Site ID Code that represents the portal within the payment gateway.  This is assigned to the portal by Wema Bank
Payment Item Code e.g Code that represents what the student is paying for: eg. 001, 078
Payment Desc A description of what the student is paying for.  Eg School Fees
Bill To  Address of the payer.  Required for e-commerce application. Student name can be here for school payment purposes
Ship To Address where goods will be shipped to.  Required for e-commerce application. School Name can be here for school payment purposes
Payers ID  eg. Matric number of the student
Payers Name  name of the student
Payer e-mail  email address of the student
Order ID  this is a unique number for the transaction.  Typically, this can be INVOICE NUMBER, and must be unique per payment
Amount  Amount to be paid.  Must NOT be formatted with comma
Currency Code  only Nigeria Naira is supported now.  use 566 as the currency code
Site Redirect Url  URL within your portal where response will be directed to