16 Apr 2024, 06:29:43 (6 months ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More adjustments.

2 edited


  • main/kofacustom.udss/trunk/src/kofacustom/udss/students/browser.py

    r17689 r17737  
    2121from zope.component import getUtility
    2222from zope.security import checkPermission
     23from zope.formlib.textwidgets import BytesDisplayWidget
    2324from hurry.workflow.interfaces import IWorkflowInfo
    2425from waeup.kofa.interfaces import REQUESTED, IExtFileStore, IKofaUtils
    2728from waeup.kofa.browser.layout import action, jsaction
    2829from waeup.kofa.students.browser import (
    29     StudyLevelEditFormPage, StudyLevelDisplayFormPage,
    30     StudentBasePDFFormPage, ExportPDFCourseRegistrationSlip,
    31     CourseTicketDisplayFormPage, StudentTriggerTransitionFormPage,
    32     PaymentsManageFormPage, msave, emit_lock_message)
     30    StudentPersonalDisplayFormPage,
     31    StudentPersonalManageFormPage,
     32    StudentPersonalEditFormPage,
     33    StudentClearanceDisplayFormPage,
     34    StudentClearanceManageFormPage,
     35    StudentClearanceEditFormPage,
     36    ExportPDFClearanceSlip,
     37    StudyLevelEditFormPage,
     38    StudyLevelDisplayFormPage,
     39    StudentBasePDFFormPage,
     40    ExportPDFCourseRegistrationSlip,
     41    CourseTicketDisplayFormPage,
     42    StudentTriggerTransitionFormPage,
     43    PaymentsManageFormPage,
     44    msave, emit_lock_message)
    3345from waeup.kofa.students.interfaces import IStudentsUtils, ICourseTicket
    3446from waeup.kofa.students.workflow import FORBIDDEN_POSTGRAD_TRANS
    3951    NigeriaOnlinePaymentAddFormPage,
    4052    NigeriaExportPDFPaymentSlip,
    41     NigeriaExportPDFClearanceSlip,
    4253    )
    4455from kofacustom.udss.students.interfaces import (
    45     ICustomStudentOnlinePayment, ICustomStudentStudyCourse,
    46     ICustomStudentStudyLevel)
     56    ICustomStudentOnlinePayment,
     57    ICustomStudentStudyCourse,
     58    ICustomStudentStudyLevel,
     59    ICustomStudentPersonal,
     60    ICustomStudentClearance)
    4761from kofacustom.udss.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
    5569    def manage_payments_allowed(self):
    5670        return checkPermission('waeup.manageStudent', self.context)
     72class CustomStudentPersonalDisplayFormPage(StudentPersonalDisplayFormPage):
     73    """ Page to display student personal data
     74    """
     75    form_fields = grok.AutoFields(ICustomStudentPersonal)
     76    form_fields['perm_address'].custom_widget = BytesDisplayWidget
     77    form_fields['mother_res_address'].custom_widget = BytesDisplayWidget
     78    form_fields['father_res_address'].custom_widget = BytesDisplayWidget
     79    form_fields['sponsor_res_address'].custom_widget = BytesDisplayWidget
     80    form_fields[
     81        'personal_updated'].custom_widget = FriendlyDatetimeDisplayWidget('le')
     83class CustomStudentPersonalEditFormPage(StudentPersonalEditFormPage):
     84    """ Page to edit personal data
     85    """
     86    form_fields = grok.AutoFields(ICustomStudentPersonal).omit('personal_updated')
     88class CustomStudentPersonalManageFormPage(StudentPersonalManageFormPage):
     89    """ Page to edit personal data
     90    """
     91    form_fields = grok.AutoFields(ICustomStudentPersonal)
     92    form_fields['personal_updated'].for_display = True
     93    form_fields[
     94        'personal_updated'].custom_widget = FriendlyDatetimeDisplayWidget('le')
     96class CustomStudentClearanceDisplayFormPage(StudentClearanceDisplayFormPage):
     97    """ Page to display student clearance data
     98    """
     100    @property
     101    def form_fields(self):
     102        form_fields = grok.AutoFields(
     103            ICustomStudentClearance).omit('clearance_locked')
     104        if not getattr(self.context, 'officer_comment'):
     105            form_fields = form_fields.omit('officer_comment')
     106        else:
     107            form_fields['officer_comment'].custom_widget = BytesDisplayWidget
     108        return form_fields
     110class CustomExportPDFClearanceSlip(ExportPDFClearanceSlip):
     111    """Deliver a PDF slip of the context.
     112    """
     113    omit_fields = ('password', 'suspended', 'suspended_comment',
     114        'phone', 'adm_code', 'email', 'date_of_birth', 'current_level',
     115        'flash_notice')
     117    @property
     118    def form_fields(self):
     119        form_fields = grok.AutoFields(
     120            ICustomStudentClearance).omit('clearance_locked')
     121        if not getattr(self.context, 'officer_comment'):
     122            form_fields = form_fields.omit('officer_comment')
     123        return form_fields
     125class CustomStudentClearanceManageFormPage(StudentClearanceManageFormPage):
     126    """ Page to edit student clearance data
     127    """
     129    @property
     130    def form_fields(self):
     131        form_fields = grok.AutoFields(
     132            ICustomStudentClearance).omit('clr_code')
     133        return form_fields
     135class CustomStudentClearanceEditFormPage(StudentClearanceEditFormPage):
     136    """ View to edit student clearance data by student
     137    """
     139    @property
     140    def form_fields(self):
     141        form_fields = grok.AutoFields(ICustomStudentClearance).omit(
     142            'clearance_locked', 'clr_code', 'officer_comment',
     143            'physical_clearance_date')
     144        return form_fields
  • main/kofacustom.udss/trunk/src/kofacustom/udss/students/interfaces.py

