20 Nov 2011, 07:35:35 (13 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Turn all functions subject to customization into methods of a global utility component called StudentsUtils?. This is really an incredible improvement and eases customization a lot.

3 edited


  • main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/students/browser.py

    r7147 r7150  
    4545    IStudentAccommodation, IStudentClearanceEdit, IStudentStudyLevel,
    4646    ICourseTicket, ICourseTicketAdd, IStudentPaymentsContainer,
    47     IStudentOnlinePayment, IBedTicket
     47    IStudentOnlinePayment, IBedTicket, IStudentsUtils
    4848    )
    4949from waeup.sirp.students.catalog import search
    5252from waeup.sirp.students.studylevel import StudentStudyLevel, CourseTicket
    5353from waeup.sirp.students.vocabularies import StudyLevelSource
    54 from waeup.sirp.students.utils import (
    55     get_payment_details, get_accommodation_details, select_bed,
    56     render_pdf)
    5754from waeup.sirp.browser.resources import toggleall
    5855from waeup.sirp.authentication import get_principal_role_manager
    667664        studentview = StudentBaseDisplayFormPage(self.context.getStudent(),
    668665            self.request)
    669         return render_pdf(self,'Course Registration', 'course_registration.pdf',
     666        students_utils = getUtility(IStudentsUtils)
     667        return students_utils.render_pdf(
     668            self,'Course Registration', 'course_registration.pdf',
    670669            self.context.getStudent, studentview)
    939938    pnav = 4
    941     # To be sepezified in customization packages
    942     def get_payment_details(self, category, student):
    943         return get_payment_details(category, student)
    945940    @grok.action('Create ticket')
    946941    def createTicket(self, **data):
    954949                self.redirect(self.url(self.context))
    955950                return
    956         pay_details  = self.get_payment_details(
     951        students_utils = getUtility(IStudentsUtils)
     952        pay_details  = students_utils.get_payment_details(
    957953            p_category,student)
    958954        if pay_details['error']:
    11081104        studentview = StudentBaseDisplayFormPage(self.context.getStudent(),
    11091105            self.request)
    1110         return render_pdf(self,'Payment', 'payment_receipt.pdf',
     1106        students_utils = getUtility(IStudentsUtils)
     1107        return students_utils.render_pdf(self,'Payment', 'payment_receipt.pdf',
    11111108            self.context.getStudent, studentview)
    12171214    notice = ''
    1219     # To be sepezified in customization packages
    1220     def get_accommodation_details(self, student):
    1221         return get_accommodation_details(student)
    1223     # To be sepezified in customization packages
    1224     def select_bed(self, available_beds):
    1225         return select_bed(available_beds)
    12271216    def update(self, SUBMIT=None):
    12281217        student = self.context.getStudent()
    1229         acc_details  = self.get_accommodation_details(student)
     1218        students_utils = getUtility(IStudentsUtils)
     1219        acc_details  = students_utils.get_accommodation_details(student)
    12301220        if not student.state in acc_details['allowed_states']:
    12311221            self.flash("You are in the wrong registration state.")
    12641254                entry for entry in entries if entry.owner == NOT_OCCUPIED]
    12651255            if available_beds:
    1266                 bed = self.select_bed(available_beds)
     1256                students_utils = getUtility(IStudentsUtils)
     1257                bed = students_utils.select_bed(available_beds)
    12671258                bed.bookBed(student.student_id)
    12681259            else:
    13451336        studentview = StudentBaseDisplayFormPage(self.context.getStudent(),
    13461337            self.request)
    1347         return render_pdf(self,'Bed Allocation', 'bed_allocation.pdf',
     1338        students_utils = getUtility(IStudentsUtils)
     1339        return students_utils.render_pdf(
     1340            self,'Bed Allocation', 'bed_allocation.pdf',
    13481341            self.context.getStudent, studentview)
    13641357    grok.require('waeup.manageHostels')
    1366     # To be sepezified in customization packages
    1367     def get_accommodation_details(self, student):
    1368         return get_accommodation_details(student)
    1370     # To be sepezified in customization packages
    1371     def select_bed(self, available_beds):
    1372         return select_bed(available_beds)
    13741359    # Relocate student if student parameters have changed or the bed_type
    13751360    # of the bed has changed
    13761361    def update(self):
    13771362        student = self.context.getStudent()
    1378         acc_details  = self.get_accommodation_details(student)
     1363        students_utils = getUtility(IStudentsUtils)
     1364        acc_details  = students_utils.get_accommodation_details(student)
    13791365        if self.context.bed != None and \
    13801366              'reserved' in self.context.bed.bed_type:
    14031389                entry for entry in entries if entry.owner == NOT_OCCUPIED]
    14041390            if available_beds:
    1405                 new_bed = self.select_bed(available_beds)
     1391                students_utils = getUtility(IStudentsUtils)
     1392                new_bed = students_utils.select_bed(available_beds)
    14061393                new_bed.bookBed(student.student_id)
    14071394            else:
  • main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/students/interfaces.py

    r7144 r7150  
    33import re
    44from datetime import datetime
    5 from zope.interface import Attribute, invariant
     5from zope.interface import Attribute, invariant, Interface
    66from zope.interface.exceptions import Invalid
    77from zope import schema
    2626    return True
     28class IStudentsUtils(Interface):
     29    """A collection of methods which are subject to customization.
