Changeset 16484 for main

19 May 2021, 07:47:21 (3 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Implement PAYDirect Bank Branch payment.

2 added
8 edited


  • main/kofacustom.nigeria/trunk/src/kofacustom/nigeria/etranzact/

    r16246 r16484  
    8080    grok.context(INigeriaStudentOnlinePayment)
    8181    grok.require('waeup.payStudent')
    82     grok.order(3)
     82    grok.order(10)
    8383    icon = 'actionicon_pay.png'
    8484    text = _('Pay via Etranzact PayOutlet')
    102102    grok.require('waeup.payStudent')
    104     buttonname = _('Submit to Etranzact')
     104    buttonname = _('Requery now')
    105105    label = _('Requery Etranzact PayOutlet History')
    106106    action = 'query_payoutlet_history'
    131131    grok.template('enterpin')
    133     buttonname = _('Submit to Etranzact')
     133    buttonname = _('Requery now')
    134134    label = _('Requery Etranzact PayOutlet History')
    135135    action = 'query_payoutlet_history'
  • main/kofacustom.nigeria/trunk/src/kofacustom/nigeria/etranzact/

    r16379 r16484  
    5353class EtranzactActionButtonStudent(ManageActionButton):
    54     grok.order(1)
     54    grok.order(8)
    5555    grok.context(INigeriaOnlinePayment)
    5656    grok.view(NOPDPStudent)
    7171class EtranzactRequeryActionButtonStudent(ManageActionButton):
    72     grok.order(2)
     72    grok.order(9)
    7373    grok.context(INigeriaOnlinePayment)
    7474    grok.view(NOPDPStudent)
  • main/kofacustom.nigeria/trunk/src/kofacustom/nigeria/etranzact/

    r16378 r16484  
    261261        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Etranzact PayOutlet").click()
    262262        self.browser.getControl(name="confirmation_number").value = '600854291572447457669'
    263         self.browser.getControl("Submit to Etranzact").click()
     263        self.browser.getControl("Requery now").click()
    264264        # This response is strange
    265265        self.assertTrue('-3:Wrong Setup' in self.browser.contents)
    267267        # This confirmation number exists
    268268        self.browser.getControl(name="confirmation_number").value = '500854291572447457669'
    269         self.browser.getControl("Submit to Etranzact").click()
     269        self.browser.getControl("Requery now").click()
    270270        self.assertTrue('Wrong amount' in self.browser.contents)
    271271        # Some attributes have been set
  • main/kofacustom.nigeria/trunk/src/kofacustom/nigeria/

    r16109 r16484  
    127127    interswitch_enabled = schema.Bool(
    128         title = _(u'Interswitch integration enabled'),
     128        title = _(u'Interswitch Collegepay integration enabled'),
     129        default = True,
     130        )
     132    interswitch_paydirect_enabled = schema.Bool(
     133        title = _(u'Interswitch Paydirect integration enabled'),
    129134        default = True,
    130135        )
  • main/kofacustom.nigeria/trunk/src/kofacustom/nigeria/interswitch/

