Changes ******* 1.0.1dev (unreleased) ===================== * Make table on applicantsrootpage responsive. * Change width of input, select and textarea fields. * Use only https in theme.html. * INSTALL.txt updated and integrated into Sphinx documentation. * Redundancies removed in docs. 1.0 (2014-02-22) ================ * Diazofied the complete package. 0.2.1 (2014-02-21) ================== * Send mails to from-address, if site-wide config admin is different from it. * Change flash message for successful applicants. * Use more attributes of applicants with payer objects. * Update copyright infos (year). * Localization updates. 0.2 (2014-01-09) ================ Tons of changes. 0.1 (never released) ==================== Initial version. Copy from waeup.sirp.