     31    """
     32    def get_payment_details(category, student):
     33        """Get the payment dates of a student for the payment category
     34        specified.
     36        """
     38    def get_accommodation_details(student):
     39        """Determine the accommodation dates of a student.
     41        """
     43    def select_bed(available_beds):
     44        """Select a bed from a list of available beds.
     46        In the standard configuration we select the first bed found,
     47        but can also randomize the selection if we like.
     48        """
     50    def render_pdf(view, subject='', filename='slip.pdf',):
     51        """Render pdf slips for various pages.
     53        """
    2855class IStudentsContainer(IWAeUPObject):
    2956    """A students container contains university students.
    3158    """
    3359    def addStudent(student):
    3460        """Add an IStudent object and subcontainers.
    6894class IStudentNavigation(IWAeUPObject):
    6995    """Interface needed for student navigation.
    70     """
     97    """
    7298    def getStudent():
    7399        """Return student object.
    74101        """
    76103class IStudentBase(IWAeUPObject):
    77104    """Representation of student base data.
    78106    """
    79107    history = Attribute('Object history, a list of messages')
    85113    def loggerInfo(ob_class, comment):
    86         """Adds an INFO message to the log file
     114        """Adds an INFO message to the log file.
    87116        """
    141170class IStudentClearance(IWAeUPObject):
    142171    """Representation of student clearance data.
    143     """
     173    """
    145174    date_of_birth = schema.Date(
    146175        title = u'Date of Birth',
    162191class IStudentPersonal(IWAeUPObject):
    163192    """Representation of student personal data.
    164     """
     194    """
    166195    perm_address = schema.Text(
    167196        title = u'Permanent Address',
    171200class IStudent(IStudentBase,IStudentClearance,IStudentPersonal):
    172201    """Representation of a student.
    173203    """
    175205class IStudentUpdateByRegNo(IStudent):
    176206    """Representation of a student. Skip regular reg_number validation.
    177     """
     208    """
    179209    reg_number = schema.TextLine(
    180210        title = u'Registration Number',
    185215class IStudentUpdateByMatricNo(IStudent):
    186216    """Representation of a student. Skip regular matric_number validation.
    187     """
     218    """
    189219    matric_number = schema.TextLine(
    190220        title = u'Matriculation Number',
    198228    """
    200229    certificate = schema.Choice(
    201230        title = u'Certificate',
    257286    """
    259287    current_level = schema.Int(
    260288        title = u'Current Level',
    319347class ICourseTicketAdd(ICourseTicket):
    320     """An interface for adding course tickets
     348    """An interface for adding course tickets.
    322350    """
    337365    """
    339366    bed = Attribute('The bed object.')
    376403    def getSessionString():
    377         """Returns the the title of academic_sessions_vocab term
     404        """Returns the the title of academic_sessions_vocab term.
    378406        """
    388416    """
    390417    p_session = schema.Choice(
    391418        title = u'Payment Session',
    401428class IStudentClearanceEdit(IStudentClearance):
    402429    """Interface needed for restricted editing of student clearance data.
    403431    """
    405433class IStudentPersonalEdit(IStudentPersonal):
    406434    """Interface needed for restricted editing of student personal data.
    407     """
     436    """
  • main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/students/utils.py

    r7147 r7150  
    11"""General helper functions for the student section.
    3 from grok import getSite
     3import grok
    44from random import SystemRandom as r
    55from datetime import date, datetime
    1313from zope.formlib.form import setUpEditWidgets
    1414from waeup.sirp.interfaces import academic_sessions_vocab
     15from waeup.sirp.students.interfaces import IStudentsUtils
    1617SLIP_STYLE = TableStyle(
    3334    student['studycourse'].previous_verdict = verdict
    3435    return
    36 # To be specified in customization packages, see also the view which
    37 # calls the function.
    38 def get_payment_details(category, student):
    39     d = {}
    40     d['p_item'] = u''
    41     d['amount'] = 0
    42     d['error'] = u''
    43     d['p_session'] = student['studycourse'].current_session
    44     session = str(d['p_session'])
    45     try:
    46         academic_session = getSite()['configuration'][session]
    47     except KeyError:
    48         d['error'] = u'Session configuration object is not available.'