    r16247 r16484  
    2222from waeup.kofa.interfaces import IKofaUtils
    2323from waeup.kofa.utils.helpers import to_timezone
    24 from waeup.kofa.browser.layout import UtilityView, KofaPage
     24from waeup.kofa.browser.layout import UtilityView, KofaPage, KofaFormPage, action
    2525from waeup.kofa.browser.viewlets import ManageActionButton
    2626from waeup.kofa.students.interfaces import IStudentsUtils
    2828from waeup.kofa.applicants.browser import OnlinePaymentDisplayFormPage as OPDPApplicant
    2929from kofacustom.nigeria.interswitch.helpers import (
    30     query_interswitch, write_payments_log)
     30    query_interswitch, write_payments_log, fetch_booking_details)
    3131from kofacustom.nigeria.payments.interfaces import INigeriaOnlinePayment
    3232from kofacustom.nigeria.students.interfaces import INigeriaStudentOnlinePayment
    3333from kofacustom.nigeria.applicants.interfaces import INigeriaApplicantOnlinePayment
     34from kofacustom.nigeria.interswitch.tests import PAYDIRECT_URL, PAYDIRECT_HOST, MERCHANT_ID
    3435from kofacustom.nigeria.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
    5859    grok.require('waeup.payStudent')
    5960    icon = 'actionicon_pay.png'
    60     text = _('Pay via Interswitch')
     61    text = _('Pay via Interswitch CollegePAY')
    6162    target = 'goto_interswitch'
    8990    grok.require('waeup.payStudent')
    9091    icon = 'actionicon_call.png'
    91     text = _('Requery Interswitch History')
     92    text = _('Requery CollegePAY History')
    9293    target = 'request_webservice'
    315316    grok.template('student_goto_interswitch')
    316317    grok.require('waeup.payStudent')
    317     label = _('Submit data to CollegePAY (Interswitch Payment Gateway)')
     318    label = _('Submit data to CollegePAY')
    318319    submit_button = _('Submit')
    392393    grok.template('applicant_goto_interswitch')
    394     label = _('Submit data to CollegePAY (Interswitch Payment Gateway)')
     395    label = _('Submit data to CollegePAY')
    395396    submit_button = _('Submit')
    444445        self.amount_auth = int(100 * self.context.amount_auth)
    445446        return
  • main/kofacustom.nigeria/trunk/src/kofacustom/nigeria/interswitch/

    r16167 r16484  
    3030def SOAP_post(soap_action, xml, host, url, https):
    3131    """Handles making the SOAP request.
    33     Further reading:
    3532    """
    3633    if https:
    4845    return response
     47def write_payments_log(id, payment):
     49        '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,,,' % (
     50        id, payment.p_id, payment.p_category,
     51        payment.amount_auth, payment.r_code,
     52        payment.provider_amt, payment.gateway_amt,
     53        payment.thirdparty_amt))
     55# CollegePAY helper functions
    5157def get_SOAP_response(product_id, transref, host, url, https):
    228234    return True, msg, log
    230 def write_payments_log(id, payment):
    232         '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,,,' % (
    233         id, payment.p_id, payment.p_category,
    234         payment.amount_auth, payment.r_code,
    235         payment.provider_amt, payment.gateway_amt,
    236         payment.thirdparty_amt))
     236# PAYDirect helper functions
     238def get_SOAP_response_paydirect(merchant_id, p_id, host, url, https):
     239    xml="""\
     240<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     241<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:book="">
     242   <soap:Header/>
     243   <soap:Body>
     244      <book:FetchBookingDetails>
     245         <book:ReservationDetailsRequest>
     246            <book:MerchantId>%s</book:MerchantId>
     247            <book:Bookings>
     248               <book:Booking>
     249                  <book:ReferenceNumber>%s%s</book:ReferenceNumber>
