Changeset 669 for WAeUP_SRP

12 Oct 2006, 15:00:42 (18 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

hostel application slip beautified

4 edited


  • WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/student_accommodation.xml

    r667 r669  
    88 <property name="validate_values_expr"></property>
    99 <widget name="acco_maint_date" meta_type="DateTime Widget">
    10   <property name="title">Accommodation Maintainance Date</property>
     10  <property name="title">Maintainance Fee Date</property>
    1111  <property name="fields">
    1212   <element value="acco_maint_date"/>
    1313  </property>
    14   <property name="label">Accommodation Maintainance Date</property>
    15   <property name="label_edit">Accommodation Maintainance Date</property>
     14  <property name="label">Maintainance Fee Date</property>
     15  <property name="label_edit">Maintainance Fee Date</property>
    1616  <property name="readonly_layout_modes"/>
    1717  <property name="hidden_layout_modes"/>
    2121 </widget>
    2222 <widget name="acco_maint_sc_pin" meta_type="String Widget">
    23   <property name="title">Accommodation Maintainance SC-Pin</property>
     23  <property name="title">Maintainance Fee Access Code</property>
    2424  <property name="fields">
    2525   <element value="acco_maint_sc_pin"/>
    2626  </property>
    27   <property name="label">Accommodation Maintainance SC-Pin</property>
    28   <property name="label_edit">Accommodation Maintainance SC-Pin</property>
     27  <property name="label">Maintainance Fee Access Code</property>
     28  <property name="label_edit">Maintainance Fee Access Code</property>
    2929  <property name="readonly_layout_modes"/>
    3030  <property name="hidden_layout_modes"/>
    3333 </widget>
    3434 <widget name="acco_res_date" meta_type="DateTime Widget">
    35   <property name="title">Accommodation Reservation Date</property>
     35  <property name="title">Reservation Date</property>
    3636  <property name="fields">
    3737   <element value="acco_res_date"/>
    3838  </property>
    39   <property name="label">Accommodation Reservation Date</property>
    40   <property name="label_edit">Accommodation Reservation Date</property>
     39  <property name="label">Reservation Date</property>
     40  <property name="label_edit">Reservation Date</property>
    4141  <property name="readonly_layout_modes"/>
    4242  <property name="hidden_layout_modes"/>
    4545 </widget>
    4646 <widget name="acco_res_sc_pin" meta_type="String Widget">
    47   <property name="title">Accommodation Reservation SC-Pin</property>
     47  <property name="title">Reservation Access Code</property>
    4848  <property name="fields">
    4949   <element value="acco_res_sc_pin"/>
    5050  </property>
    51   <property name="label">Accommodation Reservation SC-Pin</property>
    52   <property name="label_edit">Accommodation Reservation SC-Pin</property>
     51  <property name="label">Reservation Access Code</property>
     52  <property name="label_edit">Reservation Access Code</property>
    5353  <property name="readonly_layout_modes"/>
    5454  <property name="hidden_layout_modes"/>
  • WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_accommodation/

    r667 r669  
    1111if res and len(res) == 1:
    1212    hall_title = res[0].Title
    13 return "Bed %s in Room %s in Block %s in Hall %s" % (letter,room,block,hall_title)
     13return " %s / Block %s / Room %s / Bed %s" % (hall_title,block,room,letter)
  • WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/

    r658 r669  
    1111                                 )"
    1212                                 >
    13   <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" summary="layout">
     13  <table cellpadding="10em" cellspacing="" summary="layout">
    1414    <tr tal:repeat="field fields">
    1515      <tal:block tal:define="cell python: widgets[field]">
    1717          <div tal:attributes="class cell/widget_css_class|string:label;
    1818            id python:widget.getHtmlWidgetId()+'_widget';">
    19             <td >
     19            <td width="180px">
    2020             <span class="dlabel"
    2121                    tal:condition="widget/label"
  • WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/

    r667 r669  
    77              fields python:('jamb_lastname','jamb_sex',)"
    88              >
    9   <table cellpadding="10em" cellspacing="">
    10     <tr>
    1110      <tal:block define="cell widgets/passport;
    12                  widget cell/widget"
    13                  >
    14         <td valign="top">
     11                         widget cell/widget">
    1512          <img src="img" tal:replace="structure cell/widget_rendered" />
    16         </td>
    1713      </tal:block>
    18       <td>
    19         <table width="" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" summary="Form layout">
    20           <tr>
    21             <td><span class="dlabel">Student ID</span>:
    22             </td>
    23             <td>
    24               <span tal:replace="" />
    25             </td>     
    26           </tr>
    27           <tr tal:repeat="field fields">
    28             <tal:block tal:define="cell python: widgets[field]">
    29               <tal:block define="widget cell/widget">
    30                 <div tal:attributes="class cell/widget_css_class|string:label;
    31                 id python:widget.getHtmlWidgetId()+'_widget';"
    32                 >
    33                   <td >
    34                     <span class="dlabel"
    35                           tal:condition="widget/label"
    36                           tal:content="widget/label">label</span>:
    37                   </td>
    38                   <td>
    39                     <span tal:replace="structure cell/widget_rendered" />
    40                   </td>
    41                 </div>
    42               </tal:block>
     15      <br />
     17      <table width="" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" summary="Form layout">
     18        <tr>
     19          <td width="180px"><span class="dlabel">Student ID</span>:
     20          </td>
     21          <td>
     22            <span tal:replace="" />
     23          </td>     
     24        </tr>
     25        <tr tal:repeat="field fields">
     26          <tal:block tal:define="cell python: widgets[field]">
     27            <tal:block define="widget cell/widget">
     28              <div tal:attributes="class cell/widget_css_class|string:label;
     29              id python:widget.getHtmlWidgetId()+'_widget';"
     30              >
     31                <td >
     32                  <span class="dlabel"
     33                        tal:condition="widget/label"
     34                        tal:content="widget/label">label</span>:
     35                </td>
     36                <td>
     37                  <span tal:replace="structure cell/widget_rendered" />
     38                </td>
     39              </div>
    4340            </tal:block>
    44           </tr>
    45         </table>
    46       </td>
    47     </tr>
    48   </table>
     41          </tal:block>
     42        </tr>
     43      </table>
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