Changeset 4897 for waeup/trunk/src

27 Jan 2010, 11:33:44 (15 years ago)

Add tests for distributing files.

1 edited


  • waeup/trunk/src/waeup/datacenter.txt

    r4789 r4897  
    9797    >>> shutil.rmtree(verynewpath)
     100Distributing processed files
     103When files were processed by a batch processor, we can put the
     104resulting files into desired destinations.
     106We recreate the datacenter root in case it is missing:
     108    >>> import os
     109    >>> dc_root =
     110    >>> fin_dir = os.path.join(dc_root, 'finished')
     111    >>> unfin_dir = os.path.join(dc_root, 'unfinished')
     113    >>> def recreate_dc_storage():
     114    ...   if os.path.exists(dc_root):
     115    ...     shutil.rmtree(dc_root)
     116    ...   os.mkdir(dc_root)
     117    ...   mydatacenter.setStoragePath(
     118    >>> recreate_dc_storage()
     120We define a function that creates a set of faked result files:
     122    >>> import os
     123    >>> import tempfile
     124    >>> def create_fake_results(source_basename, create_pending=True):
     125    ...   tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     126    ...   src = os.path.join(dc_root, source_basename)
     127    ...   pending_src = None
     128    ...   if create_pending:
     129    ...     pending_src = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'mypendingsource.csv')
     130    ...   finished_src = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'myfinishedsource.csv')
     131    ...   for path in (src, pending_src, finished_src):
     132    ...     if path is not None:
     133    ...       open(path, 'wb').write('blah')
     134    ...   return tmp_dir, src, finished_src, pending_src
     136Now we can create the set of result files, that typically come after a
     137successful processing of a regular source:
     139Now we can try to distribute those files. Let's start with a source
     140file, that was processed successfully:
     142    >>> tmp_dir, src, finished_src, pending_src = create_fake_results(
     143    ...  'mysource.csv', create_pending=False)
     144    >>> mydatacenter.distProcessedFiles(True, src, finished_src,
     145    ...                            pending_src)
     146    >>> sorted(os.listdir(dc_root))
     147    ['finished', 'logs', 'unfinished']
     149    >>> sorted(os.listdir(fin_dir))
     150    ['mysource.csv', 'mysource.finished.csv']
     152    >>> sorted(os.listdir(unfin_dir))
     153    []
     155    >>> shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
     157The root dir is empty, while the original file and the file containing
     158all processed data were moved to'finished/'.
     160Now we restart, but this time we fake an erranous action:
     162    >>> recreate_dc_storage()
     163    >>> tmp_dir, src, finished_src, pending_src = create_fake_results(
     164    ...  'mysource.csv')
     165    >>> mydatacenter.distProcessedFiles(False, src, finished_src,
     166    ...                                 pending_src)
     167    >>> sorted(os.listdir(dc_root))
     168    ['finished', 'logs', 'mysource.pending.csv', 'unfinished']
     170    >>> sorted(os.listdir(fin_dir))
     171    ['mysource.finished.csv']
     173    >>> sorted(os.listdir(unfin_dir))
     174    ['mysource.csv']
     176    >>> shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
     178While the original source was moved to the 'unfinished' dir, the
     179pending file went to the root and the set of already processed items
     180are stored in finished/.
     182We fake processing the pending file and assume that everything went
     183well this time:
     185    >>> tmp_dir, src, finished_src, pending_src = create_fake_results(
     186    ...  'mysource.pending.csv', create_pending=False)
     187    >>> mydatacenter.distProcessedFiles(True, src, finished_src,
     188    ...                                 pending_src)
     190    >>> sorted(os.listdir(dc_root))
     191    ['finished', 'logs', 'unfinished']
     193    >>> sorted(os.listdir(fin_dir))
     194    ['mysource.csv', 'mysource.finished.csv']
     196    >>> sorted(os.listdir(unfin_dir))
     197    []
     199    >>> shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
     201The result is the same as in the first case shown above.
     203We restart again, but this time we fake several non-working imports in
     204a row.
     206We start with a faulty start-import:
     208    >>> recreate_dc_storage()
     209    >>> tmp_dir, src, finished_src, pending_src = create_fake_results(
     210    ...  'mysource.csv')
     211    >>> mydatacenter.distProcessedFiles(False, src, finished_src,
     212    ...                                 pending_src)
     213    >>> shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
     215We try to process the pending file, which fails again:
     217    >>> tmp_dir, src, finished_src, pending_src = create_fake_results(
     218    ...  'mysource.pending.csv')
     219    >>> mydatacenter.distProcessedFiles(False, src, finished_src,
     220    ...                                 pending_src)
     221    >>> shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
     223We try to process the new pending file:
     225    >>> tmp_dir, src, finished_src, pending_src = create_fake_results(
     226    ...  'mysource.pending.csv')
     227    >>> mydatacenter.distProcessedFiles(False, src, finished_src,
     228    ...                                 pending_src)
     230    >>> sorted(os.listdir(dc_root))
     231    ['finished', 'logs', 'mysource.pending.csv', 'unfinished']
     233    >>> sorted(os.listdir(fin_dir))
     234    ['mysource.finished.csv']
     236    >>> sorted(os.listdir(unfin_dir))
     237    ['mysource.csv']
     239    >>> shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
     241Finally, we process the pending file and everything works:
     243    >>> tmp_dir, src, finished_src, pending_src = create_fake_results(
     244    ...  'mysource.pending.csv', create_pending=False)
     245    >>> mydatacenter.distProcessedFiles(True, src, finished_src,
     246    ...                                 pending_src)
     248    >>> sorted(os.listdir(dc_root))
     249    ['finished', 'logs', 'unfinished']
     251    >>> sorted(os.listdir(fin_dir))
     252    ['mysource.csv', 'mysource.finished.csv']
     254    >>> sorted(os.listdir(unfin_dir))
     255    []
     257The root dir is empty (contains no input files) and only the files in
     258finished-subdirectory remain.
     260Clean up:
     262    >>> shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
     263    >>> shutil.rmtree(verynewpath)
    100265Handling imports
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