     250               </book:Booking>
     251            </book:Bookings>
     252         </book:ReservationDetailsRequest>
     253      </book:FetchBookingDetails>
     254   </soap:Body>
     255</soap:Envelope>""" % (merchant_id, merchant_id, p_id[1:])
     257    response=SOAP_post(
     258        "",
     259        xml, host, url, https)
     260    if response.status!=200:
     261        error = 'Connection error (%s, %s)' % (response.status, response.reason)
     262        return error
     263    result_xml =
     264    return result_xml
     266def fetch_booking_details(payment, merchant_id, host, url, https):
     267    result_xml = get_SOAP_response_paydirect(
     268        merchant_id, payment.p_id, host, url, https)
     269    if result_xml.startswith('Connection error'):
     270        return False, result_xml, result_xml
     271    doc=parseString(result_xml)
     272    if not doc.getElementsByTagName('PaymentStatus'):
     273        msg = _('Your payment %s was not found.' % payment.p_id)
     274        log = 'payment %s cannot be found' % payment.p_id
     275        return False, msg, log
     276    p_status = doc.getElementsByTagName('PaymentStatus')[0]
     277    payment.r_code = p_status
     278    try:
     279        payment.r_desc = "%s - %s - %s" % (
     280            doc.getElementsByTagName('ChannelName')[0],
     281            doc.getElementsByTagName('TerminalId')[0],
     282            doc.getElementsByTagName('Location'))[0]
     283    except AttributeError:
     284        pass
     285    try:
     286        amount = doc.getElementsByTagName('Amount')[0]
     287        payment.r_amount_approved = int(amount)
     288    except AttributeError:
     289        pass
     290    try:
     291        payment.r_pay_reference = doc.getElementsByTagName(
     292            'ReferenceNumber')
     293    except AttributeError:
     294        pass
     295    if p_status not in ('Pending', 'Completed'):
     296        msg = _('Unknown status: %s' % sr[0])
     297        log = 'invalid callback for payment %s: %s' % (payment.p_id, status)
     298        payment.p_state = 'failed'
     299        notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(payment))
     300        return False, msg, log
     301    if p_status == 'Completed' and not payment.r_amount_approved:
     302        msg = _('Amount unconfirmed')
     303        log = 'unsuccessful callback for payment %s: amount unconfirmed' % payment.p_id
     304        payment.p_state = 'failed'
     305        notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(payment))
     306        return False, msg, log
     307    if p_status == 'Pending':
     308        msg = _('Payment pending')
     309        log = 'unsuccessful callback for payment %s: pending' % payment.p_id
     310        payment.p_state = 'failed'
     311        notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(payment))
     312        return False, msg, log
     313    if payment.r_amount_approved != payment.amount_auth:
     314        msg = _('Callback amount does not match.')
     315        log = 'unsuccessful callback for %s payment %s: callback amount %s does not match' % (
     316            payment.p_category, payment.p_id, amount)
     317        payment.p_state = 'failed'
     318        notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(payment))
     319        return False, msg, log
     320    payment.p_state = 'paid'
     321    payment.payment_date = datetime.utcnow()
     322    msg = _('Successful callback received')
     323    log = 'valid callback for %s payment %s: %s' % (
     324        payment.p_category, payment.p_id, p_status)
     325    notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(payment))
     326    return True, msg, log
  • main/kofacustom.nigeria/trunk/src/kofacustom/nigeria/interswitch/

