Changeset 4221 for waeup/branches

8 Jun 2009, 16:56:05 (15 years ago)

Update tests.

1 edited


  • waeup/branches/ulif-rewrite/src/waeup/utils/importexport.txt

    r4159 r4221  
    149149data types like faculties, students, and the like.
    151 Obtaining importers
    152 -------------------
    154 Before we actually do real imports, we have to provide so-called
    155 importers, that will do the job for us. Let's see how that works.
    157 We first create an object into that we can import something:
    159     >>> import grok
    160     >>> from waeup.interfaces import IWAeUPObject
    161     >>> class MyContainer(grok.Container):
    162     ...   #grok.implements(IWAeUPObject)
    163     ...   def foo(self):
    164     ...     print "Boo!"
    166 We get a suitable importer for certain objects by asking for an
    167 adapter to `IWAeUPCSVImporter`:
     151For our purposes we define CSV imports as tuples, containing a CSV
     152source and a CSV receiver:
     154  ``CSV Import := <CSVSource, CSVReceiver>``
     156CSV sources
     159CSV sources build a plugin framework inside the WAeUP portal (that
     160might be factored out one day). See `waeup.csvfile` to learn more
     161about that.
     163A `waeup.csvfile.CSVFile` plugin cares for a special kind of CSV file.
     165To make clear what that means, we start by creating a simple CSV
     168CSVFile objects are abstractions of simple .csv-files. But as not
     169every CSV file contains the same kind of data, we can create different
     170flavours of it, for instance to import departments or faculties. As
     171each kind of import needs different kind of data, we have different
     172kinds of CSV sources.
     174CSV sources can check their associated files for consistency,
     175importability, etc.
     177We create a simple CSV file with cave data:
     179    >>> open('mycavedata.csv', 'wb').write(
     180    ... """size,owner
     181    ... 42,Manfred
     182    ... """)
     184We have a very simple CSVFile available, which is registered as an
     185adapter for strings. To make this work, the string should be a path to
     186a file:
     188    >>> from waeup.csvfile import getCSVFile
     189    >>> mysource = getCSVFile('mycavedata.csv')
     190    >>> mysource
     191    <waeup.csvfile.csvfile.CSVFile object at 0x...>
     193We define caves like this:
     195    >>> class Cave(object):
     196    ...   def __init__(self, size, owner):
     197    ...     self.size = size
     198    ...     self.owner = owner
     199    ...   def __repr__(self):
     200    ...     return '<Cave object [size: %s, owner: %s]>' % (
     201    ...       self.size, self.owner)
     203Let's assume, we have a container for caves:
     205    >>> from zope.interface import Interface
     206    >>> class ICaveContainer(Interface):
     207    ...   """A container for caves."""
     209    >>> class CaveContainer(object):
     210    ...   grok.implements(ICaveContainer)
     211    ...   caves = []
     212    ...   def addCave(self, cave):
     213    ...     self.caves.append(cave)
     215    >>> mycaves = CaveContainer()
     217Now, if we want to import caves from CSV files, we also need an
     218importer, that imports data to the container:
     220    >>> from waeup.csvfile.interfaces import ICSVFile
     221    >>> from waeup.utils.importexport import CSVImporter
    169222    >>> from waeup.interfaces import IWAeUPCSVImporter
    171 If, however, we try to create an importer for our container, we won't
    172 find one right now:
    174     >>> mycontainer = MyContainer()
    175     >>> importer = IWAeUPCSVImporter(mycontainer)
    176     Traceback (most recent call last):
    177     ...
    178     TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <MyContainer ...>,
    179                 <InterfaceClass ...IWAeUPCSVImporter>)
    181 The reason is, that there is simply no importer defined for
    182 `MyContainer` objects.
    184 As an importer must take care for the specific structure of objects
    185 that receive the data, we must first define an importer for our
    186 special container class:
    188     >>> import grok
    189     >>> from waeup.utils.importexport import CSVImporter
    190     >>> class MyImporter(CSVImporter):
    191     ...   grok.context(MyContainer)
    192     ...   datatype = u'My Stuff'
    193     ...   column_terms = ['col1', 'col2']
    194     ...   def doImport(self, filepath, clear_old_data=True,
    195     ...                                overwrite=True):
    196     ...     print "Data imported!"
    198 This importer derives from `CSVImporter`. The `CSVImporter` base class
    199 makes our importer automatically an adapter. Therefore we have to give
    200 the type of object we provide this importer for by using
    201 `grok.context()`.
    203 Instances of our importer will have an instance variable
    204 `self.context` available, which will hold the specific object into
