Changeset 200 for waeup_product/trunk
- Timestamp:
- 10 May 2006, 06:58:10 (19 years ago)
- Location:
- waeup_product/trunk
- Files:
- 36 deleted
- 21 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r152 r200 10 10 from Products.CPSDocument.CPSDocument import CPSDocument 11 11 from Products.CPSCore.CPSBase import CPSBaseBTreeFolder as BaseBTreeFolder 12 13 accofolder_fti = { ###(14 'title': 'WAeUP AccoFolder',15 'description': '',16 'content_icon': '',17 'content_meta_type': 'AccoFolder',18 'factory': 'addAccoFolder',19 'immediate_view': 'cpsdocument_view',20 'global_allow': True,21 'filter_content_types': True,22 'allowed_content_types': ('Accommodation',),23 'allow_discussion': False,24 }25 ###)26 12 27 13 class AccoFolder(CPSDocument): ###( … … 42 28 ###) 43 29 44 accommodation_fti = { ###(45 'title': 'WAeUP Accommodation',46 'description': '',47 'content_icon': '',48 'content_meta_type': 'Accommodation',49 'factory': 'addAccommodation',50 'immediate_view': 'cpsdocument_view',51 'global_allow': True,52 'filter_content_types': True,53 'allowed_content_types': (),54 'allow_discussion': False,55 }56 ###)57 30 58 31 class Accommodation(CPSDocument): ###( -
r176 r200 9 9 #from Products.CPSCore.CPSBase import CPSBaseDocument as BaseDocument 10 10 from Products.CPSDocument.CPSDocument import CPSDocument 11 from Products.CPSCore.CPSBase import CPSBaseBTreeFolder as BaseBTreeFolder 11 #from Products.CPSCore.CPSBase import CPSBaseBTreeFolder as BaseBTreeFolder 12 #from Products.CPSCore.CPSBase import CPSBaseBTreeDocument as BaseBTreeDocument 13 #from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import registerDirectory 12 14 13 ##class FacultyFolder(BaseBTreeFolder): ###( 14 ## """ 15 ## WAeUP container for the various WAeUP containers data 16 ## """ 17 ## meta_type = 'Faculty Folder' 18 ## portal_type = meta_type 19 ## security = ClassSecurityInfo() 20 ## 21 ## 22 ##InitializeClass(FacultyFolder) 23 ## 24 ##def addFacultyFolder(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): 25 ## """Add a Student.""" 26 ## ob = StudentsFolder(id, **kw) 27 ## return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) 28 ##### 29 #####) 30 31 faculty_fti = { ###( 32 'title': 'WAeUP Faculty', 33 'description': '', 34 'content_icon': '', 35 'content_meta_type': 'Faculty', 36 'factory': 'addFaculty', 37 'immediate_view': 'cpsdocument_view', 38 'global_allow': True, 39 'filter_content_types': True, 40 'allowed_content_types': ('Department',), 41 'allow_discussion': False, 42 ## 'actions': ( 43 ## {'id': 'view', 44 ## 'name': 'action_view', 45 ## 'action': 'string:${object_url}/faculty_index_html', 46 ## #'action': 'string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_view', 47 ## 'condition': '', 48 ## 'permission': ('View',), 49 ## 'category': 'object', 50 ## 'visible': True,}, 51 ## {'id': 'new_content', 52 ## 'name': 'Add Data', 53 ## 'action': 'string:${object_url}/folder_factories', 54 ## 'condition': "python:1 or len(object.contentItems()) == 0 ", 55 ## 'permission': ('Modify portal content',), 56 ## 'category': 'object', 57 ## 'visible': True,}, 58 ## {'id': 'contents', 59 ## 'name': 'action_folder_contents', 60 ## 'action': 'string:${object_url}/folder_contents', 61 ## 'condition': "python:1 or object.getTypeInfo().cps_proxy_type != 'document'", 62 ## 'permission': ('Modify portal content',), 63 ## 'category': 'object', 64 ## 'visible': True,}, 65 ## {'id': 'edit', 66 ## 'name': 'action_edit', 67 ## 'action': 'string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_edit_form', 68 ## 'condition': '', 69 ## 'permission': ('Modify portal content',), 70 ## 'category': 'object', 71 ## 'visible': True,}, 72 ## ) 73 } 74 ###) 15 #registerDirectory('skins', globals()) 16 #registerDirectory('skins/waeup_default', globals()) 17 #registerDirectory('skins/waeup_faculty', globals()) 75 18 76 19 class Faculty(CPSDocument): ###( … … 82 25 security = ClassSecurityInfo() 83 26 84 ## security.declareProtected(View,"Title") 85 ## def Title(self): 86 ## """compose title""" 87 ## reg_nr = self.getId()[1:] 88 ## return "Faculty of %s" % (self.title) 27 def __init__(self, id, **kw): 28 CPSDocument.__init__(self, id, **kw) 29 30 security.declareProtected(View,"Title") 31 def Title(self): 32 """compose title""" 33 return "Faculty of %s" % (self.title) 89 34 90 35 InitializeClass(Faculty) … … 94 39 ob = Faculty(id, **kw) 95 40 return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) 41 96 42 ###) 97 43 98 department_fti = { ###(99 'title': 'WAeUP Department',100 'description': '',101 'content_icon': '',102 'content_meta_type': 'Department',103 'factory': 'addDepartment',104 'immediate_view': 'cpsdocument_view',105 'global_allow': True,106 'filter_content_types': True,107 'allowed_content_types': ('Course',),108 'allow_discussion': False,109 }110 ###)111 44 112 45 class Department(CPSDocument): ###( … … 132 65 ###) 133 66 134 course_fti = { ###(135 'title': 'WAeUP Course',136 'description': '',137 'content_icon': '',138 'content_meta_type': 'Course',139 'factory': 'addCourse',140 'immediate_view': 'cpsdocument_view',141 'global_allow': True,142 'filter_content_types': True,143 'allowed_content_types': (),144 'allow_discussion': False,145 }146 ### )67 ##course_fti = { ###( 68 ## 'title': 'WAeUP Course', 69 ## 'description': '', 70 ## 'content_icon': '', 71 ## 'content_meta_type': 'Course', 72 ## 'factory': 'addCourse', 73 ## 'immediate_view': 'cpsdocument_view', 74 ## 'global_allow': True, 75 ## 'filter_content_types': True, 76 ## 'allowed_content_types': (), 77 ## 'allow_discussion': False, 78 ##} 79 #####) 147 80 148 81 class Course(CPSDocument): ###( … … 171 104 ###) 172 105 173 course_ticket_fti = { ###(174 'title': 'WAeUP CourseTicket',175 'description': '',176 'content_icon': '',177 'content_meta_type': 'CourseTicket',178 'factory': 'addCourseTicket',179 'immediate_view': 'cpsdocument_view',180 'global_allow': True,181 'filter_content_types': True,182 'allowed_content_types': (),183 'allow_discussion': False,184 }185 ###)186 187 106 class CourseTicket(CPSDocument): ###( 188 107 """ -
