Changeset 2239
- Timestamp:
- 14 Sep 2007, 08:54:32 (18 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2238 r2239 22 22 msgstr "Contributor" 23 23 24 msgid "Create a document of type ${type_name}" 25 msgstr "Create a ${type_name}" 26 24 27 msgid "Created by ${item_creator}. Last modified ${item_modification}." 25 28 msgstr "Created by ${item_creator}. Last modified ${item_modification}." … … 31 34 msgstr "" 32 35 36 msgid "Edit ${title}" 37 msgstr "Edit \"${title}\"" 38 33 39 msgid "Error" 34 40 msgstr "Error" … … 61 67 msgstr "Login" 62 68 69 msgid "Metadata of ${title}" 70 msgstr "Metadata of \"${title}\"" 71 63 72 msgid "My stuff" 64 73 msgstr "Private space" … … 73 82 msgstr "Objects: <strong> ${batch_start} - ${batch_limit} </strong> of ${batch_length}" 74 83 84 msgid "Page ${page}" 85 msgstr "Page ${page}" 86 75 87 msgid "Portal actions" 76 88 msgstr "Portal actions" … … 118 130 msgstr "True" 119 131 132 msgid "Type" 133 msgstr "nop" 134 135 msgid "Type Title" 136 msgstr "" 137 120 138 msgid "Undo" 121 139 msgstr "Undo" … … 490 508 msgstr "All collected data has been erased." 491 509 510 msgid "cpdoc_flex_link_label_edit" 511 msgstr "Link address: " 512 492 513 msgid "cpsdir_err_entry_already_exists" 493 514 msgstr "An entry with the same identifier already exists" … … 520 541 msgstr "View" 521 542 543 msgid "cpsdoc_Event_content_label_edit" 544 msgstr "Content of the event: " 545 546 msgid "cpsdoc_Event_end_label" 547 msgstr " to " 548 549 msgid "cpsdoc_Event_end_label_edit" 550 msgstr "To: " 551 552 msgid "cpsdoc_Event_start_label" 553 msgstr "From " 554 555 msgid "cpsdoc_Event_start_label_edit" 556 msgstr "From: " 557 522 558 msgid "cpsdoc_Flash_Animation_label_edit" 523 559 msgstr "Flash Animation (swf)" 524 560 561 msgid "cpsdoc_Image_label_edit" 562 msgstr "Image: " 563 564 msgid "cpsdoc_Link_label_edit" 565 msgstr "Link address: " 566 567 msgid "cpsdoc_NewsItem_label_publication_date" 568 msgstr "Publication date:" 569 570 msgid "cpsdoc_NewsItem_label_related_subjects" 571 msgstr "Related subjects:" 572 573 msgid "cpsdoc_allow_discussion_label_edit" 574 msgstr "Comments activation: " 575 576 msgid "cpsdoc_attachedFile_label" 577 msgstr "Attached file:" 578 579 msgid "cpsdoc_book_display" 580 msgstr "Display mode" 581 582 msgid "cpsdoc_book_display_flat" 583 msgstr "Flat view" 584 585 msgid "cpsdoc_book_display_pages" 586 msgstr "With separate pages" 587 588 msgid "cpsdoc_book_has_search_box_label_edit" 589 msgstr "Search Box" 590 591 msgid "cpsdoc_book_nb_summary_page_label_edit" 592 msgstr "Number of table of content items displayed per page" 593 594 msgid "cpsdoc_date_label" 595 msgstr "On " 596 597 msgid "cpsdoc_date_label_edit" 598 msgstr "Date: " 599 600 msgid "cpsdoc_description_label_edit" 601 msgstr "Description: " 602 603 msgid "cpsdoc_faq_answer_label" 604 msgstr "Answer: " 605 606 msgid "cpsdoc_faq_answer_label_edit" 607 msgstr "Answer: " 608 609 msgid "cpsdoc_faq_long_question_label_edit" 610 msgstr "Question comments: " 611 612 msgid "cpsdoc_faq_question_label_edit" 613 msgstr "Question: " 614 615 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_attachedFile_label" 616 msgstr "Attached file: " 617 618 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_attachedFile_label_edit" 619 msgstr "Attached file: " 620 621 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_attachedFile_title" 622 msgstr "Attached file" 623 624 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_content_label_edit" 625 msgstr "Text: " 626 627 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_content_right_label_edit" 628 msgstr "Right column text (optional): " 629 630 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_content_title" 631 msgstr "Text block" 632 633 