26 May 2011, 05:20:07 (13 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Remove Applicant attributes.

1 edited


  • main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/applicants/interfaces.py

    r6189 r6195  
    311311    state, depending on use-case.
    312312    """
     313    locked = schema.Bool(
     314        title = u'Form locked',
     315        default = False,
     316        #readonly = True,
     317        )
    313318    reg_no = schema.TextLine(
    314319        title = u'JAMB Registration Number',
     320        readonly = True,
    315321        )
    316322    access_code = schema.TextLine(
    317323        title = u'Access Code',
    318324        required = False,
    319         )
    320     serial = schema.TextLine(
    321         title = u'Serial Number',
    322         required = False,
     325        readonly = True,
    323326        )
    324327    course1 = schema.TextLine(
     328        # XXX: should be choice
    325329        title = u'1st Choice Course of Study',
    326330        required = False,
    327331        )
    328332    course2 = schema.TextLine(
     333        # XXX: should be choice
    329334        title = u'2nd Choice Course of Study',
    330         required = False,
    331         )
    332     course3 = schema.TextLine(
    333         title = u'3rd Choice Course of Study',
    334335        required = False,
    335336        )
    375376        #max_size = 20480,
    376377        )
    377     aos = schema.TextLine(
    378         # XXX: should be choice
    379         title = u'Area of Specialisation',
    380         required = False,
    381         )
    382     subj1 = schema.TextLine(
    383         # XXX: should be choice
    384         title = u'1st Choice of Study',
    385         required = False,
    386         )
    387     subj2 = schema.TextLine(
    388         # XXX: should be choice
    389         title = u'2nd Choice of Study',
    390         required = False,
    391         )
    392     subj3 = schema.TextLine(
    393         # XXX: should be choice
    394         title = u'3rd Choice of Study',
    395         required = False,
     378    confirm_passport = schema.Bool(
     379        title = u"Photograph confirmation box ticked",
     380        default = False,
     381        required = True,
    396382        )
    397383    #
    398     # Higher Educational Data
    399     #
    400     hq_matric_no = schema.TextLine(
    401         title = u'Former Matric Number',
    402         required = False,
    403         )
    404     hq_type = schema.TextLine(
    405         title = u'Higher Qualification',
    406         required = False,
    407         )
    408     hq_grade = schema.TextLine(
    409         title = u'Higher Qualification Grade',
    410         required = False,
    411         )
    412     hq_school = schema.TextLine(
    413         title = u'School Attended',
    414         required = False,
    415         )
    416     hq_session = schema.TextLine(
    417         title = u'Session Obtained',
    418         required = False,
    419         )
    420     hq_disc = schema.TextLine(
    421         title = u'Discipline',
    422         required = False,
    423         )
    424     #
    425     # First sitting data
    426     #
    427     fst_sit_fname = schema.TextLine(
    428         title = u'Full Name',
    429         required = False,
    430         )
    431     fst_sit_no = schema.TextLine(
    432         title = u'Exam Number',
    433         required = False,
    434         )
    435     fst_sit_date = schema.Date(
    436         title = u'Exam Date (dd/mm/yyyy)',
    437         required = False,
    438         )
    439     fst_sit_type = schema.TextLine(
    440         # XXX: Should be choice
    441         title = u'Exam Type',
    442         required = False,
    443         )
    444     fst_sit_results = schema.List(
    445         title = u'Results',
    446         required = False,
    447         value_type = schema.Object(
    448             title = u'Entries',
    449             schema = IResultEntry,
    450             required = False,
    451             )
    452         )
    453     scd_sit_fname = schema.TextLine(
    454         title = u'Full Name',
    455         required = False,
    456         )
    457     scd_sit_no = schema.TextLine(
    458         title = u'Exam Number',
    459         required = False,
    460         )
    461     scd_sit_date = schema.Date(
    462         title = u'Exam Date (dd/mm/yyyy)',
    463         required = False,
    464         )
    465     scd_sit_type = schema.TextLine(
    466         # XXX: Should be choice
    467         title = u'Exam Type',
    468         required = False,
    469         )
    470     scd_sit_results = schema.TextLine(
    471         # XXX: Should be nested list of choices
    472         title = u'Results',
    473         required = False,
    474         )
    475     #
    476     # JAMB scores
    477     #
    478     eng_score = schema.TextLine(
    479         title = u"'English' score",
    480         required = False,
    481         )
    482     subj1score = schema.TextLine(
    483         title = u'1st Choice of Study Score',
    484         required = False,
    485         )
    486     subj2score = schema.TextLine(
    487         title = u'2nd Choice of Study Score',
    488         required = False,
    489         )
    490     subj3score = schema.TextLine(
    491         title = u'3rd Choice of Study Score',
    492         required = False,
    493         )
    494     # XXX: Total score???