r191 r200 1 1 #-*- mode: python; mode: fold -*- 2 # $Id$ 2 3 from Globals import InitializeClass 3 4 from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo … … 12 13 from Products.CPSCore.CPSBase import CPSBaseBTreeFolder as BaseBTreeFolder 13 14 from Products.CPSCore.CPSMembershipTool import CPSUnrestrictedUser 14 class StudentsFolder(BaseBTreeFolder): ###( 15 """ 16 WAeUP container for the various WAeUP containers data 17 """ 18 meta_type = 'Students Folder' 19 portal_type = meta_type 20 security = ClassSecurityInfo() 21 22 23 InitializeClass(StudentsFolder) 24 25 def addStudentsFolder(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): 26 """Add a Student.""" 27 ob = StudentsFolder(id, **kw) 28 return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) 29 ###) 30 31 student_fti = { ###( 32 'title': 'WAeUP Student', 33 'description': '', 34 'content_icon': 'student.gif', 35 'content_meta_type': 'Student', 36 'factory': 'addStudent', 37 'immediate_view': 'cpsdocument_view', 38 'global_allow': True, 39 'filter_content_types': True, 40 'allowed_content_types': ('Jamb','StudentPersonal'), 41 'allow_discussion': False, 42 } 43 44 ###) 15 ##class StudentsFolder(BaseBTreeFolder): ###( 16 ## """ 17 ## WAeUP container for the various WAeUP containers data 18 ## """ 19 ## meta_type = 'Students Folder' 20 ## portal_type = meta_type 21 ## security = ClassSecurityInfo() 22 ## 23 ## 24 ##InitializeClass(StudentsFolder) 25 26 ##def addStudentsFolder(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): 27 ## """Add a Student.""" 28 ## ob = StudentsFolder(id, **kw) 29 ## return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) 30 #####) 45 31 46 32 class Student(CPSDocument): ###( … … 133 119 ###) 134 120 135 studentpersonal_fti = { ###(136 'title': 'WAeUP StudentPersonal',137 'description': '',138 'content_icon': 'student.gif',139 'content_meta_type': 'StudentPersonal',140 'factory': 'addStudent',141 'immediate_view': 'student_personal_index_html',142 'global_allow': True,143 'filter_content_types': True,144 'allowed_content_types': (),145 'allow_discussion': False,146 }147 148 ###)149 150 121 class StudentPersonal(CPSDocument): ###( 151 122 """ … … 172 143 ###) 173 144 174 studenteligibility_fti = { ###(175 'title': 'WAeUP StudentEligibility',176 'description': '',177 'content_icon': 'student.gif',178 'content_meta_type': 'StudentEligibility',179 'factory': 'addStudent',180 'immediate_view': 'student_eligibility_index_html',181 'global_allow': True,182 'filter_content_types': True,183 'allowed_content_types': (),184 'allow_discussion': False,185 }186 187 ###)188 189 145 class StudentEligibility(CPSDocument): ###( 190 146 """ … … 210 166 ###) 211 167 212 studentdocuments_fti = { ###(213 'title': 'WAeUP StudentDocuments',214 'description': '',215 'content_icon': 'student.gif',216 'content_meta_type': 'StudentDocuments',217 'factory': 'addStudent',218 'immediate_view': 'temporary_view_all',219 'global_allow': True,220 'filter_content_types': True,221 'allowed_content_types': (),222 'allow_discussion': False,223 }224 225 ###)226 227 168 class StudentDocuments(CPSDocument): ###( 228 169 """ … … 247 188 return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) 248 189 249 ###)250 251 jamb_fti = { ###(252 'title': 'WAeUP Jamb',253 'description': '',254 'content_icon': '',255 'content_meta_type': 'Jamb',256 'factory': 'addJamb',257 'immediate_view': 'cpsdocument_view',258 'global_allow': True,259 'filter_content_types': True,260 'allowed_content_types': ('Course',),261 'allow_discussion': False,262 }263 190 ###) 264 191 … … 290 217 ob = Jamb(id, **kw) 291 218 return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) 292 ###) 293 294 study_level_fti = { ###( 295 'title': 'WAeUP StudyLevel', 296 'description': '', 297 'content_icon': '', 298 'content_meta_type': 'StudyLevel', 299 'factory': 'addStudyLevel', 300 'immediate_view': 'cpsdocument_view', 301 'global_allow': True, 302 'filter_content_types': True, 303 'allowed_content_types': ('Course',), 304 'allow_discussion': False, 305 } 219 306 220 ###) 307 221 … … 320 234 ob = StudyLevel(id, **kw) 321 235 return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) 322 ###) 323 324 semester_fti = { ###( 325 'title': 'WAeUP Semester', 326 'description': '', 327 'content_icon': '', 328 'content_meta_type': 'Semester', 329 'factory': 'addSemester', 330 'immediate_view': 'cpsdocument_view', 331 'global_allow': True, 332 'filter_content_types': True, 333 'allowed_content_types': ('Course',), 334 'allow_discussion': False, 335 } 236 336 237 ###) 337 238 … … 350 251 ob = Semester(id, **kw) 351 252 return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) 352 ###) 353 253 254 ###) 255 -
r199 r200 10 10 from Products.CPSCore.interfaces import ICPSSite 11 11 12 from Products.WAeUP.University import University, addUniversity 13 from Products.WAeUP.Accommodation import AccoFolder, addAccoFolder 14 from Products.WAeUP.Accommodation import Accommodation, addAccommodation 15 from Products.WAeUP.Faculty import Faculty, addFaculty 16 from Products.WAeUP.Faculty import Department, addDepartment 17 from Products.WAeUP.Faculty import Course, addCourse 18 from Products.WAeUP.Faculty import CourseTicket, addCourseTicket 19 from Products.WAeUP.Students import Student, addStudent 20 from Products.WAeUP.Students import StudentPersonal, addStudentPersonal 21 from Products.WAeUP.Students import StudentEligibility, addStudentEligibility 22 from Products.WAeUP.Students import StudentDocuments, addStudentDocuments 23 from Products.WAeUP.Students import Jamb, addJamb 24 from Products.WAeUP.Students import StudyLevel, addStudyLevel 25 from Products.WAeUP.Students import Semester, addSemester 26 27 28 12 29 import Widgets 30 31 #registerDirectory('skins/waeup_default', globals()) 32 33 contentClasses = ( 34 University, 35 Faculty, 36 Department, 37 Course, 38 CourseTicket, 39 AccoFolder, 40 Accommodation, 41 Student, 42 StudentPersonal, 43 StudentEligibility, 44 StudentDocuments, 45 Jamb, 46 StudyLevel, 47 Semester, 48 ) 49 50 contentConstructors = ( 51 addUniversity, 52 addFaculty, 53 addDepartment, 54 addCourse, 55 addCourseTicket, 56 addAccoFolder, 57 addAccommodation, 58 addStudent, 59 addStudentPersonal, 60 addStudentEligibility, 61 addStudentDocuments, 62 addJamb, 63 addStudyLevel, 64 addSemester, 65 ) 66 67 fti = ( 68 {}, # University 69 {}, # Faculty 70 {}, # Department 71 {}, # Course 72 {}, # CourseTicket 73 {}, # AccoFolder 74 {}, # Accommodation 75 {}, # Student, 76 {}, # StudentPersonal, 77 {}, # StudentEligibility, 78 {}, # StudentDocuments, 79 {}, # Jamb, 80 {}, # StudyLevel, 81 {}, # Semester, 82 ) 13 83 14 84 registerDirectory('skins', globals()) 15 85 16 86 def initialize(registrar): 87 ContentInit('WAeUP Types', 88 content_types = contentClasses, 89 permission = AddPortalContent, 90 extra_constructors = contentConstructors, 91 fti = fti, 92 ).initialize(registrar) 93 17 94 # Extension profile registration 18 95 profile_registry.registerProfile( -
