Changeset 6180 for main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup
- Timestamp:
- 21 May 2011, 01:31:03 (14 years ago)
- Location:
- main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r6156 r6180 59 59 grok.implements(IUserAccount) 60 60 61 _local_roles = dict() 62 61 63 def __init__(self, name, password, title=None, description=None, 62 64 roles = []): … … 70 72 self.setPassword(password) 71 73 self.setRoles(roles) 74 # We don't want to share this dict with other accounts 75 self._local_roles = dict() 72 76 73 77 def setPassword(self, password): … … 98 102 99 103 roles = property(getRoles, setRoles) 104 105 def getLocalRoles(self): 106 return self._local_roles 107 108 def notifyLocalRoleChanged(self, obj, role_id, granted=True): 109 objects = self._local_roles.get(role_id, []) 110 if granted and obj not in objects: 111 objects.append(obj) 112 if not granted and obj in objects: 113 objects.remove(obj) 114 self._local_roles[role_id] = objects 115 if len(objects) == 0: 116 del self._local_roles[role_id] 117 return 100 118 101 119 def _getPrincipalRoleManager(self): -
r5404 r6180 12 12 Before we can check access we have to create an app: 13 13 14 >>> from zope.component.hooks import setSite # only needed in tests 14 15 >>> from import University 15 16 >>> root = getRootFolder() 16 17 >>> u = University() 17 18 >>> root['app'] = u 19 >>> setSite(root['app']) # only needed in tests 18 20 19 21 To make sure, we can 'watch' pages, we first have to initialize our … … 42 44 See ``users.txt`` for details about the UserContainer we use here. 43 45 46 Users and local roles 47 ===================== 48 49 Accounts also hold infos about local roles assigned to a user. In the 50 beginning, users have no local roles at all: 51 52 >>> alice.getLocalRoles() 53 {} 54 55 But we can tell an account, that Alice got some role for a certain 56 object: 57 58 >>> chalet = object() 59 >>> root['app']['chalet'] = chalet 60 >>> alice.notifyLocalRoleChanged(chalet, 'BigBoss', granted=True) 61 62 Now Alice is the Big Boss: 63 64 >>> alice.getLocalRoles() 65 {'BigBoss': [<object object at 0x...>]} 66 67 When we do not want Alice to be the Big Boss we can tell that too: 68 69 >>> alice.notifyLocalRoleChanged(chalet, 'BigBoss', granted=False) 70 >>> alice.getLocalRoles() 71 {} 72 73 We can also use events to trigger such actions. This is recommended 74 because we do not neccessarily know where Alice lives: 75 76 >>> from waeup.sirp.users import LocalRoleSetEvent 77 >>> from zope.event import notify 78 >>> notify(LocalRoleSetEvent(chalet, 'BigBoss', 'alice', 79 ... granted=True)) 80 >>> alice.getLocalRoles() 81 {'BigBoss': [<object object at 0x...>]} 82 83 When objects are deleted, local roles are also deleted 84 semi-magically. This happens through event subscribers listening to 85 IObjectRemovedEvents. The latters are naturally only fired when ZODB 86 stored objects are removed. Furthermore this subscriber reads the 87 internal local roles table. 88 89 We create a faculty and grant Bob a local role: 90 91 >>> from zope.securitypolicy.interfaces import IPrincipalRoleManager 92 >>> from import Faculty 93 >>> faculty = Faculty() 94 >>> root['app']['bobs_fac'] = faculty 95 >>> role_manager = IPrincipalRoleManager(faculty) 96 >>> role_manager.assignRoleToPrincipal( 97 ... 'waeup.PortalManager', 'bob') 98 99 We notify the machinery about that fact: 100 101 >>> notify(LocalRoleSetEvent(faculty, 'waeup.PortalManager', 'bob', 102 ... granted=True)) 103 >>> bob = root['app']['users']['bob'] 104 >>> bob.getLocalRoles() 105 {'waeup.PortalManager': [<waeup.sirp...Faculty object at 0x...>]} 106 107 When we delete the faculty from ZODB, also Bobs roles are modified: 108 109 >>> del root['app']['bobs_fac'] 110 >>> bob.getLocalRoles() 111 {} 44 112 45 113 Logging in via side bar -
r6174 r6180 266 266 """ 267 267 268 class ILocalRoleSetEvent(IObjectEvent): 269 """A local role was granted/revoked for a principal on an object. 270 """ 271 role_id = Attribute( 272 "The role id that was set.") 273 principal_id = Attribute( 274 "The principal id for which the role was granted/revoked.") 275 granted = Attribute( 276 "Boolean. If false, then the role was revoked.") 277 268 278 class IQueryResultItem(Interface): 269 279 """An item in a search result. -
r4920 r6180 2 2 """ 3 3 import grok 4 from zope.event import notify 5 from zope.interface import Interface 6 from zope.securitypolicy.interfaces import IPrincipalRoleMap 4 7 from waeup.sirp.authentication import Account 5 from waeup.sirp.interfaces import IUserContainer 8 from waeup.sirp.interfaces import IUserContainer, ILocalRoleSetEvent 6 9 7 10 class UserContainer(grok.Container): … … 26 29 """ 27 30 self[] = account 28 31 29 32 def delUser(self, name): 30 33 """Delete user, if an account with the given name exists. … … 34 37 if name in self.keys(): 35 38 del self[name] 39 40 class LocalRoleSetEvent(object): 41 42 grok.implements(ILocalRoleSetEvent) 43 44 def __init__(self, object, role_id, principal_id, granted=True): 45 self.object = object 46 self.role_id = role_id 47 self.principal_id = principal_id 48 self.granted = granted 49 50 @grok.subscribe(Interface, ILocalRoleSetEvent) 51 def handle_local_role_changed(obj, event): 52 site = grok.getSite() 53 if site is None: 54 return 55 users = site['users'] 56 role_id = event.role_id 57 if event.principal_id not in users.keys(): 58 return 59 user = users[event.principal_id] 60 user.notifyLocalRoleChanged(event.object, event.role_id, event.granted) 61 return 62 63 @grok.subscribe(Interface, grok.IObjectRemovedEvent) 64 def handle_local_roles_on_obj_removal(obj, event): 65 role_map = IPrincipalRoleMap(obj) 66 for local_role, user_name, setting in role_map.getPrincipalsAndRoles(): 67 notify(LocalRoleSetEvent( 68 obj, local_role, user_name, granted=False)) 69 return
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