- Timestamp:
- 22 May 2007, 20:46:45 (18 years ago)
- Location:
- WAeUP_SRP/trunk
- Files:
- 2 added
- 10 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1802 r1805 123 123 124 124 csv_d = {'jamb_reg_no': "reg_no", 125 'name': " Firstame" + "Middlename" +"Lastname",125 'name': "fullname", 126 126 'score': "pume_score", 127 127 'sex': "sex", 128 128 'course': "study_course", 129 'course_code_org': "study_course", 129 130 'status': "admission_status", 130 131 'result_type': "entry_mode", 131 132 } 132 133 133 134 csv_fields = [f[1] for f in csv_d.items() if f[1]] 134 135 tr_count = 0 135 136 total = 0 136 137 #name = 'pup_new' 137 name = 'pup_update' 138 #name = 'pup_update' 139 name = 'Admitted' 138 140 update = name.endswith('update') 139 141 no_import = [] … … 165 167 for f,fn in csv_d.items(): 166 168 dict[f] = jamb.get(csv_d[f]) 167 dict['result_type'] = ' DE'169 dict['result_type'] = 'CEST' 168 170 jnr = jamb.get(csv_d['jamb_reg_no']) 169 if not checkJambNo(jnr):170 logger.info(einvalidjamb % jamb)171 dd = {}172 for f,fn in csv_d.items():173 dd[fn] = getattr(data,f)174 no_import.append(eduplicate % dd)175 no_import.append(eduplicate % jamb)176 continue171 #if not checkJambNo(jnr): 172 # logger.info(einvalidjamb % jamb) 173 # dd = {} 174 # for f,fn in csv_d.items(): 175 # dd[fn] = getattr(data,f) 176 # no_import.append(eduplicate % dd) 177 # no_import.append(eduplicate % jamb) 178 # continue 177 179 res = pume(jamb_reg_no=jnr) 178 180 if len(res) > 0: … … 248 250 'study_course': "study_course", 249 251 'perm_address': "address", 252 'admission_status': "admission_status", 250 253 } 251 254 csv_fields = [f[1] for f in csv_d.items()] … … 269 272 return 270 273 for result in results: 274 if not result.get(csv_d['admission_status']).startswith('Admitted'): 275 continue 271 276 #result['Error'] = "Processing " 272 277 #logger.info(format % result) -
r1804 r1805 195 195 datastructure.setError(widget_id, "'%s' not a valid session key" % value) 196 196 return 0 197 197 198 198 if len(v) == 1: 199 199 v = value = '0%c' % v … … 265 265 datastructure.setError(widget_id, "'%s' not a valid level key" % value) 266 266 return 0 267 268 if not value: 267 268 if not value: 269 269 v = value = '100' 270 270 #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() … … 525 525 pume = jamb_nr_catalog(jamb_reg_no = value) 526 526 if len(pume) < 1: 527 err = 'No student with Registration Number %s' % (value)527 err = 'No student record with registration number %s.' %value 528 528 else: 529 529 datastructure['pume'] = pume[0] … … 998 998 if datastructure.errors: 999 999 do = 0 1000 datastructure.setError(widget_id, ' errors in other data, PIN neither checked nor used')1000 datastructure.setError(widget_id, 'PIN neither checked nor used.') 1001 1001 s_logger.info('%s/%s entered wrong data together with PIN %s' % (s_id,ref,pin_str)) 1002 1002 while do: -
r1783 r1805 163 163 icon_expr="actionicon_user_preferences.png"/> 164 164 165 <action-icon category="student" action_id="login_staff"166 title="Staff Login" priority="0"167 icon_expr="actionicon_login.png"/>168 165 <action-icon category="object" action_id="unchecked" 169 166 title="Unchecked Items" priority="12" … … 215 212 action_id="support" title="Enquiries" 216 213 priority="5" icon_expr="blank.gif"/> 217 214 218 215 <action-icon category="student_object" action_id="slip" 219 216 title="Acknowledegement Slip" priority="1" 220 217 icon_expr="bell.png"/> 221 218 219 <action-icon category="student" action_id="login_staff" 220 title="Staff Login" priority="0" 221 icon_expr="actionicon_login.png"/> 222 222 <action-icon category="student" action_id="login_student" 223 223 title="Student Login" priority="0" … … 232 232 title="Display PDE Results" priority="3" 233 233 icon_expr="zoom.png"/> 234 <action-icon category="student" action_id="display_cest_results" 235 title="Display CEST Results" priority="4" 236 icon_expr="zoom.png"/> 234 237 <action-icon category="student" action_id="check_admission" 235 title="Check if admitted" priority=" 4"238 title="Check if admitted" priority="5" 236 239 icon_expr="bell.png"/> 237 240 <action-icon category="student" action_id="display_session_results" 238 title="Display Session Results" priority=" 5"241 title="Display Session Results" priority="6" 239 242 icon_expr="bell.png"/> 240 243 <action-icon category="student" action_id="firsttime_login" 241 title="Register for Previous Sessions" priority="6" 242 icon_expr="bell.png"/> 243 <action-icon category="student" action_id="register_courses" 244 title="Register Courses" priority="5" 244 title="Register for Previous Sessions" priority="7" 245 245 icon_expr="bell.png"/> 246 246 <action-icon category="student" action_id="request_transfer" 247 title="Request Transfer" priority=" 6"247 title="Request Transfer" priority="8" 248 248 icon_expr="arrow_switch.png"/> 249 249 <action-icon category="student" action_id="change_password" 250 title="Change Password" priority=" 7"250 title="Change Password" priority="9" 251 251 icon_expr="actionicon_user_preferences.png"/> 252 252 -