r199 r200 1 # (C) Copyright 2006 Nuxeo SAS <> 2 # Author: Olivier Grisel <> 3 # 4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 5 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published 6 # by the Free Software Foundation. 7 # 8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 10 # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 11 # GNU General Public License for more details. 12 # 13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 14 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 15 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 16 # 02111-1307, USA. 17 # 1 #-*- mode: python; mode: fold -*- 18 2 # $Id: 31640 2006-01-15 19:22:29Z ogrisel $ 19 3 """WAeUP Tool XML Adapter. … … 54 38 # WAeUP/profiles/default/ directory. 55 39 40 41 def setupStructure(context): ###( 42 sections = getattr(context,'sections') 43 portal = getattr(sections,'uniportal',None) 44 if portal is None: 45 sections.invokeFactory('University','uniportal') 46 portal = getattr(context,'uniportal',None) 47 portal.getContent().edit(mapping={'Title':SRPP_TITLE}) 48 students = getattr(portal,'students',None) 49 if students is None: 50 portal.invokeFactory('StudentsFolder','students') 51 students = getattr(portal,'students').getContent() 52 students.edit(mapping={'Title':'Students'}) 53 academics = getattr(portal,'academics',None) 54 if academics is None: 55 portal.invokeFactory('AcademicsFolder','academics') 56 academics = getattr(portal,'academics') 57 academics.getContent().edit(mapping={'Title':'Academics'}) 58 installFaculties(academics) 59 if not hasattr(portal,'accommodation'): 60 portal.invokeFactory('AccoFolder','accommodation') 61 accommodation = getattr(portal,'accommodation').getContent() 62 accommodation.edit(mapping={'Title':'Accommodation'}) 63 ###) 64 65 66 def installFaculties( academics): ###( 67 """install Universityspecific Faculies with Departments""" 68 faculties = [ 69 ## {'id': 'agri', ###( 70 ## 'Title': 'Agriculture', 71 ## 'departments': [ 72 ## { 'id': 'dep1', ###( 73 ## 'Title': 'One', 74 ## }, 75 ## ], 76 ## },###) 77 { 'id': 'science', 78 'Title': 'Science', 79 'departments': [ 80 { 'id': 'bio', ###( 81 'Title': 'Biochemistry', 82 }, 83 { 'id': 'bot', 84 'Title': 'Botany', 85 }, 86 { 'id': 'che', 87 'Title': 'Chemistry', 88 }, 89 { 'id': 'com', 90 'Title': 'Computer Science', 91 }, 92 { 'id': 'geo', 93 'Title': 'Geologie', 94 }, 95 { 'id': 'mat', 96 'Title': 'Mathematics', 97 }, 98 { 'id': 'mic', 99 'Title': 'Microbiology', 100 }, 101 { 'id': 'opt', 102 'Title': 'Optometry', 103 }, 104 { 'id': 'phy', 105 'Title': 'Physics', 106 }, 107 { 'id': 'zoo', 108 'Title': 'Zoology', 109 }, 110 ], 111 },###) 112 ]###) 113 for faculty in faculties: 114 fid = faculty['id'] 115 f = getattr(academics,fid,None) 116 if f is None: 117 #self.log('Creating Faculty %(id)s = %(Title)s' % faculty) 118 academics.invokeFactory('Faculty', fid) 119 f = getattr(academics,fid) 120 f.getContent().edit(mapping=faculty) 121 for department in faculty['departments']: 122 #self.log('Checking Department %(id)s = %(Title)s' % department) 123 did = department['id'] 124 d = getattr(f,did,None) 125 if d is None: 126 #self.log('Creating Department %(id)s = %(Title)s' % department) 127 f.invokeFactory('Department', did) 128 d = getattr(f,did) 129 d.getContent().edit(mapping=department) 130 ###) 131 132 56 133 def exportWAeUP(context): 57 134 """Export our WAeUP tool configuration … … 69 146 """ 70 147 site = context.getSite() 71 tool = getToolByName(site, TOOL) 72 importObjects(tool, '', context) 148 setupStructure(site) 149 pass 150 #site = context.getSite() 151 #tool = getToolByName(site, TOOL) 152 #importObjects(tool, '', context) 73 153 74 154 … … 79 159 class WAeUPXMLAdapter(XMLAdapterBase, PropertyManagerHelpers): 80 160 """XML importer and exporter for the WAeUP tool. 81 82 The vogon tool has very little persistent configuration to im- / export:83 only two properties that can be handled by the standard84 PropertyManagerHelpers methods.85 161 86 162 Hence this XMLAdapter is really simple. To get more complete examples of -
r199 r200 4 4 handler="Products.WAeUP.exportimport.importWAeUP" 5 5 title="WAeUP"> 6 <dependency step="toolset" />6 <dependency step="toolset" /> 7 7 Import WAeUP and its configuration. 8 8 </import-step> -
r199 r200 9 9 <object name="waeup_student" meta_type="Filesystem Directory View" 10 10 directory="WAeUP/skins/waeup_student"/> 11 <skin-path name="Basic">12 <layer name="custom"/>13 <layer name="waeup_default"/>14 <layer name="waeup_student"/>15 <layer name="waeup_faculty"/>16 <layer name="cpswfht_scripts"/>17 <layer name="cpswfht_templates"/>18 <layer name="cpsportlets_types"/>19 <layer name="cpsportlets_default"/>20 <layer name="cpsportlets_widgets"/>21 <layer name="cpsportlets_layouts"/>22 <layer name="cpsportlets_schemas"/>23 <layer name="cpsportlets_vocabularies"/>24 <layer name="cpsooo"/>25 <layer name="cps_wiki"/>26 <layer name="cps_newsletters"/>27 <layer name="cps_subscriptions_installer"/>28 <layer name="cps_subscriptions"/>29 <layer name="cpsnavigation_images"/>30 <layer name="cpsnavigation_default"/>31 <layer name="cpsnavigation_devel"/>32 <layer name="cps_directory"/>33 <layer name="cps_chat"/>34 <layer name="cps_forum"/>35 <layer name="cps_rss"/>36 <layer name="epoz"/>37 <layer name="mimetypes_icons"/>38 <layer name="cps_jscalendar"/>39 <layer name="cps_schemas"/>40 <layer name="cps_document"/>41 <layer name="cps_document_images"/>42 <layer name="cps_collector"/>43 <layer name="cps_javascript"/>44 <layer name="cps_default"/>45 <layer name="cps_default_installer"/>46 <layer name="cps_images"/>47 <layer name="cmf_calendar"/>48 <layer name="cps_boxes"/>49 <layer name="cps_nuxeo_style"/>50 <layer name="cmf_zpt_calendar"/>51 <layer name="cps_styles"/>52 <layer name="cps_devel"/>53 <layer name="zpt_topic"/>54 <layer name="zpt_calendar"/>55 <layer name="zpt_content"/>56 <layer name="zpt_generic"/>57 <layer name="zpt_control"/>58 <layer name="Images"/>59 </skin-path>60 11 <skin-path name="CPSSkins"> 61 <layer name="custom"/> 62 <layer name="waeup_default"/> 63 <layer name="waeup_student"/> 64 <layer name="waeup_faculty"/> 65 <layer name="cpswfht_scripts"/> 66 <layer name="cpswfht_templates"/> 67 <layer name="CPSSkins"/> 68 <layer name="cpsskins_icons"/> 69 <layer name="cpsskins_cps3"/> 70 <layer name="cpsskins_cmf"/> 71 <layer name="cpsportlets_types"/> 72 <layer name="cpsportlets_default"/> 73 <layer name="cpsportlets_widgets"/> 74 <layer name="cpsportlets_layouts"/> 75 <layer