10 Jul 2012, 05:39:02 (12 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Check for new local roles and assign StudentsClearanceOfficer? role accordingly.

3 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/dynamicroles.py

    r7811 r8963  
    4646    rolename_mapping = {
    4747        'waeup.local.ClearanceOfficer':'waeup.StudentsClearanceOfficer',
     48        'waeup.local.UGClearanceOfficer':'waeup.StudentsClearanceOfficer',
     49        'waeup.local.PGClearanceOfficer':'waeup.StudentsClearanceOfficer',
    4850        }
    5153        """Get roles for principal with id `principal_id`.
    53         Different to the default implementation, this method also
    54         takes into account local roles set on any department connected
    55         to the context student.
    57         If the given principal has at least one of the
    58         `external_rolenames` roles granted for the external object, it
    59         additionally gets `additional_rolename` role for the context
    60         student.
    62         For the additional roles the `extra_attrib` and all its parent
    63         objects are looked up, because 'role inheritance' does not
    64         work on that basic level of permission handling.
    66         Some advantages of this approach:
    68         - we don't have to store extra local roles for clearance
    69           officers in ZODB for each student
    71         - when local roles on a department change, we don't have to
    72           update thousands of students; the local role is assigned
    73           dynamically.
    75         Disadvantage:
    77         - More expensive role lookups when a clearance officer wants
    78           to see an student form.
    80         This implementation is designed to be usable also for other
    81         contexts than students. You can inherit from it and set
    82         different role names to lookup/set easily via the static class
    83         attributes.
     55        See waeup.kofa.applicants.dynamicroles.ApplicantPrincipalRoleManager
     56        for further information.
    8457        """
    8558        apr_manager = AnnotationPrincipalRoleManager(self._context)
    11891                        result.append(
    11992                            ('waeup.StudentsOfficer', setting))
     93                elif 'UGClearanceOfficer' in role_id:
     94                    if not self._context.is_postgrad:
     95                        result.append(
     96                            ('waeup.StudentsClearanceOfficer', setting))
     97                    else:
     98                        # Otherwise grant at least view permissions.
     99                        result.append(
     100                            ('waeup.StudentsOfficer', setting))
     101                elif 'PGClearanceOfficer' in role_id:
     102                    if self._context.is_postgrad:
     103                        result.append(
     104                            ('waeup.StudentsClearanceOfficer', setting))
     105                    else:
     106                        # Otherwise grant at least view permissions.
     107                        result.append(
     108                            ('waeup.StudentsOfficer', setting))
    120109                elif role_id in self.rolename_mapping.keys():
    121110                    # Grant additional role
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/tests/test_browser.py

    r8920 r8963  
    15571557                           self.browser.contents)
    15581558        # Payment session and level are current ones.
    1559         # Postgrads have to school_fee_1.
     1559        # Postgrads have to pay school_fee_1.
    15601560        self.assertEqual(self.student['payments'][value].amount_auth, 40000.0)
    15611561        self.assertEqual(self.student['payments'][value].p_session, 2004)
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/tests/test_dynamicroles.py

    r7811 r8963  
    2525    Test as APRMTest, Manageable)
    2626from waeup.kofa.testing import FunctionalLayer
     27from waeup.kofa.app import University
    2728from waeup.kofa.students.tests.test_browser import StudentsFullSetup
    2829from waeup.kofa.students import Student, StudentPrincipalRoleManager
    4849    def setUp(self):
    4950        super(StudentPrincipalRoleManagerFunctionalTests, self).setUp()
    50         self.officer_role = 'waeup.StudentsClearanceOfficer'
    5151        # assign clearance permissions for a virtual officer
    5252        prm = IPrincipalRoleManager(self.app['faculties']['fac1']['dep1'])
    5353        prm.assignRoleToPrincipal('waeup.local.ClearanceOfficer', 'alice')
     54        prm.assignRoleToPrincipal('waeup.local.PGClearanceOfficer', 'bob')
     55        prm.assignRoleToPrincipal('waeup.local.UGClearanceOfficer', 'anne')
    5456        return
    7476        # student
    7577        prm = IPrincipalRoleManager(self.student)
    76         result = prm.getRolesForPrincipal('bob')
     78        result = prm.getRolesForPrincipal('claus')
    7779        self.assertEqual(result, [])
    7880        return
    8385        prm = IPrincipalRoleManager(self.student)
    8486        result = prm.getRolesForPrincipal('alice')
    85         self.assertEqual(result, [(self.officer_role, Allow)])
     87        self.assertEqual(result, [('waeup.StudentsClearanceOfficer', Allow)])
     88        # Student is a UG student
     89        self.assertFalse(self.student.is_postgrad)
     90        result = prm.getRolesForPrincipal('bob')
     91        self.assertEqual(result, [('waeup.StudentsOfficer', Allow)])
     92        result = prm.getRolesForPrincipal('anne')
     93        self.assertEqual(result, [('waeup.StudentsClearanceOfficer', Allow)])
     94        # Make student a PG student
     95        self.certificate.study_mode = u'pg_ft'
     96        self.assertTrue(self.student.is_postgrad)
     97        result = prm.getRolesForPrincipal('bob')
     98        # The dynamic roles changed
     99        self.assertEqual(result, [('waeup.StudentsClearanceOfficer', Allow)])
     100        result = prm.getRolesForPrincipal('anne')
     101        self.assertEqual(result, [('waeup.StudentsOfficer', Allow)])
    86102        return
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