Changeset 205 for waeup_product

18 May 2006, 09:14:58 (18 years ago)


3 deleted
6 edited


  • waeup_product/trunk/

    r204 r205  
    11#-*- mode: python; mode: fold -*-
    22# $Id$
    3 from Products.CMFCore.utils import ContentInit, ToolInit
     3#from Products.CMFCore.utils import ContentInit, ToolInit
    44from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import registerDirectory
    55from Products.CMFCore import utils as cmfutils
    100100        for_=ICPSSite)
    103 ##import University ###(
    104 ##import Students
    105 ##import Accommodation
    106 ##import Faculty
    107 ##import Widgets
    108 ##import WAeUPPermissions
    109 ##import WAeUPTool
    110 ##
    111 ##tools = (
    112 ##    WAeUPTool.WAeUPTool,
    113 ##)
    114 ##
    115 ##fti = (Students.student_fti,
    116 ##       Students.studentdocuments_fti,
    117 ##       Students.studentpersonal_fti,
    118 ##       Students.studenteligibility_fti,
    119 ##       Students.jamb_fti,
    120 ##       Students.study_level_fti,
    121 ##       Students.semester_fti,
    122 ##       Accommodation.accofolder_fti,
    123 ##       Accommodation.accommodation_fti,
    124 ##       Faculty.faculty_fti,
    125 ##       Faculty.department_fti,
    126 ##       Faculty.course_fti,
    127 ##       Faculty.course_ticket_fti,
    128 ##      )
    129 ##
    130 ##contentClasses = (University.University,
    131 ##                  Students.StudentsFolder,
    132 ##                  Students.Student,
    133 ##                  Students.StudentDocuments,
    134 ##                  Students.StudentPersonal,
    135 ##                  Students.StudentEligibility,
    136 ##                  Students.Jamb,
    137 ##                  Students.StudyLevel,
    138 ##                  Students.Semester,
    139 ##                  Accommodation.AccoFolder,
    140 ##                  Accommodation.Accommodation,
    141 ##                  Faculty.Faculty,
    142 ##                  Faculty.Department,
    143 ##                  Faculty.Course,
    144 ##                  Faculty.CourseTicket,
    145 ##                 )
    146 ##
    147 ##contentConstructors = (University.addUniversity,
    148 ##                       Students.addStudentsFolder,
    149 ##                       Students.addStudent,
    150 ##                       Students.addStudentDocuments,
    151 ##                       Students.addStudentPersonal,
    152 ##                       Students.addStudentEligibility,
    153 ##                       Students.addJamb,
    154 ##                       Students.addStudyLevel,
    155 ##                       Students.addSemester,
    156 ##                       Accommodation.addAccommodation,
    157 ##                       Accommodation.addAccoFolder,
    158 ##                       Faculty.addFaculty,
    159 ##                       Faculty.addDepartment,
    160 ##                       Faculty.addCourse,
    161 ##                       Faculty.addCourseTicket,
    162 ##                       )
    163 ##
    164 ##def initialize(context):
    165 ##    ToolInit(
    166 ##        'WAeUP Tool',
    167 ##        tools = tools,
    168 ##        icon = 'tool.png',
    169 ##    ).initialize(context)
    170 ##
    171 ##    ContentInit(
    172 ##        'WAeUP Contenttypes',
    173 ##        content_types=contentClasses,
    174 ##        permission=AddPortalContent,
    175 ##        extra_constructors=contentConstructors,
    176 ##        fti=fti,
    177 ##       
    178 ##    ).initialize(context)
    179 ##       
    180 ##    context.registerClass(WAeUPTool.WAeUPTool,
    181 ##                          constructors=(WAeUPTool.addWAeUPToolForm,
    182 ##                          WAeUPTool.addWAeUPTool,))
    184 ###)
  • waeup_product/trunk/doc/userdescriptions.txt

    r204 r205  
    145145allocated as follows
    147  a) Bed Spaces A & B in halls one, two, three & four are meant for Final Year Students only
     147 a) Bed Spaces A & B in halls one, two, three & four are meant for Final
     148    Year Students only
    149150 b) Bed Space C in Hall One is strictly meant for Returning Students
    151152 c) Bed Spaces D,E & F in Hall One are meant to be allocated to fresh students
    153  d) In Halls Two, Three and Four, Bed Spaces C & D are for Returning Students and E,F,G & H are for Fresh Students
     154 d) In Halls Two, Three and Four, Bed Spaces C & D are for Returning Students
     155    and E,F,G & H are for Fresh Students
  • waeup_product/trunk/profiles/default/layouts/accommodation.xml