    r17689 r17737  
    1919from zope import schema
     20from waeup.kofa.interfaces import SimpleKofaVocabulary, academic_sessions_vocab
    2021from waeup.kofa.students.vocabularies import StudyLevelSource
     22from waeup.kofa.students.interfaces import IStudentPersonal, IUGStudentClearance
    2123from kofacustom.nigeria.students.interfaces import (
    2224    INigeriaStudentBase, INigeriaUGStudentClearance, INigeriaPGStudentClearance,
    3335    """
    35 class ICustomStudentPersonal(INigeriaStudentPersonal):
     37class ICustomStudentPersonal(IStudentPersonal):
    3638    """Student personal data.
    3840    """
    40 class ICustomUGStudentClearance(INigeriaUGStudentClearance):
     42    religion = schema.Choice(
     43        title = u'Religion',
     44        default = 'no_say',
     45        required = False,
     46        vocabulary = SimpleKofaVocabulary(
     47            (_('Muslim'), 'muslim'),
     48            (_('Christian'), 'christian'),
     49            (_('Others'), 'others'),
     50            (_('Prefer not to say'), 'no_say'),)
     51        )
     53    disabled = schema.Bool(
     54        title = u'Disabled',
     55        default = False,
     56        required = False,
     57        )
     59    father_firstname = schema.TextLine(
     60        title = _(u'First Name of Father'),
     61        required = False,
     62        )
     63    father_middlename = schema.TextLine(
     64        title = _(u'Middle Name of Father'),
     65        required = False,
     66        )
     67    father_lastname = schema.TextLine(
     68        title = _(u'Last Name (Surname) of Father'),
     69        required = False,
     70        )
     71    father_status = schema.TextLine(
     72        title = _(u'Father\'s Status and Rank'),
     73        required = False,
     74        )
     75    father_employer = schema.TextLine(
     76        title = _(u'Father\'s Employer'),
     77        required = False,
     78        )
     79    father_res_address = schema.Text(
     80        title = _(u'Father\'s Residential Address'),
     81        required = False,
     82        )
     83    father_contact_address = schema.Text(
     84        title = _(u'Father\'s Contact Address (incl. P.O. Box)'),
     85        required = False,
     86        )
     87    mother_firstname = schema.TextLine(
     88        title = _(u'First Name of Mother'),
     89        required = False,
     90        )
     91    mother_middlename = schema.TextLine(
     92        title = _(u'Middle Name of Mother'),
     93        required = False,
     94        )
     95    mother_lastname = schema.TextLine(
     96        title = _(u'Last Name (Surname) of Mother'),
     97        required = False,
     98        )
     99    mother_status = schema.TextLine(
     100        title = _(u'Mother\'s Status and Rank'),
     101        required = False,
     102        )
     103    mother_employer = schema.TextLine(
     104        title = _(u'Mother\'s Employer'),
     105        required = False,
     106        )
     107    mother_res_address = schema.Text(
     108        title = _(u'Mother\'s Residential Address'),
     109        required = False,
     110        )
     111    mother_contact_address = schema.Text(
     112        title = _(u'Mother\'s Contact Address (incl. P.O. Box)'),
     113        required = False,
     114        )
     115    sponsor_firstname = schema.TextLine(
     116        title = _(u'First Name of sponsor'),
     117        required = False,
     118        )
     119    sponsor_middlename = schema.TextLine(
     120        title = _(u'Middle Name of Sponsor'),
     121        required = False,
     122        )
     123    sponsor_lastname = schema.TextLine(
     124        title = _(u'Last Name (Surname) of Sponsor'),
     125        required = False,
     126        )
     127    sponsor_status = schema.TextLine(
     128        title = _(u'Sponsor\'s Status and Rank'),
     129        required = False,
     130        )
     131    sponsor_employer = schema.TextLine(
     132        title = _(u'Sponsor\'s Employer'),
     133        required = False,
     134        )
     135    sponsor_res_address = schema.Text(
     136        title = _(u'Sponsor\'s Residential Address'),
     137        required = False,
     138        )
     139    sponsor_contact_address = schema.Text(
     140        title = _(u'Sponsor\'s Contact Address (incl. P.O. Box)'),
     141        required = False,
     142        )
     144class ICustomStudentClearance(IUGStudentClearance):
    41145    """Representation of ug student clearance data.
    43147    """
    45 class ICustomPGStudentClearance(INigeriaPGStudentClearance):
    46     """Representation of pg student clearance data.
    48     """
    51 class ICustomStudent(ICustomStudentBase,ICustomUGStudentClearance,
    52     ICustomPGStudentClearance,ICustomStudentPersonal):
     149class ICustomStudent(ICustomStudentBase,ICustomStudentClearance,
     150    ICustomStudentPersonal):
    53151    """Representation of a student.
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