3 Nov 2011, 15:40:11 (13 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Add Views for IBedTicket instances.

To get the old ZODB working, the following commands have to executed in the debug mode:

rootwaeup?configuration?.accommodation_states = []
import transaction

(provided that the University instance is called 'waeup').

1 added
4 edited


  • main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/students/accommodation.py

    r6989 r6992  
    1717Container which contains the (student) accommodation objects.
     19from datetime import datetime
    1920import grok
    2021from grok import index
    5758    def __init__(self):
    5859        super(BedTicket, self).__init__()
     60        self.booking_date = datetime.now()
    5961        return
    6466BedTicket = attrs_to_fields(BedTicket)
     68# Bed tickets must be importable. So we might need a factory.
     69class BedTicketFactory(grok.GlobalUtility):
     70    """A factory for bed tickets.
     71    """
     72    grok.implements(IFactory)
     73    grok.name(u'waeup.BedTicket')
     74    title = u"Create a new bed ticket.",
     75    description = u"This factory instantiates new bed ticket instances."
     77    def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
     78        return BedTicket()
     80    def getInterfaces(self):
     81        return implementedBy(BedTicket)
  • main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/students/browser.py

    r6953 r6992  
    4040    IStudentAccommodation, IStudentClearanceEdit, IStudentStudyLevel,
    4141    ICourseTicket, ICourseTicketAdd, IStudentPaymentsContainer,
    42     IStudentOnlinePayment
     42    IStudentOnlinePayment, IBedTicket
    4343    )
    4444from waeup.sirp.students.catalog import search
    45 from waeup.sirp.students.workflow import CLEARANCE, RETURNING, CLEARED
     45from waeup.sirp.students.workflow import (
    4647from waeup.sirp.students.studylevel import StudentStudyLevel, CourseTicket
    4748from waeup.sirp.students.vocabularies import StudyLevelSource
    4849from waeup.sirp.students.utils import getPaymentDetails
     50from waeup.sirp.students.utils import getAccommodationDetails
    4951from waeup.sirp.browser.resources import toggleall
    5052from waeup.sirp.authentication import get_principal_role_manager
    846848        deleted = []
    847849        for id in child_id:
    848             # Students are not allowed to remove payment used tickets
     850            # Students are not allowed to remove used payment tickets
    849851            if not self.unremovable(self.context[id]):
    850852                try:
    971973        return
    973 class AccommodationDisplayFormPage(WAeUPDisplayFormPage):
    974     """ Page to display the student accommodation data
     975# We don't need the display form page yet
     976#class AccommodationDisplayFormPage(WAeUPDisplayFormPage):
     977#    """ Page to display the student accommodation data
     978#    """
     979#    grok.context(IStudentAccommodation)
     980#    grok.name('xxx')
     981#    grok.require('waeup.viewStudent')
     982#    form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IStudentAccommodation)
     983#    #grok.template('accommodationpage')
     984#    title = 'Accommodation'
     985#    pnav = 4
     987#    @property
     988#    def label(self):
     989#        return '%s: Accommodation Data' % self.context.__parent__.fullname
     991# This manage form page is for both students and students officers.
     992class AccommodationManageFormPage(WAeUPEditFormPage):
     993    """ Page to manage the bed tickets
    975994    """
    976995    grok.context(IStudentAccommodation)
    977996    grok.name('index')
    978     grok.require('waeup.viewStudent')
     997    grok.require('waeup.handleStudent')
    979998    form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IStudentAccommodation)
    980     #grok.template('accommodationpage')
     999    grok.template('accommodationmanagepage')
    9811000    title = 'Accommodation'
    9821001    pnav = 4
     1003    def unremovable(self):
     1004        prm = get_principal_role_manager()
     1005        roles = [x[0] for x in prm.getRolesForPrincipal(self.request.principal.id)]
     1006        return ('waeup.Student' in roles)
     1008    def formatDatetime(self,datetimeobj):
     1009        if isinstance(datetimeobj, datetime):
     1010            return datetimeobj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
     1011        else:
     1012            return None
    9841014    @property
    9851015    def label(self):
    986         return '%s: Accommodation Data' % self.context.__parent__.fullname
     1016        return '%s: Accommodation' % self.context.__parent__.fullname
     1018    def update(self):
     1019        super(AccommodationManageFormPage, self).update()
     1020        datatable.need()
     1021        return
     1023    # We need an event handler which releases the bed space too.
     1024    @grok.action('Remove selected tickets')
     1025    def delBedTicket(self, **data):
     1026        form = self.request.form
     1027        if form.has_key('val_id'):
     1028            child_id = form['val_id']
     1029        else:
     1030            self.flash('No bed ticket selected.')
     1031            self.redirect(self.url(self.context))
     1032            return
     1033        if not isinstance(child_id, list):
     1034            child_id = [child_id]
     1035        deleted = []
     1036        for id in child_id:
     1037            # Students are not allowed to remove bed tickets
     1038            if not self.unremovable():
     1039                try:
     1040                    del self.context[id]
     1041                    deleted.append(id)
     1042                except:
     1043                    self.flash('Could not delete %s: %s: %s' % (
     1044                            id, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
     1045        if len(deleted):
     1046            self.flash('Successfully removed: %s' % ', '.join(deleted))
     1047            write_log_message(self,'removed: % s' % ', '.join(deleted))
     1048        self.redirect(self.url(self.context))
     1049        return
     1051    @grok.action('Add bed ticket')
     1052    def addBedTicket(self, **data):
     1053        self.redirect(self.url(self.context, '@@add'))
     1055class BedTicketAddPage(WAeUPPage):
     1056    """ Page to add an online payment ticket
     1057    """
     1058    grok.context(IStudentAccommodation)
     1059    grok.name('add')
     1060    grok.require('waeup.handleStudent')
     1061    grok.template('enterpin')
     1062    ac_prefix = 'CLR'
     1063    label = 'Add bed ticket'
     1064    title = 'Add bed ticket'
     1065    pnav = 4
     1066    buttonname = 'Create bed ticket'
     1068    # To be sepezified in customization packages
     1069    def getAccommodationDetails(self, student):
     1070        return getAccommodationDetails(student)
     1072    def update(self, SUBMIT=None):
     1073        (booking_session, booking_fee, maint_fee, allowed_states,
     1074            error)  = self.getAccommodationDetails(self.context.__parent__)
     1075        if not self.context.getStudent().state in allowed_states:
     1076            self.flash("Wrong state.")
     1077            self.redirect(self.url(self.context))
     1078            return
     1079        self.ac_series = self.request.form.get('ac_series', None)
     1080        self.ac_number = self.request.form.get('ac_number', None)
     1082        if SUBMIT is None:
     1083            return
     1084        pin = '%s-%s-%s' % (self.ac_prefix, self.ac_series, self.ac_number)
     1085        code = get_access_code(pin)
     1086        if not code:
     1087            self.flash('Activation code is invalid.')
     1088            return
     1089        # Mark pin as used (this also fires a pin related transition)
     1090        if code.state == USED:
     1091            self.flash('Activation code has already been used.')
     1092            return
     1093        else:
     1094            comment = u"AC invalidated for %s" % self.context.getStudent().student_id
     1095            # Here we know that the ac is in state initialized so we do not
     1096            # expect an exception, but the owner might be different
     1097            if not invalidate_accesscode(
     1098                pin,comment,self.context.getStudent().student_id):
     1099                self.flash('You are not the owner of this access code.')
     1100                return
     1101        bedticket = createObject(u'waeup.BedTicket')
     1102        #self.applyData(bedticket, **data)
     1103        bedticket.booking_code = pin
     1104        bedticket.bed = u'Test Bed'
     1105        self.context['test'] = bedticket
     1106        self.flash('Bed ticket created.')
     1107        self.redirect(self.url(self.context))
     1108        return
    9881110class StudentHistoryPage(WAeUPPage):
  • main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/students/interfaces.py

