Changeset 7932

21 Mar 2012, 10:41:15 (13 years ago)

Make import converters more modular (support special converters for special zope.schema field types) and support lists and result entries as import input.

3 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/

    r7927 r7932  
    819819        """
     821class IFieldConverter(Interface):
     822    def update_request_data(self, name, value, schema_field, prefix=''):
     823        """Create a dict with key-value mapping as created by a request.
     825        `name` and `value` are expected to be parsed from CSV or a
     826        similar input and represent an attribute to be set to a
     827        representation of value.
     829        :meth:`update_request_data` is then requested to turn this
     830        name and value into vars as they would be sent by a regular
     831        form submit. This means we do not create the real values to be
     832        set but we only define the values that would be sent in a
     833        browser request to request the creation of those values.
     835        The returned dict should contain names and values of a faked
     836        browser request for the given `schema_field`.
     838        Field converters are normally registered as adapters to some
     839        specific zope.schema field.
     840        """
    821842class IObjectHistory(Interface):
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/utils/

    r7811 r7932  
    2424from zope.formlib.form import (
    2525    _widgetKey, WidgetInputError, ValidationError, InputErrors, expandPrefix)
    26 from zope.formlib.interfaces import IInputWidget, ISimpleInputWidget
     26from zope.formlib.interfaces import IInputWidget
    2727from zope.interface import Interface
    2828from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
    29 from waeup.kofa.interfaces import IObjectConverter
     29from zope.schema.interfaces import IList
     30from waeup.kofa.interfaces import (
     31    IObjectConverter, IResultEntryField, IFieldConverter, SubjectSource,
     32    GradeSource)
     33from waeup.kofa.schoolgrades import ResultEntry
    3135class ExtendedCheckBoxWidget(CheckBoxWidget):
    8589    store the fieldname for which a validation error happened in the
    8690    returned error list (what the original does not do).
    8891    """
    8992    errors = []
    108111    return errors
     113class DefaultFieldConverter(grok.Adapter):
     114    grok.context(Interface)
     115    grok.provides(IFieldConverter)
     117    def request_data(self, name, value, schema_field, prefix=''):
     118        return {prefix: value}
     120class ListFieldConverter(grok.Adapter):
     121    grok.context(IList)
     122    grok.provides(IFieldConverter)
     124    def request_data(self, name, value, schema_field, prefix=''):
     125        value_type = schema_field.value_type
     126        try:
     127            items = eval(value)
     128        except:
     129            return {prefix: value}
     130        result = {'%s.count' % prefix: len(items)}
     131        for num, item in enumerate(items):
     132            sub_converter = IFieldConverter(value_type)
     133            result.update(sub_converter.request_data(
     134                unicode(num), unicode(item),
     135                value_type, "%s.%s." % (prefix, num)))
     136        return result
     138class ResultEntryConverter(grok.Adapter):
     139    grok.context(IResultEntryField)
     140    grok.provides(IFieldConverter)
     142    def request_data(self, name, value, schema_field, prefix=''):
     143        """Turn CSV values into ResultEntry-compatible form data.
     145        Expects as `value` a _string_ like ``(u'mysubject',
     146        u'mygrade')`` and turns it into some dict like::
     148          {
     149            'form.grade.subject': u'9234896395...',
     150            'form.grade.grade': u'7e67e9e777..'
     151            }
     153        where the values are tokens from appropriate sources.
     155        Such dicts can be transformed into real ResultEntry objects by
     156        input widgets used in converters.
     157        """
     158        try:
     159            entry = ResultEntry.from_string(value)
     160            subj, grade = entry.subject, entry.grade
     161        except:
     162            return {prefix: value}
     163        # web forms send tokens instead of real values
     164        s_token = SubjectSource().factory.getToken(subj)
     165        g_token = GradeSource().factory.getToken(grade)
     166        result = {
     167            "%ssubject" % (prefix): s_token,
     168            "%sgrade" % (prefix): g_token,
     169            }
     170        return result
    111172class DefaultObjectConverter(grok.Adapter):
    172233        request = TestRequest(form={})
    173234        for key, val in data_dict.items():
    174             request.form['form.%s' % key] = val
     235            field = form_fields.get(key, None)
     236            if field is not None:
     237                # let adapters to the respective schema fields do the
     238                # further fake-request processing
     239                schema_field = field.interface[field.__name__]
     240                field_converter = IFieldConverter(schema_field)
     241                request.form.update(
     242                    field_converter.request_data(
     243                        key, val, schema_field, 'form.%s' % key)
     244                    )
     245            else:
     246                request.form['form.%s' % key] = val
    176248        obj = context
    186258        invariant_errors = form.checkInvariants(form_fields, new_data)
    187260        if errors or invariant_errors:
    188261            err_messages = [(key, err.args[0]) for key, err in errors]
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/utils/tests/

    r7819 r7932  
    3333from import University
    3434from waeup.kofa.testing import FunctionalLayer, FunctionalTestCase
     35from waeup.kofa.interfaces import (
     36    SimpleKofaVocabulary, SubjectSource, GradeSource)
     37from waeup.kofa.schoolgrades import ResultEntryField
    3538from import Faculty
    3639from waeup.kofa.utils.converters import IObjectConverter
    3740from waeup.kofa.utils.helpers import attrs_to_fields
    38 from waeup.kofa.interfaces import SimpleKofaVocabulary
    4042colors = SimpleKofaVocabulary(
    8587        vocabulary = car_nums,
    8688        )
     89    grades = schema.List(
     90        title = u'School Grades',
     91        value_type = ResultEntryField(),
     92        required = True,
     93        default = [],
     94        )
     95    friends = schema.List(
     96        title = u'Friends',
     97        value_type = schema.TextLine(
     98            title = u'Name',
     99            )
     100        )
    87102    @invariant
    88103    def kevinIsYoung(contact):
    330345        assert data['num_cars'] == 1
    331346        return
     348    def test_list_of_textlines(self):
     349        # We can convert lists of text lines
     350        converter = IObjectConverter(IContact)
     351        err, inv_err, data = converter.fromStringDict(
     352            {"friends": "['Fred', 'Wilma']"}, 'contact')
     353        self.assertEqual(
     354            data, {'friends': ['Fred', 'Wilma']})
     355        return
     357    def test_list_of_resultentries(self):
     358        # We can handle lists of result entries
     359        converter = IObjectConverter(IContact)
     360        # get currently valid values
     361        s_src, g_src = SubjectSource(), GradeSource()
     362        s_val1, s_val2 = list(s_src.factory.getValues())[0:2]
     363        g_val1, g_val2 = list(g_src.factory.getValues())[0:2]
     364        req_string = u"[('%s', '%s'), ('%s', '%s')]" % (
     365                s_val1, g_val1, s_val2, g_val2)
     366        err, inv_err, data = converter.fromStringDict(
     367            {"grades": req_string,
     368             },
     369            'contact')
     370        result_grades = data['grades']
     371        self.assertTrue(isinstance(result_grades, list))
     372        self.assertEqual(len(result_grades), 2)
     373        self.assertEqual(result_grades[0].subject, s_val1)
     374        self.assertEqual(result_grades[0].grade, g_val1)
     375        return
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