Changes ******* 1.2dev (unreleased) =================== * Split school fee payments of ug_t students. * Reorganize pg application categorization. * Add parent_email. This field is only editable by managers. * Students are only allowed to download course registration slips if they are in state 'registered' and their current level corresponds with the course registration level. * Add second New Postgraduate Programmes (#2) application type and category. * Add application type and category for part-time extended applications. * Implement admission checking payments. Admitted Uniben applicants must now pay a second fee if they want to see their screening score and course admitted. The second payment can be bypassed by setting admission checking fee 0. * Customize clearance_disabled_message. * Add permission waeup.uploadPassportPictures and role waeup.PassportPictureManager and allow only officers with this role to upload passport pictures of applicants. * Requirements for adding application payment tickets customized. Applicants must upload passport picture before adding payment tickets. * Set correct institution account details for special_pg_pt payments. * This package can also be used for the Uniben alumni portal to be run as a single client Kofa instance at port 7019. Run buildout with the buildout-alumni.cfg configuration file. * Add clearance item to BALANCE_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES. * Use base classes InterswitchPageApplicant and InterswitchPageStudent from kofacustom.nigeria. * Viewlets for left thumb fingerprint minutiae file uploads added. * File input fields brought into shape with Bootstrap 3. * Disable editing date_of_birth, nationality and lga for UG students. * Show current level in student base data section on clearance slip. * Use kofa-scrollto script. 1.1 (2014-03-14) ================ * 07/03/2014: account numbers edited. * Back-to links replaced by animated jQuery plugins. * Apply _isPaymentDisabled method. * jquery-ui.min.js is also used for tooltips. * PG application types and categories (regular and extended) added. * Refer to INSTALL.txt in waeup.kofa sources. * Use only https in theme.html. 1.0 (2014-02-22) ================ * Diazofied whole package. 0.1 (2014-02-22) ================ Initial version.