Changeset 5141

12 Apr 2010, 14:40:14 (15 years ago)

Update docs.

1 edited


  • main/waeup.sirp/trunk/src/waeup/sirp/doc/developernotes.txt

    r4978 r5141  
    264264Is a wiiide topic. For now, please see the numerous .txt files in the
    265265source. Most of the **are** tests.
     267Generally, we use `z3c.testsetup` for finding and setting up tests.
     269There are mainly two kinds of tests we use:
     271* unit- or simple doctests
     273  These are included in test runs automatically, if they provide a
     274  marker like this somewhere (normally near top of file)::
     276    .. :doctest:
     278  Most unit tests furthermore declare that they want to be run inside
     279  the `WAeUPSIRPUnitTestLayer` defined in `waeup.sirp.testing`. This
     280  layer groks the whole `waeup.sirp` package, so that all ZCA
     281  components are already setup when you start your tests.
     283  To declare that a unit test testfile should be run inside this
     284  layer, the testfile has to provide the following line::
     286    .. :layer: waeup.sirp.testing.WAeUPSIRPUnitTestLayer
     288  Use it, if in your tests you make use of registered components like
     289  utilities, adapters and the like.
     291* integration or functional tests
     293  These provide a full-blown ZODB storage, so that we can emulate
     294  browser requests to the whole system. Functional tests are much more
     295  expensive in terms of memory and runtime but needed, if you want to
     296  test UI components.
     298  A testfile is registered as functional test on testruns when it
     299  provides a line like the following::
     301    :Test-Layer: functional
    267304Code coverage
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