    49         return d
    50     d['surcharge_1'] = academic_session.surcharge_1
    51     d['surcharge_2'] = academic_session.surcharge_2
    52     d['surcharge_3'] = academic_session.surcharge_3
    53     if category == 'schoolfee':
    54         d['amount'] = academic_session.school_fee_base
    55         d['p_item'] = student['studycourse'].certificate.code
    56     elif category == 'clearance':
    57         d['p_item'] = student['studycourse'].certificate.code
    58         d['amount'] = academic_session.clearance_fee
    59     elif category == 'bed_allocation':
    60         d['p_item'] = get_accommodation_details(student)['bt']
    61         d['amount'] = academic_session.booking_fee
    62     return d
    64 # To be specified in customization packages, see also the view which
    65 # calls the function.
    66 def get_accommodation_details(student):
    67     d = {}
    68     d['error'] = u''
    69     site_confoguration = getSite()['configuration']
    70     d['booking_session'] = site_confoguration.accommodation_session
    71     d['allowed_states'] = site_confoguration.accommodation_states
    72     session = str(d['booking_session'])
    73     # Determine bed type
    74     studycourse = student['studycourse']
    75     entry_session = studycourse.entry_session
    76     current_level = studycourse.current_level
    77     end_level = studycourse.certificate.end_level
    78     if entry_session == getSite()['configuration'].accommodation_session:
    79         bt = 'fr'
    80     elif current_level >= end_level:
    81         bt = 'fi'
    82     else:
    83         bt = 're'
    84     if student.sex == 'f':
    85         sex = 'female'
    86     else:
    87         sex = 'male'
    88     special_handling = 'regular'
    89     d['bt'] = u'%s_%s_%s' % (special_handling,sex,bt)
    90     return d
    92 # To be specified in customization packages, see also view which
    93 # calls the function.
    94 # I the standard configuration we select the first bed found,
    95 # but can also randomize the selection if we like.
    96 def select_bed(available_beds):
    97     return available_beds[0]
    9937def setUpWidgets(view, ignore_request=False):
    12058    return table
    122 # To be specified in customization packages, see also view which
    123 # calls the function.
    124 def render_pdf(view, subject='', filename='slip.pdf', student=None, studentview=None):
    125     # (0,0),(-1,-1) = whole table
    126     # (0,0),(0,-1) = first column
    127     # (-1,0),(-1,-1) = last column
    128     # (0,0),(-1,0) = first row
    129     # (0,-1),(-1,-1) = last row
     60class StudentsUtils(grok.GlobalUtility):
     61    """A collection of methods subject to customization.
     62    """
     63    grok.implements(IStudentsUtils)
    131     pdf = canvas.Canvas(filename,pagesize=A4)
    132     pdf.setTitle(view.label)
    133     pdf.setSubject(subject)
    134     pdf.setAuthor('%s (%s)' % (view.request.principal.title,
    135         view.request.principal.id))
    136     pdf.setCreator('WAeUP SIRP')
    137     width, height = A4
    138     style = getSampleStyleSheet()
    139     pdf.line(1*cm,height-(1.8*cm),width-(1*cm),height-(1.8*cm))
     65    def get_payment_details(self,category, student):
     66        d = {}
     67        d['p_item'] = u''
     68        d['amount'] = 0
     69        d['error'] = u''
     70        d['p_session'] = student['studycourse'].current_session
     71        session = str(d['p_session'])
     72        try:
     73            academic_session = grok.getSite()['configuration'][session]
     74        except KeyError:
     75            d['error'] = u'Session configuration object is not available.'
     76            return d
     77        d['surcharge_1'] = academic_session.surcharge_1
     78        d['surcharge_2'] = academic_session.surcharge_2
     79        d['surcharge_3'] = academic_session.surcharge_3
     80        if category == 'schoolfee':
     81            d['amount'] = academic_session.school_fee_base
     82            d['p_item'] = student['studycourse'].certificate.code
     83        elif category == 'clearance':
     84            d['p_item'] = student['studycourse'].certificate.code
     85            d['amount'] = academic_session.clearance_fee
     86        elif category == 'bed_allocation':
     87            d['p_item'] = self.get_accommodation_details(student)['bt']
     88            d['amount'] = academic_session.booking_fee
     89        return d
    141     story = []
    142     frame_header = Frame(1*cm,1*cm,width-(1.7*cm),height-(1.7*cm))
    143     header_title = getattr(getSite(), 'name', u'Sample University')
    144     story.append(Paragraph(header_title, style["Heading1"]))
    145     frame_header.addFromList(story,pdf)
     91    def get_accommodation_details(self, student):
     92        d = {}
     93        d['error'] = u''
     94        site_confoguration = grok.getSite()['configuration']
     95        d['booking_session'] = site_confoguration.accommodation_session
     96        d['allowed_states'] = site_confoguration.accommodation_states
     97        session = str(d['booking_session'])
     98        # Determine bed type
     99        studycourse = student['studycourse']
     100        entry_session = studycourse.entry_session
     101        current_level = studycourse.current_level
     102        end_level = studycourse.certificate.end_level
     103        if entry_session == grok.getSite()['configuration'].accommodation_session:
     104            bt = 'fr'
     105        elif current_level >= end_level:
     106            bt = 'fi'
     107        else:
     108            bt = 're'
     109        if student.sex == 'f':
     110            sex = 'female'
     111        else:
     112            sex = 'male'
     113        special_handling = 'regular'
     114        d['bt'] = u'%s_%s_%s' % (special_handling,sex,bt)
     115        return d
    147     story = []
    148     frame_body = Frame(1*cm,1*cm,width-(2*cm),height-(3.5*cm))
    149     story.append(Paragraph(view.label, style["Heading2"]))
    150     #story.append(HRFlowable())
    151     if student:
     117    # In the standard configuration we select the first bed found,
     118    # but can also randomize the selection if we like.