name="cpsportlets_schemas"/> 76 <layer name="cpsportlets_vocabularies"/> 77 <layer name="cpsooo"/> 78 <layer name="cps_wiki"/> 79 <layer name="cps_newsletters"/> 80 <layer name="cps_subscriptions_installer"/> 81 <layer name="cps_subscriptions"/> 82 <layer name="cpsnavigation_images"/> 83 <layer name="cpsnavigation_default"/> 84 <layer name="cpsnavigation_devel"/> 85 <layer name="cps_directory"/> 86 <layer name="cps_chat"/> 87 <layer name="cps_forum"/> 88 <layer name="cps_rss"/> 89 <layer name="epoz"/> 90 <layer name="mimetypes_icons"/> 91 <layer name="cps_jscalendar"/> 92 <layer name="cps_schemas"/> 93 <layer name="cps_document"/> 94 <layer name="cps_document_images"/> 95 <layer name="cps_collector"/> 96 <layer name="cps_javascript"/> 97 <layer name="cps_default"/> 98 <layer name="cps_default_installer"/> 99 <layer name="cps_images"/> 100 <layer name="cmf_calendar"/> 101 <layer name="cps_boxes"/> 102 <layer name="cps_nuxeo_style"/> 103 <layer name="cmf_zpt_calendar"/> 104 <layer name="cps_styles"/> 105 <layer name="cps_devel"/> 106 <layer name="zpt_topic"/> 107 <layer name="zpt_calendar"/> 108 <layer name="zpt_content"/> 109 <layer name="zpt_generic"/> 110 <layer name="zpt_control"/> 111 <layer name="Images"/> 12 <layer name="waeup_default" insert-after="cps_default"/> 13 <layer name="waeup_student" insert-after="cps_default"/> 14 <layer name="waeup_faculty" insert-after="cps_default"/> 112 15 </skin-path> 113 16 <skin-path name="CPSSkins-macroless"> 114 <layer name="custom"/> 115 <layer name="CPSSkins"/> 116 <layer name="cpsskins_icons"/> 117 <layer name="cpsskins_cps3_macroless"/> 118 <layer name="cpsskins_cps3"/> 119 <layer name="cpsskins_cmf"/> 120 <layer name="cpsportlets_types"/> 121 <layer name="cpsportlets_default"/> 122 <layer name="cpsportlets_widgets"/> 123 <layer name="cpsportlets_layouts"/> 124 <layer name="cpsportlets_schemas"/> 125 <layer name="cpsportlets_vocabularies"/> 126 <layer name="cpsooo"/> 127 <layer name="cps_wiki"/> 128 <layer name="cps_newsletters"/> 129 <layer name="cps_subscriptions_installer"/> 130 <layer name="cps_subscriptions"/> 131 <layer name="cpsnavigation_images"/> 132 <layer name="cpsnavigation_default"/> 133 <layer name="cpsnavigation_devel"/> 134 <layer name="cps_directory"/> 135 <layer name="cps_chat"/> 136 <layer name="cps_forum"/> 137 <layer name="cps_rss"/> 138 <layer name="epoz"/> 139 <layer name="mimetypes_icons"/> 140 <layer name="cps_jscalendar"/> 141 <layer name="cps_schemas"/> 142 <layer name="cps_document"/> 143 <layer name="cps_document_images"/> 144 <layer name="cps_collector"/> 145 <layer name="cps_javascript"/> 146 <layer name="cps_default"/> 147 <layer name="cps_default_installer"/> 148 <layer name="cps_images"/> 149 <layer name="cmf_calendar"/> 150 <layer name="cps_boxes"/> 151 <layer name="cps_nuxeo_style"/> 152 <layer name="cmf_zpt_calendar"/> 153 <layer name="cps_styles"/> 154 <layer name="cps_devel"/> 155 <layer name="zpt_topic"/> 156 <layer name="zpt_calendar"/> 157 <layer name="zpt_content"/> 158 <layer name="zpt_generic"/> 159 <layer name="zpt_control"/> 160 <layer name="Images"/> 161 </skin-path> 162 <skin-path name="No CSS"> 163 <layer name="no_css"/> 164 <layer name="custom"/> 165 <layer name="epoz"/> 166 <layer name="mimetypes_icons"/> 167 <layer name="topic"/> 168 <layer name="calendar"/> 169 <layer name="content"/> 170 <layer name="generic"/> 171 <layer name="control"/> 172 <layer name="Images"/> 173 </skin-path> 174 <skin-path name="Nouvelle"> 175 <layer name="nouvelle"/> 176 <layer name="custom"/> 177 <layer name="epoz"/> 178 <layer name="mimetypes_icons"/> 179 <layer name="topic"/> 180 <layer name="calendar"/> 181 <layer name="content"/> 182 <layer name="generic"/> 183 <layer name="control"/> 184 <layer name="Images"/> 17 <layer name="waeup_default" insert-after="cps_default"/> 18 <layer name="waeup_student" insert-after="cps_default"/> 19 <layer name="waeup_faculty" insert-after="cps_default"/> 185 20 </skin-path> 186 21 </object> -
r199 r200 5 5 <object name="AccoFolder" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> 6 6 <object name="Accommodation" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> 7 <object name="Action Box" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>8 <object name="Action Box Templet"9 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>10 <object name="Actions Portlet" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>11 <object name="Add Item Portlet" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>12 <object name="Area Color" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>13 <object name="Area Shape" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>14 <object name="Base Box" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>15 <object name="Book" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>16 <object name="Box Corners" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>17 <object name="Breadcrumbs Portlet"18 meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>19 <object name="Breadcrumbs Templet"20 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>21 <object name="CPS Calendar" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>22 <object name="CPS Proxy BTree Folder"23 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>24 <object name="CPS Proxy BTree Folderish Document"25 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>26 <object name="CPS Proxy Document"27 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>28 <object name="CPS Proxy Folder" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>29 <object name="CPS Proxy Folderish Document"30 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>31 <object name="CPSForum" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>32 <object name="Calendar Style" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>33 <object name="Calendar Templet" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>34 <object name="Cell Block" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>35 <object name="Cell Hider" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>36 <object name="Cell Sizer" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>37 <object name="Cell Styler" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>38 <object name="Chapter" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>39 <object name="Chat" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>40 <object name="ChatItem" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>41 <object name="Collapsible Menu Style"42 