User container for the Kofa *************************** .. :doctest: .. :layer: waeup.kofa.testing.KofaUnitTestLayer Before we can start, we need some password managers available: >>> from import ( ... PlacelessSetup) >>> PlacelessSetup().setUp() We can create a user container which will hold the useraccounts for us: >>> from waeup.kofa.userscontainer import UsersContainer >>> myusers = UsersContainer() We can add users, just by passing a name, a password, and (optionally) a title and a description: >>> myusers.addUser('bob', 'bobssecret') Now, Bob is in the container: >>> list(myusers) [u'bob'] We can get Bob's account: >>> bob = myusers['bob'] >>> bob >>> 'bob' >>> bob.title 'bob' >>> bob.description As we did not give a title, the name was taken instead for title (but not for description). The password, however, is stored encoded: >>> bob.password '{SSHA}...' We can delete users: >>> myusers.delUser('alice') The container won't complain, although there is no ``alice`` stored yet. But we can really delete users: >>> myusers.delUser('bob') >>> list(myusers) []