    r199 r205  
    2323  <property name="label_edit">Assigned Beds</property>
    2424  <property name="help">List of beds already assigned to students</property>
     25 </widget>
     26 <widget name="beds_for_final" meta_type="MultiSelect Widget">
     27  <property name="fields"/>
     28  <property name="is_required">True</property>
     29  <property name="label">Bedspaces for final</property>
     30  <property name="label_edit">Bedspaces for final</property>
     31  <property name="help">Name the bedspaces for final year students</property>
     32  <property name="readonly_layout_modes"/>
     33  <property name="hidden_layout_modes"/>
     34  <property name="hidden_readonly_layout_modes"/>
     35  <property name="vocabulary">waeup_bed_letters</property>
     36 </widget>
     37 <widget name="beds_for_fresh" meta_type="MultiSelect Widget">
     38  <property name="fields"/>
     39  <property name="is_required">True</property>
     40  <property name="label">Bedspaces for final</property>
     41  <property name="label_edit">Bedspaces for final</property>
     42  <property name="help">Name the bedspaces for final year students</property>
     43  <property name="readonly_layout_modes"/>
     44  <property name="hidden_layout_modes"/>
     45  <property name="hidden_readonly_layout_modes"/>
     46  <property name="vocabulary">waeup_bed_letters</property>
     47 </widget>
     48 <widget name="beds_for_returning" meta_type="MultiSelect Widget">
     49  <property name="fields"/>
     50  <property name="is_required">True</property>
     51  <property name="label">Bedspaces for final</property>
     52  <property name="label_edit">Bedspaces for final</property>
     53  <property name="help">Name the bedspaces for final year students</property>
     54  <property name="readonly_layout_modes"/>
     55  <property name="hidden_layout_modes"/>
     56  <property name="hidden_readonly_layout_modes"/>
     57  <property name="vocabulary">waeup_bed_letters</property>
    2558 </widget>
    2659 <widget name="beds_per_room" meta_type="Select Widget">
    114147  </row>
    115148  <row>
    116    <cell name="beds_assigned"/>
     149   <cell name="beds_for_fresh"/>
    117150  </row>
    118151  <row>
    119    <cell name="beds_assigned_list"/>
     152   <cell name="beds_for_returning"/>
     153  </row>
     154  <row>
     155   <cell name="beds_for_final"/>
    120156  </row>
    121157 </table>
  • waeup_product/trunk/profiles/default/schemas/accommodation.xml

    r199 r205  
    33 <field name="beds_assigned" meta_type="CPS Int Field"/>
    44 <field name="beds_assigned_list" meta_type="CPS String List Field"/>
     5 <field name="beds_for_final" meta_type="CPS String List Field"/>
     6 <field name="beds_for_fresh" meta_type="CPS String List Field"/>
     7 <field name="beds_for_returning" meta_type="CPS String List Field"/>
    58 <field name="beds_per_room" meta_type="CPS Int Field"/>
    69 <field name="heading" meta_type="CPS String Field">
    1013 <field name="nr_of_floors" meta_type="CPS Int Field"/>
    1114 <field name="rooms_per_floor" meta_type="CPS Int Field"/>
     15 <field name="study_courses" meta_type="CPS String List Field"/>
    1216 <field name="text" meta_type="CPS String Field">
    1317  <property name="is_searchabletext">True</property>
  • waeup_product/trunk/profiles/default/vocabularies.xml

    r199 r205  
    33 <property name="title"></property>
    44 <object name="courselevel" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    5  <object name="cpsportlets_additem_display_voc" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    6  <object name="cpsportlets_bcs_display_voc" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    7  <object name="cpsportlets_content_portal_types_voc"
    8     meta_type="CPS Method Vocabulary"/>
    9  <object name="cpsportlets_content_search_voc" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    10  <object name="cpsportlets_content_sort_on_voc" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    11  <object name="cpsportlets_language_action_voc" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    12  <object name="cpsportlets_navigation_display_voc"
    13     meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    14  <object name="cpsportlets_rss_channels_voc"
    15     meta_type="CPS Method Vocabulary"/>
    16  <object name="cpsportlets_syndication_formats_voc"
    17     meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    18  <object name="cpsportlets_visibility_range_voc" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    19  <object name="dummy_voc" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    205 <object name="faculties" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    21  <object name="forum_tree_voc" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    22  <object name="forum_wf_display_voc" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    236 <object name="get_departments_voc" meta_type="CPS Method Vocabulary"/>
    247 <object name="get_faculties_voc" meta_type="CPS Method Vocabulary"/>
    25  <object name="global_roles" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    26  <object name="groups" meta_type="CPS Directory Vocabulary"/>
    27  <object name="language_voc" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    28  <object name="members" meta_type="CPS Directory Vocabulary"/>
    29  <object name="navigation_display_mode" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    30  <object name="navigation_filter_listing_ptypes"
    31     meta_type="CPS Method Vocabulary"/>
    32  <object name="navigation_filter_review_state" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    33  <object name="navigation_filter_tree_ptypes"
    34     meta_type="CPS Method Vocabulary"/>
    35  <object name="navigation_sort_direction" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    36  <object name="navigation_sort_listing_by" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    37  <object name="navigation_sort_tree_by" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
     8 <object name="waeup_bed_letters" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    389 <object name="nigerian_states" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    3910 <object name="range10" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    4112 <object name="range5" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    4213 <object name="range50" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    43  <object name="roles" meta_type="CPS Directory Vocabulary"/>
    44  <object name="search_portal_type_voc" meta_type="CPS Method Vocabulary"/>
    45  <object name="search_review_state_voc" meta_type="CPS Method Vocabulary"/>
    46  <object name="search_sort_results_by" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    47  <object name="subject_voc" meta_type="CPS Vocabulary"/>
    48 </object>
     14 </object>
  • waeup_product/trunk/skins/waeup_student/

    r204 r205  
    5252    try:
    5353        #pr.addMember(s_id, 'UnSeT',roles=('Member','CPSMember','Student','Contributor'))
    54         pr.addMember(s_id, '123456',roles=('Member','CPSMember','Student'))
     54        pr.addMember(s_id, '123456',roles=('Member','CPSMember','Contributor'))
    5555    except:
    5656        noCPSMember = True
    5757    if noCPSMember:
    58         #pr.addMember(s_id, 'UnSeT',roles=('Member','Student','Contributor'))
    59         pr.addMember(s_id, '123456',roles=('Member','Student'))
     58        #pr.addMember(s_id, 'UnSeT',roles=('Member','Student','Contributor',))
     59        pr.addMember(s_id, '123456',roles=('Member','Contributor',))
    6060    student.manage_setLocalRoles(s_id, ['Owner',])
    6161    jamb.manage_setLocalRoles(s_id, ['Owner',])
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.