    r16378 r16484  
    2020from zope.component import createObject, getUtility
    2121from zope.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog
     22from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
    2223from hurry.workflow.interfaces import IWorkflowState
    2324from waeup.kofa.students.tests.test_browser import StudentsFullSetup
    2526from waeup.kofa.configuration import SessionConfiguration
    2627from waeup.kofa.students.payments import StudentOnlinePayment
    27 from kofacustom.nigeria.interswitch.helpers import query_interswitch
     28from waeup.kofa.browser.tests.test_pdf import samples_dir
     29from kofacustom.nigeria.interswitch.helpers import (
     30    query_interswitch, get_SOAP_response_paydirect, SOAP_post)
    2831from kofacustom.nigeria.testing import FunctionalLayer
    3134#   If you enable this, please make sure the external services
    3235#   do exist really and are not bothered by being spammed by a test programme.
    33 EXTERNAL_TESTS = False
    35 def external_test(func):
    36     if not EXTERNAL_TESTS:
     36EXTERNAL_TESTS_1 = True
     37EXTERNAL_TESTS_2 = True
     39PAYDIRECT_HOST = ''
     40PAYDIRECT_URL = '/bookonhold/bookonhold.asmx'
     41MERCHANT_ID = '6033'
     43def external_test_1(func):
     44    if not EXTERNAL_TESTS_1:
     45        myself = __file__
     46        if myself.endswith('.pyc'):
     47            myself = myself[:-1]
     48        print "WARNING: external tests are skipped!"
     49        print "WARNING: edit %s to enable them." % myself
     50        return
     51    return func
     53def external_test_2(func):
     54    if not EXTERNAL_TESTS_2:
    3755        myself = __file__
    3856        if myself.endswith('.pyc'):
    7290    def test_interswitch_form(self):
    7391        # Manager can access InterswitchForm
    74         self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch", index=0).click()
    75         # The total amount to be processed by Interswitch
    76         # has been reduced by the Interswitch fee of 150 Nairas
     92        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch CollegePAY", index=0).click()
    7793        self.assertMatches('...<input type="hidden" name="pay_item_id" />...',
    7894                           self.browser.contents)
    101117        self.assertEqual(self.student['payments'][value].gateway_amt, 0.0)
    102118        self.browser.getLink(value).click()
    103         self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch", index=0).click()
     119        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch CollegePAY", index=0).click()
    104120        # Split amounts have been set.
    105121        self.assertEqual(self.student['payments'][value].provider_amt, 0.0)
    113129    def test_interswitch_form_ticket_expired(self):
    114130        # Manager can access InterswitchForm
    115         self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch", index=0).click()
     131        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch CollegePAY", index=0).click()
    116132        self.assertMatches('...<input type="hidden" name="pay_item_id" />...',
    117133                           self.browser.contents)
    125141        self.payment.creation_date -= delta
    127         self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch", index=0).click()
     143        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch CollegePAY", index=0).click()
    128144        self.assertMatches(
    129145            '...This payment ticket is too old. Please create a new ticket...',
    132148        self.payment.creation_date += delta
    134         self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch", index=0).click()
     150        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch CollegePAY").click()
    135151        self.assertMatches('...Total Amount Authorized:...',
    136152                           self.browser.contents)
    140156        # We should not have TZ data in timestamps processed, but it looks
    141157        # like we get some with imports :-/
    142         self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch", index=0).click()
     158        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch CollegePAY", index=0).click()
    143159        delta = timedelta(days=8)
    144160        self.payment.creation_date -= delta
    147163            self.payment.creation_date)
    149         self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch", index=0).click()
     165        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch CollegePAY", index=0).click()
    150166        self.assertMatches(
    151167            '...This payment ticket is too old. Please create a new ticket...',
    154170        self.payment.creation_date += delta
    156         self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch", index=0).click()
    157         self.assertMatches('...Total Amount Authorized:...',
    158                            self.browser.contents)
    160     @external_test
     172        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch CollegePAY").click()
     173        self.assertMatches('...Total Amount Authorized:...',
     174                           self.browser.contents)
     176    @external_test_1
    161177    def test_query_interswitch_SOAP(self):
    162178        host = ''
    176192            'ZIB|WEB|ABAL|3-11-2015|021336:000457580882' in log)
    178     @external_test
     194    @external_test_1
    179195    def test_query_interswitch_JSON(self):
    180196        host = ''
    209225            "u'LeadBankName': None}" in log)
     227# PAYDirect tests
     229    def create_booking(self, p_id):
     230        xml="""\
     231<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     232<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
     233  <soap:Body>
     234    <CreateBooking xmlns="">
     235      <ReservationRequest>
     236        <MerchantId>%s</MerchantId>
     237        <Bookings>
     238          <Booking>
     239            <ReferenceNumber>%s%s</ReferenceNumber>
     240            <ResponseCode>01</ResponseCode>
     241            <ResponseDescription>02</ResponseDescription>