    r6989 r6992  
    320320    """
     322    bed = schema.TextLine(
     323        title = u'Bed',
     324        default = None,
     325        required = False,
     326        )
     328    booking_session = schema.Choice(
     329        title = u'Session',
     330        source = academic_sessions_vocab,
     331        default = None,
     332        required = True,
     333        )
     335    booking_date = schema.Datetime(
     336        title = u'Booking Date',
     337        required = False,
     338        readonly = False,
     339        )
     341    booking_code = schema.TextLine(
     342        title = u'Booking Activation Code',
     343        default = u'',
     344        required = False,
     345        readonly = False,
     346        )
     348    booking_fee =schema.Int(
     349        title = u'Booking Fee',
     350        default = 0,
     351        required = False,
     352        readonly = False,
     353        )
     355    maint_date = schema.Datetime(
     356        title = u'Maintenance Fee Payment Date',
     357        required = False,
     358        readonly = False,
     359        )
     361    maint_code = schema.TextLine(
     362        title = u'Maintenance Fee Payment Code',
     363        default = u'Certificate XYZ',
     364        required = False,
     365        readonly = False,
     366        )
     368    maint_fee = schema.Int(
     369        title = u'Maintenance Fee',
     370        default = 0,
     371        required = False,
     372        readonly = False,
     373        )
    322375class IStudentPaymentsContainer(IPaymentsContainer):
    323376    """A container for student payment objects.
  • main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/students/utils.py

    r6929 r6992  
    4747    return (amount, p_item, p_session,
    4848        surcharge_1, surcharge_2, surcharge_3, error)
     50# To be specified in customization packages.
     51# This function is for demonstration and testing only.
     52def getAccommodationDetails(student):
     53    bookin_fee = maint_fee = 0
     54    error = u''
     55    booking_session = getSite()['configuration'].accommodation_session
     56    allowed_states = getSite()['configuration'].accommodation_states
     57    session = str(booking_session)
     58    try:
     59        academic_session = getSite()['configuration'][session]
     60    except KeyError:
     61        error = u'Session configuration object is not available.'
     62        return (booking_session, booking_fee, maint_fee, allowed_states,
     63            error)
     64    booking_fee = academic_session.booking_fee
     65    maint_fee = academic_session.maint_fee
     66    return booking_session, booking_fee, maint_fee, allowed_states, error
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.