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_flash_label" 634 msgstr "Flash Animation: " 635 636 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_flash_label_edit" 637 msgstr "Flash Animation: " 638 639 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_flash_title" 640 msgstr "Flash Animation" 641 642 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_link_title" 643 msgstr "Link (URL)" 644 645 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_photo_label_edit" 646 msgstr "Photo: " 647 648 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_photo_title" 649 msgstr "Photo" 650 651 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_textimage_label_edit" 652 msgstr "Text and image block: " 653 654 msgid "cpsdoc_flex_textimage_title" 655 msgstr "Image and Text block" 656 657 msgid "cpsdoc_glossary_dispall_label_edit" 658 msgstr "Display all entries if no letter is selected" 659 660 msgid "cpsdoc_glossary_expl_label_edit" 661 msgstr "Definition" 662 663 msgid "cpsdoc_glossary_term_label_edit" 664 msgstr "Term" 665 666 msgid "cpsdoc_hidden_folder" 667 msgstr "Hide this folder in the navigation" 668 669 msgid "cpsdoc_hidden_folder_help" 670 msgstr "This folder will be hidden in view mode, you can still view/access this folder using 'Folder Contents' or when choosing a target for publishing. Use 'Local Roles' to secure the folder access." 671 672 msgid "cpsdoc_imgallery_col_label_edit" 673 msgstr "Number of Columns per Page" 674 675 msgid "cpsdoc_imgallery_height_label_edit" 676 msgstr "Thumbnail Height" 677 678 msgid "cpsdoc_imgallery_items_label_edit" 679 msgstr "Number of Thumbnails per Page" 680 681 msgid "cpsdoc_imgallery_width_label_edit" 682 msgstr "Thumbnail Width" 683 684 msgid "cpsdoc_imgallery_ziparchiveuploader_label_edit" 685 msgstr "Load images from a Zip archive" 686 687 msgid "cpsdoc_imgallery_ziparchiveuploader_label_help" 688 msgstr "Load any image file (jpeg, png, gif) from a zip archive file." 689 690 msgid "cpsdoc_import_zip_title" 691 msgstr "Import documents from ZIP File" 692 693 msgid "cpsdoc_link_next_page" 694 msgstr "Next page" 695 696 msgid "cpsdoc_link_previous_page" 697 msgstr "Previous page" 698 699 msgid "cpsdoc_link_toc" 700 msgstr "Table of contents" 701 702 msgid "cpsdoc_popup_height_label_edit" 703 msgstr "Window Height" 704 705 msgid "cpsdoc_popup_mode_label_edit" 706 msgstr "Show images in a popup window" 707 708 msgid "cpsdoc_popup_width_label_edit" 709 msgstr "Window width" 710 711 msgid "cpsdoc_preview_label_edit" 712 msgstr "Icon: " 713 714 msgid "cpsdoc_theme_label_edit" 715 msgstr "Theme: " 716 717 msgid "cpsdoc_title_label_edit" 718 msgstr "Title: " 719 720 msgid "cpsdoc_title_toc" 721 msgstr "Table of Contents" 722 723 msgid "cpsdoc_zippedhtml_label" 724 msgstr "Html zip archive" 725 525 726 msgid "cpsschema_at" 526 727 msgstr "at" … … 910 1111 msgstr "There are too many results for your query, please refine your query." 911 1112 1113 msgid "description_up_to" 1114 msgstr "Up to ${up_id}" 1115 912 1116 msgid "description_vocabulary_manage_form" 913 1117 msgstr "This page allow you to manage vocabularies and their entries." … … 1003 1207 msgstr "Don't panic!" 1004 1208 1209 msgid "heading_metadata_edit" 1210 msgstr "Metadata edition" 1211 1212 msgid "heading_metadata_view" 1213 msgstr "Metadata" 1214 1005 1215 msgid "heading_password_reminder" 1006 1216 msgstr "Password reminder" … … 1051 1261 msgstr "Unpublish of ${item_id}" 1052 1262 1263 msgid "help_dc_contirbutors" 1264 msgstr "Entities responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource." 1265 1266 msgid "help_dc_coverage" 1267 msgstr "The extent or scope of the content of the resource." 1268 1269 msgid "help_dc_relation" 1270 msgstr "A reference (URL) to a related resource." 