r1785 r1805 130 130 <permission>View</permission> 131 131 </action> 132 <action title="View CEST Results" action_id="display_cest_results" 133 category="student" condition_expr="not:member" 134 url_expr="string:${portal_url}/display_cest_results" visible="True"> 135 <permission>View</permission> 136 </action> 132 137 <action title="Check Admission" action_id="check_admission" 133 138 category="student" condition_expr="not:member" -
r1449 r1805 9 9 <property name="validate_values_expr"></property> 10 10 <widget name="jamb_reg_no" meta_type="JambRegNo Widget"> 11 <property name="title"> JAMBRegistration Number</property>11 <property name="title">Registration Number</property> 12 12 <property name="fields"> 13 13 <element value="jamb_reg_no"/> 14 14 </property> 15 <property name="is_required">True</property> 16 <property name="label"> JAMBRegistration Number</property>17 <property name="label_edit"> JAMBRegistration Number</property>15 <property name="is_required">True</property> 16 <property name="label">Registration Number</property> 17 <property name="label_edit">Registration Number</property> 18 18 <property name="readonly_layout_modes"> 19 19 <element value="edit"/> … … 21 21 <property name="hidden_layout_modes"/> 22 22 <property name="hidden_readonly_layout_modes"/> 23 <property name="display_width">10</property> 24 <property name="size_max">10</property> 23 <property name="display_width">13</property> 24 <property name="size_max">13</property> 25 <property name="catalog">portal_pumeresults</property> 25 26 </widget> 26 27 <table> -
r1800 r1805 54 54 <h2>New Students</h2> 55 55 56 <p>can view their 2006 PUME/PDE results and admission status (free of charge):</p>56 <p>can view their 2006 PUME/PDE/CEST results and admission status (free of charge):</p> 57 57 <br /> 58 58 <ul> 59 <li> Simply click "View PUME or PDEResults", </li>60 <li> enter your JAMBRegistration Number and </li>59 <li> Simply click "View PUME, PDE or CEST Results", </li> 60 <li> enter your Registration Number and </li> 61 61 <li> press the "Search" button. </li> 62 62 </ul> 63 63 <br /> 64 <p>Your PUME/PDEresult record will be shown.</p>64 <p>Your result record will be shown.</p> 65 65 66 66 <p>If you are admitted, proceed with checking your admission details: </p> … … 68 68 <ul> 69 69 <li>Buy your Admission Checking Scratch Card,</li> 70 <li>click "Check Adm . Details",</li>71 <li>enter your JAMBRegistration Number and your Admission Checking PIN (prefix APP)</li>70 <li>click "Check Admission",</li> 71 <li>enter your Registration Number and your Admission Checking PIN (prefix APP)</li> 72 72 <li>press the "Check" button,</li> 73 73 <li>print your admission slip and log out.</li> -
r1784 r1805 20 20 <ul> 21 21 <li>Buy an Application Scratch Card.</li> 22 <li>Enter your JAMBRegistration Number and the Admission PIN.</li>22 <li>Enter your Registration Number and the Admission PIN.</li> 23 23 <li>If you already checked admission, you can use this form to retrieve your Student Id but not 24 24 to log in. <strong><font color="red">You must proceed to "Student Login".</font></strong></li> -
r1737 r1805 4 4 5 5 6 <span tal:condition="python:pume['result_type'] !='DE'">6 <span tal:condition="python:pume['result_type'] not in ('DE','CEST')"> 7 7 <h3>PUME Results of <span tal:content="pume/name" /></h3> 8 8 </span> … … 12 12 </span> 13 13 14 <span tal:condition="python:pume['result_type']=='CEST'"> 15 <h3>CEST Results of <span tal:content="pume/name" /></h3> 16 </span> 14 17 15 18 <br /> -
r1292 r1805 4 4 result_type pume/result_type"> 5 5 6 <span tal:condition="python:result_type !='DE'"> 6 7 <span tal:condition="python:result_type not in ('DE','CEST')"> 7 8 <div style="text-align: right"> 8 9 <a href="" target="slip" tal:attributes="href string:entry_results_anon_slip?nr=${pume/jamb_reg_no}" … … 15 16 </span> 16 17 18 17 19 <span tal:condition="python:result_type == 'DE'"> 18 20 <div style="text-align: right"> … … 25 27 <h3>PDE Results of <span tal:content="pume/name" /></h3> 26 28 </span> 29 30 <span tal:condition="python:result_type == 'CEST'"> 31 <div style="text-align: right"> 32 <a href="" target="slip" tal:attributes="href string:entry_results_anon_slip?nr=${pume/jamb_reg_no}" 33 onclick="javascript:window.open('','slip','width=600, height=700, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')"> 34 <img tal:attributes="src string:${here/portal_url}/actionicon_print.png" /> 35 PDE Result Slip 36 </a> 37 </div> 38 <h3>CEST Results of <span tal:content="pume/name" /></h3> 39 </span> 27 40 28 41 <br /> … … 37 50 <table> 38 51 <tr> 39 <th> JAMBRegistration Number:</th><td tal:content="pume/jamb_reg_no"></td>52 <th>Registration Number:</th><td tal:content="pume/jamb_reg_no"></td> 40 53 </tr> 41 54 <tr> -
r1783 r1805 1 1 <metal:block use-macro="here/main_template/macros/master"> 2 <metal:block fill-slot="main" 3 tal:define="rendered_main options/rendered; 4 portal_status_message options/psm; 5 data_storage options/ds; 6 edition python:1;"> 7 <h3>Data not yet imported!</h3> 8 </metal:block> 2 9 3 10 <metal:block fill-slot="main x" tal:condition="python:0"4 <metal:block fill-slot="main" tal:condition="python:1" 11 5 tal:define="rendered_main options/rendered; 12 6 portal_status_message options/psm;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.