When building docs, ignore members with dots in name. 1.3.3 (2015-10-06) ================== * Show file size of pdf documents in the documents section. * Add ``. 1.3.2 (2015-09-14) ================== * Add public page to check application status without password. * Fix department breakdown of student statistics. * Enable purging of applicants containers. * Enable pre-filling of applicants containers with empty application records which are used during self-registration to avoid excessive growth of the Data.fs. * Do only allow one running export job. * Add switch to disable all exports. * Enable import of list-of-choices fields. * Include 'end day' when searching for payments in a given period. * Do not create special application payment tickets with zero amount. * Remove manual clearance lock. Replace `clearance_locked` field by property attribute. * Make student email field required. * Rename application workflow transitions and remove forbidden transitions. * Rename 'application section' for the sake of consistency. * Rename student views which are not layout-aware and thus not pages. * Register KofaSourceOrderedMultiSelectWidget for IterableSource and KofaSourceOrderedMultiSelectWidget for IVocabularyTokenized. * Implement session-specific course registration deadline and late registration payment. * Remove quite old bug in `doImport`: Replace empty strings *and* lists with ignore-markers in update *and* create mode. * Add StudentUnpaidPaymentExporter to export only unpaid tickets. This exporter is designed for finding and finally purging outdated payment ticket. * Remove deprecated xml importer and exporter components. * Rearrange datacenter upload page. Provide modal windows to view all processors and sources and vocabularies. * Reorganize doctests. Remove deprecated doctests. * Enable temporary suspension of officer accounts. Plugins must be updated after restart. * Rename 'Portal Users' 'Officers'. * Add link 'Kofa Docs for this page' at the end of the content box which refers to the corresponding section of the `Kofa Documentation `_. * Filter students by current level in reports. * Add `StudentsUtils.increaseMatricInteger` method which allows to use various matric number counters when computing the matric number. * Bypass school fee payment activation code creation if student is allowed to proceed to next session. * Convert `level` into a schema field to be consistent with the documentation. * Rename classes `StudentPaymentsExporter` and `BedTicketsExporter` to be in accordance with other exporter names. * Add `ReportsOfficer` and `ReportsManager` roles with corresponding permissions. * Do not automatically allow import managers to import user data. * Skip empty rows produced by spreadsheet software. * Add components to configure a student export jobs in faculties. * `StudentOnlinePaymentProcessor` : Raise `DuplicationError` if payment (in state ``paid``) with same `p_session` and `p_category` exists. * Add new payment state ``waived``. This state can only be set by import and is only used for the payments overview exporter to mark sessions with waived fees. * Add exporter methods and export page to filter student data exports by entering a list of student ids. * Student statistic can now be broken down by faculties or by departments. * Check if `p_id` exists in payments catalog when importing payment tickets in create mode. 1.3.1 (2015-01-14) ================== * 1.3 was a brown bag release. Fix uploaded files. 1.3 (2015-01-13) ================ * Add documents package. * Do not compare ResultEntry objects but their attributes. * Modify getWidgetsData so that we always get the same error format. * Validate all codes in university. * Catch traceback when creating an application slip with a corrupted image file. * Remove deprecated HTML and REST widgets and use html2dict and rest2dict instead. * UserProcessor: Check if imported roles do exist in the portal. * Enable localization of batch processing modules. * Hide 'Create students' button. Only user admin can see this button. * Add application_slip_notice field to ApplicantsContainer. * Remove 'Size' column from logfiles table. * Add permission, page and button to mass-clear all students in a department. * Hide export download button 24 hours after file generation. * Add helper to allow `meminfo` checks for cached memory, etc. * Allow external checks of system load before performing expensive actions. * Add new dependency: `psutil` (required to check system state). * Show flash message on general search page for the academic section. * Fix `CertificateCourseProcessor`. Mandatory is not a required field and might be missing in import files. Improve logging. Extend and fix CertCourseProcessorTests. * Provide customizable method for disabling clearance by clearance officers. * Merge Javascript functions into one file. Add Javascript function to calculate copyright notice year automatically. * Use lastname (surname) instead of firstname to verify found application record on ApplicantRegistrationPage. * Append hash '#' also to datetimes to circumvent unwanted excel automatic. * Method for (customizable) application passport upload requirements added. * Filter payment ticket data exports by specifying the payment_date period. * Method for (customizable) application payment slip download requirements added. * Method for (customizable) application payment ticket upload requirements added. * Remove unused rowadd javascript function. * certcode and reg_number added to DataForBursaryExporter. * Some batch processor names corrected. * Fixed ReST markup in long description. 1.2 (2014-06-16) ================ * Redirect to login page after using password mandate. * Adding student payment tickets is logged. * Provide XMLRPC services for storing and retrieving fingerprint scans. * Sort ContextualDictSource by dictionary values not by keys. * Add regular school fee and balance payments when exporting payments overviews. * Add samePaymentMade method to StudentsUtils. * Fingerprint file upload enabled. * is_fresh property method added to Student class. * Special application procedure modified. Special applicants must submit their form before they can download payment slips. Thus the regular workflow is now applied but, in contrast to regular applications, special applicants can create and pay more than one payment ticket. Also application slips are hidden. * Add setMatricNumber and constructMatricNumber methods to StudentsUtils. * When sending mails, always set from-address to ''. Real from-addresses are now set in Cc and Reply-To fields. This is to tackle problems with yahoo (does not allow mails to be sent from non-yahoo servers). * Multiple payments in special application containers enabled. Special payment applicants remain in state started after payment. * File input fields brought into shape with Bootstrap 3. * Transcript and access code pagetemplates adjusted. * Print QR codes on all student slips. * Allow adding current_level to base data section on all student slips (requested by Uniben). * Windows is no longer supported. Installation manual removed. * Added JS helper to scroll to sequencelists after adding/removing items. 1.1 (2014-03-13) ================ * Add display_fullname column to `CourseTicketExporter` (requested by Uniben). * Do also export student and course ticket data of students on probation. * 'Create student' option removed from 'Application Transition' select field. * API docs added. * Back-to links replaced by animated jQuery plugins. * Default frontpage text updated. * Use absolute urls on datacenter pages. * Provide customizable method for disabling student payments. * After login and logout, regular users (officers) are redirected to the portal's index page not to the portal's root. The root URL can now be rewritten be Nginx or Apache so that the user is being redirected to the university website when entering the root URL directly or clicking the acronym. * Show tooltip alert and warning window before updating plugins. * JSAction has been deprecated. KofaAction can be used instead. Additional parameters can be used in @action decorators to enable tooltips and/or warning windows. The old @jsaction decorator still triggers a default warning message. * jquery-ui.min.js is also used for tooltips. * Do not create TSC AC batch when updating plugins. All TSC batches are created. * Make table on applicantsrootpage responsive. * Change width of input, select and textarea fields. * Use only https in theme.html. * INSTALL.txt updated and integrated into Sphinx documentation. * Redundancies removed in docs. 1.0 (2014-02-22) ================ * Diazofied the complete package. 0.2.1 (2014-02-21) ================== * Send mails to from-address, if site-wide config admin is different from it. * Change flash message for successful applicants. * Use more attributes of applicants with payer objects. * Update copyright infos (year). * Localization updates. 0.2 (2014-01-09) ================ Tons of changes. 0.1 (never released) ==================== Initial version. Copy from waeup.sirp.