     242            <Description>My Description</Description>
     243            <Amount>1000</Amount>
     244            <DateBooked>2021-05-05</DateBooked>
     245            <DateExpired>2025-05-05</DateExpired>
     246            <FirstName>Dummy</FirstName>
     247            <LastName>Student</LastName>
     248            <Status>string</Status>
     249            <PaymentStatus>string</PaymentStatus>
     250            <PaymentReference>string</PaymentReference>
     251            <ChannelName>04</ChannelName>
     252            <TerminalId>05</TerminalId>
     253            <Location>string</Location>
     254            <PaymentDate>2020-05-05</PaymentDate>
     255            <PaymentMethod>string</PaymentMethod>
     256            <Email>aa@aa.aa</Email>
     257            <ItemCode>01</ItemCode>
     258          </Booking>
     259        </Bookings>
     260      </ReservationRequest>
     261    </CreateBooking>
     262  </soap:Body>
     263</soap:Envelope>""" % (MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_ID, p_id[1:])
     265        SOAP_post("",xml,
     266                  PAYDIRECT_HOST, PAYDIRECT_URL, True)
     268    @external_test_2
     269    def test_get_SOAP_response_paydirect(self):
     270        p_id = 'p6021570467807'
     271        self.create_booking(p_id)
     272        result_xml = get_SOAP_response_paydirect(
     273            MERCHANT_ID, p_id, PAYDIRECT_HOST, PAYDIRECT_URL, True)
     274        doc=parseString(result_xml)
     275        status=doc.getElementsByTagName('PaymentStatus')[0]
     276        amount=doc.getElementsByTagName('Amount')[0].firstChild
     277        self.assertEqual(status, 'Pending')
     278        self.assertEqual(amount, None)
     279        p_id = 'p5812734587097'
     280        result_xml = get_SOAP_response_paydirect(MERCHANT_ID, p_id, PAYDIRECT_HOST, PAYDIRECT_URL, True)
     281        doc=parseString(result_xml)
     282        self.assertEqual(doc.getElementsByTagName('PaymentStatus'), [])
     284    @external_test_2
     285    def test_paydirect(self):
     286        # Manager can access InterswitchForm
     287        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch PAYDirect").click()
     288        self.assertMatches('...Total Amount Authorized:...',
     289                           self.browser.contents)
     290        self.assertEqual(self.student.current_mode, 'ug_ft')
     291        # Create school fee ticket for returning students. Payment is made
     292        # for next session.
     293        current_payment_key = self.student['payments'].keys()[0]
     294        self.certificate.study_mode = u'ug_pt'
     295        IWorkflowState(self.student).setState('returning')
     296        configuration = createObject('waeup.SessionConfiguration')
     297        configuration.academic_session = 2005
     299 + '/addop')
     300        self.browser.getControl(name="form.p_category").value = ['schoolfee']
     301        self.browser.getControl("Create ticket").click()
     303        ctrl = self.browser.getControl(name='val_id')
     304        value = ctrl.options[1]
     305        self.assertEqual(self.student['payments'][value].provider_amt, 0.0)
     306        self.assertEqual(self.student['payments'][value].gateway_amt, 0.0)
     307        self.browser.getLink(value).click()
     308        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch PAYDirect").click()
     309        # Split amounts have been set.
     310        self.assertEqual(self.student['payments'][value].provider_amt, 0.0)
     311        self.assertEqual(self.student['payments'][value].gateway_amt, 300.0)
     312        # Reference number has not yet been saved but can be seen in browser
     313        self.assertEqual(self.student['payments'][value].r_pay_reference, None)
     314        ref_number = '%s%s' % (MERCHANT_ID,value[1:])
     315        self.assertTrue(ref_number in self.browser.contents)
     316        self.browser.getControl("Requery").click()
     317        self.assertTrue('Your payment %s was not found.' % value in self.browser.contents)
     318        self.create_booking(value)
     319        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch PAYDirect").click()
     320        self.browser.getControl("Requery").click()
     321        self.assertTrue('pending' in self.browser.contents)
     322        # Reference number has still not been saved because the element was empty
     323        self.assertEqual(self.student['payments'][value].r_pay_reference, None)
     324        # Here we have to stop testing because we cannot create completed bookings
     326        # Students can download reference number slip
     327        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch PAYDirect").click()
     328        self.browser.getLink("Download reference number slip").click()
     329        self.assertEqual(self.browser.headers['Status'], '200 Ok')
     330        self.assertEqual(self.browser.headers['Content-Type'], 'application/pdf')
     331        path = os.path.join(samples_dir(), 'refnumberslip.pdf')
     332        open(path, 'wb').write(self.browser.contents)
     333        print "Sample PDF refnumberslip.pdf written to %s" % path
    211335class InterswitchTestsApplicants(ApplicantsFullSetup):
    212336    """Tests for the Interswitch payment gateway.
    241365            self.browser.contents)
    242366        # Manager can access InterswitchForm
    243         self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch", index=0).click()
     367        self.browser.getLink("Pay via Interswitch CollegePAY", index=0).click()
    244368        self.assertMatches('...Total Amount Authorized:...',
    245369                           self.browser.contents)
  • main/kofacustom.nigeria/trunk/src/kofacustom/nigeria/remita/

    r16246 r16484  
    5656class RemitaActionButtonStudent(ManageActionButton):
    57     grok.order(1)
     57    grok.order(5)
    5858    grok.context(INigeriaOnlinePayment)
    5959    grok.view(OPDPStudent)
    7474class RemitaRequestPaymentStatusActionButtonStudent(ManageActionButton):
    75     grok.order(2)
     75    grok.order(6)
    7676    grok.context(INigeriaOnlinePayment)
    7777    grok.view(OPDPStudent)
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.