Changeset 2758
- Timestamp:
- 25 Nov 2007, 22:06:28 (17 years ago)
- Location:
- Files:
- 2 added
- 1 deleted
- 8 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2680 r2758 1 ## Script (Python) "getPaymentsFolderInfo"1 z## Script (Python) "getPaymentsFolderInfo" 2 2 ##bind container=container 3 3 ##bind context=context … … 109 109 row['confirmed'] = 'unsuccessful' 110 110 row['is_editable'] = is_so and (row['confirmed'] == 'active') 111 111 112 112 payments.append(row) 113 113 -
r2496 r2758 77 77 <span tal:condition="python:info['review_state']=='returning'"> 78 78 <tr><td class="active"> 79 <a href="" tal:attributes="href string:${info/url}/session_results_view">79 80 80 Returning 81 </a> 81 82 82 </td></tr> 83 83 </span> -
r2752 r2758 117 117 cert = res[0] 118 118 path = cert.getPath() 119 query = Eq("path","%s/%s" % (path,current_level)) &\ 119 academics_level = 100 * (int(current_level)/100) 120 query = Eq("path","%s/%s" % (path,academics_level)) &\ 120 121 Eq('portal_type','CertificateCourse') 121 122 courses = aq_portal(query) -
r2757 r2758 38 38 logger = logging.getLogger('Skins.getStudyLevelInfo') 39 39 40 info = {} 41 40 42 student_id = context.getStudentId() 41 level_id =context.getId()43 level_id = context.getId() 42 44 43 info = {}44 45 info['is_so'] = is_so = context.isSectionOfficer() 45 46 info['is_student'] = is_student = context.isStudent() … … 49 50 info['view_only'] = review_state != "school_fee_paid" 50 51 52 level_doc = info['doc'] = context.getContent() 51 53 52 54 school_fee_paid = review_state == 'school_fee_paid' 53 54 55 is_current_level = level_id == student.level 55 56 56 info['show_check_boxes'] = (is_ca and school_fee_paid and is_current_level) or\ 57 (is_student and school_fee_paid and is_current_level) or\ 58 (is_so and is_current_level) 57 58 59 info['show_check_boxes'] = (is_ca and school_fee_paid and is_current_level and not level_doc.verdict) or\ 60 (is_student and school_fee_paid and is_current_level and not level_doc.verdict) or\ 61 (is_so and is_current_level and not level_doc.verdict) 59 62 60 63 info['is_current_level'] = is_current_level … … 72 75 elif review_state == 'courses_validated': 73 76 info['status_info'] = "Courses validated" 74 level_doc = info['doc'] = context.getContent() 77 75 78 cert_id = student.course 76 79 info['cert_id'] = cert_id … … 90 93 if gpa and total_credits: 91 94 info['gpa'] = "%4.2f" % (float(gpa)/int(total_credits)) 92 93 info['submission_allowed']= school_fee_paid and level_id == student.level 95 96 info['submission_allowed']= school_fee_paid and level_id == student.level and not level_doc.verdict 94 97 info['validation_allowed']= review_state == 'courses_registered' and is_current_level 95 98 info['rejection_allowed']= review_state in ('courses_registered', 'courses_validated',) and is_current_level 96 99 97 info['verdict'] = context.portal_vocabularies.verdicts.get(level_doc.verdict) 100 info['verdict'] = context.portal_vocabularies.verdicts.get(level_doc.verdict).upper() 98 101 info['session'] = context.portal_vocabularies.sessions.get(level_doc.session) 102 info['level_str'] = context.portal_vocabularies.levels.get(level_id) 103 99 104 100 105 # carry_overs.sort(cmp_semester_id) -