    496     #
    497     # Application Data
     384    # Process Data
    498385    #
    499386    application_date = schema.Date(
    500387        title = u'Application Date',
    501388        required = False,
     389        readonly = True,
    502390        )
    503391    status = schema.TextLine(
    505393        title = u'Application Status',
    506394        required = False,
    507         )
    508     screening_date = schema.Date(
    509         title = u'Screening Date',
    510         required = False,
    511         )
    512     screening_type = schema.TextLine(
    513         # XXX: schould be choice
    514         title = u'Screening Type',
    515         required = False,
     395        readonly = True,
    516396        )
    517397    screening_score = schema.TextLine(
    523403        required = False,
    524404        )
    525     total_score = schema.TextLine(
    526         title = u'Total Score',
    527         required = False,
    528         )
    529405    course_admitted = schema.TextLine(
    530406        # XXX: should be choice
    532408        required = False,
    533409        )
    534     department = schema.TextLine(
    535         # XXX: if we have a course, dept. is not necessary
    536         title = u'Department',
    537         required = False,
    538         )
    539     faculty = schema.TextLine(
    540         # XXX: if we have a course, faculty is not necessary
    541         title = u'Faculty',
    542         required = False,
    543         )
    544410    entry_session = schema.TextLine(
    545         # XXX: should be choice, should have sensible default: upcoming session
     411        # XXX: should be choice
    546412        title = u'Entry Session',
    547413        required = False,
    554420        title = u'Student ID',
    555421        required = False,
    556         )
    557     import_record_no = schema.TextLine(
    558         title = u'Import Record No.',
    559         required = False,
    560         )
    561     imported_by = schema.TextLine(
    562         title = u'Imported By',
    563         required = False,
    564         )
    565     import_date = schema.Datetime(
    566         title = u'Import Date',
    567         required = False,
    568         )
    569     import_from = schema.TextLine(
    570         title = u'Import Source',
    571         required = False,
    572         )
    573     confirm_passport = schema.Bool(
    574         title = u"Confirmation that photograph represents applicant ticked.",
    575         default = False,
    576         required = True,
     422        readonly = True,
    577423        )
    583429    This is basically the applicant base data. Here we repeat the
    584     fields from base data only with the `required` attribute of
    585     required attributes set to True (which is the default).
    586     """
    587     locked = schema.Bool(
    588         title = u'Form locked',
    589         default = False,
    590         readonly = True,
    591         )
    592     access_code = schema.TextLine(
    593         title = u'Access Code',
    594         )
    595     course1 = schema.TextLine(
    596         title = u'1st Choice Course of Study',
    597         )
    598     firstname = schema.TextLine(
    599         title = u'First Name',
    600         )
    601     middlenames = schema.TextLine(
    602         title = u'Middle Names',
    603         )
    604     lastname = schema.TextLine(
    605         title = u'Surname/Full Name',
    606         )
    607     date_of_birth = schema.Date(
    608         title = u'Date of Birth',
    609         )
    610     jamb_state = schema.TextLine(
    611         title = u'State (provided by JAMB)',
    612         )
    613     jamb_lga = schema.TextLine(
    614         title = u'LGA (provided by JAMB)',
    615         )
    616     lga = schema.TextLine(
    617         # XXX: should be choice
    618         title = u'State/LGA (confirmed by applicant)',
    619         )
    620     sex = schema.Choice(
    621         title = u'Sex',
    622         source = GenderSource(),
    623         default = u'm',
    624         )
    625     #passport = schema.Bool(
    626     #    title = u'Passport Photograph',
    627     #    default = True,
    628     #    )
    629     passport = ImageFile(
    630         title = u'Passport Photograph',
    631         default = DEFAULT_PASSPORT_IMAGE_MALE,
    632         required = True ,
    633         #max_size = 20480,
    634         )
    635     #
    636     # Higher Educational Data
    637     #
    639     #
    640     # First sitting data
    641     #
    642     fst_sit_fname = schema.TextLine(
    643         title = u'Full Name',
    644         )
    646     #
    647     # Second sitting data
    648     #
    649     scd_sit_fname = schema.TextLine(
    650         title = u'Full Name',
    651         )
    652     #
    653     # Application Data
    654     #
    655     application_date = schema.Date(
    656         title = u'Application Date',
    657         )
    658     status = schema.TextLine(
    659         # XXX: should be 'status' type
    660         title = u'Application Status',
    661         )
    662     screening_date = schema.Date(
    663         title = u'Screening Date',
    664         )
    665     screening_type = schema.TextLine(
    666         # XXX: schould be choice
    667         title = u'Screening Type',
    668         )
     430    fields from base data if we have to set the `required` attribute
     431    to True (which is the default).
