Changeset 2100 for WAeUP_SRP/trunk

16 Aug 2007, 07:05:02 (17 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

no comment

5 edited


  • WAeUP_SRP/trunk/

    r2099 r2100  
    693693         'label': 'Reference Field'},
    694694         )
    695     catalog = "portal_pumeresults" #the catalog to search for jamb_reg_no
     695    #catalog = "portal_pumeresults" #the catalog to search for jamb_reg_no
    696696    reference = ""
    697697    digits = 8
    702702        """Validate datastructure and update datamodel."""
    703703        valid = CPSStringWidget.validate(self, datastructure, **kw)
    704         jamb_nr_catalog = getattr(self,self.catalog)
     704        reg_no_catalog = getattr(self,self.catalog)
    705705        widget_id = self.getWidgetId()
    706706        value = datastructure[widget_id].upper()
    712712            mode = "edit"
    713713        if not valid:
    714             err = 'Invalid number'
     714            err = 'Invalid registration number'
    715715        elif self.reference == '':
    716716            #s = getStudentByRegNo(self,value)
    717             pume = jamb_nr_catalog(jamb_reg_no = value)
     717            pume = reg_no_catalog(jamb_reg_no = value)
    718718            if len(pume) < 1:
    719                 err = 'No student record with this registration number.'
     719                err = 'No student record with this registration number'
    720720            else:
    721721                datastructure['pume'] = pume[0]
    723723            pass
    724724        elif self.reference != '' and self.catalog == "applicants_catalog":
    725             res = jamb_nr_catalog.searchResults({"%s" % self.reference: value})
     725            res = reg_no_catalog.searchResults({"%s" % self.reference: value})
    726726            if len(res) != 1:
    727                 err = 'No record with this registration number.'
     727                err = 'No record with this registration number'
    728728            else:
    729729                datastructure['record'] = res[0]
  • WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/application.xml

    r2099 r2100  
    181181      <element value="eng_score"/>
    182182    </property>
    183     <property name="label">English: </property>
    184     <property name="label_edit">English:</property>
     183    <property name="label">English</property>
     184    <property name="label_edit">English</property>
    185185    <property name="description"></property>
    186186    <property name="help"></property>
    222222      <element value="subj1score"/>
    223223    </property>
    224     <property name="label"> : </property>
    225     <property name="label_edit"> : </property>
     224    <property name="label"></property>
     225    <property name="label_edit"></property>
    226226    <property name="description"></property>
    227227    <property name="help"></property>
    263263      <element value="subj2score"/>
    264264    </property>
    265     <property name="label"> : </property>
    266     <property name="label_edit"> : </property>
     265    <property name="label"></property>
     266    <property name="label_edit"></property>
    267267    <property name="description"></property>
    268268    <property name="help"></property>
    304304      <element value="subj3score"/>
    305305    </property>
    306     <property name="label"> : </property>
    307     <property name="label_edit"> : </property>
     306    <property name="label"></property>
     307    <property name="label_edit"></property>
    308308    <property name="description"></property>
    309309    <property name="help"></property>
  • WAeUP_SRP/trunk/profiles/default/vocabularies/jamb_subjects.xml

    r2098 r2100  
    1515  <item key="ECO" msgid="">Economics</item>
    1616  <item key="FRE" msgid="">French</item>
    17   <item key="GEO" msgid="">Geographie</item>
    18   <item key="GOV" msgid="">Goverment</item>
     17  <item key="GEO" msgid="">Geography</item>
     18  <item key="GOV" msgid="">Government</item>
    1919  <item key="HIS" msgid="">History</item>
    2020  <item key="IRK" msgid="">Islamic Rel. Knowledge</item>
    2323  <item key="H/E" msgid="">Home Economics</item>
    2424  <item key="LIT" msgid="">Literature In English</item>
    25   <item key="MUS" msgid="">Musik</item>
     25  <item key="MUS" msgid="">Music</item>
    2626  <item key="PHY" msgid="">Physics</item>
    2727  <item key="YOR" msgid="">Yoruba Language</item>
  • WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/