1271 1272 msgid "help_dc_source" 1273 msgstr "A Reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived." 1274 1275 msgid "help_dc_subject" 1276 msgstr "A topic of the content of the resource." 1277 1053 1278 msgid "help_no_items_to_rename" 1054 1279 msgstr "You must select one or more items to rename." 1055 1280 1281 msgid "help_transition_comments_modification" 1282 msgstr "In this field you can give the reason for the modification on this document. Your comments may be used to notify other users." 1283 1056 1284 msgid "i18_key-help_for_this_field" 1057 1285 msgstr "" … … 1111 1339 msgstr "All" 1112 1340 1341 msgid "label_author_asc" 1342 msgstr "Ascending author" 1343 1344 msgid "label_author_desc" 1345 msgstr "Descending author" 1346 1113 1347 msgid "label_bottom" 1114 1348 msgstr "Bottom" … … 1132 1366 msgstr "Compact" 1133 1367 1368 msgid "label_coverage" 1369 msgstr "Coverage" 1370 1134 1371 msgid "label_cpsdir_roles_Manager" 1135 1372 msgstr "Manager" … … 1150 1387 msgstr "Date" 1151 1388 1389 msgid "label_date_asc" 1390 msgstr "Ascending date" 1391 1392 msgid "label_date_desc" 1393 msgstr "Descending date" 1394 1152 1395 msgid "label_date_effective_asc" 1153 1396 msgstr "Effective date" … … 1321 1564 msgstr "Password (confirm) " 1322 1565 1566 msgid "label_portal_type" 1567 msgstr "Resource type" 1568 1323 1569 msgid "label_private_spaces" 1324 1570 msgstr "Private spaces" 1325 1571 1572 msgid "label_relation" 1573 msgstr "Relation" 1574 1326 1575 msgid "label_right" 1327 1576 msgstr "Right" … … 1372 1621 msgstr "Sort by" 1373 1622 1623 msgid "label_source" 1624 msgstr "Source" 1625 1374 1626 msgid "label_start_date" 1375 1627 msgstr "Start Date (DD/MM/YYYY)" … … 1379 1631 1380 1632 msgid "label_status_asc" 1381 msgstr " Status"1633 msgstr "Ascending status" 1382 1634 1383 1635 msgid "label_status_desc" 1384 msgstr " Status desc"1636 msgstr "Descending status" 1385 1637 1386 1638 msgid "label_subgroups" … … 1390 1642 msgstr "Subject" 1391 1643 1644 msgid "label_subject_Arts" 1645 msgstr "Arts" 1646 1647 msgid "label_subject_Business" 1648 msgstr "Business" 1649 1650 msgid "label_subject_Computers" 1651 msgstr "Computers" 1652 1653 msgid "label_subject_Games" 1654 msgstr "Games" 1655 1656 msgid "label_subject_Health" 1657 msgstr "Health" 1658 1659 msgid "label_subject_Home" 1660 msgstr "Home" 1661 1662 msgid "label_subject_Kids and Teens" 1663 msgstr "Kids and Teens" 1664 1665 msgid "label_subject_News" 1666 msgstr "News" 1667 1668 msgid "label_subject_Recreation" 1669 msgstr "Recreation" 1670 1671 msgid "label_subject_Reference" 1672 msgstr "Reference" 1673 1674 msgid "label_subject_Regional" 1675 msgstr "Regional" 1676 1677 msgid "label_subject_Science" 1678 msgstr "Science" 1679 1680 msgid "label_subject_Shopping" 1681 msgstr "Shopping" 1682 1683 msgid "label_subject_Society" 1684 msgstr "Society" 1685 1686 msgid "label_subject_Sports" 1687 msgstr "Sports" 1688 1392 1689 msgid "label_text_to_search" 1393 1690 msgstr "Text to search" … … 1397 1694 1398 1695 msgid "label_title_asc" 1399 msgstr " Title"1696 msgstr "Ascending title" 1400 1697 1401 1698 msgid "label_title_desc" 1402 msgstr " Title desc"1699 msgstr "Descending title" 1403 1700 1404 1701 msgid "label_to" … … 1438 1735 msgstr "You are here: " 1439 1736 1737 msgid "label_zip_file" 1738 msgstr "ZIP File" 1739 1440 1740 msgid "language" 1441 1741 msgstr "Language" … … 1543 1843 msgstr "more choices" 1544 1844 1845 msgid "next" 1846 msgstr "Next" 1847 1545 1848 msgid "no_dir_available" 1546 1849 msgstr "No directory available" … … 1549 1852 msgstr "pending" 1550 1853 1854 msgid "portal_type_Book_description" 1855 msgstr "A folder that displays the documents it contains as pages" 1856 1857 msgid "portal_type_Book_title" 1858 