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>43 <object name="Collapsible Menu Templet"44 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>45 <object name="Collector Document" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>46 <object name="Content Box" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>47 <object name="Content Portlet" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>48 7 <object name="Course" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> 49 8 <object name="CourseTicket" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> 50 <object name="Custom Portlet" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>51 9 <object name="Department" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> 52 <object name="Discussion Item" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>53 <object name="Doc Render Box" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>54 <object name="Document" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>55 <object name="Document Info Templet"56 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>57 <object name="Document Portlet" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>58 <object name="Dummy Portlet" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>59 <object name="Event" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>60 <object name="Event Calendar Box"61 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>62 <object name="EventDoc" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>63 <object name="FAQ" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>64 <object name="FAQitem" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>65 10 <object name="Faculty" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> 66 <object name="Favorite" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>67 <object name="File" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>68 <object name="Flash Animation" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>69 <object name="Flash Box" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>70 <object name="Flash Box Templet" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>71 <object name="Flexible" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>72 <object name="Folder" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>73 <object name="Font Color" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>74 <object name="Font Shape" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>75 <object name="Form Style" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>76 <object name="ForumPost" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>77 <object name="Glossary" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>78 <object name="GlossaryItem" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>79 <object name="Image" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>80 <object name="Image Box" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>81 <object name="Image Box Templet" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>82 <object name="Image Portlet" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>83 <object name="ImageGallery" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>84 <object name="Internal Links Portlet"85 meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>86 <object name="InternalLinks Box" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>87 11 <object name="Jamb" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> 88 <object name="Language Portlet" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>89 <object name="Language Templet" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>90 <object name="Link" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>91 <object name="Main Content Templet"92 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>93 <object name="Navigation Portlet" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>94 <object name="News Item" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>95 <object name="NewsLetter" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>96 <object name="OOoDocbookDocument" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>97 <object name="Page" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>98 <object name="Page Block" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>99 <object name="Palette Border" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>100 <object name="Palette Color" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>101 <object name="Portal Box Color" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>102 <object name="Portal Box Group Templet"103 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>104 <object name="Portal Box Shape" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>105 <object name="Portal Box Templet"106 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>107 <object name="Portal Tab Style" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>108 <object name="Portal Tab Templet"109 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>110 <object name="Portal Theme" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>111 <object name="Portlet Box Templet"112 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>113 <object name="Press Release" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>114 <object name="Quiz Document" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>115 <object name="RSS Box" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>116 <object name="RSS Portlet" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>117 <object name="Rotating Image Portlet"118 meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>119 <object name="Schedule" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>120 12 <object name="ScratchCard" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> 121 <object name="Search Box Templet"122 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>123 <object name="Search Portlet" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>124 <object name="Section" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>125 13 <object name="Semester" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> 126 14 <object name="Student" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> … … 130 18 <object name="StudentsFolder" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> 131 19 <object name="StudyLevel" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> 132 <object name="Text Box" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>133 <object name="Text Box Templet" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>134 <object name="Text Portlet" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>135 <object name="Theme Chooser Templet"136 meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>137 <object name="Theme Folder" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>138 <object name="Theme Page" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>139 <object name="Topic" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>140 <object name="Tree Box" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>141 20 <object name="University" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/> 142 <object name="Wiki" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>143 <object name="Wiki Page" meta_type="Factory-based Type Information"/>144 <object name="Workspace" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>145 <object name="ZippedHtml" meta_type="CPS Flexible Type Information"/>146 21 </object> -
r199 r200 24 24 </property> 25 25 <property name="layouts"> 26 <element value=" waeup_common"/>26 <element value="common"/> 27 27 <element value="folder"/> 28 28 </property> … … 33 33 <property name="storage_methods"/> 34 34 <property name="cps_is_portlet">False</property> 35 <alias from="(Default)" to="temporary_view_all"/> 35 36 <alias from="view" to="temporary_view_all"/> 36 37 <action title="Standard View" action_id="view" category="object" … … 40 41 </action> 41 42 <action title="Add Faculty" action_id="add_faculty" category="object" 42 condition_expr="python: member and 'UniversityManager'in member.getRoles()"43 condition_expr="python:True or member and 'UniversityManager'in member.getRoles()" 43 44 url_expr="string:${object/absolute_url}/create_common?type_name=Faculty" 44 45 visible="True"> -
r199 r200 23 23 </property> 24 24 <property name="layouts"> 25 <element value=" waeup_common"/>25 <element value="common"/> 26 26 </property> 27 27 <property name="layout_clusters"> -
r199 r200 14 14 <property name="allow_discussion">False</property> 15 15 <property name="cps_is_searchable">True</property> 16 <property name="cps_proxy_type"> cpsdocument</property>16 <property name="cps_proxy_type">folder</property> 17 17 <property name="cps_display_as_document_in_listing">True</property> 18 18 <property name="schemas"> -
r199 r200 33 33 <property name="storage_methods"/> 34 34 <property name="cps_is_portlet">False</property> 35 <alias from="(Default)" to="temporary_view_all"/> 35 36 <alias from="view" to="temporary_view_all"/> 36 37 <action title="Standard View" action_id="view" category="object" … … 40 41 </action> 41 42 <action title="action_edit" action_id="edit" category="object" 42 condition_expr=" " url_expr="string:${object_url}/waeup_edit_form"43 visible="True">44 <permission value=" University Manage"/>43 condition_expr="python:member and 'Manager' in member.getRoles()" 44 url_expr="string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_edit_form" visible="True"> 45 <permission value="Modify portal content"/> 45 46 </action> 46 47 <action title="Add Course" action_id="create_course" category="object" … … 52 53 condition_expr="python:member and 'Manager' in member.getRoles()" 53 54 url_expr="string:${object_url}/folder_contents" visible="True"> 54 <permission value="Modify portal content"/>55 </action>56 <action title="action_edit" action_id="edit" category="object"57 condition_expr="python:member and 'Manager' in member.getRoles()"58 url_expr="string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_edit_form" visible="True">59 55 <permission value="Modify portal content"/> 60 56 </action> -
r199 r200 11 11 <property name="global_allow">True</property> 12 12 <property name="filter_content_types">True</property> 13 <property name="allowed_content_types">Department</property> 13 <property name="allowed_content_types"> 14 <element value="Department"/> 15 </property> 14 16 <property name="allow_discussion">False</property> 15 17 <property name="cps_is_searchable">True</property> 16 <property name="cps_proxy_type"> folder</property>18 <property name="cps_proxy_type">btreefolderishdocument</property> 17 19 <property name="cps_display_as_document_in_listing">True</property> 18 20 <property name="schemas"> … … 30 32 <property name="storage_methods"/> 31 33 <property name="cps_is_portlet">False</property> 34 <alias from="(Default)" to="temporary_view_all"/> 32 35 <alias from="view" to="temporary_view_all"/> 33 36 <action title="Standard View" action_id="view" category="object" … … 37 40 </action> 38 41 <action title="action_edit" action_id="edit" category="object" 39 condition_expr=" " url_expr="string:${object_url}/waeup_edit_form"40 visible="True">41 <permission value=" University Manage"/>42 condition_expr="python:member and 'Manager' in member.getRoles()" 43 url_expr="string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_edit_form" visible="True"> 44 <permission value="Modify portal content"/> 42 45 </action> 43 46 <action title="Add Department" action_id="add_department" category="object" … … 52 55 <permission value="University Manage"/> 53 56 </action> 54 <action title="action_edit" action_id="edit" category="object"55 condition_expr="python:member and 'Manager' in member.getRoles()"56 url_expr="string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_edit_form" visible="True">57 <permission value="Modify portal content"/>58 </action>59 57 <action title="action_metadata" action_id="metadata" category="object" 60 58 condition_expr="python:member and 'Manager' in member.getRoles()" … … 67 65 <permission value="Modify portal content"/> 68 66 </action> 67 <action title="Add Faculty" action_id="add_faculty" category="object" 68 condition_expr="python:member and 'UniversityManager'in member.getRoles()" 69 url_expr="string:${object/absolute_url}/create_common?type_name=Faculty" 70 visible="True"> 71 <permission value="University Manage"/> 72 </action> 69 73 </object> -
