Metadata-Version: 1.1 Name: waeup.plonetheme.ngren3 Version: 0.1 Summary: WAeUP Bootstrap Plone Theme for NgREN Home-page: Author: Henrik Bettermann Author-email: License: GPL Description: Introduction ============ waeup.plonetheme.ngren3 integrates Twitter Bootstrap CSS/JS framework into Plone. You can checkout the framework at It overrides some templates and uses javascript to transform some markup in order for it to work correctly. It's not perfect, but it's close. Dependencies ============== Latest Twitter Bootstrap requires jQuery 1.7.x, you can install it in Plone pinning in your buildout to version 1.7.2. You will also need to pin to version 1.5.1 to guarantee jQuery 1.7.x compatibility:: [versions] ... = 1.7.2 = 1.5.1 ... Twitter Boostrap itself is provided as browser resources by the addon `collective.js.bootstrap`_. Documentation =============== This product is based in Twitter Bootstrap version 2.3.x. This product adds both the basic CSS file and also the Responsive one to have a mobile-enabled site from the start. The generated markup is based on 'fluid CSS' and it contains a 12 column grid. The basic HTML markup is a mix of `plonetheme.sunburst`_ and Twitter Bootstrap and it uses the same approach of constructing the columns as Sunburst Theme: a simple view that returns the classes needed to have the correct column widths. If you want to change those widths, just override the view following the common Plone overriding patterns. This product is intended to be used in two scenarios: - As a theme from Plone - As a base theme to build Plone themes for your site following 'old practices' Some designers prefer to work following the old best-practices instead of using the Diazo-way-of-theming, this product is for them. You can create a theme package (check `templer skeleton generator`_), and base your them on this one. If you have any problem using this product or find any bug, please report it using the `GitHub issue tracker`_. Upgrade ========= To upgrade from version 1.0a1, just go to the add-on controlpanel and click on upgrade. Old skin paths and javascripts will be disabled and new ones imported Authors ========= - Nathan van Gheem, initial author - Mikel Larreategi, update to Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.x, current mantainer .. _`plonetheme.sunburst`: .. _`templer skeleton generator`: .. _`GitHub issue tracker`: .. _`collective.js.bootstrap`: Changelog ========= 1.0b4 (2013-03-18) -------------------- - Remove label class from ArchetypesSelectionWidget class tag [libargutxi] - Prepend ArchetypesSelectionWidget radio input into label [libargutxi] - Changed the main menu creation view using the plone standard method [libargutxi] - Fix personal_bar template, it was broken if you just had 1 action. [erral] - Upgrade to Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.0 [erral] - Move glipycons image into a directory called 'img', it's a requirement of the bootstrap css file [erral] - Fix selected class in view [erral] - Remove useless skin directory. skin directory should only be used to customize already existing resource. Use browser:resource instead [toutpt] - Add dependencies over collective.js.bootstrap. More easy to manage upgrade [toutpt] 1.0b3 (2012-12-11) ------------------- - Brown bag release. I had my git environment messed-up [erral] 1.0b2 (2012-12-11) ------------------ - Fix bootstrap integration JS to avoid jQuery errors and make collection criteria configuration work [erral] - Add uninstall support [erral] - Add Plone 4.1.x profile [erral] - Enable livesearch [erral] - Upgrade to Twitter Bootstrap 2.2.2 [erral] - Added missing properties for TinyMCE css in base_properties.props [petschki] - Fixed folder_contents checkbox inputs. - Added i18n:translate in, and - Added more missing properties [regebro] 1.0b1 (2012-11-14) ------------------ - Added upgradestep from version 1.0a1 - Reimplementation based on Twitter Bootstrap 2.2.1 and plonetheme.sunburst [erral] 1.0a1dev (2011-10-16) --------------------- - Initial release Keywords: plone theme twitterbootstrap Platform: UNKNOWN Classifier: Framework :: Plone Classifier: Programming Language :: Python