20 Sep 2012, 08:49:37 (12 years ago)

Merge changes from update branch (includes trunk changes until r9107).

8 edited
1 copied


  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/uli-zc-async

  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/uli-zc-async/src/waeup/kofa/browser/templates/actionbutton.pt

    r7459 r9209  
    11<a class="btn actionbar" tal:condition="viewlet/target_url"
    2    tal:attributes="href viewlet/target_url">
     2   tal:attributes="href viewlet/target_url; onclick viewlet/onclick">
    33  <img src="" alt="edit"
    44   tal:attributes="src viewlet/icon_url;
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/uli-zc-async/src/waeup/kofa/browser/templates/certificatemanagepage.pt

    r7811 r9209  
    44  <ul class="tabs" data-tabs="tabs">
    55    <li tal:attributes="class view/tab1"><a href="#tab-1" i18n:translate="">Settings</a></li>
    6     <li tal:attributes="class view/tab2"><a href="#tab-2" i18n:translate="">Course Referrers</a></li>
     6    <li tal:attributes="class view/tab2"><a href="#tab-2" i18n:translate="">Certificate Courses</a></li>
    77    <li tal:attributes="class view/tab3"><a href="#tab-3" i18n:translate="">Local Roles</a></li>
    88  </ul>
    2424    </div>
    2525    <div id="tab-2" tal:attributes="class view/tab2">
    26       <h3 i18n:translate="">Course Referrers</h3>
     26      <h3>
     27        <span tal:content="context/__name__">Code</span>
     28        <span i18n:domain="waeup.kofa" i18n:translate="">Courses</span>
     29      </h3>
    2730      <table class="display dataTableManage">
    2831        <thead>
    2932          <tr>
    30             <th>&nbsp;</th><th i18n:translate="">Level</th>
    31             <th i18n:translate="">Semester</th><th i18n:translate="">Referrer</th>
    32             <th i18n:translate="">Course</th><th i18n:translate="">Title</th>
     33            <th>&nbsp;</th>
     34            <th i18n:translate="">Level</th>
     35            <th i18n:translate="">Semester</th>
     36            <th i18n:translate="">Cert. Course</th>
     37            <th i18n:translate="">Dep. Course</th>
     38            <th i18n:translate="">Title</th>
    3339            <th i18n:translate="">Mandatory</th>
    3440          </tr>
    3743          <tr tal:repeat="cc context/values" class="gradeC">
    3844             <td>
    39               <input type="checkbox"
    40                          name="val_id"
     45              <input type="checkbox" name="val_id"
    4146                         tal:attributes="value cc/__name__" />
    4247            </td>
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/uli-zc-async/src/waeup/kofa/browser/templates/certificatepage.pt

    r7811 r9209  
    2121  <span tal:content="context/__name__">Code</span>
    22   <span i18n:domain="waeup.kofa" i18n:translate="">Course Referrers</span>
     22  <span i18n:domain="waeup.kofa" i18n:translate="">Courses</span>
    2424<br />
    2727  <tr>
    28     <th i18n:translate="">Level</th><th i18n:translate="">Semester</th>
    29     <th i18n:translate="">Referrer</th><th i18n:translate="">Course</th>
    30     <th i18n:translate="">Title</th><th i18n:translate="">Mandatory</th>
     28    <th i18n:translate="">Level</th>
     29    <th i18n:translate="">Semester</th>
     30    <th i18n:translate="">Cert. Course</th>
     31    <th i18n:translate="">Dep. Course</th>
     32    <th i18n:translate="">Title</th>
     33    <th i18n:translate="">Mandatory</th>
    3134  </tr>
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/uli-zc-async/src/waeup/kofa/browser/templates/datacenterpage.pt