r199 r200 28 28 </property> 29 29 <property name="cps_is_portlet">False</property> 30 <alias from="(Default)" to="temporary_view_all"/> 30 31 <alias from="view" to="temporary_view_all"/> 31 32 <action title="Standard View" action_id="view" category="object" … … 36 37 <action title="action_edit" action_id="edit" category="object" 37 38 condition_expr="" url_expr="string:${object_url}/waeup_edit_form" 38 visible="True"> 39 <permission value="Student Manage"/> 40 </action> 39 visible="True"/> 41 40 <action title="delegate" action_id="localroles" category="object" 42 41 condition_expr="" url_expr="string:${object_url}/folder_localrole_form" … … 46 45 <action title="Add Content" action_id="add_content" category="object" 47 46 condition_expr="python:member and 'Manager' in member.getRoles()" 48 url_expr="string:${object/absolute_url}/folder_factories" visible="True"> 49 <permission value="Student Manage"/> 50 </action> 47 url_expr="string:${object/absolute_url}/folder_factories" 48 visible="False"/> 51 49 <action title="action_metadata" action_id="metadata" category="object" 52 50 condition_expr="python:'Manager' in member.getRoles()" 53 url_expr="string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_metadata" visible="True"> 54 <permission value="University Manage"/> 55 </action> 51 url_expr="string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_metadata" visible="False"/> 56 52 </object> -
r199 r200 36 36 <property name="storage_methods"/> 37 37 <property name="cps_is_portlet">False</property> 38 <alias from="(Default)" to="temporary_view_all"/> 38 39 <alias from="view" to="temporary_view_all"/> 39 40 <action title="Standard View" action_id="view" category="object" … … 44 45 <action title="action_metadata" action_id="metadata" category="object" 45 46 condition_expr="python:member and 'Manager' in member.getRoles()" 46 url_expr="string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_metadata" visible=" True">47 url_expr="string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_metadata" visible="False"> 47 48 <permission value="University Manage"/> 48 49 </action> 49 50 <action title="delegate" action_id="localroles" category="object" 50 51 condition_expr="" url_expr="string:${object_url}/folder_localrole_form" 51 visible=" True">52 visible="False"> 52 53 <permission value="Modify portal content"/> 53 54 </action> -
r199 r200 11 11 <property name="global_allow">True</property> 12 12 <property name="filter_content_types">True</property> 13 <property name="allowed_content_types">Student</property> 13 <property name="allowed_content_types"> 14 <element value="Student"/> 15 </property> 14 16 <property name="allow_discussion">False</property> 15 17 <property name="cps_is_searchable">True</property> 16 <property name="cps_proxy_type"> folder</property>18 <property name="cps_proxy_type">btreefolder</property> 17 19 <property name="cps_display_as_document_in_listing">True</property> 18 20 <property name="schemas"> … … 22 24 </property> 23 25 <property name="layouts"> 24 <element value=" waeup_common"/>26 <element value="common"/> 25 27 </property> 26 28 <property name="layout_clusters"> … … 30 32 <property name="storage_methods"/> 31 33 <property name="cps_is_portlet">False</property> 34 <alias from="(Default)" to="temporary_view_all"/> 32 35 <alias from="view" to="temporary_view_all"/> 33 36 <action title="Standard View" action_id="view" category="object" -
r199 r200 8 8 <property name="product">WAeUP</property> 9 9 <property name="factory">addUniversity</property> 10 <property name="immediate_view">university_view </property>10 <property name="immediate_view">university_view_all</property> 11 11 <property name="global_allow">True</property> 12 12 <property name="filter_content_types">True</property> 13 13 <property name="allowed_content_types"> 14 <element value="AcademicsFolder"/> 15 <element value="AccoFolder"/> 14 16 <element value="Chat"/> 15 17 <element value="FAQ"/> 16 <element value="CPSCalendar"/> 17 <element value="Forum"/> 18 <element value="Section"/> 18 19 <element value="StudentsFolder"/> 19 <element value="Faculty"/>20 <element value="AccoFolder"/>21 <element value="Section"/>22 <element value="CPSProxyDocument"/>23 20 </property> 24 21 <property name="allow_discussion">False</property> … … 32 29 </property> 33 30 <property name="layouts"> 34 <element value=" waeup_common"/>31 <element value="common"/> 35 32 </property> 36 33 <property name="layout_clusters"> … … 54 51 <action title="action_folder_contents" action_id="contents" category="object" 55 52 condition_expr="python:member and 'Manager' in member.getRoles()" 56 url_expr="string:${object_url}/folder_contents" visible=" True">53 url_expr="string:${object_url}/folder_contents" visible="False"> 57 54 <permission value="Modify portal content"/> 58 55 </action> 59 56 <action title="action_edit" action_id="edit" category="object" 60 57 condition_expr="python:member and 'Manager' in member.getRoles()" 61 url_expr="string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_edit_form" visible=" True">58 url_expr="string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_edit_form" visible="False"> 62 59 <permission value="Modify portal content"/> 63 60 </action> 64 61 <action title="action_metadata" action_id="metadata" category="object" 65 62 condition_expr="python:member and 'Manager' in member.getRoles()" 66 url_expr="string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_metadata" visible=" True">63 url_expr="string:${object_url}/cpsdocument_metadata" visible="False"> 67 64 <permission value="Modify portal content"/> 68 65 </action> -
r199 r200 2 2 <object name="portal_workflow" meta_type="CPS Workflow Tool"> 3 3 <property name="title"></property> 4 <object name="waeup_section_wf" meta_type="CPS Workflow"/> 4 <object name="waeup_faculty_wf" meta_type="CPS Workflow"/> 5 <object name="waeup_department_wf" meta_type="CPS Workflow"/> 6 <object name="waeup_course_wf" meta_type="CPS Workflow"/> 7 <object name="waeup_accommodation_wf" meta_type="CPS Workflow"/> 5 8 <object name="waeup_student_wf" meta_type="CPS Workflow"/> 6 <object name="waeup_workspace_wf" meta_type="CPS Workflow"/> 9 <bindings> 10 <default/> 11 <type type_id="University"> 12 <bound-workflow workflow_id="section_folder_wf"/> 13 </type> 14 <type type_id="AccoFolder"> 15 <bound-workflow workflow_id="section_folder_wf"/> 16 </type> 17 <type type_id="Accommodation"> 18 <bound-workflow workflow_id="waeup_accommodation_wf"/> 19 </type> 20 <type type_id="AcademicsFolder"> 21 <bound-workflow workflow_id="section_folder_wf"/> 22 </type> 23 <type type_id="Faculty"> 24 <bound-workflow workflow_id="waeup_faculty_wf"/> 25 </type> 26 <type type_id="Department"> 27 <bound-workflow workflow_id="waeup_department_wf"/> 28 </type> 29 <type type_id="Course"> 30 <bound-workflow workflow_id="waeup_course_wf"/> 31 </type> 32 <type type_id="StudentsFolder"> 33 <bound-workflow workflow_id="section_folder_wf"/> 34 </type> 35 <type type_id="Student"> 36 <bound-workflow workflow_id="waeup_student_wf"/> 37 </type> 38 <type type_id="Jamb"> 39 <bound-workflow workflow_id="waeup_base_wf"/> 40 </type> 41 </bindings> 7 42 </object> -
