16 Sep 2020, 10:26:39 (5 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Add admission letter for pg students.

1 added
2 edited
1 moved


  • main/kofacustom.iuokada/trunk/src/kofacustom/iuokada/students/browser.py

    r16237 r16238  
    228228    """
    230     omit_fields = ('date_of_birth', 'current_level', 'current_mode',
    231                    'entry_session')
     230    omit_fields = ('date_of_birth',
     231                   #'current_level',
     232                   'current_mode',
     233                   #'entry_session'
     234                   )
    233236    @property
    248251    @property
    249     def pre_text(self):
     252    def pre_text_ug(self):
    250253        return (
    251254            'Following your performance in the screening exercise '
    256259    @property
    257     def post_text(self):
     260    def pre_text_pg(self):
     261        return (
     262            'I am pleased to inform you that your application for admission'
     263            ' into the Igbinedion University, Okada was successful. You have'
     264            ' been admitted as follows:')
     266    @property
     267    def post_text_ug(self):
    258268        return """
    259269Please note that at the point of registration for your programme of study (course), you will be required to present the following documents: Current UTME result slip, WAEC/NECO (0' Level) result, Birth certificate or sworn affidavit of age, and Health certificate from a recognized Medical Centre.
     312    @property
     313    def post_text_pg(self):
     314        return """
     3151. Details of your programme will be made available to you by the Head of your Department on your arrival at the Igbinedion University.
     3172. This offer is conditional upon the confirmation of your qualifications as listed by you in your application form. You will be required to produce the ORIGINAL COPIES of all your certificates for verification during registration. If at any time after admission, it is discovered that you do not possess any of the qualifications upon which this offer of admission was made, you will be required to withdraw from the University.
     3193. If you accept this offer of admission upon the conditions above, you should please:
     321(a) Complete the enclosed Acceptance Form of Provisional Offer of Admission in duplicate and send  by registered mail or by hand to the
     324School of Postgraduate Studies and Research
     325Igbinedion University,
     326P.M.B. 0006,
     327Benin City, Edo State,
     330(b)     Forward the following along with the Acceptance Form of Provisional Offer of Admission.
     332(i) A non-refundable deposit of N100,000.00 (One Hundred Thousand Naira Only) which is part of the School fees: Payable Online.
     334(ii) Four recent passport-size photograph of yourself with your full-names (surname first in BLOCK LETTERS) written on the reverse side of the photograph and pinned to the Acceptance Form.
     3364. The following will be required for Registration:
     338(a) A medical examination to be conducted by an approved medical practitioner. On your arrival at the Igbinedion University, you should submit the enclosed Igbinedion University Medical Examination Form duly completed and signed by an approved medical practitioner together with your chest X-ray film to Director of Health Service at the Igbinedion University, Okada.
     340(b) The original copies of all credentials listed in your application form (including NYSC discharge/exemption certificate) should be brought for sighting.
     3425. You are required to pay the necessary fees and register for your degree programme not later than three weeks from the beginning of the Academic Session. Late registration may be allowed during an additional period of five weeks on payment of a late registration fees. Please note that you will be allowed to register after two months have elapsed from the beginning of the sessions.
     3446. Please find attached:
     346(a) A copy of School fees Regime
     347(b) A copy of Acceptance Forms
     3497. Note:
     351(a) All Tuition fees are to be paid online
     352(b) Post-graduate dues and other charges are to be paid into ABC Microfinance Bank Okada, Account No: 30125
     3548.  CONGRATULATIONS!!!
     356Yours faithfully,
     358Mr. Olaoke, Olasoji Oluwole
     359Secretary, School of Postgraduate Studies & Research
    302362    def render(self):
    303363        students_utils = getUtility(IStudentsUtils)
    305365            os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static', 'watermark.pdf')
    306366        watermark = open(watermark_path, 'rb')
     367        if self.context.is_postgrad:
     368            file_path = os.path.join(
     369                os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static', 'admission_letter_pg.pdf')
     370            file = open(file_path, 'rb')
     371            mergefiles = [file,]
     372            return students_utils.renderPDFAdmissionLetter(self,
     373                self.context.student, omit_fields=self.omit_fields,
     374                pre_text=self.pre_text_pg, post_text=self.post_text_pg,
     375                mergefiles=mergefiles,
     376                watermark=watermark)
    307377        file_path = os.path.join(
    308             os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static', 'admission_letter.pdf')
     378            os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static', 'admission_letter_ug.pdf')
    309379        file = open(file_path, 'rb')
    310380        mergefiles = [file,]
    311381        return students_utils.renderPDFAdmissionLetter(self,
    312382            self.context.student, omit_fields=self.omit_fields,
    313             pre_text=self.pre_text, post_text=self.post_text,
     383            pre_text=self.pre_text_ug, post_text=self.post_text_ug,
    314384            mergefiles=mergefiles,
    315385            watermark=watermark)
  • main/kofacustom.iuokada/trunk/src/kofacustom/iuokada/students/tests/test_browser.py

    r16127 r16238  
    141141    def test_student_admission_letter(self):
     142        self.certificate.study_mode = 'pg_ft'
    142143        # Student cant login if their password is not set
    143144        IWorkflowInfo(self.student).fireTransition('admit')
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