r2460 r2758 47 47 res = context.portal_catalog(portal_type="Certificate", id = cert_id) 48 48 query = Eq('student_id',student_id) & Eq('level_id', level_id) 49 existing_courses = [course.code for course in 49 existing_courses = [course.code for course in 50 50 context.course_results.evalAdvancedQuery(query)] 51 51 l = [] … … 54 54 cert = res[0] 55 55 path = cert.getPath() 56 query = Eq("path","%s/%s" % (path,student.level)) &\ 56 academics_level = 100 * (int(student.level)/100) 57 query = Eq("path","%s/%s" % (path,academics_level)) &\ 57 58 Eq('portal_type','CertificateCourse') 58 59 courses = aq_portal(query) … … 67 68 d['core_or_elective'] = getattr(c.getObject().getContent(),'core_or_elective') 68 69 d['course_id'] = course_id 69 d['student_id'] = student_id 70 d['level_id'] = level_id 70 d['student_id'] = student_id 71 d['level_id'] = level_id 71 72 d['key'] = "%s|%s|%s" % (student_id,level_id,course_id) 72 73 records.append(d) -
r2757 r2758 17 17 view_only info/view_only"> 18 18 <div style="text-align: right" 19 tal:condition="python:review_state in ('courses_registered','courses_validated',) ">19 tal:condition="python:review_state in ('courses_registered','courses_validated',) and is_current_level"> 20 20 <a href="" target="slip" tal:attributes="href string:course_registration_slip" 21 21 onclick="'','slip','width=600, height=700, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')"> … … 24 24 </a> 25 25 </div> 26 27 <div style="text-align: right" 28 tal:condition="info/verdict"> 29 <a href="" target="slip" tal:attributes="href string:new_session_results_slip" 30 onclick="'','slip','width=600, height=700, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')"> 31 <img tal:attributes="src string:${here/portal_url}/actionicon_print.png" /> 32 Session Results Slip 33 </a> 34 </div> 26 35 27 36 … … 64 73 <form action="." method="post" class="group" onsubmit="return submit_once()"> 65 74 <span tal:condition="info/carry_overs" tal:omit-tag=""> 66 <h 4>Carryover Courses</h4>75 <h3>Carryover Courses</h3> 67 76 <br /> 68 77 <table tal:condition="python: 1" class="contentListing" width="100%" summary="content layout" id="folder_content"> … … 94 103 </table> 95 104 </span> 96 <br />97 105 98 106 <div class="" tal:condition="python: info['data_missing'] and not info['spillover']"> … … 102 110 103 111 <span tal:condition="not:info/data_missing" tal:omit-tag=""> 104 <h 4>Session Courses</h4>112 <h3>Session Courses</h3> 105 113 <br /> 106 114 … … 112 120 <th tal:attributes="colspan python: test(show_check_boxes,'2','1')" 113 121 tal:content="python: test(sem == '1','First Semester', 'Second Semester')" /> 114 <th align='center'> code</th>122 <th align='center'></th> 115 123 <th align='center'>sm</th> 116 124 <th align='center'>cr</th> … … 186 194 </span> 187 195 188 196 <br /> 197 <table> 198 <tr><th>sm:</th> <td>Semester</td></tr> 199 <tr><th>cr:</th> <td>Credits</td></tr> 200 <tr><th>sc:</th> <td>Score</td></tr> 201 <tr><th>gr: </th> <td>Grade</td></tr> 202 <tr><th>wt: </th> <td>Weight</td></tr> 203 </table> 204 205 <br /> 189 206 190 207 <table tal:condition="python: is_student and info['submission_allowed'] and show_check_boxes" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" … … 230 247 </tr> 231 248 </table> 232 <table tal:condition="python: is_so and is_current_level" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"249 <table tal:condition="python: is_so and show_check_boxes" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" 233 250 class="folderButtons"> 234 251 <tr> -
r2360 r2758 159 159 category="student" 160 160 condition_expr="python: here.isStudent() and here.getStudentWorkflowInfo()['tr']" 161 url_expr="string:${portal_url}/request_transfer" visible=" True"/>161 url_expr="string:${portal_url}/request_transfer" visible="False"/> 162 162 </action-provider> 163 163 <action-provider name="portal_registration"> -
r2657 r2758 108 108 else: 109 109 row['confirmed'] = 'unsuccessful' 110 row['is_editable'] = is_so and (row['confirmed'] == 'active') 110 111 payments.append(row) 111 112
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