    r8366 r9209  
    1111<form action="." tal:attributes="action request/URL" method="post"
    1212      i18n:domain="waeup.kofa" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    13     <table i18n:domain="waeup.kofa" class="display dataTableManage">
     13    <table i18n:domain="waeup.kofa" class="display dataTableManageFiles">
    1414      <thead>
    1515        <tr>
    1616          <th></th>
    1717          <th i18n:translate="">File</th>
    18           <th i18n:translate="">Size</th>
     18          <th i18n:translate="">Datasets</th>
    1919          <th i18n:translate="">Upload Date</th>
    2020        </tr>
    2121      </thead>
    2222      <tbody>
    23         <tr tal:repeat="file context/getFiles" class="gradeC">
     23        <tr tal:repeat="file context/getPendingFiles" class="gradeC">
    2424          <td>
    2525            <input type="checkbox" name="val_id"
    2828          <td><a tal:attributes="href python: 'download?filename=' + file.name"
    2929                 tal:content="file/name">FILENAME</a></td>
    30           <td tal:content="file/size">12 k</td>
     30          <td tal:content="python: file.lines - 1">100</td>
    3131          <td tal:content="file/uploaddate">Mar 12, 2008</td>
    3232        </tr>
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/uli-zc-async/src/waeup/kofa/browser/templates/datacenteruploadpage.pt

    r7705 r9209  
    99  </div>
     12<br /><br />
     14<h2 i18n:translate="">Available Processors (Importers)</h2>
     16<table i18n:domain="waeup.kofa">
     17  <thead>
     18    <tr>
     19      <th i18n:translate="">Processor</th>
     20      <th i18n:translate="">Required Schema Fields</th>
     21      <th i18n:translate="">Optional Schema Fields</th>
     22      <th i18n:translate="">Non-Schema Fields</th>
     23      <th i18n:translate="">CSV Skeleton File</th>
     24    </tr>
     25  </thead>
     26  <tr tal:repeat="importer view/getImporters">
     27    <td tal:content="importer/title"></td>
     28    <td nowrap>
     29      <span tal:repeat="field importer/fields">
     30          <tal:schemafield condition="field/f_type">
     31            <tal:required condition="field/f_required">
     32              <span tal:replace="field/f_name"></span>
     33              (<span tal:replace="field/f_type"></span>)
     34              <br />
     35            </tal:required>
     36          </tal:schemafield>
     37      </span>
     38    </td>
     39    <td nowrap>
     40      <span tal:repeat="field importer/fields">
     41          <tal:schemafield condition="field/f_type">
     42            <tal:notrequired condition="not:field/f_required">
     43              <span tal:replace="field/f_name"></span>
     44              (<span tal:replace="field/f_type"></span>)
     45              <br />
     46            </tal:notrequired>
     47          </tal:schemafield>
     48      </span>
     49    </td>
     50    <td>
     51      <span tal:repeat="field importer/fields">
     52          <tal:extrafield condition="not:field/f_type">
     53            <span tal:replace="field/f_name"></span>
     54            <br />
     55          </tal:extrafield>
     56      </span>
     57    </td>
     59    <td>
     60      <a i18n:translate=""
     61         tal:attributes="href python: 'skeleton?name=' + importer['name']">Download</a>
     62    </td>
     63  </tr>
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/uli-zc-async/src/waeup/kofa/browser/templates/loginpage.pt

    r8777 r9209  
    3737    If you are having trouble logging in, make sure to enable  cookies in your web browser.
    3838  </p>
    39   <p i18n:translate="login_trouble2">
     39  <p i18n:translate="login_trouble2" tal:condition="python:False">
    4040    You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created?
    41     Acquire a Password Access Code (PWD) and inititialize your student account
    42     <strong><a href  ="setpassword"> here</a></strong>.
     41    Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your student account
     42    <strong><a href ="setpassword"> here</a></strong>.
     43  </p>
     44  <p i18n:translate="login_trouble4">
     45    You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created?
     46    Inititialize your student account <strong><a href="requestpw"> here</a></strong>.
    4347  </p>
    4448  <p i18n:translate="login_trouble3"> Or simply forgot your student id, application id or password? Then request a new password
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/uli-zc-async/src/waeup/kofa/browser/templates/widgets.pt

    r8045 r9209  
    1818        <div tal:content="structure widget/error">ERROR</div>
    1919      </tal:error>
    20       <tal:hint tal:condition="widget/hint">
     20      <tal:hint
     21        tal:condition="python: widget.hint and not getattr(view,'hide_hint',False)">
    2122        <div class="hint" tal:content="structure widget/hint">HINT</div>
    2223      </tal:hint>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.