    205 which data should be imported.
    207 The `datatype` string gives a description of the kind of importer we
    208 define. It might be used by UI components to offer services of this
    209 importer.
    211 The `column_terms` class variable holds the column headings we expect
    212 in a received CSV file.
    214 Our importer should also comply with the IWAeUPCSVImporter interface,
    215 therefore we defined a `doImport` method.
    217 To register our importer with the framework, we have to ``grok`` it
    218 first. Note, that in normal use this is done automatically on startup
    219 by the Grok framework:
    221     >>> grok.testing.grok_component('MyImporter', MyImporter)
     223    >>> class CaveImporter(CSVImporter):
     224    ...   # Tell, what kinds of objects we connect...
     225    ...   grok.adapts(ICSVFile, ICaveContainer)
     226    ...   # Tell the world, that we are an importer...
     227    ...   grok.provides(IWAeUPCSVImporter)
     228    ...   # The datatype can be used by UI components and is required
     229    ...   # by the interface...
     230    ...   datatype = u'Cave Importer'
     231    ...   def doImport(self):
     232    ...     # CSVImporter instances have a `csvfile` and a `receiver`
     233    ...     # object defined which refer to the CSV file and the container.
     234    ...     for row in self.csvfile.getData():
     235    ...       cave = Cave(size = row['size'],
     236    ...                   owner = row['owner'])
     237    ...       self.receiver.addCave(cave)
     240An CSV importer must be grokked before we can use it. In real life,
     241this is normally done on startup automatically:
     243    >>> grok.testing.grok_component('CaveImporter', CaveImporter)
    222244    True
    224 Now we can get an importer:
    226     >>> importer = IWAeUPCSVImporter(mycontainer)
    227     >>> importer
    228     <MyImporter object at 0x...>
    230 This importer is rather useless as it does not do much:
    232     >>> importer.doImport('nonsense')
    233     Data imported!
    235 This is a shameless lie. You might, however, get an idea of how to
    236 build your own, real importer.
    238 From the baseclass, however, we get some functionality out-of-the-box:
    239 We can validate files (without importing them):
    241     >>> open('mydata.csv', 'wb').write(
    242     ... """col1,col2
    243     ... item1,item2
    244     ... """)
    246     >>> importer.validate('mydata.csv')
    247     True
    249 If we deliver a misformatted file, the validator will notice that:
    251     >>> open('crapdata.csv', 'wb').write("""
    252     ... col1,blah
    253     ... item1,item2
    254     ... """)
    256     >>> importer.validate('crapdata.csv')
    257     Traceback (most recent call last):
    258     ...
    259     KeyError: 'Validation Error: ... could not be found: col2'
    261 Apparently our input file lacks a ``col2`` column.
    263 The WAeUP portal already comes with a set of better suited
    264 importers. As they rely pretty much on the data structures they are
    265 built for, they are normally defined in the approriate code pieces
    266 where also the data structure itself is handled. So you can find an
    267 importer for faculty CSV data in the `facultycontainer` module.
     246Importers are multi-adapters, so we need to ask for one:
     248    >>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
     249    >>> myimporter = getMultiAdapter((mysource, mycaves), IWAeUPCSVImporter)
     251Now we can finally do the import:
     253    >>> myimporter.doImport()
     255The import was really done:
     257    >>> mycaves.caves
     258    [<Cave object [size: 42, owner: Manfred]>]
     260**Important note**:
     262  This importer adapts ICSVFile and ICaveContainer, which means that
     263  the type of data receiver is specified correctly. For the CSV
     264  source, however, the importer cannot be sure to find a column
     265  ``size`` or ``owner`` in the file.
     267  This can be prevented, by defining a more special CSVFile type and
     268  adapting this instead of ICSVData.
     270  In the `waeup.csvfile` subpackage's README it is shown, how this can
     271  be accomplished.
     273  Summing up we would define an ICaveCSVFile type, provide an
     274  appropriate CSV file wrapper and then let our importer adapt::
     276    (ICaveCSVFile, ICaveContainer)
     278**Another note**:
     280  The importer we defined above does not support the ``clear_old_data``
     281  and ``overwrite`` keywords as would be required by the
     282  IWAeUPImporter interface.
     284  In real life this keywords should be supported.
    269286Clean up:
    271     >>> import os
    272     >>> os.unlink('crapdata.csv')
    273     >>> os.unlink('mydata.csv')
     288   >>> import os
     289   >>> os.unlink('mycavedata.csv')
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