    r2098 r2100  
    99    <metal:block use-macro="here/main_template/macros/master">
    1010      <metal:block fill-slot="main">
    11         <h3>Apppply for the Post University Matriculation Examination! </h3>
     11        <h3>Apply for the Post University Matriculation Examination! </h3>
    1212        <br />
    1313        <form action="" id="editForm" method="post"
    2424                 value=""
    2525            />
    26             I confirm that Passport Photograph uploaded on this form is a true picture of me
     26            I confirm that the Passport Photograph uploaded on this form is a true picture of me.
    2727          </div>
    2929          <input type="submit" class="standalone"
    3030                 name="edit"
    31                  value="Edit"
     31                 value="Save"
    3232                 tal:condition="python: mode == 'edit'" />
    3333          <input type="submit" class="standalone" name="apply"
    34                  value="apply for Pume"
     34                 value="Save & Apply for PUME"
    3535                 tal:condition="python: mode == 'edit'"
    3636                 />
    4646            <li>Enter your JAMB Registration Number and the Application PIN above.</li>
    4747            <li>Upload your passport picture.</li>
    48             <li>Apply for Pume.</li>
     48            <li>Apply for PUME.</li>
    4949          </ul>
    5050          <ul tal:condition="python: mode == 'view'">
  • WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/

    r2098 r2100  
    77  proceed options/proceed|nothing;
    88  ">
    9 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" summary="Form layout"
     9<table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" summary="Form layout" border=1
    1010       tal:condition="layout/rows">
    1111  <tr tal:repeat="row layout/rows" valign="top">
    12     <td tal:repeat="cell row"
    13       tal:attributes="colspan cell/ncols">
     13<span tal:repeat="cell row">
    1414      <tal:block define="widget cell/widget;
    1515                         wid widget/getWidgetId;
    2020                         widget_css_class cell/widget_css_class|nothing;
    2121                         css_class python:test(err, 'row error','row')">
    22         <div tal:attributes="class widget_css_class;
     22        <span tal:attributes="class widget_css_class;
    2323                             id python:widget.getHtmlWidgetId()+'_widget';
    2424                            ">
    25           <div class="label" tal:condition="widget/label_edit"
    26             tal:attributes="class python:test(is_required, 'label required',
    27                                               'label')">
    28             <label i18n:translate="" tal:condition="widget/is_i18n"
    29               tal:content="widget/label_edit"
    30               tal:attributes="for cell/widget_input_area_id|nothing;">label</label>
    31             <label tal:condition="not:widget/is_i18n"
    32               tal:content="widget/label_edit"
     26          <td tal:condition="widget/label_edit">               
     27          <div tal:attributes="class python:test(is_required, 'label required','label')">
     28            <label tal:content="widget/label_edit"
    3329              tal:attributes="for cell/widget_input_area_id|nothing;">label</label>
    3430          </div>
    35           <button type="button" class="tooltipControl"
    36                   tal:condition="widget/help"
    37                   tal:attributes="onclick python:'toggleElementVisibility(\'%s\')' % tooltip_id;"> ? </button>
    38           <div class="field">
    39             <div tal:replace="structure cell/widget_rendered"/>
    40           </div>
    41           <div class="tooltipArea" style="visibility: hidden;"
    42                tal:condition="widget/help"
    43                tal:attributes="id tooltip_id;
    44                                onclick python:'showElement(false, \'%s\')' % tooltip_id;">
    45             <tal:block i18n:translate="" tal:condition="widget/is_i18n"
    46               tal:content="widget/help">i18_key-help_for_this_field</tal:block>
    47             <tal:block tal:condition="not:widget/is_i18n"
    48               tal:content="widget/help">This is the help for this field</tal:block>
    49           </div>
     31          </td>
     32          <td>
     33          <label tal:replace="structure cell/widget_rendered"/>
     34          </td>
    5035          <tal:block condition="err">
    5136              <tal:block define="msg python:cpsmcat(err, mapping=err_mapping)">
    5439              </tal:block>
    5540          </tal:block>
    56         </div>
     41        </span>
    5742      </tal:block>
    58     </td>
    5945  </tr>
    61                                 </metal:block>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.