msgstr "Book" 1859 1860 msgid "portal_type_Chapter_description" 1861 msgstr "A Chapter contain Pages" 1862 1863 msgid "portal_type_Chapter_title" 1864 msgstr "Book - Chapter" 1865 1866 msgid "portal_type_Document_description" 1867 msgstr "A basic document that can be used to create an HTML page" 1868 1869 msgid "portal_type_Document_title" 1870 msgstr "Web Document" 1871 1551 1872 msgid "portal_type_Dummy2_description" 1552 1873 msgstr " " … … 1561 1882 msgstr "Dummy document" 1562 1883 1884 msgid "portal_type_Event_description" 1885 msgstr "An event" 1886 1887 msgid "portal_type_Event_title" 1888 msgstr "Event" 1889 1890 msgid "portal_type_FAQ_description" 1891 msgstr "Set of Frequently Asked Questions" 1892 1893 msgid "portal_type_FAQ_title" 1894 msgstr "FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)" 1895 1896 msgid "portal_type_FAQitem_description" 1897 msgstr "Question / Answer" 1898 1899 msgid "portal_type_FAQitem_title" 1900 msgstr "FAQ item" 1901 1902 msgid "portal_type_File_description" 1903 msgstr "Indexed attached file" 1904 1905 msgid "portal_type_File_title" 1906 msgstr "File" 1907 1908 msgid "portal_type_Flash_Animation_description" 1909 msgstr "Flash Animation (swf format)" 1910 1911 msgid "portal_type_Flash_Animation_title" 1912 msgstr "Flash Animation" 1913 1914 msgid "portal_type_Flexible_description" 1915 msgstr "Flexible document!" 1916 1917 msgid "portal_type_Flexible_title" 1918 msgstr "Flexible document" 1919 1920 msgid "portal_type_GlossaryItem_description" 1921 msgstr "Term definition (for glossaries)" 1922 1923 msgid "portal_type_GlossaryItem_title" 1924 msgstr "Glossary Entry" 1925 1926 msgid "portal_type_Glossary_description" 1927 msgstr "Set of definitions grouped alphabetically" 1928 1929 msgid "portal_type_Glossary_title" 1930 msgstr "Glossary" 1931 1932 msgid "portal_type_ImageGallery_description" 1933 msgstr "Set of pictures" 1934 1935 msgid "portal_type_ImageGallery_title" 1936 msgstr "Image Gallery" 1937 1938 msgid "portal_type_Image_description" 1939 msgstr "A picture" 1940 1941 msgid "portal_type_Image_title" 1942 msgstr "Image" 1943 1944 msgid "portal_type_Link_description" 1945 msgstr "An URL" 1946 1947 msgid "portal_type_Link_title" 1948 msgstr "Link" 1949 1563 1950 msgid "portal_type_Members_Workspace_description" 1564 1951 msgstr "Members Root Workspace" … … 1567 1954 msgstr "Members Root Workspace" 1568 1955 1956 msgid "portal_type_NewsItem_description" 1957 msgstr "A news item document" 1958 1959 msgid "portal_type_NewsItem_title" 1960 msgstr "News item" 1961 1962 msgid "portal_type_Page_description" 1963 msgstr "A flexible document displayed as a page in a book" 1964 1965 msgid "portal_type_Page_title" 1966 msgstr "Book - Page" 1967 1968 msgid "portal_type_PressRelease_description" 1969 msgstr "A Press Release is a special News aimed at the press through formal publication" 1970 1971 msgid "portal_type_PressRelease_title" 1972 msgstr "Press Release" 1973 1569 1974 msgid "portal_type_Section_description" 1570 1975 msgstr "Sections contains published revisions of documents" … … 1579 1984 msgstr "Workspace" 1580 1985 1986 msgid "portal_type_ZippedHtml_description" 1987 msgstr "A zip archive that contain html, that can be preview online" 1988 1989 msgid "portal_type_ZippedHtml_title" 1990 msgstr "Zipped Html File" 1991 1992 msgid "previous" 1993 msgstr "Previous" 1994 1995 msgid "psm_ajax_working" 1996 msgstr "Transferring datas" 1997 1581 1998 msgid "psm_archive_deleted" 1582 1999 msgstr "Archive deleted." … … 1771 2188 msgstr "Comments" 1772 2189 2190 msgid "transition_comments_modification" 2191 msgstr "Reason for the modification" 2192 1773 2193 msgid "translate" 1774 2194 msgstr "Translation"
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.