     432    """
     434class IApplicantEdit(IApplicantBaseData):
     435    """An applicant.
     437    Here we can repeat the fields from base data and set the `required` and
     438    `readonly` attributes to True to further restrict the data access. We cannot
     439    omit fields. This has to be done in the respective form page.
     440    """
    669441    screening_score = schema.TextLine(
    670442        title = u'Screening Score',
     443        required = False,
     444        readonly = True,
     445        )
     446    screening_venue = schema.TextLine(
     447        title = u'Screening Venue',
     448        required = False,
     449        readonly = True,
     450        )
     451    course_admitted = schema.TextLine(
     452        # XXX: should be choice
     453        title = u'Admitted Course of Study',
     454        required = False,
     455        readonly = True,
    671456        )
    672457    entry_session = schema.TextLine(
    673458        # XXX: should be choice
    674         # XXX: should have sensible default: upcoming session
    675459        title = u'Entry Session',
    676         )
    677     import_record_no = schema.TextLine(
    678         title = u'Import Record No.',
    679         )
    680     imported_by = schema.TextLine(
    681         title = u'Imported By',
    682         )
    683     import_date = schema.Datetime(
    684         title = u'Import Date',
    685         )
    686     import_from = schema.TextLine(
    687         title = u'Import Source',
    688         )
    690 class IApplicantPDEEditData(IWAeUPObject):
    691     """The data set presented to PDE applicants.
    692     """
    693     locked = schema.Bool(
    694         title = u'Form locked',
     460        required = False,
     461        readonly = True,
     462        )
     463    notice = schema.Text(
     464        title = u'Notice',
     465        required = False,
     466        readonly = True,
     467        )
     468    confirm_passport = schema.Bool(
     469        title = u"I confirm that the Passport Photograph uploaded on this form is a true picture of me.",
    695470        default = False,
    696         readonly = True,
    697         )
    698     access_code = schema.TextLine(
    699         title = u'Access Code',
    700         readonly = True,
    701         )
    702     course1 = schema.TextLine(
    703         title = u'1st Choice Course of Study',
    704         readonly = True,
    705         )
    706     course2 = schema.TextLine(
    707         title = u'2nd Choice Course of Study',
    708         required = False,
    709         )
    710     course3 = schema.TextLine(
    711         title = u'3rd Choice Course of Study',
    712         required = False,
    713         )
    714     lastname = schema.TextLine(
    715         title = u'Name',
    716         readonly = True,
    717         )
    718     date_of_birth = schema.Date(
    719         title = u'Date of Birth',
    720         required = True,
    721         )
    722     lga = schema.TextLine(
    723         # XXX: should be choice
    724         title = u'State/LGA (confirmed by applicant)',
    725         required = False,
    726         )
    727     email = schema.TextLine(
    728         title = u'Email',
    729         required = False,
    730         )
    731     phone = schema.TextLine(
    732         title = u'Phone',
    733         required = False,
    734         )
    735     aos = schema.TextLine(
    736         # XXX: should be choice
    737         title = u'Area of Specialisation',
    738         required = False,
    739         )
    740     subj1 = schema.TextLine(
    741         # XXX: should be choice
    742         title = u'1st Choice of Study',
    743         readonly = True,
    744         )
    745     subj2 = schema.TextLine(
    746         # XXX: should be choice
    747         title = u'2nd Choice of Study',
    748         required = False,
    749         )
    750     subj3 = schema.TextLine(
    751         # XXX: should be choice
    752         title = u'3rd Choice of Study',
    753         required = False,
    754         )
    756     #
    757     # Application Data
    758     #
    759     application_date = schema.Date(
    760         title = u'Application Date',
    761         readonly = True,
    762         )
    763     status = schema.TextLine(
    764         # XXX: should be 'status' type
    765         title = u'Application Status',
    766         readonly = True,
    767         )
    768     screening_date = schema.Date(
    769         title = u'Screening Date',
    770         readonly = True,
    771         )
    772     passport = ImageFile(
    773         title = u'Passport Photograph',
    774         default = DEFAULT_PASSPORT_IMAGE_MALE,
    775         required = True,
    776         )
    777     confirm_passport = schema.Bool(
    778         title = u"Confirmation that photograph represents applicant ticked.",
    779         default = False,
    780         required = True,
    781         )
     471        required = True,
     472        )
    784474class IApplicantPrincipalInfo(IPrincipalInfo):
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