     119    def select_bed(self, available_beds):
     120        return available_beds[0]
     122    def render_pdf(self, view, subject='', filename='slip.pdf',
     123        student=None, studentview=None):
     124        # (0,0),(-1,-1) = whole table
     125        # (0,0),(0,-1) = first column
     126        # (-1,0),(-1,-1) = last column
     127        # (0,0),(-1,0) = first row
     128        # (0,-1),(-1,-1) = last row
     130        pdf = canvas.Canvas(filename,pagesize=A4)
     131        pdf.setTitle(view.label)
     132        pdf.setSubject(subject)
     133        pdf.setAuthor('%s (%s)' % (view.request.principal.title,
     134            view.request.principal.id))
     135        pdf.setCreator('WAeUP SIRP')
     136        width, height = A4
     137        style = getSampleStyleSheet()
     138        pdf.line(1*cm,height-(1.8*cm),width-(1*cm),height-(1.8*cm))
     140        story = []
     141        frame_header = Frame(1*cm,1*cm,width-(1.7*cm),height-(1.7*cm))
     142        header_title = getattr(grok.getSite(), 'name', u'Sample University')
     143        story.append(Paragraph(header_title, style["Heading1"]))
     144        frame_header.addFromList(story,pdf)
     146        story = []
     147        frame_body = Frame(1*cm,1*cm,width-(2*cm),height-(3.5*cm))
     148        story.append(Paragraph(view.label, style["Heading2"]))
     149        #story.append(HRFlowable())
     150        if student:
     151            story.append(Spacer(1, 18))
     152            studenttable = render_student_data(student, studentview)
     153            story.append(studenttable)
    152154        story.append(Spacer(1, 18))
    153         studenttable = render_student_data(student, studentview)
    154         story.append(studenttable)
    155     story.append(Spacer(1, 18))
    156     setUpWidgets(view)
    157     data = []
    158     for widget in view.widgets:
    159         f_label = '<font size=12>%s</font>:' % widget.label.strip()
    160         f_label = Paragraph(f_label, style["Normal"])
    161         f_text = '<font size=12>%s</font>' % widget()
    162         f_text = Paragraph(f_text, style["Normal"])
    163         data.append([f_label,f_text])
    164     table = Table(data,style=SLIP_STYLE)
    165     story.append(table)
    166     frame_body.addFromList(story,pdf)
     155        setUpWidgets(view)
     156        data = []
     157        for widget in view.widgets:
     158            f_label = '<font size=12>%s</font>:' % widget.label.strip()
     159            f_label = Paragraph(f_label, style["Normal"])
     160            f_text = '<font size=12>%s</font>' % widget()
     161            f_text = Paragraph(f_text, style["Normal"])
     162            data.append([f_label,f_text])
     163        table = Table(data,style=SLIP_STYLE)
     164        story.append(table)
     165        frame_body.addFromList(story,pdf)
    168     story = []
    169     frame_footer = Frame(1*cm,0,width-(2*cm),1*cm)
    170     timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    171     f_text = '<font size=10>%s</font>' % timestamp
    172     story.append(Paragraph(f_text, style["Normal"]))
    173     frame_footer.addFromList(story,pdf)
     167        story = []
     168        frame_footer = Frame(1*cm,0,width-(2*cm),1*cm)
     169        timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
     170        f_text = '<font size=10>%s</font>' % timestamp
     171        story.append(Paragraph(f_text, style["Normal"]))
     172        frame_footer.addFromList(story,pdf)
    175     view.response.setHeader(
    176         'Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
    177     return pdf.getpdfdata()
     174        view.response.setHeader(
     175            'Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
     176        return pdf.getpdfdata()
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.