r199 r200 12 12 <permission-map name="Modify portal content" 13 13 acquired="True"> 14 <permission-role>StudentManager</permission-role> 15 <permission-role>UniversityManager</permission-role> 14 <permission-role>Manager</permission-role> 16 15 </permission-map> 17 16 <permission-map name="View" acquired="True"> … … 26 25 <guard> 27 26 <guard-role>Manager</guard-role> 28 <guard-role>StudentManager</guard-role> 29 <guard-role>UniversityManager</guard-role> 27 <guard-role>SectionManager</guard-role> 30 28 </guard> 31 29 <transition-behavior behavior_id="initial-create"/> … … 38 36 <guard> 39 37 <guard-role>Manager</guard-role> 40 <guard-role>StudentManager</guard-role> 41 <guard-role>UniversityManager</guard-role> 38 <guard-role>SectionManager</guard-role> 42 39 </guard> 43 40 <transition-behavior behavior_id="allow-sub-create"/> … … 50 47 <guard> 51 48 <guard-role>Manager</guard-role> 52 <guard-role>StudentManager</guard-role> 53 <guard-role>UniversityManager</guard-role> 49 <guard-role>SectionManager</guard-role> 54 50 </guard> 55 51 <transition-behavior behavior_id="allow-sub-delete"/> -
r199 r200 3 3 title="CPS Workflow Definition" 4 4 state_variable="review_state" 5 initial_state="work" meta_type="CPS Workflow"> 6 <permission>Modify portal content</permission> 5 meta_type="CPS Workflow"> 7 6 <permission>View</permission> 8 7 <state state_id="work" title="Work"> 9 8 <exit-transition transition_id="create_content"/> 10 9 <exit-transition transition_id="cut_copy_paste"/> 11 <exit-transition transition_id="close"/> 12 <permission-map name="Modify portal content" 13 acquired="True"> 14 <permission-role>StudentManager</permission-role> 15 <permission-role>UniversityManager</permission-role> 16 <permission-role>Student</permission-role> 17 </permission-map> 18 <permission-map name="View" acquired="True"> 19 <permission-role>Student</permission-role> 10 <permission-map name="View" acquired="False"> 11 <permission-role>Manager</permission-role> 12 <permission-role>SectionManager</permission-role> 13 <permission-role>SectionReviewer</permission-role> 14 <permission-role>SectionReader</permission-role> 20 15 </permission-map> 21 16 </state> … … 23 18 new_state="work" trigger="USER" 24 19 before_script="" after_script=""> 25 <description>Intial transition like</description>26 20 27 21 <guard> 28 22 <guard-role>Manager</guard-role> 29 <guard-role>StudentManager</guard-role> 30 <guard-role>UniversityManager</guard-role> 31 <guard-role>Student</guard-role> 23 <guard-role>SectionManager</guard-role> 32 24 </guard> 33 25 <transition-behavior behavior_id="initial-create"/> … … 36 28 title="Create content" new_state="work" 37 29 trigger="USER" before_script="" after_script=""> 38 <description>Allow sub Object Create</description> 39 <action url="" category="">New</action> 30 40 31 <guard> 41 32 <guard-role>Manager</guard-role> 42 <guard-role>S tudentManager</guard-role>43 <guard-role> UniversityManager</guard-role>44 <guard-role>S tudent</guard-role>33 <guard-role>SectionManager</guard-role> 34 <guard-role>SectionReviewer</guard-role> 35 <guard-role>SectionReader</guard-role> 45 36 </guard> 46 37 <transition-behavior behavior_id="allow-sub-create"/> 47 <transition-behavior behavior_id="allow-sub- checkout"/>38 <transition-behavior behavior_id="allow-sub-publishing"/> 48 39 </transition> 49 40 <transition transition_id="cut_copy_paste" 50 title="Cut/Copy/Paste" new_state=" work"41 title="Cut/Copy/Paste" new_state="" 51 42 trigger="USER" before_script="" after_script=""> 52 <action url="" category="">New</action>43 53 44 <guard> 54 45 <guard-role>Manager</guard-role> 55 <guard-role>StudentManager</guard-role> 56 <guard-role>UniversityManager</guard-role> 46 <guard-role>SectionManager</guard-role> 47 <guard-role>SectionReviewer</guard-role> 48 <guard-role>SectionReader</guard-role> 57 49 </guard> 50 <transition-behavior behavior_id="allow-sub-move"/> 58 51 <transition-behavior behavior_id="allow-sub-delete"/> 59 <transition-behavior behavior_id="allow-sub-move"/>60 52 <transition-behavior behavior_id="allow-sub-copy"/> 61 53 </transition> 62 <variable variable_id="action" for_catalog="False"63 for_status="True" update_always="True">64 <description>The last transition</description>65 <default>66 67 <expression>transition/getId|nothing</expression>68 </default>69 <guard>70 </guard>71 </variable>72 <variable variable_id="actor" for_catalog="False"73 for_status="True" update_always="True">74 <description>The ID of the user who performed the last transition</description>75 <default>76 77 <expression>user/getId</expression>78 </default>79 <guard>80 </guard>81 </variable>82 <variable variable_id="comments" for_catalog="False"83 for_status="True" update_always="True">84 <description>Comments about the last transition</description>85 <default>86 87 <expression>python:state_change.kwargs.get('comment', '')</expression>88 </default>89 <guard>90 </guard>91 </variable>92 <variable variable_id="dest_container" for_catalog="False"93 for_status="True" update_always="True">94 <description>Destination container for the last paste/publish</description>95 <default>96 97 <expression>python:state_change.kwargs.get('dest_container', '')</expression>98 </default>99 <guard>100 </guard>101 </variable>102 <variable variable_id="review_history" for_catalog="False"103 for_status="False" update_always="False">104 <description>Provides access to workflow history</description>105 <default>106 107 <expression>state_change/getHistory</expression>108 </default>109 <guard>110 <guard-role>Manager</guard-role>111 <guard-role>WorkspaceManager</guard-role>112 <guard-role>WorkspaceMember</guard-role>113 <guard-role>WorkspaceReader</guard-role>114 <guard-role>Member</guard-role>115 </guard>116 </variable>117 <variable variable_id="time" for_catalog="False"118 for_status="True" update_always="True">119 <description>Time of the last transition</description>120 <default>121 122 <expression>state_change/getDateTime</expression>123 </default>124 <guard>125 </guard>126 </variable>127 54 </cps-workflow> -
r169 r200 26 26 <span tal:condition="python:context.portal_type != 'University'" tal:omit-tag=""> 27 27 <p>Exemplary view of the <strong>object's data fields</strong>: </p> 28 <tal:block tal:content="structure rendered_main|python:doc.render( proxy=here)" />28 <tal:block tal:content="structure rendered_main|python:doc.render()" /> 29 29 </span> 30 30 <br />
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.